In the wake of their mass shooting, New Zealand passed a whole host of gun control bills aimed at law abiding citizens, including a mass banning of a lot of different firearms, requiring forced turn-ins. That’s not going so well, with not that many turning their lawfully purchased property in. So, now
New Zealand plans further restrictions to gun ownership
Six months after a gunman killed 51 people at two Christchurch mosques, New Zealand’s government is planning further restrictions to gun ownership.
A bill introduced to Parliament on Friday would create a register to track all the guns in the country and require gun owners to renew their gun licenses every five years instead of every 10. It would also place new responsibilities on doctors to notify police if they believe a gun owner shouldn’t have a license due to concerns over the owner’s mental health.
The government hopes lawmakers will approve the legislation by the end of the year.
The proposed measures come after New Zealand in April rushed through legislation to ban assault weapons such as AR-15 style rifles.
The government has launched a buyback scheme to compensate gun owners for the outlawed semi-automatics, and has so far collected about 19,000 weapons and 70,000 parts. The gun buyback and a parallel gun amnesty run until December.
See, that forced buyback scheme of the banned weapons is not working well, because the Government doesn’t know who has what. Forcing law abiding gun owners to register them will allow the Government to confiscate them much easier. Australia had the same issue, with it being reported that only about 20% of firearms were turned in when they went with a big ban in the late 1990’s.
And then this thing with doctors? This could very much keep people away from visiting health providers.
Ardern has previously made the point that New Zealand has a different view on guns than the U.S., where gun ownership is seen as a constitutional right and is interpreted by many to be a defense against potential government overreach.
“Owning a firearm is a privilege not a right,†Ardern said on Friday.
Democrats here in the U.S. also think it is a privilege, and, Arden and her government comrades perfectly highlight why gun owners in the U.S. refuse to compromise on anything: because the gun grabbers will want more and more and more.

Do Americans have the right to possess any firearm they desire? Machine guns, grenade launchers, sawed-off shotguns?
According to five conservative members of the Supreme Court, Americans have a right “to keep and bear arms” as afforded in the 2nd Amendment.
But recall what Justice Scalia wrote in Heller (2008):
Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. From Blackstone through the 19th-century cases, commentators and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose. See, e.g., Sheldon, in 5 Blume 346; Rawle 123; Pomeroy 152–153; Abbott333. For example, the majority of the 19th-century courts to consider the question held that prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons were lawful under the Second Amendment or state analogues. See, e.g., State v. Chandler, 5 La. Ann., at 489–490; Nunn v. State, 1 Ga., at 251; see generally 2 Kent *340, n. 2; The American Students’ Blackstone 84, n. 11 (G. Chase ed. 1884). Although we do not undertake an exhaustive historical analysis today of the full scope of the Second Amendment , nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.26
We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. Miller said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those “in common use at the time.†307 U. S., at 179. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of “dangerous and unusual weapons.â€
What some Democrats are proposing are restrictions on AR-15 and AK-47 style semi-auto rifles and large magazines; our hunting rifles, shotguns and handguns are protected. In addition, they propose universal background checks (supported by most Americans).
Scalia was entitled to his opinion, but there were people who formed their own artillery batteries as late as the Civil War. Actor Victor McLaglen formed his own cavalry troop in the 30s.
So the late Justice Scalia is on shaky ground here.
What some Democrats are proposing are restrictions on AR-15 and AK-47 style semi-auto rifles and large magazines; our hunting rifles, shotguns and handguns are protected. In addition, they propose universal background checks (supported by most Americans).
Another Alan Colmes “It’s just a breast” weasel.
Pancho Vanilla let the cat out of the bag when he said the Demos were coming to take them from law-abiding Americans. Gropin’ Joe wanted any mag holding more than one bullet (which caused many a laugh).
So the Left’s love of incrementalism comes back to haunt them. Today ARs, tomorrow pump guns.
And the bad guys would still have theirs, of course.
“What some Democrats are proposing are restrictions on AR-15 and AK-47 style semi-auto rifles and large magazines; our hunting rifles, shotguns and handguns are protected.”
What is an AR-15 “style” semi-auto rifle? Since an AR-15 is a “civilian style” M-16 and it IS NOT AN ASSAULT WEAPON what does the term AR-15 style” even mean? I’ll tell you what they mean, they mean any semi automatic weapon hence the limit on magazine capacity. It’s a broad gun confiscation using lies to accomplish it.
