See, Warmists trotting around the world in fossil fueled private jets, such as Bon Jovi and
Planet-healer "Harrison Ford…boards family and friends into his $18M private jet… which is only one of his 10 planes"
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) August 25, 2019
is OK for climate cultists, who will make Excuses. But, nuggets?
Reading festival accused of ‘hypocrisy’ for giving away free chicken
Organisers of the Reading festival have been accused of hypocrisy for giving away free McDonald’s food while demanding climate change action.
The fast food giant is sending a van to various summer festivals to give away chicken McNuggets.
It has already been to three festivals, but Reading looks set to be the most controversial so far.
Reading, which was last year crowned best festival in the Creative Green Awards, boasts of its green credentials on its website.
“Climate change requires urgent action,” it states. “We can no longer ignore the damaging effects we’re contributing to our planet!â€
They’re just nuggets, right?
Extinction Rebellion has been invited to the festival and ticket-holders are asked to bring refillable bottles.
But activists from the Humane League say this is double standards, since giving away meat undermines efforts to tackle climate change, and sends the wrong message in view of advice from the United Nations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the UK’s Committee on Climate Change for the world to cut meat and dairy consumption to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
So, they’ve invited compete wacko nutjob crazy-ass Extinction Rebellion wankers, and, ZOMG, chicken nuggets!
And you can bet a lot of the people whining get nuggets from McDonald’s themselves. Oh, and will take a fossil fueled vehicle to the festival.

Anyone here think Trump’s idea of nuking the next hurricane is a good idea ?
Teach if there’s a 25% hike on phones from Cons will your customers be the ones to pay it ?
The Lefties are finally giving up on Globull Bull because they figure it’s a loser and the bunny suit is so drunk, he doesn’t know what to bitch about.
And yet the Earth continues to rapidly warm; Brazil is on fire; and our genius in chief wants to nuke hurricanes.
And the Mr. Hankey suit bitches and whines…
TEACH: we all know that formwiz is your ignorant alter ego, allowing you to say stupid stuff without having to be responsible. It’s a common sockpupppet ploy in right-wing blogs.
Yeah, go with that little loser sissybitch.
Bwaha lolgfy
Bwaha lolgfy typed: blah blah blan
Does TEACH pay you to service him or are your favors just part of your BDSM arrangement?
Calm down little sissybitch. The Amazon rain forest is not being destroyed. Learn something.
Lolgfy loser.
The earth may or may not “continue o warm” but it is not mostly due to man’s activities. Brazil has been set on fire by people, not AGW. The Axios story about Trump saying he “wanted” to nuke hurricanes is Fake News…AGAIN!!! You are the dumbest man alive if you keep believing this shit you read on Fake Sites. You are our Fredo.
When you address Teach don’t include “we” because we don’t agree so you’re lying.
Trump 2020 Stop the insane left before they murder us all!
Can you prove that the dumb Donald-hurricane-H bomb story is fake news? Didn’t think so, Fredo McDumbass.
Why does it matter how the fires started, land clearing or lightning? The conditions are such that they’re having massive wildfires, eliminating acres of rainforest.
Do you think the far-right gov’t of Brazil should just continue clear burning or do they have any obligation to the rest of the world in protecting rain-forests? What right do we have to tell to what to do with their land???
TEACH makes the same awkward claim as you regarding starting wildfires; maybe it’s just conservative inbreeding over the years. Not even a Con can be that blindingly stupid.
Hey Kye,
You know who has forest fires every year? Pretty much every country that has forests. Brazil is in the news only because the leftist news media is trying to make a point. But they have been clearing forest in Brazil for over 100 years by intentionally burning it. I remember all those stories about 30 years ago that “at current rates of clearing, the Brazilian rain forest will no longer exist by 1990”.
The inventor of the hockey stick had a chance in court to produce his data and refused. Clearly, he has no confidence in his own data.
And, if I was Teach’s alter ego, he would have had the piece first, and, if I were as ignorant as the real ignoramus says, I wouldn’t know about the lawsuit.
And the genius in chief said nothing of the kind. It’s all Fake News sources buried in a nothing story on Axios (BTW the idea goes back to the 50s).
What he did say is that we’ve achieved a billion dollar trade deal with Japan. Add that to the fact China signaled on Monday it was now seeking a calm end to its ongoing trade war with the U.S., as Asian markets crumbled and China’s currency plummeted to an 11-year low following the latest tariffs on $550 billion in Chinese goods announced last Friday by the Trump administration, and it explains how the markets, at this hour, have gained back half of what they lost on Friday.
Now who’s ignorant?
PS No recession, new SCUS Justice, no collusion, no impeachment. All you got is Gropin’ Joe, Fauxcahontas, Bernie, No One, Someone Else, and 11 other losers for next year.
Have fun.
PPS We’re getting further into bear suit territory. It’s going to be fun to watch the meltdown.
