Rep Gregory Meeks (5th NY) thinks he’s on to something with this op-ed
Op-Ed: We must act now to end gun violence
New York has strong gun control laws, this is true. But there is little stopping someone from going to state with more gun stores and fewer laws, driving up or down the “Iron Pipeline†of I-95, and using that weapon here in New York. You may recall the death of NYPD office Brian Moore who was shot by a gun acquired in Perry, Ga.
Said weapon was not acquired legally. The perp, Demetrius Blackwell, stole the .38 caliber revolver from a gun store. So, it’s not like he bought it somewhere that didn’t do a background check. Which all gun stores do.
One crucial way we can reduce gun violence in our community is my instituting federal laws that set at least a floor of necessary gun safety measures, like universal background checks and closing the gun show loophole. The House passed a package of gun safety reforms last winter, H.R. 8, as one of its first major priorities after Democrats resumed leadership.
None of that would have stopped Blackwell. Further, Meeks can only offer this one example, which occurred in 2015.
After all, despite these bills being strong measures to help keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them, they are the floor of what Congress can do, not the ceiling. There are more measures that can help drastically reduce damage that can be inflicted by a singular mass shooter. Those measures include banning Assault style weapons like the AR-15 so commonly used in mass shootings, banning extended magazines which allow shooters to shoot longer without reloading.
Blackwell used none of those. Again, it was a .38 Taurus revolver. Here’s where his big idea comes in
I’ll soon be reintroducing my legislation from last Congress, the Investor Choice Against Gun Proliferation Act, which would require listed companies to annually disclose their financial relationships with the gun industry, allowing consumers and investors to make informed decision that aligns with their morals.
Let’s find a bit more about this from Meeks’ webpage
Yesterday, Congressman Gregory W. Meeks (NY-05) reintroduced the Investor Choice Against Gun Proliferation Act. In recent years, mass shootings have prompted many companies to sever ties with the National Rifle Association (NRA). This bill would require public companies to disclose their financial relationships with manufacturers, dealers and other entities in the gun industry, to increase transparency and help investors make informed decisions.
“While common sense gun reform has languished in the partisan halls of Congress, American consumers and investors have taken action into their own hands by boycotting or divesting from companies tied to the gun industry. My Investor Choice Against Gun Proliferation Act would increase transparency in order to equip investors with information so they can create a portfolio that is consistent with their morals. Tens of thousands of lives are lost every year to gun violence, and Americans have a right to know whether their financial investments are inadvertently having a negative human impact,†said Congressman Gregory W. Meeks.
It’s essentially a tattletale act, designed to make sure companies can be abused by unhinged leftists, and it pretty much violates equal protection under the law. It’s a way to force private companies to not provide any support in any way to firearms companies, driving them out of business.
BTW, if the gun companies go out of business, who makes arms for government, including police, military, and the protection for members of Congress?

The meek Mr Meeks wrote:
So, the Distinguished Gentleman from New York — who wants to increase taxes on the public but who has been delinquent in paying his own taxes — admits that criminals don’t obey the law! When they want guns, if they cannot buy them legally in the Empire State, simply go elsewhere. Yet he believes that they’ll somehow obey stricter gun control laws?
Well, why expect anything else? He’s a Democrat, and Democrats are, by definition, stupid.
Interesting take about revealing who is in bed with who.
Adam Schiff is courted by and heavily influenced by the Military-Industrial Complex. This according to Jimmy Dore a hardcore leftist progressive who was wailing and moaning when Trump was elected on the Young Turks but then had an epiphany.
NO, he did not become a conservative or a libertarian. he is still a hardcore progressive who came to realize something extremely important.
EVERY POLITICIAN IS BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. There are no exemptions. He is hardest on the Trump/Russia Collusion and now is all over this retarded Ukraine stuff while showing detailed, step by step layout of why the Democrats are in deep shit including EVIDENCE.
The freezing of funds to Ukraine happened 1 month after Trump’s call. Therefore there is no way to even infer that Trump was Quid pro quo in this conversation.
A DNC server is in Ukraine. What the HELL? The DNC has a server in the Ukraine where OBAMA/BIDEN and NUMEROUS OBAMA/BIDEN lackeys and top officials were constantly flying in and out of Ukraine below the radar. Not in secret….its, just the MSM did not report on this.
Trump asked the Prez of Ukraine to look into the MISSING SERVER THAT MUELLER WAS TRYING TO FIND….he suggested the Prez get with his atty general.