They have all agreed to grab guns, now they’re just dickering over the method, volume and time frame they want to do it in. Do they realize or even care that this could set off a war?
Trump 2020 Molon Labe
No doubt arms manufacturers will work overtime in efforts to get around any restrictions.
The 1994 defined “assault weapons”, and certainly the definition will be refined. TEACH’s claim that AR-15 are identical to traditional hunting rifles is an outright lie that he repeats time and again.
It seems you, the NuGOP and NRA are the liars.
tRump 2020: Moron Labe
Contrary to little sissybitch logic…
Lolgfy loser
From the article Studies have shown the ban has had little effect in overall criminal activity and firearm homicides.
So, once again, you’re the liar.
And ICYMI firearms manufacturers do not work overtime in efforts to get around any restrictions. And the moron, babe.
Justice Scalia’s opinion affirmed the right of Americans to keep and bear arms. A single justice voting the other way and DC (or any local or state gov’t) could restrict access to ALL arms.
The mood of the country has changed. Right-wing threats of killing police, politicians and other Americans are not well received.
Not at all; in fact Scalia was starting to lose it in his old age. He also made noises about getting rid of the death penalty because it wasn’t “civilized”.
A single justice voting the other way and DC (or any local or state gov’t) could restrict access to ALL arms.
That’s why Trump can’t wait to appoint a couple more Justices.
Right-wing threats of killing police, politicians and other Americans are not well received.
You’re confused.
The only threats of killing police (ICE), politicians (Steve Scalise) and other Americans (white people) are coming from the Left.
Commenter typed: “..Scalia was starting to lose it in his old age…”
Evidence? Of course not. Scalia was 71 when he wrote the Heller opinion in 2008.
If Justice Scalia was wrong declaring the 2nd had limits, was he wrong on the overall decision in Heller???? (They were all in the same opinion).
You just make shit up as you type. You’re the actual tRump Jr.
Why do liberals/communist desire to ban automatic weapons? Do they think that this ban will make us safer? That would mean that the average liberal,such as yourself, would not be very intelligent. Conservatives know that restricting guns will do nothing, so why make more laws. You do realize that murder is against the law, so these people really are not impressed by laws.
Automatic weapons are already effectively banned by gov’t restrictions. Those restrictions seem to keep Americans from using machine guns for crimes, right?
Semi-automatics such as the AR-15 style rifles are designed to kill humans in large numbers. TEACH lies to you, claiming the AR-15 style rifles are identical to the rare .223 semi-auto traditional hunting rifle. They’re not the same. The Dayton shooter took less than a minute to kill and wound his victims.
Why do you want to enable mass shooters to more easily kill Americans – schoolkids, concertgoers, worshipers, shoppers and bystanders?
Do you realize how stupid your comment was. You said nothing at all. You see, you are the problem, not any type of gun.
davy dukem,
Do you realize how ignorant your original question was? Fully automatic weapons are not a problem in America. You should know that.
I haven’t nor will I commit a mass shooting. tRump and his violent, hate-filled followers are the problem.
You calling anyone here ignorant, can’t stop laughing. Now, if auto weapons are not a problem, then how is a weapon that looks auto but only fires once with a trigger pull a problem? I know you get scared by the look, but it still does not make the device any more lethal. By the way most of my friends own auto weapons.
david dukem,
Fully auto weapons are not a problem BECAUSE NO ONE USES THEM! Gov’t policies restrict their availability to private citizens. You should know that.
Here’s an article in the hyper-conservative The Federalist describing the US gov’t policies on fully automatic firearms (machine guns).
Why are semi-auto assault weapons a problem?? Because mass shooters use them to murder innocent Americans in batches.
It’s very unlikely that most of your friends own machine guns. You’re obviously confused.
So you are scared of the looks of a gun and this we lose our rights. Full auto is very easy to come by if you are a bad guy. The mass killers also wear camo, get rid of that? They comb their hair, eliminate barbers?
But more than anything which would eliminate almost all mass killers is that they are well known to the cops. So maybe if the cops would actually do their job, we would be safer. Then allow people to carry without all the bull.
Those restrictions seem to keep Americans from using machine guns for crimes, right?
They do? Most Lefties couldn’t tell a semi automatic weapon from a full auto to save their lives.
Semi-automatics such as the AR-15 style rifles are designed to kill humans in large numbers.
You mean like an M1911 pistol? That’s semi automatic. so is an M-1 rifle.
