I’m starting to get the idea that the Green New Deal has absolutely nothing to do with man-caused climate change
The Green New Deal Can Help Us Fight White Supremacy
“We had a direct existential threat with…Nazi Germany,†Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said at a 2018 event. “We chose to mobilize our entire economy…. We have to do the same thing in order to get us to 100 percent renewable energy.†She was promoting a Green New Deal, but her war analogy eerily fit our current political situation.
The left is facing a two-front struggle: On one side is capitalism wrecking the planet; on the other, a rising fascism stoking people into a fever of racism and xenophobia. How do we face this?
The Green New Deal can help us fight both crises — global warming and white supremacy. The mass mobilization that democratic socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders call for demands a deep transformation that is cultural and economic. It can help end the cycle of violence in poor communities of color and help end “deaths of despair†in poor white ones. It might even ease white anxiety about a multicultural future. The Green New Deal, or a similar project, has the potential to bring society together in order to face humanity’s greatest enemy — a catastrophe of our own making.
There’s quite a bit of Crazy and racial grievance in the following paragraphs, but, let’s skip ahead
The 21st-century Green New Deal would need a similar — in fact, a much deeper — commitment to a new labor integration. It has to follow through on the promise that the future has a place for everyone, especially including the country’s most marginalized people. One route to such a transformation was mapped by social psychologist Henri Tajfel in his social identity theory. The theory argues that we must decenter materialism, white supremacy and patriarchy; meanwhile we must center labor, specifically working in green energy to save the planet. We must encourage the sense of a collective mission, as people accomplish the Herculean task of healing a damaged Earth.
But, see, this is all about ‘climate change’, not far left Modern Socialism (which is technically on the far right in the Fascism model)
Calling people from the small towns, the trailer parks and public housing, the suburbs and the cities into a collective Earth front would give us a chance to win breathing space for our species. We could work to save what’s left of the planet. We could save ourselves from our own history.
You will comply, Comrades.
Humorously, most of the leaders of this cult are lilly white

Got a minute and 15 seconds? Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired – VIDEO
You look at the smirks on those guys as Gropin’ Joe babbles on that he and Zippy coerced a government to repress a legal investigation.
They were sooooo sure this would never get out.
Now we’ve heard the Great Gaping Prolapse Anus whine what evidence is there on Zippy, Idiot, and the Beast.
You bring the evidence of the first two.
Now we come to the Beast
Petro Poroshenko at one time showed tremendous geopolitical myopia, short-sightedly betting on one of the candidates for the presidency of the United States. In 2016, the Ukrainian government openly supported Hillary Clinton and even helped her “sink†Donald Trump.
The interests of both parties then clearly coincided. Poroshenko panicky feared the victory of the Republican. In Kiev, it was believed that he would change his policy towards Russia, which would lead to the lifting of sanctions, curtailing support for Ukraine and, as a result, the collapse of all his power. Democrats, in turn, were looking for an “Achilles heel†from the opponent and tried to harm him in any way. In the end, they managed to get the resignation of Paul Manafort, the head of Trump’s campaign headquarters.
In fact, this story, which is now called “Ukraine Gateâ€, represents a criminal conspiracy of representatives of the campaign headquarters of Hillary Clinton and the Ukrainian leadership in the person of Poroshenko, aimed at preventing the victory of Donald Trump.
But the then Ukrainian president miscalculated hard.
At that time, I served in the Central Office of the Security Service of Ukraine in Kiev. I remember well what panic gripped the power structures of Ukraine after the victory of the Republican. My friends from the State Guard Department said that for several days the Presidential Administration was simply paralyzed: they expected an immediate response for Ukraine’s participation in the attacks on Trump. Many politicians deleted their publications on social networks containing criticism of the Republican. Then everything worked out, and the Kiev establishment began to think that the scandal would not affect relations between the two countries.
But further events showed that the owner of the White House had not forgotten anything. He waited all the attacks against him, steadfastly withstood the necessary pause and began to seek justice, promoting the theme of “Ukraine Gate”.
Ain’t that purty?
Can you say, “Lock her up!! Lock her up!! Lock her up!!”?
Shur ye kin.
