Say what you will about Trump and his team, they know how to get their message out in a different way than most modern politicians, especially Republicans. Democrats have tended to use their surrogates for the hits, with the media providing even more as they amplify it. Republicans have just wilted. Not Trump
Trump campaign flying anti-socialism banner above Democratic debate
President Trump’s reelection campaign will be flying a banner attacking socialism in Houston on Thursday, shortly before Democratic presidential candidates take the debate stage there.
An official with the campaign told ABC News that the group plans to fly a banner that reads, “Socialism will kill Houston’s economy,†from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. The third Democratic presidential debate is scheduled to begin an hour later.
The campaign also plans to take out two full-page advertisements in local newspapers taking aim at Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), former Vice President Joe Biden and former Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julián Castro. The ads will run in Houston and in San Antonio, where Castro was born, the campaign said.
Erin Perrine, deputy communications director for the campaign, said in a statement that “every single Democrat candidate has job killing, economy crushing policies that won’t work for America.â€
“Team Trump is here to remind them and let everyone in Houston know what a complete disaster Democrats are for America,” Perrine added.
And what happens? Well, media folks are publishing articles about this, so people find out. Even if the TV folks refuse to show the banner, it will show up on social media and be spread around and people will see it. And then the news media will publish stories on it Friday. The cost?
Both the ads and the fly-over banner cost the campaign around $7,500, ABC News reported.
That’s $7,500 well spend. This will make a nationwide impression for just $7,500.
.@realDonaldTrump is a master of communication and branding, so we’re reaching into our bag of tricks.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s @TeamTrump!
— Brad Parscale (@parscale) August 29, 2019
That was from Labor Day weekend, when those banners flew, for just $20,000. Maximizing the views.

The old hag starting to lose it.
Bwaha. Lolgf.
They should push for impeachment and have Beto and AOC on the tube 24/7. Trump will be back in by a landslide and will have both houses of Congress.
Don’t forget Hell’s Harem and Bernie, advocating death camps for the Third World.
Goes deeper.
The Eminent Mr Surber notes how worried the Demos are about Trump’s black and Hispanic appeal.
Idiot Boy will tell us how popular Gropin’ Joe and Fauxcahontas are, according to the latest skewed poll, but the Rs won those 2 NC elections on the black vote.
If Ras is right, 15% of the black male vote (Van Jones said all the Rs needed was 10%) and 3/8 of the Hispanic male vote spell real trouble. It’s what beat Pancho Vanilla and put Rick Scott in the Senate.
PS Jeffery calls me Dumbass, but how many of his lies have I caught? How much of his hopeless ignorance have I corrected in just this week?
He should be paying me for a free education.
Edward Sibley Doucher IS The Dumbass. You’re as full of shit as your god-King tRump, and make about as much sense.
Do you still believe an increase of 0.18C is equivalent to an increase of 32F??
You’re an ignorant, lying Dumbass, just like the declining Don.
Hey Fredo, before you call formwiz names do you still believe the human species has more than two sexes? Do you still believe there are more than four races?
If you doo I guess that would make you an ignorant, lying dumbass, just like Red Eye Biden.
Trump 2020 Keep Bernie and Biden at home.
Technically, 5 races. Caucasian, Negro, Oriental, Malay, and American Indian.
That’s the way I learned it, anywho. Granted, there are any number of sub-races, but those are the major ones.
You learned it wrong. There is Caucasian, Negroid, Mongoloid and Australoid. Some suggest Capoid which they claim are Hottentots however standard traditional science believes them to be a sub category of Negroid. American Indians are Mongoloid.
The idea that there exist races or subspecies of humans is specious. Unlike other species that actually have genetic subspecies, humans are genetically similar. Much more similar than subspecies of chimpanzees or subspecies of penguins.
Appearance does not a subspecies make.
What you learned 60 years ago in grade school is not supported by modern science.
Can you tell a person’s “race” by looking?
Hey Asshole!
What makes a male a male, and what makes a female a female?
Is an XX individual with congenital adrenal hyperplasia a male or a female?
“Intersex people are individuals born with any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, “do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies”. Such variations may involve genital ambiguity and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.”
