Marianne may have been one of the less vocally nutso Democrat contenders so far, but, no matter, because she is just as much an authoritarian as the rest in her heart
At a presidential climate change forum on Thursday, author and Democratic presidential hopeful Marianne Williamson floated the idea of a national mandatory year of service for young adults to tackle climate change.
“I would like to ask your opinion, I think during the ‘season of repair,’ we should have a mandatory national service, one year, for people between 18 and 26 because we need you,” Williamson said. “We need to fix this climate. We need to fix this country.”
MSNBC’s Ali Velshi asked the audience, which consisted mainly of students, to raise their hands if they liked the idea. “A few, alright.”
Williamson smirked at the crowd’s reaction.
“To save the country. It’s not just the climate,” she said.
Well, now, that’s interesting that only a few raised their hands. The kids are super excited to Do Something in theory about ‘climate change’, but not excited in practice for themselves. That’s kinda the way this works: Warmists are always excited in theory, but when they have to put their own lives and money on the line, the excitement drops like a dog’s smile as they pass the park on the way to the vet. The kids love that they can blow off school today to protest, but, ask them to give up their modern lives and pay more and they’ll go back to class.
The climate forum was hosted by MSNBC and Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service, giving college students the opportunity to ask candidates questions. This is not the first time Williamson has mentioned of national service for young people. Her campaign website includes an outline of a program that would “be a way that every American citizen spends one year of their youth in service to the repair of our nation.”
If they really cared the kids would do this voluntarily, right? Perhaps it’s because belief in ‘climate change’ being mostly caused by Mankind isn’t that strong
(via Watts Up With That? and Jo Nova)
Hilariously, Sweden has a lower belief than the USA, which should give hyper-Warmist Greta Thunberg, who started this skipping school to protest silliness, a big sad, since she’s from Sweden.

Socialists love them some slavery bigly. Like when the Obamas brought negro slaves back to the White house to work the Potemkin Gardens. 50 negro children working the land for no compensation, in violation of child labor laws. For Socialists, other people exist just to support the big socialists in the style they have become accustomed to.