…is a muddy boghole caused by carbon pollution flooding, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Independent Sentinel, with a post on the way CNN conducts interviews.
It’s country ladies week!

…is a muddy boghole caused by carbon pollution flooding, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Independent Sentinel, with a post on the way CNN conducts interviews.
It’s country ladies week!
CNN has been a disgrace and nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Democrat/Communists since Trump won the primary. They busted about Russia, Russia, Russia, Mueller, Mueller, Mueller 24/7/365 for almost three years an never asked one question regarding them during the Democrat question and answer show (I can’t call it a debate because it wasn’t). They made a career on Russia/Mueller and when nothing came of it they did exactly what every other leftist propaganda outfit from the NYT to MSNBC and switched gear into “Trump’s a racist”. He was always pictured with POC all his life. He hired thousands of POC in his businesses. And although in the usual crass Trump style may have said things which sounded racist he has never meant to disparage the race of anyone in my opinion. I’m sure the radical leftists can twist things he’s said to take them out of context because if that’s what you WANT to do. If a leftist is looking for raaaaacism (which they always are) he will find it or just make it up. Funny how all his business life the left LOVED Trump but the minute he put a (R) after his name he was suddenly a raaaaacist.
Oddly I have one hold-out black acquaintance that recently informed me he has registered (R) because Trump was (in his words) “the best president in his lifetime”. I will point out the guy is only 41 so he hasn’t that much experience. But he had been a Democrat until that party stopped being patriotic and turned raaaaacist. That was a big deal for him which is why he called to tell me since we don’t see each other much any more.
I read a quote from Orwell somewhere today it stated “The people will believe what the Media tells them to believe”. If it weren’t true there would be zero TV ads and Zero “celebrity spokesmen”.
All you need to remember is whatever “The Narrative” is that’s what CNN and the rest of the brain washed media will parrot. And as we’ve seen they can change The Narrative on a dime. They are liars, hypocrites, scammers, grifters and above all elitists who believe themselves better than we are.
Trump 2020 Keep the crazies out of the WH