There is one human race. The old concept of separate races was an artificial construct. Are the Ashkenazi Jews a separate “race”?
Here’s a scientific article on latent genes associated with disease in various isolated populations. Do you consider each of these genetically distinct populations a different race? Or are “races” based only on appearance?
Is stupid a separate race? Your non sequiturs grow more tedious daily.
And intersex is a mental phenomenon because Leftism is a neurosis, but everybody still wants their own unique psychosis.
BTW According to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights doesn’t cut much ice anywhere outside Turtle Bay.
Ambiguous genitalia is merely a birth defect which can be remedied by examination of the baby’s internal organs and chromosome structure and proceeding accordingly.
No more, no less. Again, wishful thinking on the Left collides with science and, as always, loses.
No, there is NOT “one human race” you science DENIER! The term “human race” is a misnomer to begin with as humans are a species, not a race. Negroids are a race. Get it?
“The old concept of separate races” is a construct? Are you willfully dumb? Race is not a construct it is a scientific reality. Ashkenazi Jews are whatever race they are since being Jewish is a religion NOT A RACE unless you agree with Hitler! There are Jews of all races. If you can’t distinguish between a religion and a race you have a problem.
Races usually can be identified visually however, sometimes not just like sex. But there are still only TWO sexes. Whether or not you and your communist party want more or less.
Trump 2020 Teach people the truth about sex and race stop the lies!
Winning, MAGA.
The formula is specific and universally accepted. If you deny it, you deny science.
Which comes as no surprise.
And your profanity and name-calling only confirm how your own frustration reduces you to no more than a puddle of unsatisfied anger.
and, if I’m so ignorant, why am I always right and you always wrong?
Dumbass Donnie,
So if the mean temperature increases from 15C to 15.18C, that’s the same as the mean temperature increasing from 59F to 91F??
That’s what you’re claiming. Be a man, admit you were wrong and move on.
You said nothing about mean temperatures, which means nothing anyway. Mean is just the statistical term for average.
You said nothing about 15C. You said temps rose .18C and acted like it was the end of the world.
It means temps rose .32F.
Good for you. You admitted you were wrong. Kudos.
No, I admitted you were wrong.
As usual.
You really need to see a doctor. More than your genitalia is ambiguous.
LOL. Did you? First you said a 0.18C increase in mean temperature was the same as a 32F increase. Now, you admit it’s only a 0.32F increase.
You’re as bad as Donnie Dementia.
You lie again.
You made no mention of average temp. I caught you and now you’re trying to change the issue.
It’s what liars always do.
You are an ignorant, lying Dumbass. But no surprise, you worship Donnie Dementia.
No rebuttal. Just names.
I’d say he’s the dumb ass.
Rebut what, Dumbass?
We thoroughly humiliated you with your ridiculous claim that an increase of 0.18C is the same as an increase of 32F.
And of course you change the subject. You may be more mentally dysfunctional than even Donnie Dementia.
First of all, I find it comical that the left has been able to make a case with transgenders when about 5000 of them probably truly exist in all the country and yet to hear the left discuss it we need to change our entire infrastructure and culture to take care of these 5000 people.
Sad for the GOP and the right that they have once again fallen into the SJW trap. Remember the left going off on this SJW crusade is why we have DJ Trump as president. He was a direct blowback to Obama and the SJW warriors of the left DICTATING to us what we will and won’t do and think.
The echo chamber abounds I just got a Facebook appeal from Elizabeth Buttigieg Sanders saying Trump should be impeached because he clearly violated the law. Just like Obama clearly violated the law by giving machine guns to the cartels. Why in the hell would they even do that? Perhaps we should find out how he can afford a 15 million dollar house.
the great Obama. Is now fully invested in the culture of the RICH and Wealthy as he preaches to us how the right is evil for wanting people to be rich and wealthy.
tRump was elected because the working classes have been left behind since 1980, and tRump effectively blamed Muslims and Mexicans, and Russia helped him in key battle ground. It was not because of the transgendered.
The Obamas made millions from book sales. Their DC house cost 8 million.
It was because Zippy wanted to impose socialism on the country and it flopped.
