I’m sure AOC rode a bike or walked to took a non-fossil fueled bus to Baltimore for the complaint-fest, right?
‘We need to be realistic’: AOC predicts Miami won’t exist ‘in a few years’ without Green New Deal
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez predicted that Miami will no longer exist in just a couple of years if the Green New Deal is not passed.
“When it comes to climate change, what is not realistic is not responding with a solution on the scale of the crisis — because what’s not realistic is Miami not existing in a few years,” the New York Democrat said Wednesday at an NAACP forum. “So we need to be realistic about the problem.”
Ocasio-Cortez, 29, touted the Green New Deal as the solution to that problem.
Strangely, she still hasn’t demanded a vote in the Democrat controlled House of her GND resolution.

We’ve heard this song and dance before. Didn’t Gore’s fiction say that too, and wan’t that predicted in the “earth Day” prognostications back in the 70’s or 80’s? They’ve predicted soooo many things that just haven’t come to pass it’s hard to keep up.
They predicted that the Earth would warm and they are proven right.
As a native Floridian, I only hope it’s true.
It’s called summer.
And, while we’re on the subject, a little something for Kye.
Matter of factly I do remember those “predictions”, formwiz. Fredo, they predicted the earth was cooling before they predicted the earth was warming or does your leftist “selective memory” not remember Earth Day and “the New Ice Age” Ira Einhorn was blathering about before he murdered his shiksa?
“A new ice age and worldwide starvation: In the 1960s and ’70s, top mainstream media outlets, such as Newsweek above, hyped the imminent global-cooling apocalypse. Even as late as the early 1980s, prominent voices still warned of potential doomsday scenarios owing to man-made cooling, ranging from mass starvation caused by cooling-induced crop failures to another “Ice Age†that would kill most of mankind.
Among the top global-cooling theorists were Obama’s current “science czar†John Holdren and Paul Ehrlich, the author of Population Bomb, which predicted mass starvation worldwide. In the 1971 textbook Global Ecology, the duo warned that overpopulation and pollution would produce a new ice age, claiming that human activities are “said to be responsible for the present world cooling trend.†The pair fingered “jet exhausts†and “man-made changes in the reflectivity of the earth’s surface through urbanization, deforestation, and the enlargement of deserts†as potential triggers for his new ice age. They worried that the man-made cooling might produce an “outward slumping in the Antarctic ice cap†and “generate a tidal wave of proportions unprecedented in recorded history.â€
Holdren predicted that a billion people would die in “carbon-dioxide induced famines†as part of a new “Ice Age†by the year 2020.
Ehrlich, a professor at Stanford University, similarly claimed in a 1971 speech at the British Institute for Biology, “By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people.†He added, “If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000 and give ten to one that the life of the average Briton would be of distinctly lower quality than it is today.â€
They were wrong then Fredo, and by all indications they are wrong now. Your mind has broken and you cannot see a scam or a hoax when they’ve been running it right before your eyes for five decades. Even when they do a 180 degree reversal you think nothing of it! It’s astounding.
There was no widespread belief by climate scientists that we were headed to an ice age in the 70s. It was a media meme, not a scientific event, Asshole.
Paul “Population Bomb” Ehrlich was correct that the burgeoning population would stress the Earth’s resources, as it has, Asshole. He was wrong on the timing and in misreading the adaptability of humans, e.g., the Green Revolution.
It’s a fact that the Earth is now warming, a result of human activities, Asshole.
Right-wing assholes (aren’t they all?) have long nurtured conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory. You live in a world free of truths and facts, a world controlled by magical beings, fate and mythology. Anything you can imagine can be true! The unfit tRump has become your anchor – you no longer have independent “truths” or beliefs – he thinks for you; he’s your new savior. If he were to propose restrictions on AR-15s, you’d find a way to defend him, just as you agree with all his anti-free trade actions, and his burgeoning national debt (in a period of reasonable stable economics).
tRump has given NuCons the freedom to release their inner Assholes – cruel, dishonest, violent, hate-filled, racist – “qualities” that used to be suppressed in decent society.
