Remember, this is definitely not a coup based on Democrats being upset that they lost in 2016
Rashida Tlaib: Democrats Exploring Ways to Arrest Trump Cabinet Members
(Video at the Link) Far-left “Squad†member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) told constituents on Tuesday that her Democrat colleagues are looking into how to arrest White House officials who refuse to comply with subpoenas as part of an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.
Speaking to her constituents at a town hall in her hometown of Detriot, Tlaib said Democrats are puzzled about how to arrest Cabinet secretaries, telling voters in a video captured by America Rising PAC that they could be taken into custody if Congress votes to hold them in contempt.
“This is the first time we’ve ever had a situation like this,†said Tlaib. “So they’re trying to figure out, no joke, is it the D.C. police that goes and gets them? We don’t know. Where do we hold them?â€
House Democrats are in “uncharted territory†and “trying to tread carefully,†the Michigan Democrat went on.
“I will tell them they can hold all those people right here in Detroit,†she quipped “We’ll take care of them and make sure they show up to the committee hearings.â€
Interesting. At no time did Republicans consider arresting recalcitrant Obama officials such as Eric Holder, even when held in contempt. Team Obama was literally allowed to slow walk almost everything, and even refuse to show documents and hold back witnesses.
Authoritarians like Tlaib love using the State to enforce their will.

Well, yesterday Tlaib’s co-conspirator in sedition, Maxine Waters (C-Cal) suggested that “we” should arrest Trump and “hold him in solitary”. This is what America has to look forward to if we lose the election. Gun confiscation, speech codes and now no presumption of innocence let alone a fair trial before incarceration.
The left must be eliminated. They are a danger to all living things. They are traitors to the Constitution they swore to uphold.
Trump 2020 Toss out the left!
But it is tRump who confessed to violating the law, by soliciting electoral assistance from Ukraine and China.
Re China Breaking News: It turns out that tRump DID ask Xi for dirt on the Bidens in exchange for looking the other way on Hong Kong!
Since the punishment for treason can include death, do you recommend the “traitors” be executed?
But it is tRump who confessed to violating the law, by soliciting electoral assistance from Ukraine and China.
No, that was the Demos.
Trump asked if Ukraine would give info on their investigations to Barr and Rudy. Perfectly legal.
China Breaking News: It turns out that tRump DID ask Xi for dirt on the Bidens in exchange for looking the other way on Hong Kong!
Instead of braking your usual wind, how’s ’bout breaking a link?
Since the punishment for treason can include death, do you recommend the “traitors†be executed?
You mean like Lurch? Or Willie?.
I’d gladly pull the rope for them.
So whom exactly are you proposing to lynch? Be specific.
All the Obama administration, most Congressional Dems, the liberal judges. The list is excessive, need to start soon.
I guess in your little brain, all that the Dems have done for the last 3 years is legitimate. What a loser.
Lil Kleagle,
So you advocate the lynching of the entire Obama administration, most Congressional Dems and liberal judges. Got it. Like LilTEACH, would you like to be the one to lynch them?
We all agree they are criminals and attempted a coup. So why be nice? It would be nice to see them doing the gallows dance with a short drop.
Lil Kleagle,
So The Teflon Don, who has publicly confessed to treason and high crimes and misdemeanors, gets a free pass, but you’d lynch all the Dem politicians you could get your grubby lil hands on?
Do you have even the faintest of ideas, even a little whiff, of what America is about?
What law are you invoking that allows lynching without trials?
Oh that’s right.
Never said anything about lynching. That’s your murderous tendencies coming out.
Hanging is a lawful form of execution and, as I said, if we’re talking treason, why not?
So you are all in agreement with the coup. Now list the things Trump has done wrong.
Re China Breaking News: It turns out that tRump DID ask Xi for dirt on the Bidens in exchange for looking the other way on Hong Kong!
Wrong. A CIA whistleblower would have been on this like a fly on a turd.
Is there no mechanism for enforcing a subpoena for cabinet members and administration officials who ignore them?
TEACH typed: “Authoritarians like Tlaib love using the State to enforce their will.” Subpoenas are legal documents and ignoring them has consequences that can include fines or imprisonment. What part of “It’s the law!” do you not understand?
TEACHs go-to response is always, “But Obama!!”
We thought cons favored people abiding by the laws?
NuCons believe that obeying the law is for other people.
Correct Elwood. It is imperative that those who refuse to show up for a hearing established by the GOVERNMENT should be arrested and we have to figure out who’s going to arrest them and where we are going to stuff them.
For how long do you hold them? Would it be better if the Trump officials simply showed up and used the 5th amendment for every question? What then? Do we arrest them again because they obviously are guilty of something because they are pleading the 5th?
