I’m assuming that the editorial board of the LA Times isn’t referring to actual sacrifices, but, this being the Cult of Climastrology, you can never be sure
The evidence, the expert advice, common sense — they all point to a single unavoidable conclusion: Humankind has dragged its feet for so long on the looming crisis of climate change that it is no longer looming but is upon us, and will be impossible to undo.
It would be foolish, of course, to rule out nascent or not-as-yet conceived technological advances that could claw back some of the carbon and other greenhouse gases we’ve already emitted. But it would be equally foolhardy to count on them. What is required, at a minimum, is a radical change, as quickly as possible, in the way the world produces and consumes energy. The goal is to eliminate most future emissions, especially of carbon, and to “capture†the carbon that is emitted so that it does not enter the atmosphere.
So, see, even though there’s nothing to actually replace fossil fuels at this time, we need to get rid of them. I wonder when the LA Times will give up its own use to gather and disseminate their paper? Anyhow, after lots of meaningless yapping
The Los Angeles Times editorial board has written about climate change for years. Here’s why we thought this was the right moment for a bigger, broader series of editorials on the subject.
What will our world look like in 15 years if we begin to do what we have to do? Charging stations for motor vehicles as plentiful as gas stations are now. A significant drop in gas-powered vehicles through phased-out production, and government-funded buyback programs to get older cars off the road. Millions of people working to create new power systems; the world needs cheaper and more efficient solar panels, bigger and more efficient energy storage systems, more utility-scale renewable production facilities and more efficient hydro and geothermal technologies. Oil companies will no longer have such disproportionate influence on government policy. Perhaps they will have become energy companies, transitioning away from fossil fuels — or perhaps they will have been superseded by new energy providers.
So, YOU will be forced from your fossil fueled vehicle and into, well, unless you can easily plunk down $40k or more (that’s about an $800 payment per month with excellent credit), you won’t have a vehicle. But, here’s where it really breaks down
Sacrifice will be a part of this too. Doing the right thing will require shifts in employment, changes in consumer habits (cutting way back on meat consumption, for instance, reduces global carbon emissions). We will drive less, ride more public transit, use less air conditioning. Costs will undoubtedly rise for goods we’ve taken for granted.
That’s interesting, considering most Warmists aren’t willing to sacrifice for their beliefs now. Nowhere in the opinion piece are we told what the members of the editorial board are doing to sacrifice in their own lives, nor what the LA Times is doing. But, you will have to sacrifice. And Nanny Government will be there to make you do it.

Solution. Universal healthcare and Open borders to let millions and millions into the nation for FREE stuff!
Paid for by?
NO solutions for that. But hey, Voters are STUPID. They actually think Democrats are not liars and have the best interests of their voters at heart.
The SHEER STUPIDITY OF THE AGW crowd is mindboggling. The democrats OWN all the BILLIONAIRES ON THE PLANET. LET THEM FIX it.
Go for it you stupid morons. Get rid of cars, trucks vans, trailers, airplanes, semis, and replace them with batteries which will rely upon rare earths from CHINA.
Why the fuk not. I mean after all China runs the world now. Alll our cell phones and computers are infiltrated by china backed parts, China owned companies as in GOOGLE and APPLE having like 90 percent share of the cell phone market. Huawei stealing every piece of tech the USA ever makes.
WHY NOT…….destroy the USA and let China rule us, with Russia’s help. While China and Russia pour co2 into the atmosphere unabated the US will be printing money because thats what Snowflakes believe. Money grows on trees and Unicorns are real in their world.
Dear LA Times. You first. We will know you are serious when you act instead of just talk.
Bummer Teach
First commercial electric plane manufacturer Eviation announces first sales to a US customer Eviation is an Israeli company
Cape Air has announced plans to buy 12 at 4 million per plane
Speeds up to 275 mph range up to 650 miles and operating costs of 1/3 conventional engines gee Teach who could ever have seen that ever happening ? An electric plane ?
First delivery 2022, prototype now flying for certification
John, you probably invested with Bernie Madoff in such notables as Solyndra and Enron. EVTNF stock opened at 0.0100 today in OTC trading. Their 52 week high is 0.0500. You are a shrewd player, John must be taking Fredo lessons.
I figure the overall market promise of Eviation is that the company will pull in billions in government subsidies from the US and other “woke” Western nations then go the way of Solyndra taking the money with them. Several new left wing billionaires. That’s usually how these things work now a days.
BTW, John we can all see an electric plane coming someday, it’s called progress. You guys are the ones who think progress means “the government” has to do it. And if my suspicions pan out Eviation is another government supported and financed scam. I hope I’m wrong. But we’ll see sooner or later.
Trump 2020 Stop the climate scams!
Perhaps you would rather look at Boing’s investment in electric planes ?
Of course investing in any startup is risky but upsides may be bigly
No stock market for me ! I invested all in a small mostly hardwood forest on MA
So I guess we do agree that at least got flights of less than 1000 miles electric planes do have a bright future
Did you notice that the 2nd gen Eviation 2024 is expected to have an aluminum air battery
More progress
Don’t put words in my mouth, I didn’t say electric planes of any distance have a “bright future”. They’re still in the test phase. But if they can compete on price, comfort and distance I have great hope for them. Right now however, I see more grift than lift and I’d be careful of investing. But I’m for any new and innovative answer to transportation that does NOT require my tax money or force by government thugs.
And how many electric cars are on the road?
Let’s start with sacrificing the L.A. Times.
Hey, good for the Los Angeles Times, in the biggest freeway dependent city in America, for telling the truth:
The editors are falling right in line with the Democrats’ silly
global warmingclimate change debate, and admitting that their plans won’t just impact other people, but every American voter . . . and thus help re-elect Donald Trump.We’ll know they mean it when they stop printing their paper, turn off their web servers and turn off the lights and AC in their buildings. Until then they can STFU.
This is what liberals think constitutes a WINNING message. Let that sink in.
I know, aianstorm. It makes me giddy like a 15 year old girl every time Fredo says Trump is gonna lose and then spouts how they’re gonna take our guns an close down the oil and coal companies and give illegals free health care. My only hope is that Fredo and the rest of the dumbass leftists keep saying that crap till Nov 2020.
What about celebrities such as Harrison Ford and James Cameron who live in big mansions and fly private jets. Would they give up these things to fight global warming?