Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine just doesn’t have the ring of Russia Russia Russia, but, it’s going to end the same way: a big nothingburger against President Trump. But, it could end up hurting Joe Biden and his son. And Obama. But, hey, CNN was nice enough to commit a random act of journalism, though they tried to bury it
(Daily Caller) The anonymous White House whistleblower suggesting President Donald Trump had an inappropriate conversation with a foreign power now known to be Ukraine reportedly made that claim based on hearsay.
Fox News’ senior political analyst Brit Hume noted Saturday how CNN admitted that the political firestorm is all based on a whistleblower, thought to be a White House intelligence agent, with second-hand information:
Here’s a “new revelation” in this article: the whistleblower complaint is based on hearsay. From the article: “The whistleblower didn't have direct knowledge of the communications, an official briefed on the matter told CNN.”
— Brit Hume (@brithume) September 21, 2019
The CNN story cited by Hume suggests, “It is hard to see how any of this ends well†but doesn’t mention the whistleblower’s precarious grip on his inside information until the reader is deep within the report.
“The whistleblower didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications, an official briefed on the matter told CNN. Instead, the whistleblower’s concerns came in part from learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work, and those details have played a role in the administration’s determination that the complaint didn’t fit the reporting requirements under the intelligence whistleblower law, the official said.â€
That last bit is directly from the CNN piece, which is a rather important point, wouldn’t you say? But, they waited till paragraph 22 to post it. It’s almost like they didn’t want you to know that the allegations are, charitably, based on the whistleblowers office mate’s friend’s coworkers sister’s Twitter feed or something
(Fox News) Rudy Giuliani channeled President Trump Monday with a wee-hours Twitter blitz aimed at turning the Ukraine story currently roiling Washington into a big problem for Democrats.
Giuliani, the personal attorney for Trump and outspoken critic of Joe Biden and his son’s relationship with Ukraine, accused Kiev of laundering $3 million to Hunter Biden, suggested that the Obama administration turned a blind eye and made the prediction that the scandal is in its infancy.
“If Dem party doesn’t call for an investigation of Bidens’ millions from Ukraine and billions from China, they will own it,†he tweeted. “Bidens’ made big money selling public office. How could Obama have allowed this to happen? Will Dems continue to condone and enable this kind pay-for-play?”
Regardless of your opinion of Rudy, he does have a few salient points. And, for all the focus on Trump, are any reporters attempting to dig in to what the Biden’s did in Ukraine? It’s not actually a new story, but, it’s like the people who get paid to report the news are avoiding the answers intentionally. But, as long as they continue to cover this one sided, what the Biden’s did will cause people to use the ‘net to look up what the non-traditional media have already uncovered. And make Biden look bad.

The Wall Street Journal and FOX News report that the US President 8 times pressured the Ukrainian President to dig up dirt on Biden. After initially denying it, tRump finally admitted that he discussed Biden in his infamous telephone call with Zelenskiy.
The US President publicly ADMITTED he pressured the head of another nation to dig up political dirt on a political opponent.
tRump sent his PERSONAL ATTORNEY, the lying Rudy Giuliani (not a US official), to The Ukraine to dig up political dirt on Biden. Giuliani admitted it, too.
Does any of this matter? Of course not. The feckless Dems, the hapless press, and the feckless and hapless GOPhers have no interest in holding The Teflon Don and his DC mafia accountable.
The GOPher response: Biden, Biden, Biden!
Fox is run by the Murdoch brother (or you wouldn’t even quote it and the Journal is all Whig.
After initially denying it, tRump finally admitted that he discussed Biden in his infamous telephone call with Zelenskiy.
The US President publicly ADMITTED he pressured the head of another nation to dig up political dirt on a political opponent.
tRump sent his PERSONAL ATTORNEY, the lying Rudy Giuliani (not a US official), to The Ukraine to dig up political dirt on Biden. Giuliani admitted it, too.
Lies in both cases.
Trump said the subject came up and Ukraine contacted Rudy because State wouldn’t hand over evidence the had on the Biden crime family.
Does any of this matter? Of course not. The feckless Dems, the hapless press, and the feckless and hapless GOPhers have no interest in holding The Teflon Don and his DC mafia accountable.
The only Mafia is the Democrat party. It’s full of crime families.
Kennedys, Bidens, Os, Ozarks.
The GOPher response: Biden, Biden, Biden!
Because he did it, did it, did it.
And ure only culture is cult.
After the story has been shown to be false, the media is still running it and Jeff is still defending it. Typical.