Why do you want to enable mass shooters to more easily kill Americans – schoolkids, concertgoers, worshipers, shoppers and bystanders?
Then let everybody have open carry. Make it mandatory. Ban Gun Free Zones, so these nuts have no happy hunting ground.
At the end of WWII, George Marshall wanted universal military training on the Swiss model. If every family had a rack full of M-16s, M-203s, Sigs,
Why do liberals/communist desire to ban automatic weapons?
Because they want to do what Stalin and Mao, their heroes, did and an armed populace makes another Babi Yar problematic.
What some Democrats are proposing are restrictions on AR-15 and AK-47 style semi-auto rifles and large magazines; our hunting rifles, shotguns and handguns are protected. In addition, they propose universal background checks (supported by most Americans).
So the AR-15 and variants are not “in common use at the time?â€
The most popular weapon is not “in common use?”
This is more lies from a person who wants to ban all weapons.
That is the only logical conclusion one can make from the positions and statements he has made before.
Oh, and while Americans want “universal background checks,” more want laws that are currently on the books to be correctly implemented and supported. We have seen failures of states and the military to repeatedly fail to supply information of data yet somehow people who have nothing but hate think that demanding more laws will make the situation “better.”
The one question that they never answer is “if the transfer of weapons to criminals is illegal now and is still being done (under their beliefs) how will a new law or more laws result in more compliance other that to burden law abiding citizens?”
The left hates logical thinking.
Can you identify the person whom you claim “wants to ban all weapons”? Certainly you can’t mean me, with my gun safes with rifles, shotguns and pistols. I certainly do not support banning all firearms.
Do you support taking the necessary steps to make certain the current laws are enforced? It’s unlikely you do. And of course, current law does not address private sales or “gifts”.
What do the current proposals hope to accomplish: To reduce the slaughter of innocents in the epidemic of mass shootings in the US. Mass shootings destabilize society just as do other terrorist attacks. The nation has spend billions and citizens have sacrificed privacy to stop terrorist attacks; can we now reduce mass shootings?
Even though AR-15 type rifles are abundant today, they are often used for unlawful purposes, i.e., killing schoolchildren, shoppers, theater goers, worshipers… In America we make compromises every day.
For whatever reason, mass shooters are drawn to AR-15 type rifles, which are designed for wholesale killing.
…the epidemic of mass shootings in the US…
Can you identify the person whom you claim “wants to ban all weapons� Certainly you can’t mean me, with my gun safes with rifles, shotguns and pistols. I certainly do not support banning all firearms.
Based on your past arguments and statements, if you look in the mirror you’ll see the person.
Even though AR-15 type rifles are abundant today, they are often used for unlawful purposes, i.e., killing schoolchildren, shoppers, theater goers, worshipers… In America we make compromises every day.
So are cars. Are you willing to ban cars which kill more people than AR-15 type weapons?
We get it. You have so much hate that your “compromises” are those which deprives law abiding citizens of their rights.
One by one your own arguments fall by the wayside like dead leaves from a tree.
All the left has is hate.
Of course you’re just lying about my intentions. It’s what NuCons do. The truth rarely serves their purposes.
As we’ve explained ad nauseum, automobiles and trucks have value to societies, whereas AR-15 type rifles are mere playthings for insecure men. When you enact your auto ban our economy will collapse. Anyway, most deaths associated with automobiles are accidents, not murder. And America has taken actions to limit the use of autos and trucks in terrorist attacks. Mass shootings are also terrorist attacks, usually carried out by hate-filled conservative men.
If every AR-15 type rifle magically disappeared today there would be little impact on society.
Do you believe you have a “right” to keep and bear any firearm you desire? Is that how you interpret the 2nd Amendment?
The right is a cesspool of willful ignorance, dishonesty and wanton cruelty.
Of course you’re just lying about my intentions
You’ve made your intentions clear often enough. Total government control so the Lefties can make us do only what they want.
Mass shootings are also terrorist attacks, usually carried out by hate-filled conservative men.
Sounds like we ought to ban Moslems and lunatics. You do know most mass shooters are on psychotropic drugs.
This would be a much quieter place if you were in a mental hospital.
Always for our own good, of course.
o you believe you have a “right†to keep and bear any firearm you desire? Is that how you interpret the 2nd Amendment?
That’s what the 2nd Amendment says. I don’t think it requires “interpretation”. Only duplicitous Lefties such as yourself do.
