This is exactly the problem with “gun control”: Democrats want to impede the rights of law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals, yet, want to treat criminals with kid gloves
(California Globe) The purpose of prison and jail is to separate the criminals from society through incapacitation so they are not able to harm innocent people, and to make them pay for their crimes through retribution. Rehabilitation is supposed to assist with changing criminals into law-abiding citizens once again. But not every criminal can be rehabilitated.
The purpose of putting criminals in prison is to help keep the rest of society safe from them. Citizens pay taxes to the government to pay for jails and prisons. However, in California elected Democrats have chosen to let criminals out of prison as a cost-cutting measure, ignoring the safety and well-being of its citizens.
California Democrats have also passed sanctuary city and state laws, which have served to allow criminal illegal aliens carte-blanche access to innocent citizens, and avoidance of and “sanctuary†from federal immigration officials.
Most recently, a California Appeals Court reversed the gun conviction of Kate Steinle’s shooter, a five-time deported criminal illegal alien. The realities and facts of the case remain unchanged, but the gun charges against the illegal alien killer were dropped.
What is going on in California?
California has an “assault weapons†ban, universal background checks, firearm registration requirements, and firearm confiscation orders, via Red Flag Laws, Awr Hawkins reports at Breitbart. “The state requires would-be gun owners to first obtain gun safety certification from the state and then requires a 10-day waiting period for all gun purchases. They also have a one-handgun-a-month purchase limit and a minimum age of 21 for all gun purchases, whether long guns or handguns. Campus carry is banned, K-12 teachers are barred from being armed in school for self-defense, and concealed carry permit issuance is constrained by a ‘good cause’ requirement.â€
If you’re a citizen wanting a firearm for protection from the criminals that are protected by the State Of California, good luck. It’s not easy to obtain. Carrying it outside of your home? Good luck with that. And, there is no “stand your ground” outside of your home, and the burden is tough in the home. You’ll still probably be arrested and tried, leaving it up to a jury. If you’re the criminal, you will be treated well, and probably get out of jail early.
Proposition 57, also outrageously titled by California Attorney General Kamala Harris, The California Parole for Non-Violent Criminals and Juvenile Court Trial Requirements Initiative, was billed to the public as criminal justice reform, allowing early release for “non-violent offenders,†but the initiative not only failed to define who qualified as a “non-violent offender,†numerous heinous crimes qualified as “non-violent†under Prop. 57.
Notably, the crimes Harris considered to be “non-violent†include Rape by intoxication of an unconscious person, Human trafficking involving a sex act with minors, Arson causing great bodily harm, Drive-by shooting, Assault with a deadly weapon, and Hostage taking.
When we say that Democrats are soft on crime, that’s what we are talking about. And Democrats are doing this in their Democrat states around the country. And also Democrats
2020 Democrats Warm to Mandatory ‘Buybacks’ of Assault Weapons
As mass shootings pile up, several Democratic presidential candidates are embracing mandated “buybacks†of assault weapons, a proposal that sharpens the political divide on guns and raises the stakes for the 2020 election.
Kamala Harris speaks during the New Hampshire Democratic Party Conventionon Sept. 7.Photographer: Scott Eisen/Getty Images
In New Hampshire on Friday, Senator Kamala Harris of California told reporters that requiring owners of assault weapons to sell them to the government is “a good idea†because “we have to take those guns off the streets.â€New Jersey Senator Cory Booker said he supports the proposal. He noted that other countries have been able to take military-style semiautomatic weapons “off the streets†and that the U.S. can’t let the National Rifle Association “tell us what’s possible.â€
At the New Hampshire Democratic convention on Saturday, former Representative Beto O’Rourke, who’s made buybacks a signature issue in recent weeks, pressed the idea to a cheering crowd that reflected the growing enthusiasm in the party for controlling firearm ownership. He said measures like universal background checks and “red flag†laws, which his 2020 competitors unanimously support, aren’t enough.