If there is real news and Fake News Fredo will believe the latter every time. His only response to anything is an emotional Orange Man Bad. All his sense and reasoning is blocked by pure unadulterated hatred of President Trump and his supporters. Now Fredo has taken to calling us a cult. Imagine a person who believes in the scientific impossibility of more than two sexes, the cult of climate change, dozens of races, and every other ridiculous bit of leftist nonsense calling ANYONE else a cultist. The only cult around here is the DemCom cult of “Hate America First”.
Veterans Day is approaching time for Fredo to burn another flag.
You’re part of a cult because you support every assault your hero, Don (Teflon) Raper, makes on America, American ideals and mores.
Why? We understand the Far-Right’s victim complex – those mean, elite, arrogant, educated, tolerant libs who have looked down their noses at conservative, Christian, intolerant Caucasians for decades – are finally getting their comeuppance from a coarse, tell-it-like-it-is, millionaire who finally recognizes that conservative, Christian, intolerant Caucasians not only built America but ARE America!
We get that part. What we don’t get is that Trump is throwing the nation and world into chaos. Foreign policy is an absolute nightmare, problems with Central America, North Korea, China, Middle East, Iran, Russia – and the world doesn’t respect us. The economy still rewards the wealthy at the expense of the working classes. Healthcare is an expensive mess, not cheaper and better as promised. The Wall will not change a thing for Americans, even if it does get built.
I’ve never burnt a flag, Butthole.
Liberals don’t hate America, they hate the “ideals” of the Far-Right and the tRumpCult. Liberals love what America has the potential to be for all Americans.
Again thanks for your service to our country during the Vietnam war.
Salute to *PNC Jeffery L. Keene for his bravery.
Lolgfy little sissybitch
(*Private No Class)
The Great Prolapse Fistulated Anus must be getting desperate this “scandal” is going like the rest.
You’re part of a cult because you support every assault your hero, Don (Teflon) Raper, makes on America, American ideals and mores.
Changing them away from welfare, crime, and promiscuity?
BTW when was he convicted of rape? He could sue you. And he never molested anybody, either.
Why? We understand the Far-Right’s victim complex – those mean, elite, arrogant, educated, tolerant libs who have looked down their noses at conservative, Christian, intolerant Caucasians for decades
By Donald, I think he’s got it.
– are finally getting their comeuppance from a coarse, tell-it-like-it-is, millionaire who finally recognizes that conservative, Christian, intolerant Caucasians not only built America but ARE America!
He’s smarter than he types. But not that much. He must be another half-breed like the Mocha Messiah. So wishing he were white so he’d fit right in at all the country clubs, but having to trade on his black half and the discrimination he’s supposed to have faced.
We get that part. What we don’t get is that Trump is throwing the nation and world into chaos. Foreign policy is an absolute nightmare, problems with Central America, North Korea, China, Middle East, Iran, Russia – and the world doesn’t respect us. The economy still rewards the wealthy at the expense of the working classes. Healthcare is an expensive mess, not cheaper and better as promised. The Wall will not change a thing for Americans, even if it does get built.
No, things are just dandy.
The Norks haven’t fired off a missile in years, Red China’s taking it on the chin, Salvador and Mexico are finally helping with the illegals, Russia is nice and quiet, and the mullahs are in almost as much trouble as the Reds.
I love it when a plan comes together.
<i.I’ve never burnt a flag, Butthole.
Of course you have, fissura ani. Right after you were discharged.
Liberals don’t hate America, they hate the “ideals†of the Far-Right and the tRumpCult. Liberals love what America has the potential to be for all Americans.
The America That Has Yet to Be? Like the Hildabeast?
With Politburos and Presidiums and the NKVD, and gulags?
Of course, Lefties hate America because the “ideals†of the Far-Right and the tRumpCult are what makes up the Constitution.
You hate the Constitution and you hate America because you don’t run it.
“Professor” Hale claims the story is false, yet The Don confirmed that it is true.
This is known as “gaslighting”, which is the “go-to” strategy of the tRumpCult. It’s like saying that Mr. Mueller found no collusion and no obstruction. Gaslighting. tRump didn’t pay off his mistresses to keep them quiet! Gaslighting.
But understand. IT DOESN’T MATTER
“Elwood” Dowd,
The Story is from the NY Times. They have retracted it. The “story” is that a Whistleblower had evidence of “concern”, no details. That “whistleblower” has now said he has no direct observations, only hearsay. All Trump has confirmed is that he had phone calls with the Ukrainian government about cracking down on corruption. Presidents do communicate often with foreign leaders. It’s in their job description. Standing against corruption is a traditional American value in international relations. No gas lighting. Just the same old playbook of printing a lie on the front page, getting all the other news papers to re-print it, then no one taking notice of the retraction. No point addressing your other lies. I’m pretty certain you know you are lying and you don’t care so there is no value in continuing this. It’s not Trump’s fault that Joe Biden was hip-deep in Ukrainian corruption while he was VP.