After confiscating all firearms, what’s next – knives, axes, hammers, screwdrivers?
And I’m sure you would love to confiscate all cars because it would save the climate. And you could control our movements, too.
To control rape, are you going to have us emasculated, too? Guys like that are easier to control, just ask your pals, the Moslems.
The right is a cesspool of willful ignorance, dishonesty and wanton cruelty.
Sounds more like the Left to me. You’d be lost without your taking points.
Of course you’re just lying about my intentions.
Of course, you are lying about that as well. Your so-called “intentions” change whenever you and the hateful left gets trap by your own rhetoric. The left is willing to lie and deceive to get what they want while at the same time not doing what they want others to do.
As we’ve explained ad nauseum, automobiles and trucks have value to societies…..
I’m sorry….your response above was that AR-15s should be banned because of the lives that are lost. So once again when faced with the logical fallacy of your position, you shift the goalposts to something else.
When you enact your auto ban our economy will collapse.
Except I am not advocating an auto ban. I am just using the same “logic” that you are in stating that if one wants to ban guns totally (like you do) one has to ban automobiles. And besides, you always talk about the impact of cars on the environment and the fact that you want to charge oil companies for the damage they do to the environment, using your logic cars automobiles should be banned for economic, environmental and the lives lost because of cars. That would mean that you’d have to give up your car and you don’t want to do that.
Once again, the hypocrisy of the hateful left is on display.
If every AR-15 type rifle magically disappeared today there would be little impact on society.
In that weapons are used in defense against crime far more times than actual deaths, there would be a huge negative effect on society. You simply refuse to believe that criminals care about the law and would give up their guns.
However, if you truly believe in a ban on weapons as you have advocated, you should empty your gun safe. Tell your daughter to give up her gun as well.
We all know you won’t do that because you aren’t into doing what you demand of others.
You care not one iota about people being able to protect themselves or defend themselves from criminals. When you talk about “wanton cruelty,” it is the hateful left that supports criminals.
After, all the left has is hate.
Hence the moniker whiny little sissybitch.
Fits perfectly.
You continue to lie ad libitum. I possess no semi-automatic rifles, you slippery old liar, you.
You appear to have lost touch with reality, which appears as a contagion raging through tRump worshipers. You make shit up time and time again.
After all, all the right have are willful ignorance and wanton cruelty.
Lolgfy sissybitch
When you say “wanton cruelty” Fredo, are you referring to murdering babies or selling their tiny body parts?
Trump 2020 We can no longer tolerate the wanton cruelty of abortion!
Ad nauseam would be more fitting, so you’re as ignorant of Latin as everything else.
And, as for inventing points, care to give examples and links to the facts supporting your refutations?
Willful ignorance fuels your support of globull idiocy and wanton cruelty is reflected in the all-consuming hatred you show to anyone who disagrees with you.
You really are a sick individual.
You continue to lie ad libitum. I possess no semi-automatic rifles, you slippery old liar, you.
Talk about losing touch with reality, man oh man.
My original statement was that you want to ban all weapons. Given you positions and statements in the past, that is obviously true.
Yet you won’t give up your own weapons and have provided weapons for your own family.
That’s what the hateful left does – demand that others that they hate do what they themselves will not do.
So when you sit there and say you don’t own assault weapons, that is not the point nor the focus of our discussion. It is a distraction from your own statements and past positions from which any logical, thinking person would conclude that you want to ban all weapons.
It is clear that you are lashing out because your true intentions are being exposed. Because all the left has is hate, you hate that exposure as well.
Perhaps if you had supplied my past statements/positions supporting your false assertion you might be more believable, you slippery old liar, you.
We’ve heard the canard that AR-15s in the household saves lives. Nice try. In that case America should be the safest nation on Earth.
You’ve gone full Donald, haven’t you? The savior of the NuRight. Your white knight to punish libs, Dems, immigrants, Blacks, gays, Muslims…
For the “righteous”, any lie or crime is acceptable if it advances your “righteous” cause.
Perhaps if you had supplied my past statements/positions supporting your false assertion you might be more believable, you slippery old liar, you.
Perhaps if you remember what you had said other than name calling you might realize how you have advocated the banning of all weapons (except for those you and your family possess of course.)
We’ve heard the canard that AR-15s in the household saves lives.
Well, there ya go. You won’t accept facts which shows a hatred for the truth. Funny how the left’s hate comes out in more ways than one.
