In a normal world, you wonder if this was some sort of plant to make the Cult of Climastrology look crazy. But, this is Cult of Climastrology World, where people are yammering about eco/climate anxiety, superglueing themselves to doors and streets and stuff, and you know the rest (via Twitchy)
Woman just stood up at AOC town hall freaking out about climate change and said we have to start "eating babies"
— Kerry Picket (@KerryPicket) October 3, 2019
And, yes, there is video. Worth the watch
“Eat the babies” will be in the DNC platform within three months…
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) October 4, 2019
Would that be considered vegan? And people wonder why I mostly stopped bothering with science years and years ago when it came to ‘climate change’? Because this is not science based. Well, political science and social science. And now we’re getting mental health issues.

Eating babies might mean something a bit different from what you think.
Some crazy woman is no more representative of climate change science than some crazy man (tRump) is representative of a once-respected political movement.
Hey at least in the twitter feed they came up with a couple gems.
One person wrote its kind of an edgy policy proposal…actually thinking about eating the babies is not as far fetched as it sounds since the left loves aborting them.
The second one still has me laughing.
Read Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”, a nearly 300 yr old satirical essay, aimed at English elites and Irish gentry.
“I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricasie, or a ragoust.”
Well, we know bunny suit never read Swift.
And, at that time, most Englishmen regarded the average American as more savage than the savages.
Clearly, by your ridiculous comment, you don’t understand Swift’s satire.
We read “A Modest Proposal” in high school. If you had gone to high school, you would have too!
Interesting coming from the guy that tries to pin the Conservative/GOP/Republican label on every nut case mass shooter.
It’s a fact that many mass shooters/bombers have had anti-Jewish, anti-Black, anti-immigrant, pro-Christian, pro-Trump, white-nationalist, anti-US government motives. Charleston, Charlottesville, Pittsburgh, El Paso, abortion clinic shootings and bombings, Oak Creek, Overland Park, Oklahoma City, etc. It’s an American problem at least as worrisome as Islamist terrorism.
It is? Care to give us some proof (there’s that word, damn!)?
Most were nuts who wanted to kill Batman.
El Paso was a Lefty. So, apparently, was Vegas, and according to the FBI less than 3% of shootings occur with an AR-15.
Then, of course, there are all those attacks by Lefty creeps like Antifa that don’t involve firearms.
But don’t worry about the Moslems. Estimates say as many as a quarter who come to this country leave the faith. Just like the Hispanics.
That will rise. They see what it means to be free and they want no part of living in the 8th century.
Looks like bunny suit’s Brown Wave will be just a stain on history’s bathroom floor.
Much like himself.
TEACH2 typed: “Most were nuts who wanted to kill Batman.”
Care to give us some proof (there’s that word again!)? Didn’t think so.
No, most were nuts who were driven to violence by their hateful ideology, just like Islamist terrorists.
And Muslims, Hispanics, women, Blacks, the young, and agnostics all see the evil authoritarianism that is Trump and his hateful ways.
It’s hip for Lefty women to eat their babies’ placenta, so this is the next logical step.
Besides, as we see in MeToo and the current impeachment farce, Lefties are quite comfortable eating their own.
They’ve been doing it since the French Revolution.
Bravo, Fredo. That’s how the True Believer propagandist works. The Democrat Communist party and it’s cult of fake climate cause young kids like this girls or “Greta” and her idiot followers to go batshit crazy with fear then you come along and tie her psychosis and that of your commie comrades to Trump. So the leftist screaming “eat the babies” is just fine but Trump is “some crazy man”. You sound like your Mohammadan comrade Ilhan Omar of “some people did some things” fame. Then you cleverly (?) inject the idea that scumbag commies like yourself EVER thought of the party you cannot name was ever a respected political movement.
You and your anti American party have always hated with blind white hot hate the Party of Lincoln ever since we took away your slaves and beat the shit out of you in your last civil war. I think it’s time to give you bastards another ass kicking. See ya in 2020, loser.
