Because of course they did
And they say that climate alarmism is not a religious cult?
Catholic missionaries compare Greta Thunberg to the Virgin Mary.
I don't recall Mary making angry speeches in the Roman Senate.— Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) September 25, 2019
From the link
The Maryknoll missionaries have thrown their support behind 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, comparing her to the Virgin Mary.
“Christians getting their knickers all in a twist over the passionate, articulate & knowledgeable witness of Greta Thunberg because of her age seem to overlook the age of the Virgin Mary at the time of the Annunciation,†the group wrote on Twitter.
“Young women can & have changed the world,†they concluded.
You know what’s great? How every news outlet seems to be using an Angry Greta photo in their stories, just like
"We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth," the Swedish climate activist told the United Nations General Assembly on Monday. "How dare you?"
— Renee Hoagenson ???? #VoteBlue (@ReneeHoagenson) September 24, 2019
Even in video she looks unhinged and unstable
Teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg opened the United Nations Climate Action Summit with an angry condemnation of world leaders. | @CBCNews
— CBC (@CBC) September 23, 2019
And, for those who say “how dare you attack a teenager!!!!!”, well, y’all attacked the Covington Kids, for one. Second, if you interject yourself into a high-stakes adult debate and demand that people give up their money, their freedom, and their choices, imbuing Government with massive authoritarian power, expect to be treated like an adult, rather than a human shield.
Meanwhile, Jacques Voorhees has a line by line response to her speech (St. Greta’s are in italic)
“My message is that we’ll be watching you. This is all wrong, I shouldn’t be up here, I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean.â€
So in your first paragraph you confess that what you’re doing is wrong, and you shouldn’t be doing it. You note you should be back home and in school. OK, so far we’re 100% in agreement. Next?
“Yet, you all come to us young people for hope, how dare you?â€
Not sure where you’re getting your information. No sentient adult goes to young people “for hope,†whether they’ve been “dared†to or otherwise. Normally, when adults consider young people like yourself, the operative word is “despair.†And if you’re unfamiliar with that word, it means “absence of hope.â€
“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words…â€
Wow, you must have had very fragile dreams, and an even more precarious childhood, if mere empty words could steal them. Even words loaded with meaning shouldn’t be able to take down someone’s dreams that easily, if the dreams are even a little bit deeply held. But empty words? Greta, you need to find better dreams and cling to them with more determination. As for your stolen childhood, this makes me suspect you didn’t exactly win the lottery when it comes to parents, did you? Just sayin’.
Read the rest

The youngster from Sweden is a puppet for, you guessed it, George Soros et al.
George Soros is backing ‘climate activist’ Greta Thunberg
Because, as always, it’s different when the Left does it.
It’s why Greta Thunberg, Hogg, and (until she vanished) Gonzalez are magically to be listened to while the Covington students had to be maligned, threatened, and destroyed.
It’s really easy when you see it — anything the Left does is okay, anything the Right does is evil.
The Left really, genuinely believes this.
Oddly enough, there are exactly zero adults offering to give up their paying jobs as “leaders” to move aside for Greta to take over. So, she is just a puppet.
Some of these orders, taken over by the Revolution Theology crowd, have really gone off the rails.
I feel sorry for this girl. She is Autistic, has selective mutism, has Asperger’s and suffers from depression. These so-called adults are exploiting her and have her scared to death that the world will end in 12, er 11, years. Will she be able to handle the realization that all the adults in her life lied to her and used her when the world continues to plug along 12, 13, 20, 50 years from now with NO climate catastrophes? Or how about next year when she has been tossed aside in favor of the next child they can exploit.
This is sickening to watch and those pulling her strings should be ashamed.
She was kicking ass and taking names. You should be commending her for her courage and determination.
The Sandmann had nothing to say, just standing staring at another man.
You have absolutely no information to suggestion she has been used or is a puppet.
She speaks English (a second language) better than the US President. tRump’s pissed because she’ll win the Nobel Prize and he’s not taken seriously by anyone.
So far, the arguments focus on her age, Asperger’s and that she’s a girl.
She was kicking ass and taking names. You should be commending her for her courage and determination.
Only the Lefty girly men. The rest of the world just laughed.
Maybe that’s why you’re a moklester and a wife beater.
The Sandmann had nothing to say, just standing staring at another man.
It’s called turning the other cheek. And it said a lot more than the little witchling’s scripted rant.
You have absolutely no information to suggestion she has been used or is a puppet.
She’s backed by Dr Evil.
She speaks English (a second language) better than the US President. tRump’s pissed because she’ll win the Nobel Prize and he’s not taken seriously by anyone.
Trump is an eloquent speaker when the occasion calls for it, but he speaks the language of the American people most of the time because he’s one of them.
As for her English, it’s certainly better, and more cultured, than yours.
So far, the arguments focus on her age, Asperger’s and that she’s a girl.
No, the focus is on the fact she’s just another David Hogg or Cindy Sheehan.
What happened to them, by the way?
For the record, Greta should get a free pass to say whatever she likes without recriminations. Only adults should be held accountable for their words. To go with that, no one should be taking her seriously either. I could fill buses of 16 year olds to yell at the UN every day of the week but I’m not politically connected to leftist causes so no one would care and my angry little 16 year olds would never be let inside the building, let alone get to speak to the assembly.
In general, children only know what they have been told so no one should hold them accountable for the information they have. If you care about that topic, you should go to the original source of the information and question them directly. This is just theater and activism.
I agree, but want to add ‘child abuse’ to the ‘theater and activism’.
And they say that climate alarmism is not a religious cult?
Catholic missionaries compare Greta Thunberg to the Virgin Mary.
I don’t recall Mary making angry speeches in the Roman Senate.
The catholic church needs to do something to keep all their gay priests out of jail. Aligning with the cult of climatechange is just the ticket. As everone says. the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
the atheist Elwood loves the catholic church right now.