Other journalists have confirmed that Trump was pressuring The Ukraine to share damaging information on the Bidens. Trump ADMITTED that he discussed Biden “corruption” with the Ukrainian President. Why did he admit that? Transcripts.
Stop gaslighting.
As I said, you are lying and don’t care that you are lying. No point in further discussion. You lie so much, you may honestly not be able to recognize the truth any longer. Just talking points from the Democratic party.
You are ignoring the facts. But that’s what NuCons do. Gaslighting. Trying to persuade others that reality is not reality. You will claim it’s all “Fake News”. If FOX ignores it, it must be Fake.
Trump admitted to talking to Zelenskiy about the Bidens’ so-called corruption. But he’s screaming “NO quid pro quo”! And he and his shills are crying “Biden, Biden, Biden…”
“The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place and largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son [contributing] to the corruption already in the Ukraine,” Mr. Trump told reporters at the White House before departing on a trip to Texas.
So the “whistleblower” was right. Must have been a lucky guess.
Why do you think Trump reversed course? Mnuchin admitted on Sunday that the WH now has the transcripts…
Screw you, Boob.
“Other journalists” are Fake News.
This thing has already fallen apart, so stick it someplace. And Gropin’ Joe bragged how he told Ukraine it would get foreign aid if they didn’t cashier the prosecutor.
Why did he admit that?
Because he did nothing wrong?
Stop gaslighting.
Stop gaslying.
The only gaslighting is being done by the same traitorous thugs who have been trying to overthrow the US government since the election of 2016. You are all criminals, liars, traitors, communists and thugs.
“CNN is working to cover its own fake news story about the whistleblower that they believe heard President Donald Trump ask the Ukrainian president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
In a story that CNN published on the controversy on Saturday it admitted that the whistleblower did not hear anything.
“The whistleblower didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications, an official briefed on the matter told CNN,†CNN said.
“Instead, the whistleblower’s concerns came in part from learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work, and those details have played a role in the administration’s determination that the complaint didn’t fit the reporting requirements under the intelligence whistleblower law, the official said,†it said. We call that a fake news rumor. A lie.
That is a mega change from the story that the whistleblower heard the president ask for the Ukraine to investigate Biden.
For the past 48 hours CNN has pushed every conspiracy theory one could imagine about the report that they have not seen.
And Rep. Adam Schiff was in front of cameras talking about the president asking for foreign interference in the 2020 election, as he did with Russiagate.
There has not been any apology from CNN for promoting this story and for promoting more fake news against President Trump.
They suggested that the president could have held the $250 million in aid from the Ukraine if they did not investigate Biden.
They suggested that President trump directly asked for the Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election by investigating Biden.
And the whistleblower did not hear a word of it. It is a bust the same way the Russia story was a bust and no one has apologized.
The news comes after the Ukraine Foreign Minister said that President Trump DID NOT DO what the media has accused him of.
The foreign minister of the Ukraine has torpedoed them Democrat idea that President Donald Trump pressured the Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
“I know what the conversation was about and I think there was no pressure,†Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said in an interview with the Hromadske media outlet.”
Once again Fredo you fall for the emotional bullshit that confirms your bias and the lefts narrative. You’re a phony and a fraud. You and your comrades have been proven to do nothing but lie since Trump took office. What are you going to do when Trump beats the shit out of Biden or Fauxahontas or any of the other gun grabbing, speech killing, God hating Nazi’s your party is running for president?
You’re all clowns.
Trump 2020 Get the children, commies and muzzies out of government
Blah, blah, blah… Your Savior, The Teflon Don, admitted that he talked to the Ukrainian President about the purported Bidens’ corruption. How do you explain that away? Obviously, Don realized that the transcripts differed from his earlier lies. Classic Don.
Was Prystaiko on the call, LOL?
As Mr. Biden said, Don is scared because he knows Biden “will beat him like a drum”. Trump knows that he can’t win without help. He knows that Biden is +15 in general elections.
Trump 2020: Handcuffs for The Don.
We understand your Biden, Biden, Biden mantra given to you by your Lord and Savior, Donald Jesus Trump, you fukkin dumbass.
Most of the world (EU, US, IMF, etc) wanted Shokin axed for HIS corruption and lack of enforcing corruption charges against Ukrainian crooks and the previously ousted regime.