People wanted something that worked. Trump was the man.
The Os got baskets of money on advances. And now they live where those rising oceans will drown them out.
And he will lose bigly in 2020 (even with continued help from Russia) because he did not keep his promises to the working classes, other than to torture and harass Hispanics.
National unemployment at 3.7% July 2019.
Bwaha! Lolgfy sissybitch.
In August, the unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos, aged 16 and up, was 4.2%, down from 4.5% in July, returning to the record low of 4.2% in April and May – which broke the record low of 4.3% set two months earlier in February. BLS began tracking Hispanic-Latino employment data in 1973.
Bwaha! Lolgfy sissybitch.
Unless the Demos find somebody who’s an American, Trump will win even biglier than ’16.
He’s kept his promises (you really need to stop getting your talking points from the WaPo) and the Hispanics are so tortured and harassed, 3 out of 8 of them support him. Hispanic unemployment 4.2, an all-time low.
Best president we ever had. Winning, MAGA.
If you believe the Russia hoax, explains how you are confused on the Climate hoax.
The idea that there exist races or subspecies of humans is specious. Unlike other species that actually have genetic subspecies, humans are genetically similar. Much more similar than subspecies of chimpanzees or subspecies of penguins.
Appearance does not a subspecies make.
ICYMI there are other indices.
What you learned 60 years ago in grade school is not supported by modern science.
Modern science? You mean 5/9 C + 32 <> F? CO2 hangs in the atmosphere?
That’s not science.
Can you tell a person’s “race†by looking?
Of course.
You are so fukking ignorant. Pathetic. No wonder you worship your god-King, Donnie Dementia. No wonder you lie repeatedly.
Do you really believe that CO2 sinks to form a layer next to the Earth? LOL
Do you really believe that a change of 0.18C is equivalent to a change of 32F? LOL
No, it is consumed in photosynthesis, but you’re stupid enough to believe it forms a layer in the upper atmosphere.
And you’re the one who believed that a change of 0.18C is equivalent to a change of 32F until I showed you how wrong you were.
Every time you LOL, I shove it back down your throat.
And there’s only one k in fuçking (Thought Police are up), so you’re the one pathetic and ignorant.
BTW Rolling Stone thinks Gropin’ Joe is the one with dementia and they want him to drop out. Next comes Bernie, Fauxcahontas, Chlamydia, Buttpeg, Spartacus, and Pancho Vanilla (do you write his speeches for him?).
Trump’s winning, you’re losing. I don’t have to lie, you can’t stop.
You learned it wrong. There is Caucasian, Negroid, Mongoloid and Australoid. Some suggest Capoid which they claim are Hottentots however standard traditional science believes them to be a sub category of Negroid. American Indians are Mongoloid
No, they’re not. They evolved since the last Ice Age into a separate race.
Eskimos may still look mongoloid, but some illegal from Honduras doesn’t.
formwiz, sorry but you are incorrect. You need to look it up. American Indians are Mongoloid by race. Period. What does an “illegal from Honduras” got to do with the race of an Indian?
You have been misinformed. A person from Honduras is most likely a mix of Caucasian and Mongoloid or a mix of Negroid and mongoloid but they are NOT a separate race they are a hybrid or mixed race. That is why they have “White Hispanics” (Like George Zimmerman was called) as the term implies it’s a mix. Bear in mind a Honduran, like most South Americans is an Ethnic Hispanic with a Honduran nationality, not a race.
BTW, an illegal Honduran may not appear Mongoloid to you but if you carefully look at the structure of their faces and bones the Mongolian shows through most of the time. If they “evolved” into a separate race what is the name of that race? Just ask Google what race a Honduran is. They are mestizo, an ethnicity of mixed Spanish and Amerindian ancestry, but not it’s own race.
What does an “illegal from Honduras†got to do with the race of an Indian?
They are Indians.
And, if we’re splitting hairs on race, we’re all Negroid, aren’t we? The idea American Indians evolved much the same way Caucasians did.
I was raised on the 5 races from the time I was a kid and it’s as good as anything else; BTW how do any of us know American Indians didn’t mix with any humans truly native to the hemisphere (there is a theory extant to that end)?