“Climate change requires urgent action,†it states. “We can no longer ignore the damaging effects we’re contributing to our planet!â€
Then why has the speaker not suicided yet? Reducing the population would help, wouldn’t it?
Once again, the NO information voters prove that they can’t read or comprehend anything past the headline.
That ‘scoop’ about Trump asking about nuking hurricanes had a very misleading headline that captures the low IQ crowd. Ellie, Johnny and the Hildabeast all fell for it. Never realizing that in the story itself they explain that their “multiple” instances were in reality, TWO. Only one of which can be verified outside ‘anonymous sources’. They also explain that this question is nothing new nor is it any cause for alarm AND that the White House’s only fear is that it would be used to further the “Trump is crazy” narrative. And judging from the news cycle today that is exactly what is happening. And they wonder why we call them fake news.
So no, the Mr. Hankey suit can’t back up his claim. Didn’t think so. Then proceeds to change the subject.
No one claimed that trump nuking hurricanes was going to happen, only that it reveals the ridiculous childishness of the man.
trump always has to be the center of attention, buying Greenland, nuking hurricanes, fantasy business deals
No one claimed that trump nuking hurricanes was going to happen, only that it reveals the ridiculous childishness of the man.
It was such a ridiculous thought and question that National Geographic addressed the idea because many scientists had wondered about it.
It was such a ridiculous thought and idea that when Hurricane Gloria was coming up the coast with the Carolinas in her sights, Ted Koppel on Nightline asked the head of the then National Hurricane Center about nuking hurricanes.
The left is so apoplectic about this that they don’t realize that the idea has been around for awhile. One must wonder whether the left hates Trump so much they don’t know the history of the idea, whether the left hates any ideas that are thrown out for discussion, or whether the left just hates because all they have is the childish hate that is often on display.
And rejected since the 50s. All it took was a little arithmetic to note the mismatch in power between a hurricane and a nuke.
The claim by the commenter was that trump didn’t say it, and now trump denies it. Axios stands by its story.
“It was such a ridiculous thought and idea that when Hurricane Gloria was coming up the coast with the Carolinas in her sights, Ted Koppel on Nightline asked the head of the then National Hurricane Center about nuking hurricanes.”
We’ll take your word for it that you didn’t create the Koppel story. Anyway, Koppel was never president.
Surgeon/barbers used to do bloodletting. Some “ideas” we’ve moved past.
Hey, Fredo, It’s Fake News from Axios. Trump never said that. You think it’s true because you read it on the internet?
It’s okay to be wrong, Fredo. We all are from time to time. Just like it’s still okay to be white.
It appears not to be fake news, but true. Why die on this hill? trump has made at least 10 goofier statements this week alone.
Rumor has it that he wants the next G7 meeting at his failing Doral CC. Not even trump is dumb enough to suggest that!
What story? Just a lie.
This is like Mule Ears and his fabled report.
In the end, there was no there there.
PS When was it rejected? Where is your proof of “a little arithmetic”? Is this more of your compendious knowledge of science?
Enquiring minds can’t wait to know.
And rejected since the 50s.
Yet it was still brought up as an idea in 2008 and 2016.
We’ll take your word for it that you didn’t create the Koppel story. Anyway, Koppel was never president.
No one ever claimed that Koppel was the president. Koppel, Trump and others have asked the question. That’s all.
Surgeon/barbers used to do bloodletting. Some “ideas†we’ve moved past.
So bloodletting – actual bloodletting – is the same as a question?
One can’t argue with that logic because there is none to discuss.
The left has nothing but hate.
gitarcarver has nothing but hate.
gitarcarver has nothing but hate.
You missed that I have facts on my side, which outweighs by far the hate the left has. (At least it does to intelligent, thinking individuals.)
Anyway, you wrote:
And rejected since the 50s. All it took was a little arithmetic to note the mismatch in power between a hurricane and a nuke.
Still not sure what the idea being rejected in the 50’s has to do with asking the question or raising the idea.
After all, the idea is so common that NOAA has an entire page on the subject because the question is asked so often and the idea is raised so often.
So despite your insinuation that Trump or anyone should have known, the question and idea is common to this day. Yet the left, which only has hate, decided to make this a huge issue.
There used to be an old saying that the only bad questions where questions that were not asked. With the left, any question that is asked by someone other than them is derided because of their hate.
It’s all they have.
If you are so upset by fires in the Amazon, why don’t you but the land? You could get a group together and buy the whole thing. Otherwise what happens there is none of your business.
Simple Dave,
The combination of ignorance and out-sized self confidence is deadly.
Do nations have any obligation to one another? Fishing treaties? Nuclear testing? Acid rain? CO2 emissions? Ocean dumping?
No, this is your belief system, to use the government and our taxes to give you an education and our taxes to fund your corporation. Then you use the government to promote your failed ideas, such as universal health and the Climate hoax. Conservative just desire to be left alone. So instead of using the government, but it with your money and manage it with your money, novel concept for you.
