Hey, remember this from a few weeks ago?
Extinction Rebellion: We Should All Take Psychedelics To Stop ‘Climate Change’
Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of the Extinction Rebellion political movement, has called for the mass ingestion of psychedelics to protest the criminalization of drugs.
“I would support a mass civil disobedience where we take medicine to tell the state that they have absolutely no right to control our consciousness and to define our spiritual practice,†said Bradbrook during Breaking Convention, a psychedelics conference that was recently held in London…
Bradbrook emphasized that Extinction Rebellion isn’t in the business of promoting psychedelic drug use, but she has previously expressed that psychedelics were a powerful motivator for her to form the social movement. In an article she wrote for the journal Emerge, Bradbrook said “people on psychedelics report a deeply felt sense of peace, oneness and unity with the planet which has been shown to have a profound and enduring effect on the way they live their lives.â€
Motivator. Now we learn (via Watts Up With That?)
One of the co-founders of Extinction Rebellion has revealed she began the movement after taking ‘psychedelic medicines’ – just days following the shutdown of central Manchester by climate protesters.
Gail Bradbrook, 47, a molecular biologist, said she ‘prayed in a deep way’ while taking the substances on a retreat.
She told a BBC Inside Out West documentary that her prayer was answered within a month, with Extinction Rebellion formed last year.
Ms Bradbrook said: ‘I’ve always been interested in how things change, in social change,’ she told the documentary.
‘I was involved in the animal rights movement as a young woman, I’ve been involved in thinking about gender and issues around racism and so on.
‘I’d been focused on trying to start civil disobedience since 2010 and I’ve tried many things and they didn’t work, so I went on a retreat and prayed in a deep way with some psychedelic medicines.
I won’t be a hypocrite and slam her for taking the drugs (they aren’t medicines), as I’ve done plenty myself when younger, purple microdots, blotters (both contain LSD), and tried peyote once (throwing up is not fun). But, then, I haven’t done that since I was maybe 20. And I haven’t touched marijuana in 20 years (again, I do not care if people smoke it, I just started finding it boring and didn’t make me feel good). Here’s a woman taking hardcore drugs in her late thirties, and, really, was simply looking for a way to cause problems.
Because, notice, that’s all she was looking to do. And that quote in red very much shows that she didn’t really care what it was. Makes one wonder how much she really cares about Hotcoldwetdry, and how much of this is just trying to create civil disobedience.

Her and her comrades are unhinged. They want to end democracy and have some sort of environmental totalitarianism, run by themselves and unhinged doomsday cult extremists. They’ll begin the mass exterminations just as soon as you can say “Pol Pot”.
â€This civilisation is finished; it’s finished, whether you like it or not†– Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of #ExtinctionRebellion… “If we have three years of El Nino events, we’ll be fighting over cans of beans”