Well, let’s be honest: with all the other conspiracy theories flying around from the barking moonbats, this is actually not the craziest
Vice: President Trump Is Using Impeachment to Avoid Gun Control
Vice reports that Republicans indicated Trump is torpedoing gun control, but the only Republican to whom the media outlet directly attributes a quote is Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). And Graham does not allege Trump is avoiding gun control. Rather, he says, “I think we’re really close on compromise on a grant program for protective orders, and we’re still working on background check. I’m still hopeful we can get there.â€
The rest of the quotes in the Vice column come from Democrat Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Joe Manchin (D-WV), former Rep. Gabby Giffords’ (D-AZ) colleague Robin Lloyd, and other gun control proponents.
From Vice we learn
In the days that followed, Politico reported, the senators working on bipartisan gun reform began to get radio silence from the White House about their plans. Then, on Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced a formal impeachment inquiry against Trump.
Now, the president is openly using impeachment as an excuse to bat away expectations that the White House will support gun-control legislation.
“She’s not interested in guns,” he said Wednesday at the United Nations. “Nancy Pelosi is not interested in guns and gun protection [or] gun safety.”
The whole quote would be nice
The president also said “I’ll tell you what: Nancy Pelosi is not interested in guns and gun protection and gun safety. All she is thinking about is this. She’s been taken over by the radical left, the whole Democratic Party.â€
Hours before Pelosi announced an impeachment inquiry into Trump on Tuesday, the president called her to discuss gun legislation. But, according to lawmakers familiar with the call, she soon changed the subject to his phone call with the Ukrainian president in which they discussed investigating former Vice President Joseph Biden, a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, and his son Hunter, the impetus for the impeachment inquiry.
So, it was Trump trying to discuss the issue, and Pelosi was consumed with Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine.

Whatever Trump, that magnificent bastard, is doing it appears to be working.
Trump, RNC Combine to Raise More Than $125 Million in Third Quarter, Smashing Last Quarter’s $105 Million
Lolgf losers
VIDEO – Biden Ukraine – China Scandal Laid Out Perfectly by Peter Schweizer and Mark Levin
For a bumbling idiot, Trump seems to have the magical ability to make Democrats in Congress dance to his tune.