Simple Dave,
It is you who made a fortune “treating” Medicare and Medicaid patients.
Conservatives do not desire to be left alone – they want to rig the system to support themselves.
It’s over. Mann’s little scam has been exposed for a second time. Even the Demos want to stay away from it.
He’ll be pushing this like the Kennedy assassination for 40 years.
He doesn’t want anything done about it. He just wants to whine about it.
He does cry a bunch. But never wants to have a workable solution.
According to Axios, during a hurricane briefing Trump reportedly said, “I got it. I got it. Why don’t we nuke them?”
Reportedly said. Obama was reportedly GAY. HRC reportedly has had many people OFFED for defying her.
I’m still looking for hard core news to backup the NUKE mantra.
SINCE AXIOS is the only one reporting this:
Axios (stylized as AXIOS) is an American news and information website founded in 2016 by former Politico staffers
Politico editor Michael Hirsh resigned in November 2016 after publishing the home address of white nationalist Richard B. Spencer on Facebook.[51][52]
Politico Magazine published an article in April 2017 purporting to show long-term links between U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Jewish outreach organization Chabad-Lubavitch.[53] The article was widely condemned, with the head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, saying that it “evokes age-old myths about Jews.”[54][55][56]
Cambridge Analytica micro-targeted pro-Trump and anti-Clinton with native advertising and sponsored or branded content on Politico.[57][58][59]
Politico was accused again of anti-semitism, when an article depicting imagery of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders next to money trees, was published. Sanders being the only Jewish presidential nominee was targeted for the amount of wealth he accumulated over his entire life time [60] Politico staff writer Michael Kruse wrote the article detailing the senator’s wealth, writing that Sanders “might still be cheap,†according to one of the senator’s friends, “but he’s sure not poor.†To share the story Politico’s official Twitter account used the quote, Sanders “might still be cheap, but he’s sure not poor,†managing to combine two anti-Semitic tropes (Jews are cheap; Jews are rich). The tweet was later deleted
And the Coup de eta is that NBC funds Politico which has an agenda to GET trump.
15 Pinochio’s.
Actually, I think I heard something about Mike’s and hurricanes. But it was under Obama and that guy was so stupid it would be a better fit.
Bwaha lolgfy typed: blah blah blan
Does TEACH pay you to service him or are your favors just part of your BDSM arrangement
Oh, yeah, it’s meltdown time. Wait till RBG’s successor is named.
Can you prove that the dumb Donald-hurricane-H bomb story is fake news? Didn’t think so, Fredo McDumbass.
Why does it matter how the fires started, land clearing or lightning? The conditions are such that they’re having massive wildfires, eliminating acres of rainforest.
Do you think the far-right gov’t of Brazil should just continue clear burning or do they have any obligation to the rest of the world in protecting rain-forests? What right do we have to tell to what to do with their land???
TEACH makes the same awkward claim as you regarding starting wildfires; maybe it’s just conservative inbreeding over the years. Not even a Con can be that blindingly stupid.
The only ones blindingly stupid are Lefties like you.
OK, here’s the Axios story. Tell me where they mention a specific source. All they have is somebody’s unsupported contention.
Nothing else.
Nobody’s as stupid as the Lefties who buy this stuff without question.
So no, the Mr. Hankey suit can’t back up his claim. Didn’t think so. Then proceeds to change the subject.
No one claimed that trump nuking hurricanes was going to happen, only that it reveals the ridiculous childishness of the man.
trump always has to be the center of attention, buying Greenland, nuking hurricanes, fantasy business deals
No one claimed? That was what the whole story was about. Donald is dumb, but he wasn’t serious. So why make up a story?
Simple, because all the trolls in Trollville would be stupid enough to run with it, but now they’re caught in an obvious lie and they want to weasel out of it
Too late.
It appears not to be fake news, but true. Why die on this hill? trump has made at least 10 goofier statements this week alone.
Rumor has it that he wants the next G7 meeting at his failing Doral CC. Not even trump is dumb enough to suggest that!
It appears? You mean like Dan Blather’s Fake But Accurate? Where’s your (here we go again) proof it’s accurate?
Not one word of the story points to a source who can verify it, but Jeffery, who’s just awash in bad new for the Lefties, thinks if he doubles down like Uncle Saul told him, he can make it stick.
All you have is Bernie and Fauxcahontas. Apparently, Gropin’ Joe is going down for the third time. The rest are all No One and Someone Else.
See you at the next SCUS confirmation hearing.
And why wouldn’t Trump want to meet at Doral? Ever been there”
Nice place.
Edward Sibley Doucher is just another lying, steaming pile of shit.
gitarcarver has nothing but hate.
Hate being defined as showing up the bunny suit for the ignoramus he is.