NuCons believe that obeying the law is for other people.
So it is clear you endorse the idea of arresting anyone who refuses to cooperate with the law.
If so then why do you defend Sanctuary Cities or Illegal Aliens? Why do you agree with Officers sworn to uphold the law to then break it by not informing ICE of their detention of known felons and why would you agree with the releasing to known felons into the population. Why do you believe it is acceptable for people to break the law and be here Illegally IF you are such a believer in the law.
You would arrest your political competition at the drop of a dime but let your own side break the law willy nilly without batting an eye. I am not sure if you are a legitimate American or not after you spoke the above words with a straight face.
TL:DR NYT Reporter: Obama WH Officials Ignored Subpoenas Too
The laws for enforcing compliance to subpoenas should be applied to all, right?
Deciding which American is legitimate or not is a sure sign of a NuCon.
I might ask you the same question. Why to you object to enforcing compliance to subpoenas but want to deport children?
An old line from a movie. Sure…..YOU FIRST.
I think the ignoring of subpoenas came from watching all of Obama’s group ignoring them. There really is little that Congress can do and with the stupidity of the Dems, why bother. I think that a large number of elite Dems are going to be going to court to try and get out of the corruption charges coming their way.
And as to the wet back kids, yes, get rid of them they are taking our money, wealth and places for American citizens.
Lil Kleagle,
Why not be a man for once and grab those kids and lynch ’em? Wouldn’t that be the lawless AmeriKKKa you crave? Where “men” like you can once again do whatever you want?
If you had your way you’d help lynch all Dems and libs, Blacks, Mexicans, gays…
You’ve read the “Turner Diaries”, right.
It is beyond apartment that the Dems have little concern for the law. We are in a civil war. Anything is ok according to you.
Why should you obey a subpoena when the other side is allowed to break all kinds of laws? Why is it okay for your side to break the law but the other side is not? I am not nor have I ever said it was okay to break the law. However the left lives with the idea that they have a holy writ from god to break the law because they have decided the RIGHT IS EVIL and they are resisting EVIL.
That is what you think is it not. The right is Evil? and because we are evil you have every right to resist with any means necessary and when the right does EXACTLY as the left has done it proves you correct. We are evil.
Is that a rant or a screed? Anyway, what laws are “my side” breaking?
The NuRight that hates Blacks, gays, Muslims and immigrants; that is calling for civil war; is evil. The calls for lynching politicians is evil. The rewarding of the wealthy political donor class at the expense of the working classes is counterproductive. The war on science is pure ignorance.
You are in true form with your ignorance. But you did make a statement on science. You are the only one here that has no concept of science. Which is strange as you say you eliminated cancer.
Why do you want smugglers to sex traffick Children into the USA illegally?
We don’t believe we’ve ever approved of that.
Is there no mechanism for enforcing a subpoena for cabinet members and administration officials who ignore them?
If we’re talking Congress, it can hold them in contempt, but enforcing that would be up to the Executive.
Funny how that works out.
TEACH typed: “Authoritarians like Tlaib love using the State to enforce their will.†Subpoenas are legal documents and ignoring them has consequences that can include fines or imprisonment. What part of “It’s the law!†do you not understand?‘
A subpoena may be quashed if a court finds it invalid in some way.
What part of “It’s just a political hit without merit!†do you not understand?
TEACHs go-to response is always, “But Obama!!â€
Nobody did it more than Zippy.
We thought cons favored people abiding by the laws?
The only cons you know are Demos doing 10 to 20.
NuCons believe that obeying the law is for other people.
No, that’s Old Demos. Also young ones.
Eric Holder Is Defying the Law by Resisting Subpoena
WASHINGTON — The White House said Tuesday night that it would refuse to allow its director of political strategy to testify Wednesday before a Republican-led House committee investigating whether the administration had illegally conducted political activity in the West Wing.
I wonder if those guys are still in a secret prison somewhere? Perhaps Elwood could enlighten us as to where they are staying. I think there time is up.
The penalty for refusing to comply with a subpoena can be a fine or imprisonment, but is more often resolved by compromise, depending for the reasons for lack of compliance.
Is that what happened with David Simas (not sure why you conflated with Eric Holder)? Don’t know. Ask the Republicans who ran the House then.
“David Simas, the director of the Office of Political Strategy and Outreach was subpoenaed, but the White House refused to allow him to testify before Congress. In a letter to Congress, White House Counsel Neil Eggleston claimed Simas was “immune from congressional compulsion to testify on matters relating to his official duties†and thus would not appear before the committee.”