Hunter Biden broke no laws, but it could be an apparent conflict of interest for a VP’s or President’s child or children to be making money off of ties to the parent’s office. Do you see where we’re going with this? (Ivanka, Don Jr, Eric). Biden certainly did NOT say he got Shokin fired so Biden’s son could make millions.
On the other hand, you fukkin’ dumbass, the President was trying to dig up political dirt from a foreign leader to use against a political opponent. At least he hid it better with Russia.
Talking means nothing. What he said is what counts.
Your Savior, The Teflon Don, admitted that he talked to the Ukrainian President about the purported Bidens’ corruption.
Not quite. Nobody has yet come forward with what was said. You are floating on thin air.
However, Gropin’ Joe talked to the Prez and said later,
“I remember going over (to Ukraine), convincing our team … that we should be providing for loan guarantees. … And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from (then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko) and from (then-Prime Minister Arseniy) Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor (Shokin). And they didn’t…
“They were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah … we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, ‘You have no authority. You’re not the president.’ … I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”
As Mr. Biden said, Don is scared because he knows Biden “will beat him like a drumâ€. Trump knows that he can’t win without help. He knows that Biden is +15 in general elections.
Uh, right. You’re talking Gropin’ Joe’s word? When did he ever beat anybody outside of DE?
And do we really want to go back to all those polls that said the Hildabeast was unbeatable a year out?
That’s a lot of typing but Jeff isn’t listening. Evidence doesn’t interest him. Just repeating the Democratic party talking points. I wonder if he gets paid to do this or is his motive is some sort of psychosis.
Keep ignoring the facts, “Professor”.
Why do you turn to attacks, rather than address the facts?
Sadly, I’ve noticed. The cult runs deep in Fredo. You can even watch Biden say he got the prosecutor fired so his son would get a pass for millions then GLOAT about it but to people like Fredo it means nothing.
Here is Biden on tape recounting his getting the guy fired so his son could make millions.
What else does it take, Fredo you fukin’ dumbass?
Trump 2020 sent the tyrant Biden back to Delaware
The facts have already been addressed. They are in print right here on this page. What more needs to be said? They have Biden on video confessing to obstructing justice in the Ukraine and you totally ignore it and claim it is a Trump scandal. you will just do what you always do: deny, obfuscate, change the subject, name-call, and pretend that you are the one who is being reasonable and laying out the facts. You pretend that I haven’t been reading this blog for YEARS and watched you do this for YEARS.
Sorry Perfesser,
But you are wrong. You are ignoring the facts.
We understand your Biden, Biden, Biden mantra given to you by your Lord and Savior, Donald Jesus Trump.
Most of the world (EU, US, IMF, etc) wanted Shokin axed for HIS corruption and lack of enforcing corruption charges against Ukrainian crooks and the previously ousted regime.
Hunter Biden broke no laws, but it could be an apparent conflict of interest for a VP’s or President’s child or children to be making money off of ties to the parent’s office. Do you see where we’re going with this? (Ivanka, Don Jr, Eric). Biden certainly did NOT say he got Shokin fired so Biden’s son could make millions.
On the other hand, the US President has admitted that he was trying to dig up political dirt from a foreign leader to use against a political opponent. At least trump hid it better with Russia.
We can only surmise that right-wing defenders are worried and afraid, and that drives your newfound irrational belligerence.
Let’s sort out one lie at a time, thank you.
Are you claiming that President Trump DIDN’T admit to discussing alleged Biden corruption with President Zelenskiy of The Ukraine?
“We can only surmise that right-wing defenders are worried and afraid”…
Again, you pretend that everyone has the memory of a goldfish. The Democratic party activist corps has been saying this since 2016. I keep hearing Democrats saying “we got him now”. Then… nothing. Just looking at who is running against him, it is very likely that Trump will be re-elected. VERY LIKELY. So, no reason to fear anything. Try as you like, Socialism still doesn’t sell very well in America. The closest you can get is lying to children in school what socialism is.
For the record, I do fear for America. Since the Democratic party has pulled out all the stops in going after Trump, his family, all his businesses and everyone who accepts an appointment in his administration, even accusing a boy scout like Kavanaugh of being a serial rapist, it appears that civility is no longer possible in the USA. I will miss the political environment when people could at least pretend to work together and when most Americans could simply not care who was in office, because no matter who was elected, everything would pretty much keep going as it always had.
“Let’s sort out one lie at a time, thank you.”