You’ve gone full Donald, haven’t you?
Without anything to back up your statements, you just hatefully lash out. Hate is all you have.
For the “righteousâ€, any lie or crime is acceptable if it advances your “righteous†cause.
For the left, any lie, hate or crime is acceptable if it advances your “righteous†cause.
There. Fixed that for you.
Propagandists of the right don’t have a firm understanding of “facts”. The estimates of Americans “saved” by defensive use of firearms range for hundreds to millions!!
We really care little about your faulty recollections as it’s not your first mistake in this regard.
We get it. We disagree on whether Americans have a “right” to any firearm they desire, so you attack me personally. We’re used to it from the likes of you.
Murder is against the law. Abortion is legal.
These are facts.
If you really believed abortion is the murder of babies why aren’t you doing something about it? Take those AR-15s of yours and stand athwart the sidewalk of that abortion clinic and state “None will pass!” Save those babies!
It’s also a fact that hypocrites such as you and gitarcarver don’t actually consider abortion the murder of babies, it’s just a talking point your handlers command.
Willful ignorance and abject cruelty are the cornerstones of the NuRight.
Propagandists of the right don’t have a firm understanding of “factsâ€. The estimates of Americans “saved†by defensive use of firearms range for hundreds to millions!!
This is, of course, a lie. The low number is nowhere close to “hundreds.” NO ONE other than the hateful left would ever try to make that claim.
The issue is the UPPER end of the number. Collecting data is difficult because there are no official statistics kept by agencies so the data is comprised from police reports and media reports. The standard accepted rate is at least 800,000 and that does not count brandishing a weapon.
One wonders why you hate facts.
Oh sorry. We know why you hate them.
We really care little about your faulty recollections as it’s not your first mistake in this regard.
Yeah….we’ve been down this path before. I recall what you say and then you say “prove it” because of accepting responsibility for your comments, you try and lie your way out of them.
But I can prove that you want to remove all guns based on your statements. It’s not that hard.
We get it. We disagree on whether Americans have a “right†to any firearm they desire, so you attack me personally.
More projection from you.
You want to take all weapons away from people except of course for you and your family because you are “special” for some reason.
You don’t like people calling you out for your lies and hypocrisy. One might even say that you hate it. After all, hate is all the left has.
Ya know Fredo, you have an ability to turn every person and every subject you don’t agree with into a hatefest. Fact is, you’re so full of hate and spite you think everyone else thinks like you do.
It’s not a “canard” that AR-15’s in the home save lives, it’s a provable fact. Just because you programmers refuse to print the number of times lives were saved, property defended or women and children protected by a gun you believe it doesn’t occur. DAILY! Well, it does Fredo all around the country. AR-15’s are NOT military weapons no matter how often you and your lying communist masters say it is. There is NOT ONE military in the entire world that employs an AR-15 as their battle weapon. Stop lying. An AR-15 is just a semi auto carbine like a Marlin Camp Carbine or a Ruger Mini-13. You and your lying friends just lie to get our guns and disarm us.
You also project yourself when you opine we consider Trump “The savior of the NuRight” because we don’t worship our politicians like the left does. And nobody, absolutely nobody wants to “punish” libs, Dems, immigrants, blacks, gays and Mohammadans and to constant projection that we do belies your evil soul showing us what is in store for us should your evil party of tyrants, liars, and racists get in power. The mass cruelty you will foist upon your rivals will make previous leftist rulers look good in comparison.
Hell, your team won’t even put an American flag on the stage at their “debates” or play the anthem that’s how much you guys HATE America. And it’s not Donald Trump you hate, it’s all of us. All us unwashed, non-elitist, Bible and gun clinging deplorables you hate. By the way you throw insults at all of us I can only assume you’d like us gone. Permanently. That’s what you project toward us.
You surely must realize all those clowns you people put up as viable “presidential candidates” are so far left of the mainstream American and have outrageous ideas so preposterous to the average voter there is no chance for them to win.
You should also realize when you say something a dumb as: “For the “righteousâ€, any lie or crime is acceptable if it advances your “righteous†cause.” that it is not WE who go around saying “By any means necessary” it’s YOU!
Trump 2020 or the left will steal all your rights!
Perhaps if you had supplied my past statements/positions supporting your false assertion you might be more believable, you slippery old liar, you.
You know full well Teach regards that as stalking and doesn’t want it here.
