…are horrid carbon pollution clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on the Women’s March dropping anti-Semites brought in to replace the other anti-Semites they let go.

…are horrid carbon pollution clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on the Women’s March dropping anti-Semites brought in to replace the other anti-Semites they let go.
I seems that in today’ world if you hate America you will hate Israel. The entire Democrat Party once it went full on socialist/communist also went full on anti Semitic. It had to happen since America supports Israel and America is irredeemably flawed because 150 years ago there was slavery therefore today’ whites must pay for that never-ending sin (which for some reason only America is guilty of like we invented slavery). It stands to reason they will hate Israel. That’s not to say they hate Jews, just Israeli Jews. Self hating American Jews have just found themselves comfortable and feeling safer among the moneyed leftist wealth of capitalism whilst proselytizing all forms of socialism and communism for the deplorable masses. They mistakenly believe becoming a 21st century communist will save them. Kinda like what Soros did when he became a Jew hating Nazi. Hell, it worked for him now he’s a billionaire communist.
One can despise the policies of Israel without hating Jews.
And it seems that Netanyahoo has himself in a political and corruption pickle. Not even he and tRump’s affection for each other and mutual hatred of the “other” was able to save him.
Did you know that 21% of Israeli citizens are Arabs, mostly Sunni Muslim?
One can despise the policies of Israel without hating Jews.
Too bad all you Lefties seem incapable of it. Interesting you hate Netanyahu because he does to the crazies what Trump does to you (distinction without difference).
And, last I looked, nothing has been proven against Trump, so your anti-Semitism is showing.
Did you know that 21% of Israeli citizens are Arabs, mostly Sunni Muslim?
And they have the same rights as all Israelis, including membership in the Knesset.
Apparently, they don’t share your anti Semitism.
… or stupidity.
Israel is surrounded by people that hate Jews. Any attempt to bring peace is met by random bombings and rocket attacks. In true Muslim methods they try as hard as possible to kill any innocent people. Now stupid people will say that Israel kills innocent Arabs, and that is true, mostly because launch site are in crowed neighborhoods making it necessary to kill innocents. I am sure that is the policy you hate. But you know some of this and don’t care. Also, many of your comments over the years have indicated that you lack concern for deaths of Jews and that you support Islam and their tendency to terror.
Your claims of corruption ring hollow as you make the same claims against Trump. Trump is very honest especially compared to Obama who was the most corrupt and worse president we have experienced.
“One can despise the policies of Israel without hating Jews.”
I suppose in theory “one” could but I’ve neither met nor heard of anyone who did. Anyone who I’ve seen who despises Israel also hates Jews. Sometimes they don’t admit it but they do. Frequently they think they’re fooling everyone, but they’re not.
“Did you know that 21% of Israeli citizens are Arabs, mostly Sunni Muslim?”
That was their way of showing acceptance when the world was against them. It’s also a mistake to allow Mohammadans in a democracy. Fido, did you know that Saudi Arabia won’t allow ANY NON MOHAMMADAN into Mecca? Not even heads of state or reporters. Not a Muzzie, take a walk and be thankful you still have your head.
You always take the side of the tyrants, murderers and despots, don’t you? It’s in your authoritative nature I guess.
Trump 2020 Keep the Jew hating Democrats out of the White House!
You’re wrong in every way. We didn’t say people “who despise Israel”, we said “who despise the policies of Israel”. See the difference?
Isn’t it your hero, Don John, who wants to attack Iran for bombing Saudi Arabia? Probably because the “Saudis pay cash”. If the Saudis are so horrible why is your hero devoted to them? Saudis flew planes into our buildings on 9/11. Saudis murdered and dismembered a WaPo reporter, Jamal Khashoggi, and tRump shrugged. Saudi Arabia owns the 45th floor of tRump tOwer.
It seems YOU take the side of tyrants, murderers and despots. Saudis, Putin, Kim, Netanyahu…
No, there is no difference. You’re just weaseling again. Who makes the policies of Israel, if not the Jews?
You despise Israel. It’s one of the countries the Left couldn’t crack.
Isn’t it your hero, Don John, who wants to attack Iran for bombing Saudi Arabia?
Actually, not. The Sauds aren’t sure whodunit and Trump is holding his fire. You towel boy, Zippy,however, couldn’t wait to blow somebody up. Caused a lot of problems because he had no clue.
Saudis murdered and dismembered a WaPo reporter, Jamal Khashoggi, and tRump shrugged.
Sauds killed an enemy agent. Trump had no business in it. Just because the WaPo was stupid enough to let an agent for an international gunrunner write a few articles doesn’t make it our business.
It seems YOU take the side of tyrants, murderers and despots. Saudis, Putin, Kim, Netanyahu…
I wasn’t aware Netanyahu had done anything despotic. You love accusing people of things for which there is no evidence. That’s more your guys, the Palestinians and the Red Chinese.
As for the Sauds, Arabia is a theocracy, run by Moslem law. They seem to want it that way.
Are you admitting you don’t respect the “Muslims”?
So now you say you hate the policies of Israel and then lump Netanyahu in with Kim, Putin and the Saudi’s. Interesting take.
So you do not hate Trump you hate his policies. Which policies do you hate?
Which Policies of Israel do you hate and which ones do you like?
Something else for the Walking Talking Boob to be anti Semitic about (we know you hate Netanyahu after he ate Zippy’s lunch in front of the world press).
From RCP, Trump’s approval better that Zippy’s at the same point.
Tell us again how unpopular Trump is.
Well ,it looks like The Walking Talking Boob’s “whistleblower” isn’t and neither is Schiff For Brains’ big scandal.
Looks like he’s just another creep Leftist inside the government mad because Trump won.
Another day, another chance for the bunny suit to look like a fool.
So tRump is sending US troops to “The Kingdom”.
“In response to the kingdom’s request, the president has approved the deployment of U.S. forces, which will be defensive in nature and primarily focused on air and missile defense,†U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said at a news briefing.
A gesture. And I suspect they’ll be back here before anyone knows it.
Hardly the start of a shooting war, which you seem to want a great deal.
Still waiting to hear what acts of “despotism” Netanyahu has committed. Or the Sauds.
I really want to see how you explain that one in light of your love of all things “Muslim”.
What I supported was the nuclear deal with Iran, which tRump blew up, and now here we are on the brink of war (which tRump campaign wants).
Netanyahu continues the oppression of Arabs in Israel. Saudis conducted 9/11, murdered Khashoggi, oppress all their people and practice fundamentalism.
Fundamentalist Islam is as ridiculous as fundamentalist Christianity.
Does fundamentalist Christianity support murdering all non Christians? Again, a heathen, pagan, atheist is telling us about our religion. How arrogant!
Fundamentalism is the enemy of reason. Fundamentalist Christians are forced into American polity, and only want to deport non-Christians.
Would you force school children to recite Christian prayers in public school?
Would you ban abortions?
Would you ban same-sex marriage?