With the whoppers you tell, that isn’t worth my time. I actually have a full time job. Plus, you have a multi-year history of ignoring any fact that conflicts with your talking points. So any discussion with you is pointless. Are you seeing a trend here? I have been saying the same thing pretty consistently for years. Once you demonstrate over and over again that you are unwilling to accept obvious facts, and you have, further discussion is moot. You are a democratic party activist and you are never going to diverge from your talking points. I am not a Democratic party activist so I am never going to accept your talking points. There is no middle ground. If you don’t like it, talk to your bosses at the DNC about maybe broadening their message. The fact that you wish to confuse defending basic decency with “defending Trump” is just another example of how you prevent any productive discussion from taking place.
And the GOP are just innocent bystanders in the mess?
Mitch McConnell, Steve King, Gym Jordan and Donald J. Trump are mere victims of Democratic abuse?
If tRump is assured of election and as others say, the House and Senate will turn GOP as Americans hate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, environmental and worker protections and all other socialist influences on America… why are you afraid for America?
It was a simple question: Do you accept the fact that Donald J. Trump admitted publicly that he discussed the alleged corruption of the Bidens with the President of Ukraine on that telephone call?
He did it in front of TV cameras.
Your point was that I’m lying about trump and The Ukraine, yet you refuse to discuss even the simplest of “lies”.
Are all complaints against trump, lies in your estimation?
It sounds as if YOU’RE the one relying on Trumpian talking points.
Did you miss the part where I wrote that discussing anything with you is pointless? What do you think the word “anything” includes? Did you miss the part where I mentioned that your multi-year history here is why I came to that conclusion? Do you think I would so easily forget what I just wrote?
Run away, run away. LOL. You were the one that engaged me, remember goldfish?
When faced with one irrefutable fact you disappear like a fart in a tornado.
Good day, Sir!
Actually, I firmly believe this is a trump ally whistleblowing on Biden to get him out of the race.
HRC did the same thing to him only in private when she ran in 2016 to keep him out of the race.
He is on video bragging about doing illegal things in Ukraine to protect his son’s company in which his son then made millions. Biden withheld 1 billion in funds to Ukraine in order to get the DA fired that was investigating his son ala his company. Once that was done and he even said who the next AG will be…….THESE ARE HIS WORDS….not mine….then he gave Ukraine the 1 billion in aid.
Trump used his own whistleblower to get Biden out of the race. They will turn over the tape, eventually and there will be nothing there. LOLOLOLOLOL……..Trump plays the press like fiddles.
He is desperately wanting to run against Warren. The crazy insane batshit crazy leftist who will get trounced in union country ala MN, WI, MI, Pa and Ohio, NC. She will be competitive in FL and might even win it….but losing FL after taking the above doesn’t matter….Trump will win CO. and Iowa and Leaving the scene looking much like 2016. 306-232 or whatever anemic total HRC had.
Nothing burger here for trump and the death knell for Dementia Joe.
Trump used his own whistleblower to get Biden out of the race. They will turn over the tape, eventually and there will be nothing there. LOLOLOLOLOL……..Trump plays the press like fiddles.
He learned from Obama who refused to give up his Birth certificate and the right was going bonkers claiming all kinds of stuff. His numbers were high when the right was beating him for his birth certificate and low when he finally revealed it and then the right started focusing on policy.
So trump doesn’t go out of his way to fight off these racist charges knowing that everything his POLICIES does benefit Hispanics, Asians, and Blacks and that he passes no legislation to hurt Minorities and the one giant concern of the left….DACA….they refused to even touch.
Another major concern of the left is infrastructure which will benefit minorities but again the LEFT refuses to touch it. They refuse to touch the border wall and in fact fight it tooth and nail.
In short….Trump is using his policies which are popular with minorities and UNIONS…trade deals……to destroy the democrats while remaining silent on their only real criticism….HE IS A RACIST (OBAMA WASNT BORN HERE) both of which got their respective presidents increased popularity while it went on. That is why Obama refused for so long to turn over his Birth Certificate and why Trump ignores the racism bait thrown at him.
It is also why he refuses to turn over his tax returns. He knew going in that those would be his BIRTH CERTIFICATE and the left has bitten…..claiming all kinds of nonsense. A guy who has been audited so many times by the IRS that it would be impossible to hide anything. A guy who has been investigated by probably every CIA type organization from every country on the planet and…….
NOTHING…… The left has lost its mind. So because Trump took over much of the democrat’s agenda….border security, infrastructure, policies to benefit Unions the left had no choice but to LURCH FAR< FAR< LEFT.
Now the right owns everything from center-left to extreme right with the democrats only able to claim crazy stuff like free stuff for everyone ………..WHEEEEE!!!