When the CIA operative inside the White House got wind that Trump was trying to get hold of the missing server from the UKRAINE, they FRAMED TRUMP.
Why would the CIA frame Trump over trying to find something the democrats have been demanding the government find for 3 years? Because they knew the government would never find it.
Rudy Giuliani went to Ukraine at the behest of the state department and not President Trump. He filed a report of everything he found upon returning. They have not gotten back to him and his report is buried and missing now.
The whistleblower contacted Adam Schiff and Schiff put out a piece in WaPo revealing this information and that his office helped the blower put together his story. This was done to soften the impact of the collusion Schiff was involved in digging up FALSE dirt on Trump.
Hunter Biden was in fact receiving money from CHINA as well.
Joe Biden said initially that CHINA was no problem for the USA and received such blow back from everyone that he then had to change his tune.
But the biggest aspect of this entire facade is the democrats are frantically trying to impeach trump when it will be revealed that Obama/Biden were in bed with the Ukrainian Government and INFLUENCING THE ELECTIONS OVER THERE………..When low and behold a COMEDIAN WON RUNNING AGAINST THE PREZ and VP of the USA and VLADIMIR PUTIN.
Are you fuking kidding me. The democrats are up to their lying lips in Ukrainian and Russian collusion and it is why the FBI, CIA, DNC and the Democratic party is trying so desperately to Get Trump and Pence out of office so they can protect their filthy scumbag Corruption that goes all the way to OBAMA.
Jimmy Dore is a conspiracy nut similar to Alex Jones, e.g., “Seth Rich was murdered by Hillary”, etc.
Dore stated that Trump would be better for America than Clinton. He was a vociferous critic of the Mueller investigation.
Some lib comedians (e.g., Dennis Miller) went nutz after 9/11, becoming hardcore militarists out of fear. Dore is another stand-up comedian who found there’s a market being a right-wing shill and loon.
Of course, he is. That’s why he presents evidence and of course, you have to Discredit him in order to prevent this kind of information from being seen as true.
He presents known facts. OMG Elwood. New York Times is reporting this stuff. So is other major outlets. He is not digging information out of some blog with 3 viewers.
NYT reports that Hunter Biden made lots of money in the Ukraine as did PAUL MANAFORT. Strangely Manafort was sent to prison and Biden was NOT EVEN INVESTIGATED as he worked alongside Manafort in the UKRAINE….according to the NEW YORK TIMES.
When Ukraine was investigating Hunter Biden’s company, Biden hopped on Airforce 2 and went over there and in his own words…threatened to Withhold 1 billion in ARMS to Ukraine if they didn’t FIRE the AG. They did, they got the money.
In 2014 the US BACKED A COUP in the UKRAINE which replaced a government that was NOT SYMPATHETIC TO THE RUSSIANS. Putin was furious.
From the Guardian: A leftist rag. 2014. The threat of war in Ukraine is growing. As the unelected government in Kiev declares itself unable to control the rebellion in the country’s east, John Kerry brands Russia a rogue state. The US and the European Union step up sanctions against the Kremlin, accusing it of destabilizing Ukraine. The White House is reported to be set on a new cold war policy with the aim of turning Russia into a “pariah state”.
This is all credible news and it is out there. No one is connecting the DOTS. It is not a conspiracy theory to say that Obama was working for Big Banks and Big Pharma by letting them write their own Obamacare and by Bailing out the banks. It is no stretch to say that as US OFFICIALS piled into Ukraine after the 2014 coup and later Hunter Biden became an official of a foreign government to surmise WHY PUTIN interfered with the 2016 election.
It was not Republican actions that cause HRC to lose 2016. It was Obama’s actions Next door to Ukraine on top of them piling on sanctions against Russia. Remember this was not Obama’s first rodeo. He also set up offices in Israel to try and Defeat Netanyahu. It seems Obama’s CIA, NSA and NDI an FBI all worked hard to destabilize governments around the world and now they are protecting themselves from TRUMP digging this dirt out of the floorboards.
Connect the dots. That’s what good journalists do. I only use Jimmy Dore because he is connecting the DOTS no matter who it OUTS. It’s the Truth, as reported by several leftist MSM outlets and yet, NO one is paying attention.
Dore stated that Trump would be better for America than Clinton.
He was certainly right there.
He was a vociferous critic of the Mueller investigation.
He knows a scam when he sees one. Just like the current farce.