If we could dredge up all your lies on a given subject, we’d have nothing else to talk bout
We’ve heard the canard that AR-15s in the household saves lives. Nice try. In that case America should be the safest nation on Earth.
Most of these murders do not take place in the home. They take place outside the home, mostly
in Gun Free Zones. Anywho, as the CDC notes, unless you’re a criminal, you have an 0.0000084 chance of being shot.
So, I guess we are.
You’ve gone full Donald, haven’t you? The savior of the NuRight. Your white knight to punish libs, Dems, immigrants, Blacks, gays, Muslims…
Then why is he gaining support from immigrants, Blacks, homosexuals, Hispanics, and regular working stiffs?
For the “righteousâ€, any lie or crime is acceptable if it advances your “righteous†cause.
Your credo in a nutshell.
Left something tagged wrong.
Perhaps if you had supplied my past statements/positions supporting your false assertion you might be more believable, you slippery old liar, you.
You know full well Teach regards that as stalking and doesn’t want it here.
If we could dredge up all your lies on a given subject, we’d have nothing else to talk bout
We’ve heard the canard that AR-15s in the household saves lives. Nice try. In that case America should be the safest nation on Earth.
Most of these murders do not take place in the home. They take place outside the home, mostly
in Gun Free Zones. Anywho, as the CDC notes, unless you’re a criminal, you have an 0.0000084 chance of being shot.
So, I guess we are.
You’ve gone full Donald, haven’t you? The savior of the NuRight. Your white knight to punish libs, Dems, immigrants, Blacks, gays, Muslims…
Then why is he gaining support from immigrants, Blacks, homosexuals, Hispanics, women, and regular working stiffs?
For the “righteousâ€, any lie or crime is acceptable if it advances your “righteous†cause.
Your credo in a nutshell.
You know full well Teach regards that as stalking and doesn’t want it here.
If we could dredge up all your lies on a given subject, we’d have nothing else to talk bout
The last time he tried that, I spent time looking back through the comments he had made, posted them and he never responded.
It’s just not worth my time or anyone’s time to bring up something that he will ignore.
Elwood has issues with people putting together statements that he makes.
For example, he once said that anyone who believed in a religion was mentally disturbed and “severely delusional.” He also said that his wife was a Christian which means he believes his own wife is mentally disturbed. Furthermore, as a person with severe mental issues under the law cannot give consent to sex, that means that under the law he was raping a woman.
Just more of gitarcarver’s dishonest claptrap… He’s accused me of rape before. Some things never change.
Gitarcarver’s MO has always been to ignore discussing issues and to focus on minutiae. It’s all he ever does.
Formerly, gitarcarver used to make cogent arguments on important issues. He had a “personality” change, then disappeared from commenting for a long time. Now he’s back as a tRumpatista. Pity.
Bwaha! Lolgfy little sissybitch.
Just more of gitarcarver’s dishonest claptrap… He’s accused me of rape before. Some things never change.
It is obviously not an accusation but a logical conclusion drawn from your own statements. I brought it up again as proof that you never seem to be able to connect your statements and what they mean.
Gitarcarver’s MO has always been to ignore discussing issues and to focus on minutiae. It’s all he ever does.
I am sure that many women would disagree with your assertion that rape is “minutiae.”
I believe that shows your hatred of women.
Formerly, gitarcarver used to make cogent arguments on important issues.
Once again Elwood makes the fatal mistake of thinking that the small points in an issue never matter.
“For the want of a nail the shoe was lost,
For the want of a shoe the horse was lost,
For the want of a horse the rider was lost,
For the want of a rider the battle was lost,
For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost,
And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail.â€
― Benjamin Franklin
It is clear that he doesn’t want his ideas exposed.
He had a “personality†change, then disappeared from commenting for a long time.
I did take a break from commenting because I felt my comments were becoming too much like yours – all attacks and no substance.
I won’t allow myself to turn into the hateful hypocrite that you are.
Unlike you, I know that when the hate starts to overrun logic and reason, it is time to walk away and take a break.
In short, it is just not worth dealing with the constant barrage of hate you put out. I will continue to deal with your statements and the lack of logic within them. I’ll deal with the lies and hypocrisy as well.
(An example of a lie is: “Now he’s back as a tRumpatista.” He can’t find a single quote to support that, but he throws it out there to smear people and then cries “they won’t deal with arguments!”)
It is just more hate from people who have nothing but hate.