HAHAHA…..Trump is a genius and the democrats led by Cenk Uygar who is probably a foreign agent himself is stuck with trying to destroy the democratic party be getting rid of moderates and ending up with a socialist party to run in America.
Bftsplk, of course, ROLCONs inadequately.
Anybody who received an award for helping racial amity alongside Rosa Parks and Cassius Clay is no racist.
I doubt Trump wants Biden out of the race. Trump wins no matter who the democratic nominee is. Trump would have a lot of fun following the Gaffer machine around the campaign trail. So there I no reason at all for Trump to spend any effort at all nudging Biden out now. It would make more sense to focus energy on the primary winner. That’s why it looks like one of the Democrats doing this or this is an op to inoculate Biden from this in the general election by claiming it is a Trump scandal instead of a Biden scandal.
You are being much more than your typical repulsive self. You sound like a child in grade school. You find fault in the president calling the head of another country to coordinate information about the illegal activity of the previous vice president, or for that matter Hillary and group. It is beyond evident that Obama’s administration and the major members of the Dem. party were totally corrupt. That fact can not be challenged.
Why don’t you treat others with a measure of respect and try to open your mind to really bad actions by those you support? You find it strange that people in our country are looking at the potential of using violence against each other, yet your comments reflect the tendency to such actions. Winning …….MAGA..
Some advice: Don’t wash your MAGA hat with your white robes or you’ll get a pink outfit for your cross burnings.
So you DO admit that tRump talked to Zelenskiy about the alleged corruption of the Bidens? That’s a start. Would it be appropriate for the House to contact Russia to find out about tRump’s business dealings there? What if Biden went to Russia and hinted that if he’s elected he’ll get Russia back into the G8 if they turn over files on Donald J. Trump?
All you need is evidence that President Obama, Vice-President Biden and Secretary Clinton were corrupt. Why hasn’t tRump’s sycophantic DOJ charged any of them? Why isn’t tRump’s FBI investigating them and “locking them up!!”?
Do you really think tRump would be interested in Hunter Biden if Joe Biden wasn’t up by 15 points over tRump in the polls? If Senator Warren wins early in Iowa, NH and SC, tRump will lose all interest in the Bidens, and it will be all Fauxcahontas, Fauxcahontas, Fauxcahontas!
I really can not understand your comment. It seems full of hate and a lack of understanding of world events. You really are living in a world of your own ignorance. Please grow up.
The molester and wife beater seems obsessed with all things realting to homosexuality.
So you DO admit that tRump talked to Zelenskiy about the alleged corruption of the Bidens? That’s a start. Would it be appropriate for the House to contact Russia to find out about tRump’s business dealings there? What if Biden went to Russia and hinted that if he’s elected he’ll get Russia back into the G8 if they turn over files on Donald J. Trump?
He did nothing of the sort. This is what passes for a win by you. Too bad the truth is far worse for you.
All you need is evidence that President Obama, Vice-President Biden and Secretary Clinton were corrupt. Why hasn’t tRump’s sycophantic DOJ charged any of them? Why isn’t tRump’s FBI investigating them and “locking them up!!�
Oh, Hell we have that. We have testimony from a member of the Ukranian Secret Service Ukraine did try to help the Hildabeast win.
Meantime, here’s what Gropin’ Joe said,
“I remember going over (to Ukraine), convincing our team … that we should be providing for loan guarantees. … And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from (then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko) and from (then-Prime Minister Arseniy) Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor (Shokin). And they didn’t…
“They were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah … we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, ‘You have no authority. You’re not the president.’ … I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.â€
And Gropin’ Joe got Zippy to agree to it.
3 for 3.
Do you really think tRump would be interested in Hunter Biden if Joe Biden wasn’t up by 15 points over tRump in the polls? If Senator Warren wins early in Iowa, NH and SC, tRump will lose all interest in the Bidens, and it will be all Fauxcahontas, Fauxcahontas, Fauxcahontas!
Who said it’s Trump? A lot of Demos are getting antsy about Gropin’ Joe. And, a year out, 15 points means nothing.
Just ask the Hildabeast.
As for Fauxcahontas, how many men will vote for a liar, a nag, and a scold?
Don Raper can sue me if he wants.
Since I was doxed here by TEACH and drowningpuppies, I could sue you for your libelous attacks calling me a wife beater and molester. Both you and drowningpuppies repeatedly use my identity. I’m not a public figure, haven’t molested anyone nor been a wife-beater, more than 2 people read this blog, and your accusations are not mere name-calling. And you’ve supplied your name so you are easy to find!
drowningpuppies even unwisely published a business address and telephone number he claimed are associated with me!
