Or, is that just not allowing you any privately owned vehicle?
Andrew Yang: The goal of our climate plan is to make it so we don’t “own our own cars” pic.twitter.com/ucN0cowjVl
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) September 19, 2019
I’ve watched this and tried to find more information as to what his specific meaning is, but, let’s be charitable, and just assume he means you won’t be allowed to have any privately owned vehicle, you damned peasants.

Still think that BIG GOVERNMENT is intruding on the rights of people to vape ?
Funny, I never saw a phrase in the Constitution or any of its Amendments stating the rights of the people to vape shall not be infringed.
Good-now tell us your reason not to own a car. Good luck
Imagine in ten years just ordering a driverless car to take you to work, school or the store.
Of course you can still buy your own gas auto but they’ll be expensive as will gasoline.
Hitler said the same thing about the Volkswagen.
Did he? Really?
And his promises were as phony as yours.
Yes, imagine all the middle class individuals who have yet one more burden added to them because of your silly unfounded concern over a trace gas. Makes a guy like you proud.
That “trace” gas keeps the Earth from being ice covered. Did you know that? We didn’t think so. And the 40% increase in that “trace” gas is causing the Earth to warm rapidly, despite your misinformation.
What is the burden of NOT having a automobile? No insurance? No maintenance? Sounds like a slice of nirvana.
Yes, you are glad for the government to make decisions for others.
As to your thing on ice ages, biggest bunch of crap I ever heard.
No, that trace gas does not keep the Earth from being ice covered.
That big ball of hydrogen and helium up in the sky keeps the Earth from being ice covered.
Tell me again about how you know all about science.
You are wrong once again.
“The warming influence on the Earth is crucial to the existence of life on Earth. Without the influence of the greenhouse effect on our planet, the average surface temperature would be 255 Kelvin – which can also be expressed as -18°C or 0°F. If this were the case, water on Earth would freeze and life as we know it would not exist. This is a significant temperature drop in comparison to the approximately 15°C average temperature on the Earth with the greenhouse effect.”
Water freezes at 0°C.
Absolutely no proof of that
The Plebs don’t need cars. They can walk to work from their block house apartments to the factory next door. The Socialist paradise always looks the same at the bottom. But it’s a pretty good living for the guys at the top.
Улицы в МоÑкве никогда не были переполнены в СоветÑком Союзе.
When only the nomenklatura had cars, traffic was never a problem.