“Whole swaths of white America, afraid they are being left behind (by capitalism), have channeled their despair into drug misuse or rage. In 2015, researchers Anne Case and Angus Deaton discovered that since 1999, an increasing number of middle-aged white Americans have been dying from suicide, drugs like opiates and alcoholism. They called them “deaths of despair†because the cause was not just the presence of drugs but the absence of social connection. Many people living in small towns saw no future, no jobs and no way out.”
“For others, instead of destroying themselves, their rage turned outward and they vowed to destroy the liberal America that they believed had betrayed them. White supremacist violence made headlines in 2017’s Unite the Right Rally and 2019’s El Paso mass shooting, but they were the tip of the iceberg. Beyond those acts of public violence, the FBI made arrests on roughly 100 domestic terror plots between October 2018 and late July 2019 alone. Meanwhile, 11 million white Americans hold an “alt-right†worldview, seeing themselves as the victims of a rising tide of people of color and the liberal elite who empower them.”
Even tRump’s own DHS warned of the dangers of white supremacist terrorism.
Our own economic system has been punishing the working classes for decades while rewarding the already rich. And it’s not an accident or a result of natural market forces; it’s policy engineered by donor class Dems and Repubs over the last several decades. Small town America has collapsed; inner cities remain desperate – and tax cuts for the rich don’t seem to be helping.
Whole swaths? How many in a swath (and I do believe the plural is swathes)?
In any case, look at the time this study was taken. 1 year before the Great American Revival.
White supremacist violence made headlines in 2017’s Unite the Right Rally and 2019’s El Paso mass shooting
Too bad the El Paso guy turned out to be a Lefty.
11 million white Americans hold an “alt-right†worldview, seeing themselves as the victims of a rising tide of people of color and the liberal elite who empower them.
You wouldn’t happen to have some documentation on that, other than your own hallucinations.
Even tRump’s own DHS warned of the dangers of white supremacist terrorism.
It did? Or are we just talking some Lefty holdovers? I do seem to recall Trump taking issue with that report. After all, most of the real violence is, as always, Lefty.
Our own economic system has been punishing the working classes for decades while rewarding the already rich. And it’s not an accident or a result of natural market forces; it’s policy engineered by donor class Dems and Repubs over the last several decades. Small town America has collapsed; inner cities remain desperate – and tax cuts for the rich don’t seem to be helping.
Yes, but tax cuts for the rest of the population have raised 1.2 million households into the middle class.
And inner cities are desperate because they’re run by Leftists.
Our own economic system has been punishing the working classes for decades while rewarding the already rich.
Only since the rich and the politicians have been all Lefties.
Funny how that works out.
PS Did you write that drivel all by yourself or did you copy it from some idiot Lefty blog?
PPS Trump looks like he’s going to release the transcript from his conversation. Get ready for another Mule Ears disappointment.
My thanks to ST for linking another copy of the genius that is Joe Biden.
Notice how the Walking Talking Boob tries to change the subject?
The best is yet to come.
The Dumbass didn’t read TEACHs post or he would have recognized the text from the article TEACH linked.
So tRump promised to release the transcript. He keeps his promises!
tRump tried to suppress any mention of white supremacy in the recent DHS document. You can read it yourself. See p9, Dumbass.
“White supremacist violent extremism, one type of racially- and ethnically-motivated violent extremism, is one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism. Lone attackers, as opposed to cells or organizations, generally perpetrate these kinds of attacks. But they are also part of a broader movement. White supremacist violent extremists’ outlook can generally be characterized by hatred for immigrants and ethnic minorities, often combining these prejudices with virulent anti-Semitism or anti-Muslim views.”
Sounds like you guys!
*Pnc. Little Jeffery Keene we salute you.
Thank you for your service to our country during the Vietnam war.
Lolgfy little sissybitch
*Private No Class
Do you spend all your time “servicing” Edward Dutcher and Porter Good?
It’s no surprise that right-wingers such as Porter and Edward D., like tRump, defend white supremacy.
Here’s a plastic bottle of water, a pack of saltine crackers and I’m going to drop you somewhere in the middle of the Chattahoochee National Forest so you’ll get the full effect of the Green New Deal. In a few hours you’ll be happy to see a couple of ‘nazis’ passing by. The end of the world won’t seem such a big deal once you realize the predators view you as prime rib.
And what predators other than Georgia Brush Apes does one have to fear?
[…] Alexandria “Crazy Eyes” Occasional Cortex opened her mouth and, predictably, something stupid came out. Our pals at Pirate’s Cove have the details. […]