Will the Assholes crawl back into their dark and dank creepy-crawly spaces once decent Americans restore order? Time will tell.
Sissybitch certainly has an obsession with all things anal.
Could it be all the rusty trombone lessons involving the grandson?
Who knows?
Lolgfy loser.
Who was it that abused you LilBish? Your dad? Big brother? Uncle? Preacher? Family “friend”?
You shouldn’t be ashamed, but you should seek help.
Sissybitch be projecting again.
Lolgfy loser.
You’re the abuser.
No warming secondary to humans.
Why don’t you stress getting rid of several billion humans rather than global communism?
J, wrong again. “There was no widespread belief by climate scientists that we were headed to an ice age.†Actually there was, but many of the references were removed. Science is the removing of inconvenient data? https://notrickszone.com/2016/09/13/massive-cover-up-exposed-285-papers-from-1960s-80s-reveal-robust-global-cooling-scientific-consensus/
Wrong again.
Pierre Gosselin is a denier and liar.
Here’s what the Christian Science Monitor had to say:
“Thomas Peterson of the National Climatic Data Center surveyed 71 peer-reviewed articles from 1965 to 1979 and found that only seven predicted falling temperatures. Some 44 predicted warming, and another 20 were neutral.”
And here’s what denier/skeptic Richard Lindzen had to say:
“Indeed, the global cooling trend of the 1950s and 1960s led to a minor global cooling hysteria in the 1970s. … But the scientific community never took the issue to heart, governments ignored it, and with rising global temperatures in the late 1970s the issue more or less died.”
It’s just another myth that deniers/Cons believe because it suits their bias.
Means nothing if the CSM is in the tank for globull idiocy.
And they are.
And the Lindzen quote doesn’t concede globull stupidity. It just says temps were warmer. We do have wartm and cold spells, y’know.
It’s just another myth that Lefties believe because it suits their bias.
As for Gosselin, you calling anyone a liar is a laugh.
Frankly, his climate credentials are about as bad as yours, but his material on how the climate scam was cooked up is corroborated by too many other sources.
You lose.
There was no widespread belief by climate scientists that we were headed to an ice age in the 70s
Ah, but there was. Of course, they’ve said anything over the last 50 years.
He was wrong on the timing and in misreading the adaptability of humans
Then he was wrong. We’re doing far better at feeding people and Peak Oil has proven to be a myth.
It’s a fact that the Earth is now warming, a result of human activities, Asshole.
No, it’s a lie, great flapping prolapse anus.
Right-wing assholes (aren’t they all?) have long nurtured conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory. You live in a world free of truths and facts, a world controlled by magical beings, fate and mythology. Anything you can imagine can be true!
Sounds more like the crowd that believed in collusion.
The unfit tRump has become your anchor – you no longer have independent “truths†or beliefs – he thinks for you; he’s your new savior. If he were to propose restrictions on AR-15s, you’d find a way to defend him, just as you agree with all his anti-free trade actions, and his burgeoning national debt (in a period of reasonable stable economics).
Sounds more like Zippy. And all you Lefties worshipped the quicksand on which he so regularly trod.
tRump has given NuCons the freedom to release their inner Assholes – cruel, dishonest, violent, hate-filled, racist – “qualities†that used to be suppressed in decent society.
Until about 50 years ago when the Lefties took over.
cruel, dishonest, violent, hate-filled, racist are your stock in trade. You blacklist, extort, terrorize, and lie.
Will the Assholes crawl back into their dark and dank creepy-crawly spaces once decent Americans restore order?
That should be the first Wednesday next November when the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne takes 40 states, strengthens his hold on the Senate, and regains the House.
Then you sphincter ani will be reduced to whimpering, cowering slugs.