Neither TEACH nor drowningpuppies have anything worth taking. You just may.
The first kind sometimes called “classic common law qualified privilege”, protects disclosures in certain specific situations, but only where the person making the defamatory statement believes that it is true. For example, this kind of qualified privilege defense may protect statements made in an employee reference.
When I saw your post I became interested in the idea of defamation since slander does not apply here Defamation is written and Slander is speech.
When researching this there is a wide latitude in which a person who makes a defamatory statement can claim they know it to be true because they have heard other people making the same claims. This seems unreasonable but it is why…….
The MSM does not get sued by Trump for all the outrageous things they have claimed against him that are proven to be false. They believed it was true and therefore their continued use of the meme against him is protected speech and or written speech.
If many people here have claimed you are those things then they become protected by the classic common law qualified privilege. Unfortunate but it is exactly why the lawsuit against NYT was thrown out over the student who was defamed by the press. Covington.
Many believed it to be true and they thence became protected under this clause.
However, when reviewing these proceedings the owner of a blog is under a certain set of responsibilities to maintain order.
As the publisher of a blog, you could, in theory, be held liable in respect of defamatory material posted by others on the blog.
There are two main approaches to dealing with this risk:
first, you can review all material before it is published, and refrain from publishing anything risky;
second, you can seek to take advantage of the provisions of Section 1 of the Defamation Act 1996 and Regs 17-19 of the Ecommerce Regulations.
This second approach is the usual one, and typically involves a publisher doing the following sorts of things:
prohibiting the posting of defamatory and other unlawful content in the blog T&Cs;
providing an effective abuse notification procedure;
not systematically reviewing or editing content posted on the site; and
removing risky content promptly following the notification of a problem.
Now can one be held liable for comments in the comments section from a blog? No, if the article being commented on has nothing to do with the defamation of YOU or a person in question. However, if the owner of this Blog were to make a blog post trashing YOU then you would be within your rights to sue unless there was a preponderance of evidence to suggest that many, many people believe this to be true and there is some evidence(substantiated or unsubstantiated) to support this reasoning.
Many people believe Some of Donald J. Trump’s sex liaisons were (insert you evil word here). One was a porn star, the other a playboy bunny. Writing a post claiming they are (insert your evil word here) would most likely end nowhere because of the preponderance of public evidence to the contrary.
So TLDR. You have probably no case since there are many people here that have a belief whether true or not that you are in fact a certain subset of things. It is why name-calling is such a waste of time on blogs and usually escalates into utter stupidity with neither side proving a point and no one actually believing anything being thrown out.
Instead of typing about it why don’t you just bring it, ya little sissybitch?
Nobody made you type in your real name repeatedly, ya little dumbass.
Nobody makes you post your stupidity here either, dipshit.
And everyone here is laughing at your little tough guy charade while also claiming victimhood.
Go give the grandson a trombone lesson or batter your Christian wife (if you even have one). Maybe you’ll feel better.
Lolgfy little sissybitch.
You are ignoring the facts. But that’s what NuCons do. Gaslighting. Trying to persuade others that reality is not reality. You will claim it’s all “Fake Newsâ€. If FOX ignores it, it must be Fake.
Trump admitted to talking to Zelenskiy about the Bidens’ so-called corruption. But he’s screaming “NO quid pro quoâ€! And he and his shills are crying “Biden, Biden, Biden…â€
“The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place and largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son [contributing] to the corruption already in the Ukraine,†Mr. Trump told reporters at the White House before departing on a trip to Texas.
So the “whistleblower†was right. Must have been a lucky guess.
No, he wasn’t and even Commie News Net had to admit it, but why in God’s name bring the rest of Fake News into it?
You know they’re lying, we know they’re lying, you know you’re lying, and we know you’re lying.
Gropin’ Joe bragged about withholding billions in foreign aid to get Ukraine off the kid’s back.
Keep ignoring the facts, “Professorâ€.
Why do you turn to attacks, rather than address the facts?
The Walking Talking Boob, as always, projects.
This one is dead.
Sorry Perfesser,
But you are wrong. You are ignoring the facts.
We understand your Biden, Biden, Biden mantra given to you by your Lord and Savior, Donald Jesus Trump.
Most of the world (EU, US, IMF, etc) wanted Shokin axed for HIS corruption and lack of enforcing corruption charges against Ukrainian crooks and the previously ousted regime.
Hunter Biden broke no laws, but it could be an apparent conflict of interest for a VP’s or President’s child or children to be making money off of ties to the parent’s office. Do you see where we’re going with this? (Ivanka, Don Jr, Eric). Biden certainly did NOT say he got Shokin fired so Biden’s son could make millions.