PS I’m very much impressed by the depth of your knowledge on the subject. If only Jeffery was so willing to learn.
I’m not trying to start a battle with you formwiz, I am just trying to get you to explore the human species a but deeper. I’m not splitting hairs when I propose that we are not all Negroid unless you believe that only Negroids evolved in the human species. And I’m not trying to impose a Theological value by saying God made all people the same (which they are NOT) or that we all descended from Adam and Eve. I believe the story of Creation was a theological teaching aid
not a scientific theory.
As of now there are four recognized ans identifiable races of the human species. That could some day change just as someday science may find a way to create a THIRD sex but so far neither exists. As I tried to explain Most South Americans are of Hispanic ancestry since they derive from the Spanish Conquistadors and the native American Indians intermarrying. The people of Brazil are the result of the intermarriage of Portuguese invaders and American Indians so they too are Hispanic in ethnicity and culture. They could also be called “Latino” and they may be of any race since Latino like Hispanic is an ethnic designation not a racial category.
I don’t know if you were actually complementing me or not since this is the internet and complements are like finding a virgin on Epsteins island. But I had a one year course in racial differences way back as an elective and found it interesting enough to keep reading about races since. It amuses me how in 21st century leftist America knowing about races is the worst racism one can abide. You see the way Fredo jumps when I tell him all races are NOT the same. He does the leftist freak-out because he was brainwashed into believing separate cannot be equal because that suits the narrative.
Unlike Fredo and the cuckolds on the left I don’t pretend to be an expert on everything from when life begins to what changes the earths climate, however I am an expert on the food and beverage industry and well versed in race science and Islam as I’ve spent a great deal of time studying them. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me but most of this stuff we can look up on our smart phones. Hell, marrying out of my race gave me an even deeper appreciation of how beautifully different we all are. But it’s okay to be white.
No fight.
If you look at a lot of those Central Americans, you see very little, if any, Hidalgo. From what little I know of that sort of thing, the color bar South of the Border is a lot stronger than anything we ever had here.
Yeah, there are mestizos, but it’s a minority.
Room for a lot of debate, I know. I just am impressed with your interest in the subject.
Edward Sibley Doucher is an ignorant Dumbass.
Both of you guys are misinformed.
Jeffery L Keene can’t even spell Jeffrey correctly.
Now that’s ignorant.
Just saying someone is misinformed is meaningless, but you’d actually have to have some knowledge to make anything stick.
All you have is talking points and you can’t even present them adequately.
Edward Sibley Dutcher is much like his savior, Donnie Dementia, shameless and without a conscience.
I seem to live in his head.
A very spooky place.
Rebut what, Dumbass?
We thoroughly humiliated you with your ridiculous claim that an increase of 0.18C is the same as an increase of 32F.
And of course you change the subject. You may be more mentally dysfunctional than even Donnie Dementia.
Which we is this? All I recall is you making idiotic claims, being embarrassed when I actually did the math, and then lying to cover how ignorant you are.
The claim was yours, but it’s understandable you had no rebuttal for something so ridiculous.
And it’s your guy, maybe all of them, with the dementia.
Trump is winning. You’re losing.
That’s what losers do.
The Dumbass recollects as well as he does arithmetic.
I’m not the one caught in a stupid lie.
I know you’ll beat this particular dead horse for days on end, but it won’t change a blessed thing. You’ll still be wrong.
And my arithmetic must be fabulous because I can’t recollect you ever making an intelligent claim and, to cover it, you just scream your pathetic little epithets.
Actually, you WERE the one caught in a stupid lie and like tRump with a Sharpie, you doubled down on it.
Like Donnie Dementia, YOU have beat this dead horse. Projection much?
Notice how none of your hive-minded cultist comrades came to your defense?
So now we’re on Sharpiegate.
As I said at the time, he was using a NOAA map that had possible tracks on it and the Fake News, and consequently you, threw a fit because it wasn’t an NWS map.
This one is really dead, but I’ve humiliated you so often this week, I suppose you’re just running amok.
And I don’t need anybody’s help to make you look like the fool you are.