Remember, the Open Borders advocates tell us that they only want the good illegals, not the bad ones. Yet, they keep refusing to comply with ICE detainers for the bad ones
ICE blasts Wake sheriff over release of sex offender in US illegally
Federal immigration authorities on Friday criticized the Wake County Sheriff’s Office over the release from the county jail of a registered sex offender who is in the U.S. illegally.
Furmencio Miranda-Cortazar, 45, was convicted in June of two counts of sexual battery stemming from 2015 incidents involving a 13-year-old, according to court documents. He was sentenced to consecutive 150-day jail terms and was ordered to register as a sex offender and pay $3,000 to a a child advocacy group, records show.
Because he was given credit for the 11 months he had spent behind bars awaiting his day in court, Miranda-Cortazar was able to walk free the same day.
But U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents wanted him held, having identified the Mexican national as being in the U.S. illegally following his July 2018 arrest.
Three months after his release from jail in June, ICE agents arrested him at his home last weekend. He is now in ICE custody awaiting a deportation hearing.
“This is yet another example of a clear public safety threat being released into Wake County rather than into ICE custody due to the current sheriff’s policy on ICE non-cooperation,” John Tsoukaris, interim director of ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations office in Atlanta, said in a statement.
That would be Open Borders Gerald Baker
Sheriff Gerald Baker is among several North Carolina sheriffs who have stopped cooperating with ICE, either by not honoring requests to detain county jail inmates whose immigration status was in question or by opting out of the federal 287(g) program, in which local authorities check the immigration status of everyone booked into the jail and pass that information along to ICE.
The Wake County Sheriff’s office used to cooperate, but, now, with Baker, they are releasing all illegal aliens, no matter the crime. And, of course he’s a Democrat.

Am I the only one who sees the real problem being that Mr Miranda-Cortazar was sentenced to only 2 150-DAY terms for two counts of sexual battery against a 13 year old? For sexual battery against a 13 year old, he should have been sentenced to two consecutive 150 YEAR terms, in the worst prison in North Carolina.
The problem isn’t that he wasn’t released to ICE custody; the problem is that he was ever released!
And if Mr Miranda-Cortazar had molested another child after Sheriff Gerald Baker turned him loose rather than over to ICE, then Sheriff Baker should have been arrested and charged as an accessory before the fact of such a crime. We need to hold these public officials accountable for the consequences of their decisions. If they don’t prosecute to the maximum extent of the law, if judges do not impose maximum sentences, if parole boards release criminals early, then those officials should be held accountable for the crimes committed by the criminals they coddle.
If someone is too dangerous to ever rejoin peaceful society, they should be put to death. Most violent crimes should be punished with the death penalty. We have already seen what happens when politicians and parole boards are held accountable: They take no risk themselves and keep everyone locked up. In effect, they completely invalidate having a parole system. Virginia did something similar with a “truth in sentencing” law. If you get convicted for 15 years, you serve 15 years. No parole boards needed.
Where lawyers are concerned there is no such thing as “truth in sentencing”. They just plead to a much lesser crime and still do a much shorter time.
And this s the result in NC.
Donald Trump – I am draining the swamp!
[…] Pirate’s Cove – ICE Blasts Wake County Sheriff For Releasing Illegal Convicted Of Sexual Assault On A Minor […]