Matter of fact, he did.
On the other hand, the US President has admitted that he was trying to dig up political dirt from a foreign leader to use against a political opponent. At least trump hid it better with Russia.
No, he just said he talked to the Prez and the subject of Gropin’ Joe’s blackmail came up.
Try again.
We can only surmise that right-wing defenders are worried and afraid, and that drives your newfound irrational belligerence.
Sounds more like you than us. The sounds coming out of the Giant Prolapse Anus are as repulsive as the smell.
Let’s sort out one lie at a time, thank you.
Are you claiming that President Trump DIDN’T admit to discussing alleged Biden corruption with President Zelenskiy of The Ukraine?
No alleged corruption. You don’t know what he said any more than anyone else does.
And the GOP are just innocent bystanders in the mess?
Mitch McConnell, Steve King, Gym Jordan and Donald J. Trump are mere victims of Democratic abuse?
What else is news, but this con has folded and only the idiots still push it.
If tRump is assured of election and as others say, the House and Senate will turn GOP as Americans hate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, environmental and worker protections and all other socialist influences on America… why are you afraid for America?
Because people like you still believe in Communism? It’s kind of like letting Nazis walk around free after 12/11/41.
It was a simple question: Do you accept the fact that Donald J. Trump admitted publicly that he discussed the alleged corruption of the Bidens with the President of Ukraine on that telephone call?
He did it in front of TV cameras.
No he said the subject came up. When you know what exactly was said, let us know.
Meantime, here’s what Gropin’ Joe said,
“I remember going over (to Ukraine), convincing our team … that we should be providing for loan guarantees. … And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee.
And I had gotten a commitment from (then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko) and from (then-Prime Minister Arseniy) Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor (Shokin). And they didn’t…
“They were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah … we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, ‘You have no authority. You’re not the president.’ …
I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.â€
Run away, run away. LOL. You were the one that engaged me, remember goldfish?
When faced with one irrefutable fact you disappear like a fart in a tornado.
Good day, Sir!
Who do you think you’re kidding? Good day, Sir!?
Screw you. You haven’t got one irrefutable fact. But I have. Gropin’ Joe’s own big, fat mouth, telling the world how he blackmailed Ukraine.
Your point was that I’m lying about trump and The Ukraine, yet you refuse to discuss even the simplest of “liesâ€.
Are all complaints against trump, lies in your estimation?
Coming from you, like everything else, yes.
Joe’s words are there. Fake News doesn’t know what’s there.
So there’s no there there.
But I do believe I’m going to put Gropin’ Joe’s own words on every comment I make until you find another lie to peddle.
Have fun.
This is why I believe it was Trump who put this out there. People say Biden is a gaffe machine. SO IS TRUMP. biden is too similar to Trump and is certainly much more amenable.
Trump wanted him gone and the sooner the better so he can focus on Pochahontas. Biden is too moderate, while warren is over the top radically insane. She will say anything and do anything to get a vote, including running to the middle for the general since the democrats have a mantra now….anything to beat trump.
The Bernie bros won’t vote for trump with warren in the mix but many, many moderates will vote for trump if the Dems run a batshit crazy lunatic in warren against him.
Trump got a lot of Bernie Bro support in 2016 which is the main reason he won. In 2020 he wants the moderate support from the Democratic party and a new poll shows a majority of Democrats Align more closely with TRUMP than any other democrat in the field.
He knows what he is doing and once again Elwood proves that Trump can simply speak and the Elwoods of the left begin screaming impeachment. So Gullible.
Trump has admitted to extorting a foreign government to interfere in the 2020 presidential election
The always trumpets see nothing wrong with foreign governments interfering in our elections
I do not agree with them
Did you question obama spending funds from his own office to set up offices in Israel to defeat Netanyahu?
Did you have a problem with HRC trying to sway the election of Putin in Russia?
My bet is you never batted an eye and yet for some bizarre reason Americans believe that their election are pure and without flaws and that no one would dare attempt to sway voters to vote for a certain candidate.
surely you jest sir.
No, Gropin’ Joe has.
Meantime, here’s what Gropin’ Joe said,
“I remember going over (to Ukraine), convincing our team … that we should be providing for loan guarantees. … And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee.
And I had gotten a commitment from (then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko) and from (then-Prime Minister Arseniy) Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor (Shokin). And they didn’t…
“They were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah … we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, ‘You have no authority. You’re not the president.’ …
I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.â€
And this incriminates Zippy, because Gropin’ Joe didn’t have the authority.
After that, incoherence.