So, let’s see. We have a movement especially led by women from Hollywood who protected sexual predators and misogynists for decades, who ramped the #MeToo movement up to 11. They blame every single man, do not care who they harm and even if a man is blameless, and want them all punished. They make accusations against minor things and even things that don’t exist, so, men who are not Hollywood style predators look to protect themselves and are increasingly more careful in their dealings with women, as they do not want to be accused of something that didn’t happen or was utterly meaningless. Ergo, that’s also bad. You cannot win with these people
Men now avoid women at work – another sign we’re being punished for #MeToo
It looks like Mike Pence is quite the trendsetter. The US vice-president famously refuses to have dinner alone with any woman who isn’t his wife – and now working men across corporate America appear to be following his lead.
A new study, due to be published in the journal Organizational Dynamics, has found that, following the #MeToo movement, men are significantly more reluctant to interact with their female colleagues. A few highlights from the research include:
- 27% of men avoid one-on-one meetings with female co-workers. Yep, that’s right, almost a third of men are terrified to be alone in a room with a woman.
- 21% of men said they would be reluctant to hire women for a job that would require close interaction (such as business travel).
- 19% of men would be reluctant to hire an attractive woman.
The data above was collected in early 2019 from workers across a wide range of industries. Researchers had asked the same questions (albeit to different people and with more of a focus on future expectations) in early 2018, just as #MeToo was in full swing, and depressingly, things appear to have got worse. In 2018, for example, 15% of men said they would be more reluctant to hire women for jobs that require close interpersonal interactions with women, compared to 21% in 2019.
It’s actually very sad. But, it’s just like driving on heavy cold medicine: do you want to put yourself in a bad situation? No. So you don’t drive. There are situations you avoid. There have been too many cases where men have been accused of impropriety, all the way up to rape despite the sex being consensual (or never happened), especially on college campuses. That has moved into mainstream corporate America.
It’s not just men who are afraid of women, by the way. Women also appear to be increasingly wary of hiring women. The 2018 survey results found that more than 10% of men and women said they expected to be less willing than before to hire attractive women. (Note: the 2019 results for women are not yet public.) Internalized misogyny really is a bitch.
So, even women are concerned about other women? Huh. Oh, right, that’s misogyny, rather than practical protection.
There’s been a lot of talk about “grey areas†in #MeToo. All this harassment business is very difficult for men, we’re told, because nobody even knows what sexual harassment is any more! Men are afraid to even shake a woman’s hand in case she thinks it’s harassment! Easier to just avoid contact altogether! What’s really interesting about this study, however, is that it thoroughly debunks the argument that men are confused about what constitutes unacceptable behavior. The very first thing researchers did was look at 19 behaviours (emailing sexual jokes to a subordinate, for example) and get people to classify it as harassment or not. Surprise, surprise, both genders basically agreed on what harassment entails.
Oh, we know what constitutes sexual harassment these days. That doesn’t mean we agree with it. Certainly, people can be offensive at work. Have you ever heard a coworker tell a sexual joke at work? Sure you have. Do you freak out and attempt to ruin their lives? If it’s directed at a particular person, maybe you speak to them. Or report them. But, if not, it’s an annoyance. I tune them out or walk away, just like I do when people are griping about the pay plan (yet again). Essentially, men, and some women, are taking the “better safe than sorry” route.
So there you go: most men are perfectly aware of the difference between a friendly hug and a creepy hug. They are perfectly aware of what constitutes harassment and what doesn’t. Which makes you wonder why so many men are afraid to interact with women at work?
Men are not afraid or terrified to be alone with a woman at work, as the article states. Men just don’t want any problems that might come from a misunderstanding. It’s as simple as that. A simple, innocent gesture or expression can be misinterpreted, and a problem starts, escalates and never really ends. Who needs it. Better just to avoid being alone with someone in the first place. Especially when these days it seems all you have to do is make the accusation and automatically the man is guilty. That friendly hug can be misconstrued and suddenly you’re sitting in HR with a nasty accusation, seeing all those years of hard work going down the tubes. So, men avoid situations.

The Law of Unintended Consequences.
Fortunately, I spent my career in an almost all-male environment, so I was never in a position to be accused of sexual harassment, but I can see how this could happen. Men and women naturally interact sexually; it’s hard-wired into us. Men are naturally the more sexually aggressive sex; that’s part of our biology, and it’s consistent throughout all mammals.
What #MeToo has done is to try to regulate conduct between men and women in an unnatural way, with career-ending consequences to the man who flirts with a woman who doesn’t feel the same attraction to him. Thus, the safest and most sensible thing for men to do is to limit their contact with women at work, to discriminate against women before they can find them selves discriminated against by the HR department.
Dana, you blame The Law of Unintended consequences whereas I believe this was intended all along. Almost every government policy contrived by leftists end up causing other problems for which they scream for more government to “fix”. It’s all part of the plan. The fact we still refuse to recognize that is why we’re losing.
Trump 2020 Dispatch the enemies of America with prejudice.
The increasingly violent Kye typed:
Dispatch the enemies of America with prejudice.
All Kye has is festering hatred.
Whereas Jeffery supports the removal of a legally elected President by any fraudulent means available.
