Crazy people making themselves crazier
‘Eco-anxiety’ over climate change causing stress, panic in millions, experts say
Alysis Morrissey was sitting at her desk last October when she stumbled upon a new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
“It said we only have 12 years to change our course and prevent a climate catastrophe from threatening life as we know it,” she recalled.
Immediately thinking of her two young children, she pondered, “What’s going to happen to them? Will they have a future?”
Morrissey’s heart rate increased, she couldn’t breathe and began hyperventilating. This quickly turned into a full-blown panic attack and she ended up in the nurse’s office at the private school in Connecticut, where she’s director of communications.
Experts say they’re seeing more panic episodes like this due to what’s termed “eco-anxiety,” or anxiety about impending catastrophic climate change.
Dr. Lise Van Susteren, a Washington psychiatrist, said she’s seen “an enormous uptick” in persons who identify climate change as a factor with their anxiety.
“Unless you live in a cave, you’ve been hearing about sea level rise, dreadful storms and headlines that warn a quarter of the population will be without water by a certain year,” she said.
Well, sure, some weak minded people will respond to the constant Pronouncements Of Doom. Climate cultists are already brainwashed enough so that all these reports make them even crazier.
Laura Schmidt and Aimee Lewis-Reau, co-founders of the Good Grief Network — a 10-step program to reduce eco-anxiety — said young people and children, the elderly and persons who have suffered some sort of trauma or grief are most vulnerable. But Van Susteren said just about everyone is experiencing such anxiety on some level — whether they know it or not.
See? Even though you aren’t a member of the Cult of Climastrology, you are still suffering from it. You just don’t know it. But, if you pay a tax, that can be solved.
Oh, and here’s a good example (via Twitchy)
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on climate change: “Even when I was on vacation, I woke up in the middle of the night at 3:30 in the morning, um, just concerned about climate change … It really, like, freaks me out and it can be really, really scary”
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) August 28, 2019
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) goes into full freak out mode over climate change, claims:
-every coastal city going to be underwater
-majority of the country is going to experience drought
-won't be able to grow food due to scorching sun
-everyone will die
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) August 28, 2019

Liberal weasels, always mangling the language:
“Experts say they’re seeing more panic episodes like this due to what’s termed “eco-anxiety,†or anxiety about impending catastrophic climate change.”
The corrected sentence:
Experts say they’re seeing more panic episodes like this due to what’s termed “eco-anxiety,†or anxiety CAUSED BY OVERBLOWN HYPE ABOUT FICTIONAL catastrophic climate change.
(Corrections in upper-case)
The solution is simple: the press needs to stop lying about a subject on which it knows nothing.
MSNBC had to issue an apology to Trump today for literaly lying and making up a story about trump being cosigned by Russian Oligarch’s. NYT is being thrown under the bus by their own leftist shills for lying out their Arses. Leaked reports of meetings talking about how they are going to go after Trump next.
ALL THE MSM DOES IS LIE. They are no longer capable of telling the truth because Trump dared to go after these elite snobby beaches. Just recently NYT talked about how terrible it was that the right was digging up dirt on their journalists when the left has been admittedly doing the same thing against the right for decades.
LIE, LIE. LIE. That is the only thing the MSM is good for. Just look at Monmouth polling come out and say oh our poll was an outlier. first time in forever anyone says that after going after Biden. Why do you think that is? Could it be corporate money being pulled from them if they dont LIE and tell us JOE BIDEN is the only hope because everyone knows if one of these AOC Clones becomes the prez nominee for the DEMS it might give trump 400 Electoral votes. 250 in the house and 60 Senators after the dust settles in November 2020.