These people have lost their minds. But, then, that’s nothing new. Remember, though, the Washington Post proclaims themselves to be non-partisan
Democracy Dies in Darkness while pleasuring itself to Resistance porn.
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) September 30, 2019
From the screed, which is not in the opinion section
What happens when a Democratic speaker of the House — third in line to the presidency, according to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 — is suddenly thrust into the Oval Office, succeeding a Republican president and vice president who resign, embroiled in scandal?
Such a scenario is attracting attention — #PresidentPelosi was trending on social media after last week’s announcement of an impeachment inquiry — even though it may seem far-fetched that President Trump and Vice President Pence would be forced from office over abuse of power related to the administration’s dealings with Ukraine or other misdeeds.
This was a more urgent question in the fall of 1973. On Oct. 10, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned, pleading nolo contendere to charges of tax evasion. Ten days later, President Richard M. Nixon ordered the firing of Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox in what is widely known as the Saturday Night Massacre. As hearings began in the Senate and the House on the nomination of Agnew’s successor, Gerald Ford, questions swirled about the possibility that Democratic House Speaker Carl Albert (D-Okla.) might assume the presidency.
Yeah, this is all about looking back to what happened during the Nixon issue. And, yes, it’s Resistance Porn
No matter who succeeds this president, or when, the Sorensen memo is a road map to restoring the dignity, integrity and basic function of the nation’s highest office. The chaos created by the current occupant’s heedless, indulgent and volatile leadership — if it can be considered “leadership†— calls for attention to the national interest and preparation to avoid the kinds of hasty, unwise judgments and actions that can result in catastrophic mistakes. Although from another time, the Sorensen memo offers sage counsel for undertaking such preparations and a plan to steady our careening country and get it back on track.

So Teach do you think you will be answering the call for civil war if the House votes for Impeachment as your Dear Leader has tweeted?
So John, do you think you’ll start killing conservatives when Trump wins in 2020?
Remember, his bunny suit has lots of guns.
Actually I never hear of liberals doing things like that
Please remember we are always anti gun😬
I do not own a gun and think the last time I even fired one was around 1976
How about yourself ? Are you prepping for the civil war ?
Trump will be impeached by the People’s House
Ohhh did you notice today the first of 3! GOP House reps who were elected in 2018 while under felony Federal indictment resigned his seat
Trump will be impeached by the People’s House
Don’t hold your breath on that one.
There’s no such thing as the People’s House in this country; maybe in Russia or Red China, but not here.
Actually I never hear of liberals doing things like that
Please remember we are always anti gun😬
Tell it to your security guards and all the people your Moslem buddies shoot up.
Not to mention the guy who shot Steve Scalise and the El Paso shooter.
Ohhh did you notice today the first of 3! GOP House reps who were elected in 2018 while under felony Federal indictment resigned his seat
Ohhh, (you put a comma there, Boob) did you notice today the Ukraine mess also strongly implicates most of the big crime families in the Democrat party?
Something else the Great Flapping Prolapse Anus forgets:
When McConnell announces the scope of the allowable defense and how long the process will go on as Democrat dirt emerges, Ms. Pelosi may become concerned about how many of her party could be destroyed by the process. She may go so far as to as to think better of going forward. If so, fine — the Dems, once again, as in the Russia hoax, will look like fools. If, on the other hand (and much more likely), she proceeds (into the moving blades of this propeller) so much the better for the President.
PS Another ToonTown character has joined us. The bastard son of Jeffery and Lyin’ Ryan while they shared the John.
And Mac Thornberry announced his retirement, not resignation.
Says TEACH’s sockpuppet… we know formwiz (Edward Sibley Doucher) is TEACH’s alter ego for smears and spreading rumors.
Well, it is certainly true that President Trump could be impeached by the House of Representatives, in that a simple majority have the power to do that, and the Democrats have the majority.
Removal by the Senate? It’s at least possible, but the odds against it are vanishlingly small.
Just three more months of 2019 remaining for President “tRump” to be impeached and convicted, or resign, or die for Mr Bodine’s prediction to come true!
Who says Pelosi Galore will hold a vote?
Maybe she’ll just let them inquire until it becomes obvious it would be the death of the Democrat party for at least a generation.
One more thought on taking an impeachment vote
When McConnell announces the scope of the allowable defense and how long the process will go on as Democrat dirt emerges, Ms. Pelosi may become concerned about how many of her party could be destroyed by the process. She may go so far as to as to think better of going forward. If so, fine — the Dems, once again, as in the Russia hoax, will look like fools. If, on the other hand (and much more likely), she proceeds (into the moving blades of this propeller) so much the better for the President.
At a minimum, a Senate trial would destroy the Bidens.
Not to mention the Choom Gang and the Ozark Mafia.
Our little mayor of his own ToonTown loves to ape the Left’s fondness for comparing Trump (or any other R) to Hitler, so he might want to consider how the future Fuhrer turned his treason trial on its ear and was able to make the Weimar crowd look like the defendants.
And now they begin their final push to overthrow the government before the election. When is a coup d’etas not a coup d’etas? When the Democrat-Communists call it an “Impeachment” to lend the air of respectability.
They still don’t get it.
And what is all this “secret” or “unidentified” source shit? Since when is a man accused of a crime denied his Constitutional right to face his accuser? This is the last push by the Deep State/Leftist/Fake News Media to overthrow the government before they have to face another losing election.
When Trump wins again in 2020 the left will go total war.
coup d’etat, where we get the word state.
Of course it’s not a coup d’état, but a Constitutional process for removing a US official. It takes a House majority and a two-thirds vote in the Senate. Oversight is an obligation of Congress.
“The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 , 5 U.S.C. 2302(b)(8)-(9), Pub.L. 101-12 as amended, is a United States federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report the possible existence of an activity constituting a violation of law, rules, or regulations, or mismanagement, gross waste of funds, abuse of authority or a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety.”
If a whistleblower has to fear retaliation from officials he or she will be less likely to come forward. Anyway, the administration released a partial transcript of the call confirming the whistleblower complaint.
It appears that Trump and his associates were true globalists, seeking to influence the Mueller investigation by contacting UK, Italy and Australian officials in trying to discredit the US CIA and FBI.
You commies have an angle to eliminate every Constitutional right afforded us don’t you? So now som preposterous Whistleblower Act” trumps the sixth amendment. And Facebook trumps the first, and Walmart the second, and so on.
When the communist left in America under the protection of the Democrat crime family and their media hustlers spends three years throwing every accusation they can think of at the President and they don’t stick including a previous and ongoing attempt at a coup then we are safe to presume the phony accusation of a telephone call by a third party twice removed from the incident being cited for impeachment IS in fact a coup and an attempt to overthrow our government.
But I’m sure the anti American left will deny that too.
This just keeps getting better.
Another tidbit to contemplate. Turns out Pelosi Galore may have a hand in the Ukraine mess.
Her legislative aide is a girl named Ivanna Voronovych, very well-connected through Ukrainian military, government, and the diplomatic service. Came here without anything to speak of and got a place at Ann Arbor.
So the Pelosis may be another Democrat crime family to go down.
Ms. Voronovych is a former intern to Speaker Pelosi and now is an employee of the University of Michigan.