Trump 2020 Before the Dems start another civil war.
Politically speaking, either tRump is a “dead man walking” or America is. Of course, tRump is no less crazy than the loon lady, but tRump is the president-for-now.
You don’t believe that decent, fiscally conservative American politicians were ever respected? Or that the party they represented was never respected? President Eisenhower? H.W. Bush? Jack Kemp? Howard Baker, Elliot Richardson, John McCain, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, John Danforth… and today the GOP has become the party of Donald John Trump, a low-rent grifter, followed by a collection of hateful, slavish followers who yearn for a white, Christian homeland at the expense of American ideals.
There has always been debate about guns and butter issues. Always. And we reached compromises, never perfect, but tolerable.
Politically speaking, either tRump is a “dead man walking†or America is
At least as far as the Left is concerned. Sounds like the bunny suit wants a civil war.
Can’t wait. The tantrum will be something to see when Trump retakes the House and expands his hold on the Senate after winning a landslide election (did you know he took more states than Zippy?).
tRump is the president-for-now.
No, he is President until 2025.
President Eisenhower? H.W. Bush? Jack Kemp? Howard Baker, Elliot Richardson, John McCain
Not a Conservative in the bunch and not too many balanced budgets among them.
a low-rent grifter, followed by a collection of hateful, slavish followers who yearn for a white, Christian homeland at the expense of American ideals.
Sounds more like the Ozark Mafia, without the Christian.
There has always been debate about guns and butter issues. Always. And we reached compromises, never perfect, but tolerable.
No, the welfare crowd got what they wanted. How else did the Demos buy votes?
Rep. Rashida Tlaib said Democratic lawmakers are exploring how to arrest White House officials who do not comply with congressional subpoenas.
Tlaib, D-Mich., told Detroit constituents at her “Congress, Coffee, and Conversation” event on Tuesday that lawmakers are focused on how best to take cabinet members into custody.
“This is the first time we’ve ever had a situation like this,” she said. “So they’re trying to figure out, no joke, is it the D.C. police that goes and gets them? We don’t know. Where do we hold them?”
Dead man walking? This is scary shit coming from a crazy on capital hill. Ill let her words speak for themselves.
Turns out not only Gropin’ Joe and Lurch had sons on the inside in Ukraine.
Now we learn Pelosi Galore’s little boy was there, too.
I guess the Speaker of the House and a few Congresscreeps can be impeached, along with arrests for Zippy, the Ozark Mafia, Gropin’ Joe and Lurch.
Define irony. The Demos try to impeach Trump and end up incriminating half their own party.
Oh, damn, 2020 is going to be fun.
Meanwhile, Rapin’ Don’s son, Baby Doc was meeting with the Russian mob in tRump tOwer. Did you hear that a Russian witness in that case “fell” from a 4th story window, but survived, and now claims to not remember anything about the case. Putin knows how to do it, which is why Rapin’ Don admires him.
I can see where this is going . . . if the Doomocrats win next year the government is going to have to update its food pyramid again.
Who still says elections don’t have consequences?
TEACH2 typed: “Most were nuts who wanted to kill Batman.â€
Care to give us some proof (there’s that word again!)? Didn’t think so.
Wrong again.
No, most were nuts who were driven to violence by their hateful ideology, just like Islamist terrorists.
60% of mass shootings are the result of nuts.
You can take the LA Times or (gasp!) Mother Jones.
I know it louses up your fantasy about white supremacists, but there it is.
And Muslims, Hispanics, women, Blacks, the young, and agnostics all see the evil authoritarianism that is Trump and his hateful ways.
No, Hispanics, women, Blacks, the young, and agnostics all see the evil authoritarianism that is the Left and their hateful ways.
So we agree on something – keeping semi-auto weapons with high-capacity magazines, perhaps all firearms, out of the hands of the those with a history of mental and emotional control issues!
Would that include avowed white supremacists, skinheads, neo-Nazis and KKK members or do you consider them perfectly sane?