Sounds like the festering hatred is all on the bunny suit.
Edward Sibley Doucher doesn’t understand that out Constitution is perfectly clear on how to remove an unfit President.
We’ll find out what the voters think of trump Nov 2020, if he’s still in office then.
The Fredo purge has begun:
“A Trump supporter in Oregon was stripped of his firearms under the state’s red flag laws for declaring that his rights wouldn’t be trampled upon by ANTIFA terrorists who have rampaged throughout Portland during the summer.
“If ANTIFA gets to the point where they start killing us, I’m going to kill them next,†said Shane Kohfield, a 32-year-old former Marine. “I’d slaughter them and I have a detailed plan on how I would wipe out ANTIFA.â€
This statement triggered the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task to revoke Kohfield’s 2nd Amendment rights and take his firearms away. In addition, they forced the former marine to spend 20 days in a veterans’ hospital as well.
Law enforcement admits that Kohfield never committed any criminal actions or charged with any crimes, but that didn’t prevent his rights from being stripped from him anyway.
The feds, who refuse to prosecute deep state cretins like James Comey but devote excessive resources to profiling and demonizing gun owners, are patting themselves on the back for targeting this veteran with pre-crime measures.”
You know what the Constitution says about removing a president from office, what does it say about this?
Trump 2020 Stop the leftist purge of Patriots!
It’s not surprising that the violence-preaching Kye would support the slaughter of anti-fascists.
Kohfield suffers from bipolar disorder and PTSD and receives disability payments for psychological injuries suffered in Iraq.
He sent a letter to Congress asserting unless the US Gov’t declared Antifa a terrorist organization he and other veterans would have no choice but to start systematically killing Antifa members “until we have achieved genocide”.
His dad said, “I can’t say he won’t kill someone”, and that he’d been drinking heavily, taking medications for bipolar disorder and had become increasingly agitated.
Kohfield was held 5 days at the VA Med Center and voluntarily stayed another 2 weeks.
Yeah, that’s me full of hate. And it’s festering too. Dispatching enemies of America is what patriots do while cowardly pussies hide. Excusing America’s enemies is what traitors do.
How do you plan to dispatch your fellow citizens with whom you have political disagreements?
At the voting booth?
By shooting?
What will be your response to a President Biden and a Dem House and Senate? Will it be shootin’ time? How will you know whom to kill?
Hate, cruelty and terror is the objective of the NuRight.
I believe my exact words were “Dispatch the enemies of America with prejudice” and your reply was to immediately accuse me of having nothing but “festering hatred”. Don’t you think we should dispatch our enemies? What would you do, kiss them? And I don’t plan to dispatch my fellow citizens with whom I have political disagreements. That’s what elections are for. The dispatching of fellow citizens only occurs when they actively try to end America. It’s called civil war.
My response to a President Biden and Dem Congress would not be to have a coup d’etat like you leftists are doing. The problem we have is you have turned politics into civil war and when the shootin’ starts you’ll be the first to cry and wonder why. You want to kill us. All of us. Many of your ilk have stated so or intimated such. Under every leftist is a mass murderer waiting to take power. Ask Hitler, Stalin, Kim, Pol Pot, Castro, Maduro and every other leftist socialist who left a mountain of bodies behind them.
The “NuRight” have millions of bodies to pile up before their “hate, cruelty and terror” breaks even with what the left has given the world. It’s the right who put down the murderous regimes of the left for the last hundred years.
Trump 2020 Biden in the Alzheimer home where he belongs. Make Congress American again!
The only ones threatening their political adversaries on a national scale are the Lefties.
We sat still through Zip[py and Willie, but I wouldn’t hold my breath Gropin’ Joe can avoid becoming even more of a laughingstock than he is already. Even the Demos are getting nervous.
And it’s hate, cruelty and terror are the objectives of the NuRight.
Except that they’re the requirements of the Left.
The cartoon characters are the ones who are losing.
Keep that in mind and what they say and do will be understood.
A story I heard from HR manager was: a well qualified Woman candidate was hired but it was suspected that she would be trouble sooner or later. Dept Managers were warned to keep a diary of all interactions with her. Wasn’t a year before she filed a complaint. Those diaries solved the complaint.
The whole #metoo has hurt communications within mixed groups. Makes one cautious about what is said and a whole lot of things get left unsaid.
Alternatively, people could stop sexually harassing colleagues.
Then you should follow that advice.
It’s not surprising that the violence-preaching Kye would support the slaughter of anti-fascists.
Kohfield suffers from bipolar disorder and PTSD and receives disability payments for psychological injuries suffered in Iraq.
He sent a letter to Congress asserting unless the US Gov’t declared Antifa a terrorist organization he and other veterans would have no choice but to start systematically killing Antifa members “until we have achieved genocideâ€.
His dad said, “I can’t say he won’t kill someoneâ€, and that he’d been drinking heavily, taking medications for bipolar disorder and had become increasingly agitated.
Kohfield was held 5 days at the VA Med Center and voluntarily stayed another 2 weeks.
So, someone recognizes Antifa for what it is and he’s disarmed. But Antifa are the ones who go around attacking people and they’re left alone.
At least until they succeed in murdering someone.
Seems there’s a flaw in that equation.