Yet, these same Democrats never talk about initiating harsh laws on those who use a firearm in the commission of a crime. Usually, they’re letting them out of jail, much like with Kamala’s law. They’re happy to forcibly take your legally acquired property for a small cash payment, though. Leaving you at the whim of a criminal.

So, the illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle is getting away scot free on a weapons charge, yet a California man who was hoarding firearms, over a thousand of them, but who never used them in any crime, is facing 49 years in prison.
The weaklings and fools in the California state legislature decided that guns are bad, bad, bad, so they passed some stupid ‘gun control’ laws to fight crime. But Mr Saenz was never charged with any crime other than having weapons the state didn’t think he should have. He didn’t rob anyone, he committed no crimes using the firearms in his possession. They turned a law abiding man who liked to collect guns into a criminal, but they let the actual criminals go.
The New York Times published, on the front page, on April 23, 1933:
The Third Reich simply declared a group of law-abiding citizens to be untrustworthy, and now the California Fourth Reich is doing the same thing.
Probably some virtue signaling busy body without anything better to do, like the whiny little sissybitch, snitched on the guy.
Mr. Saenz was charged with a long list of crimes. You contend the only crimes he committed were the crimes he committed. Some defense. Just because YOU disagree with the laws doesn’t mean that violating them isn’t a crime.
from your link:
23 counts of possession of an assault weapon, 17 counts of transfer of handgun with no licensed firearms dealer, 15 counts of unlawful assault weapon/.50 Browning Machine Gun rifle activity, seven counts of possession of a short-barreled rifle or shotgun, and two counts of possession of a destructive device
It’s unlikely Mr. Saenz will be sentenced to 49 years.
Only a fool compares CA to Nazi Germany.
Hitler was considered one of the greatest leaders of his time prior to 1939. He and Stalin were the darlings of the Democratic/communist party. And this was when it was known that Stalin was killing millions of people. I think both made person of the year by Time, but that would require looking it up and your opinion is not worth the effort. California is almost the mirror image of these regimes.
nurse dave,
Like I said; you’re a fool.
I have noticed you refer to me as nurse. Now, anything coming from you is pathetic and desperate, so a reference like that means nothing to me, especially as I think the world of nurses. But it is an enlightening revelation about you. Clearly you don’t think much of nurses as you reference shows that you stratify society and seem to put nurses on a low rung. This seems very bizarre coming from a communist who should weigh everyone on an equal basis. But it does show your poor education and lack of knowledge. Please keep up your revelations. Then I enlightened you on your lack of historical knowledge and somehow you come up with fool as the only response. Strange, pathetic , little man.
As my wife, nurse of 50 years notes, if you go bad, it’s the nurse, not the doctor, who will save your ass.
Thanks for your endorsement.
Hit him with a fact and he just screams.
The best argument yet for reopening the mental hospitals.
The Dumbass pretends he ever states facts. LOL.
Mr. Saenz was charged with a long list of crimes. You contend the only crimes he committed were the crimes he committed.
George Orwell smiles, Newspeak lives.
23 counts of possession of an assault weapon, 17 counts of transfer of handgun with no licensed firearms dealer, 15 counts of unlawful assault weapon/.50 Browning Machine Gun rifle activity, seven counts of possession of a short-barreled rifle or shotgun, and two counts of possession of a destructive device
None of this has hit SCUS yet. On the reasonable assumption the court will by then have at least one more Trump-appointed Justice (very likely two more and quite possible more than that), it’s doubtful this law will stand.
The Krauts wanted everybody’s firearms, too. And, considering how CA is acting more like an arbitrary dictatorship whose ideology is increasingly authoritarian, comparison to the Krauts is not that far-fetched.
And once again the bunny suit projects like Bell &Howell.
Notably, the crimes Harris considered to be “non-violent†include Rape by intoxication of an unconscious person, Human trafficking involving a sex act with minors, Arson causing great bodily harm, Drive-by shooting, Assault with a deadly weapon, and Hostage taking.
Pretty much covers all the gangs and MS-13 in California. I guess her new squeeze is probably an MS-13 kingpin, guaranteeing her lots of election money via selling drugs to minors.