Some lib comedians (e.g., Dennis Miller) went nutz after 9/11, becoming hardcore militarists out of fear. Dore is another stand-up comedian who found there’s a market being a right-wing shill and loon.
No, he sounds like his head is on straight.
And our country being attacked is a trivial thing to you? You’d have been a blast after Pearl Harbor.
OANN Is about the only small network left that is not out to get Trump. Fox news should be called the Never Trumper news Network according to Rush Limbaugh so I dont make this up lightly.
FOX NEWS is run by the murdock kids.
James Murdoch left-leaning and, according to The New York Times, “increasingly troubled by Fox News†in the age of Donald Trump.
With the ouster of Roger Ailes and now Bill O’Reilly, Rupert Murdoch’s son has overthrown his own network as he moves to reinvent the family company’s profit machine at great risk.
HE IS A LEFTIST. Running fox news as the owner. This is why FOX is filling with leftists and Never Trumpers.
I dont even watch these clowns anymore and rarely read their blog which is even more left and growing more sinister all the time.
OANN One America News Network is solidly right and behind Trump. *** *
Try it you like it. I have even set my home page to OANN instead of the ever increasing leftist rag that is Fox News.
This illustrates how extreme the American NuRight has become. Not even FOX News is extreme enough!
Huge deficits in defense of tRump are good! Subverting American ideals to Russia and China to assist tRump is good! The American working classes will have to suffer for the good of tRump! The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought! If he were allowed contact with foreigners he would discover that they are creatures similar to himself and that most of what he has been told about them is lies! The whole tradition of popular control has been exactly that: to keep people isolated, because if you can keep them isolated enough, you can get them to believe anything! We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it – power is not a means; it is an end! All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was necessary to make them accept longer working hours or shorter rations! The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice; ours is founded upon hatred!
War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength … 2 + 2 = 5
Big Don can get his followers to believe anything. Only those who now recognize DJ “Teflon Don” tRump as America’s savior are true conservatives, true patriots, true Christians.
Well, here we are again. Idiot Boy wants to list all his talking points because impeachment is really turning into a disaster for the Left.
Huge deficits in defense of tRump are good!
No, but until control of the house comes back across the aisle, little can be done.
Subverting American ideals to Russia and China to assist tRump is good!
But subverting them to Red China and Ukraine is great! And the Russians didnu nuffin.
The American working classes will have to suffer for the good of tRump!
Household income is up $4100.
The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought!
Communism neatly expressed.
If he were allowed contact with foreigners he would discover that they are creatures similar to himself and that most of what he has been told about them is lies!
About whom are we talking here?
The whole tradition of popular control has been exactly that: to keep people isolated, because if you can keep them isolated enough, you can get them to believe anything!
Divide and rule. The Lefties’ game since Lenin.
We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it – power is not a means; it is an end!
Trump was elected. The Beast wanted it seized.
And then she seized.
All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was necessary to make them accept longer working hours or shorter rations!
3rd sub basement of the Kremlin, 1935.
The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice; ours is founded upon hatred!
I dunno which one your is, but ours was founded on freedom
Impeachment is a last ditch effort by The Teflon Don to save his fat ass. He is taunting decent America to impeach him, in hopes it will give his brownshirts boners. What WILL happen is that Senate GOPhers will have to defend a “president” who repeatedly confessed publicly to “high crimes and misdemeanors”. Bill Barr, Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo may also be complicit (as are many of their underlings who are ready to flip). tRump hopes his public confessions absolves him of “obstruction.” He should get a new lawyer like Rudy did.
Remember: it is illegal for any American — a political candidate, a regular citizen, or even the U.S. president — to solicit or accept “anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election.” The Teflon Don clearly solicited help from Ukraine and now China.
All Nixon did was domestic spying on his opponent and tried to cover it up.
Median household income is NOT up $4100. We’re sure Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs etc received tens of thousands of tax cut dollars, but for American working stiffs, not so much. We notice you didn’t support your claim.
Most of the quotes were from “1984”.
The NuAmerica that you want “is founded upon hatred.”
tRump wants to keep you isolated or cloistered so that you only hear what He wants you to hear. He appeals to your “primitive patriotism” to sacrifice your own good for Him.
Foreigners are rapists and drug-runners and murderers; Blacks are violent; everyone not on His side is a communist.
You believe anything and everything that The Don tells you or that comes from His approved sources.
All hail the King of NuAmerica!