Would it also include socialists, communists, AntiFa, Nation of Islam, Black panthers, CAIR and Greenpeace or do you consider them perfectly sane?
Some are, some aren’t.
Who would determine what constituted an avowed white supremacist, skinhead, neo-Nazi, or KKK member. Were they on meds? Had they shown violent tendencies (talk, as we’ve learned from you, is very cheap)?
Considering most of the Lefties running around, they show more worrisome tendencies that your average Rightist.
do you consider them perfectly sane
Saner than you.
Wow. LilTEACH attacks Kye, calling “socialists, communists, AntiFa, Nation of Islam, Black panthers, CAIR and Greenpeace” saner than Kye.
Who the hell elected you to be the spokesman for Hispanics, Mohammadans, blacks, the young(?) and the heathens? By the way, you left out queers and dykes. Are you now a homophobe?
Your rants, like those of the rest of your insane inhuman party are becoming more and more insane daily. Take a pill or something.
Trump 2020 Save the homos from Fredo!
We should all speak up for the oppressed, and speak out against those who would refer to our fellow citizens as heathens, Mohammadans (sic), queers, homos and dykes.
Let’s conduct a gedankenexperiment: Suppose tRump is not elected President in 2020 and you end up with President Biden or Warren, a Dem House and Dem Senate. What then?
We should all speak up for the oppressed, and speak out against those who would refer to our fellow citizens as heathens, Mohammadans (sic), queers, homos and dykes.
There’s this Constitution thingy that says we all have the right of free speech. It includes calling people whatever we feel like.
I’m sure many Leftists would love being called a heathen. Mohammadan is a perfectly valid description of a follower of Islam; and many of the fruits and nuts out there call themselves queers, homos and dykes all the time.
Wrong hill to die on.
And the Constitution doesn’t immunize pussies like you and tRumpBot from criticism for your slurs.
My apologies to tRumpBot and Lil TEACH. I forgot to also refer to you as X’tians.
That great defender of the First Amendment, The New York Times, today published a featured OpEd piece, entitled Free Speech Is Killing Us.
The author, Andrew Marantz of The New Yorker, made all kinds of suggestions in how we might regulate and censor speech from wicked people, including having a government-sponsored version of Facebook. Oddly enough, all of the negative examples of speech he gave were from the right; Antifa’s speech advocating violence against normal Americans drew nary a word from him.
This is not the first OpEd piece the editors of the times have published supporting a restriction on the freedom of speech; it’s only their freedom of the press about which they are concerned.
” …the First Amendment doesn’t apply to private companies. Even the most creative reader of the Constitution will not find a provision guaranteeing Richard Spencer a Twitter account. But even if you see social media platforms as something more akin to a public utility, not all speech is protected under the First Amendment anyway. Libel, incitement of violence and child pornography are all forms of speech. Yet we censor all of them, and no one calls it the death knell of the Enlightenment.”
TEACH and the LilTEACHs were suckered in by a pro-tRump group’s hoax:
LaRouche PAC, a far-right, tRump-supporting group, took credit for the stunt, tweeting:
Lyndon LaRouche PACâ€
Replying to @SharylAttkisson
It was us. Malthusianism isn’t new, Jonathan Swift knew that. Sometimes, only satire works. …
6:36 PM – 3 Oct 2019
Even they KNEW about Jonathan Swift, LilTEACH.
Actually, the LaRouchies consider themselves Democrats and Leftists. Ol’ Lynnon hated the Queen of England and Henry Kissinger.
PS Hate to tell you, but it was some Lefty nut doctor in Sweden who seriously proposed it.
There’s that quality universal healthcare for you.
Is that why they support The Teflon Don? Because they are leftists?
Just so we know the Lefties really are that weird, a link, so we all know the Swedes are no people to listen to.
Would it also include socialists, communists, AntiFa, Nation of Islam, Black panthers, CAIR and Greenpeace or do you consider them perfectly sane?