Honestly gitarcarver, I take the term “tRumpatista” as a complement coming from a dirty anti American communist. You gotta realize the left has no argument only innuendo, lies and insults. They are a party run by baby killing, gun grabbing, Constitution hating morons. Just look at their choices for president.
Trump 2020 Be a “tRumpinista” with the cool kids!
Honestly gitarcarver, I take the term “tRumpatista†as a complement coming from a dirty anti American communist.
It is not whether it is a compliment or an insult. The fact of the matter is that Elwood has nothing to support the claim.
That’s the point I was trying to make.
So while he says that others make unsubstantiated claims, it is he who actually making false claims.
Hypocrisy and hate are the calling cards of the left.
Propagandists of the right don’t have a firm understanding of “factsâ€. The estimates of Americans “saved†by defensive use of firearms range for hundreds to millions!!
You left something off that.
Like a conclusion. I realize the Ripple is starting to have an effect, but we’re the ones who shove facts in your face. It’s why you call us names instead of rebut. It’s also why you try to change the subject.
We really care little about your faulty recollections as it’s not your first mistake in this regard.
Whatever that means. I suspect all your recollections come from your cartoon characters.
We get it. We disagree on whether Americans have a “right†to any firearm they desire, so you attack me personally. We’re used to it from the likes of you.
No disagreement. We understand you want to take away everyone’s right to firearms so you can remove the rest of our rights more easily.
And anyone who can read knows the 2nd Amendment places no restrictions on a person’s right to firearms.
Neither does the 9th. As for attacking you personally, I’ve attacked lots of Lefty idiots. You’re just the only one who comes here.
Unless you count all the cartoon characters.
And I’m sure you do.
Murder is against the law. Abortion is legal.
These are facts.
Not really, it has a SCUS decision that has the force of law, but that has been gutted. That’s probably going to change, as it looks like RBG’s days are numbered. The Gray Lady is getting very skittish.
If you really believed abortion is the murder of babies why aren’t you doing something about it? Take those AR-15s of yours and stand athwart the sidewalk of that abortion clinic and state “None will pass!†Save those babies!
And people have tried to do what you say, but they’re the ones who get arrested. Even without ARs. Those peaceful Christians really scare the life out of all you Maoists, don’t they?
OTOH, the murderers are on your side 2200 aborted babies were found in some creep abortionist’s home. Doubtless he’s not an exception. Kind of like hanging scalps on your belt. Or Zippy trying to brag about how many people he’s killed.
You guys really love death, don’t you? The more, the better.
Well, you’re about at the end of the road. The country is coming back to its senses after 50 years and people like you will get theirs.
Fissura ani.
It’s also a fact that hypocrites such as you and gitarcarver don’t actually consider abortion the murder of babies, it’s just a talking point your handlers command.
No, the handlers are yours. And they’re not very bright, trusting people like you to get out their message.
Willful ignorance and abject cruelty are the cornerstones of the NuRight.
That’s why your side wants to murder babies fresh out of the womb.
Commenter typed: “Well, you’re about at the end of the road. The country is coming back to its senses after 50 years and people like you will get theirs.”
And that’s the objective, that political opponents and others you hate “get theirs”. “Sent them back!” “Lock her up!” “You won’t replace us!”
It’s the same in every dictatorship.
You keep telling everybody that’s what happens when the Demos run everything.
Well, it’s fitting that you can always dish it out, but scream when it’s your turn.
and nobody knows more about dictatorships than the Left. They’re behind all of them.
I am glad to see that you think Hillary should be put away, after a short trial of course. With luck we can get Obama as well.
Fredo lamented: “It’s the same in every dictatorship.” Well, I don’t know about EVERY dictatorship but correct me if I’m wrong but almost all current and recent dictatorships were either communist left wing, Nazi left wing or Mohammadan Theocracies. That kinda leaves us Freedom loving American Patriots on the outside lookin’ in.
BTW, the DemComs have had three debates and so far there is still more American flags on the moon than were on stage at the DemCom debates. Are you guys afraid some of your clown car might set the flag ablaze if it appeared? You are all such noble Patriots when you go to rallies you wave a red flag but when the folks in Hong Kong have protests they wave ours. Why do you hate America so much?
Gitarcarver, your point is well taken from your comment of September 16, 2019 at 2:20 pm. I was just commenting that we must consider the source when reading the rants. We all realize what he calls any of us is meaningless.