I’m not conflating anything. The simple truth is the left is beside themselves that Trump refuses to let some individuals WHO HAVE ALREADY TESTIFIED to testify again.
Obama on the other hand flat out refused subpoena’s and it was only after the courts stepped in and ordered him did he release documents. The people still never testified.
Where do the republicans have those people stashed?
Then there is this GEM after Trump said the Obama admin didnt cooperate.
On Tuesday, former senior Obama administration officials pushed back on Trump’s comments, insisting there was extensive cooperation during past investigations.
Buh, but hold on. FROM CNN hardly a partisan organization.
But two years later, under court order, the Obama Justice Department did turn over nearly 65,000 pages of Fast and Furious-related documents.
And in 2016, the Justice Department released additional documents pertaining to Fast and Furious, as ordered by a federal judge.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL……………and then this gem today.
Andy Wright, a former associate counsel to President Barack Obama in the White House Counsel’s Office and a former staff director and counsel to the House Oversight Committee, flatly denied that the Obama administration did not respond to congressional oversight inquiries.
“He is prone to being sort of all or nothing,” Wright said of Trump. But “compartmentalization is part of the job.”
“In order to be able to handle oversight in a good faith manner you’ve got to be honest and you’ve got to be able to compartmentalize on the different requests,” he continued, later adding that though he doesn’t think this is Trump’s final position, “this is the initial position.”
THIS FROM PBS: Obama administration sets new record for withholding FOIA requests.
Clinton asserted executive privilege 14 times, some of them not in writing, but in 1998 became the first president since Nixon to have his use of the power struck down in court.
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Five times presidents sparked controversy using executive privilege
BY ZACK BUDRYK – 05/08/19 04:17 PM EDT 47
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Five times presidents sparked controversy using executive privilege
© Getty Images
President Trump invoked executive privilege to prevent the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s full report on Wednesday.
The move came just ahead of a House Judiciary Committee vote on whether to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for his refusal to turn over the unredacted report and underlying evidence despite a subpoena.
Presidents have used executive privilege to withhold information from Congress, the courts or the public and have sparked major controversies in the past.
Here are five recent examples and their outcomes.
Richard Nixon
Nixon invoked executive privilege six times during his presidency, mostly related to the Watergate break-in that led to his resignation.
In the 1974 case United States v. Nixon, he asserted his right to withhold information in response to a demand by special prosecutor Leon Jaworski that he surrender tape recordings made in the Oval Office.
The Supreme Court ruled unanimously on July 24 against Nixon’s argument that under executive privilege, he had the right to withhold sensitive information from other branches of government.
While the Court noted there were cases when executive privilege was necessary to protect confidential communications, Nixon’s rejection of the subpoena did not fit the bill.
“We conclude that when the ground for asserting privilege as to subpoenaed materials sought for use in a criminal trial is based only on the generalized interest in confidentiality, it cannot prevail over the fundamental demands of due process of law in the fair administration of criminal justice,†Chief Justice Warren Burger wrote. “The generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.â€
Nixon resigned weeks later.
Ronald Reagan
Reagan invoked executive privilege on three occasions, most notably in 1986 during the confirmation process for Associate Justice William Rehnquist, his nominee for chief justice of the Supreme Court.
Reagan used the privilege to prevent the release of memos Rehnquist wrote when he was an adviser to former Attorney General John Mitchell. The memos covered 1969 to 1971 and included material on the killing of four Kent State University students by members of the Ohio National Guard in 1970 and an attempt by Nixon’s so-called plumbers to steal the psychiatric records of whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg.
Within a week, the White House reached an agreement with the Senate Judiciary Committee to turn over the documents, largely brokered by former Sen. Paul Laxalt (R-Nev.), a close ally of Reagan’s.
Rehnquist went on to be confirmed 65-33.
Bill Clinton
Clinton asserted executive privilege 14 times, some of them not in writing, but in 1998 became the first president since Nixon to have his use of the power struck down in court.
Clinton sought to invoke executive privilege to bar independent counsel Kenneth Starr from questioning aides, including deputy counsel Bruce R. Lindsey and communications adviser Sidney Blumenthal, in connection with Clinton’s relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Chief U.S. District Judge Norma Holloway Johnson ruled that Starr’s need to collect evidence trumped Clinton’s interest in keeping the conversations confidential, echoing the rationale in U.S. v. Nixon.
George W. Bush
The Bush administration invoked executive privilege six times, four of them in the summer of 2007. Notably, in August 2007, Bush invoked executive privilege to shield White House adviser Karl Rove from a Senate Judiciary Committee subpoena relating to the firing of nine U.S. attorneys.
Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) pushed back, saying that Bush was not involved in the firings and as such could not invoke executive privilege.
When a House panel subpoenaed Rove on the same issue in 2008, he claimed to be exempt under the same assertion of executive privilege.
The House Judiciary Committee voted 20-14 to hold Rove in contempt of Congress. The full House never took up the contempt citation against Rove.
Rove eventually testified before the panel behind closed doors in March 2009.
Barack Obama
The Obama administration asserted executive privilege in June 2012 in response to a House investigation of Operation Fast and Furious
Nearly four years later, District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled against Obama’s assertion of executive privilege,
AND THEN the documents were turned over.
In doing searches every search engine and google is the worst Bashes trump for pages before giving up these gems for the sheep to see the real truth.
So should everyone obey the law. YEAH….YOU FIRST!
Pardon the above. I edited out all the junk and they put it right back in. Be careful when Using the HILL as a source, unless you want a mess like the above.
Careful. TEACH banned the last commenter to leave long comments.
No, he banned your cartoon character for attacking him personally.
You can’t even tell the truth about yourself.
*Pnc. Jeffery Keene
*Private No Class
Edward S. Dutcher needs to control his mongrel!
We don’t believe we’ve ever approved of that.
Nor have we approved of disobeying subpoena’s.
The NuRight that hates Blacks, gays, Muslims and immigrants; that is calling for civil war; is evil. The calls for lynching politicians is evil. The rewarding of the wealthy political donor class at the expense of the working classes is counterproductive. The war on science is pure ignorance
I dont believe I hate blacks, gays, Immigrants or Muslims. Is this a screed or a rant? So you would endorse my assessment that it is okay to resist the right because we are EVIl and that gives you license to break all manner of laws while holding those on the right accountable????
I just saw this on another blog but it MUST be a hoax.
“CNN won’t allow evidence exposing the official narrative to be seen by its viewers.
CNN is refusing to air a new Trump campaign ad documenting the corruption of Joe Biden surrounding his son’s personally lucrative involvement with a Ukrainian gas company.
The ad, titled, ‘Biden Corruption,’ exposes Biden’s self-serving and personally conflicting effort to get Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating his son Hunter’s involvement with a company called Burisma. Hunter Biden was paid millions of dollars by the foreign oligarch-owned gas company without any prior experience in the natural gas industry.”
A major network wouldn’t/couldn’t refuse to air an ad by a President running for office, would they. I mean, that’s pure communist tyranny right there and obliteration of the first amendment if there is no way for all sides to be heard. Or have the Fake Media now become the decision makers on what and who American citizens can hear?
We really need to get rid of these people.
Trump 2020 End the tyranny of the left.
They are not obligated to run tRump’s propaganda. You think the 1st Amendment compels private companies run every piece of shit they’re sent? That’s a bizarre idea.
Would FOX run a Biden ad presenting the evidence that Donald J. Trump raped a 13 yr old girl at Epstein’s NY mansion? Or that he raped an acquaintance in a department store dressing room? What about the videos of tRump fondling his teen daughter?
They are not obligated to run tRump’s propaganda. You think the 1st Amendment compels private companies run every piece of shit they’re sent? That’s a bizarre idea.
They are a public carrier, after all, but it would seem to show how afraid the Lefties are of Trump that they can’t debate him on the strength of his message and ideas.
Just like Jeffery.
Would FOX run a Biden ad presenting the evidence that Donald J. Trump raped a 13 yr old girl at Epstein’s NY mansion? Or that he raped an acquaintance in a department store dressing room? What about the videos of tRump fondling his teen daughter?
When you find any, let us know.
Edward Sibley Douche knows DJ tRump has no ideas, but is full of shit and lies.
That’s you, sweetheart.
Trump’s ideas have done this country good.
Lil TEACH typed: “Trump’s ideas have done this country good.”
LOL. That’s why over half the country dislikes him.
Lil TEACH doesn’t know what constitutes a public carrier. What’s new?
Here is Katie’s description of her final encounter with the pedophile DJ Trump at Epstein’s – there are many pages of the 13 year old describing her rapes by Rapin’ Don and Pedo Epstein. Whoever runs against Rapin’ Don should run these ads, don’t you think?
On Katie’s final trip to New York, there was another encounter.
Katie got Tiffany to stay in the room.
Katie says of ‘Trump’: “He was pretty rough with me, I was already tied to the bed.
“I didn’t really know it was gonna be that, he pushed me around and tore off my clothes.”
“It was like he was going for one thing, it was basically to have intercourse and I started crying and I asked him to stop and I asked Tiffany to come over, but he kept on.”
Katie says Tiffany tried to intervene, but she was pushed away.
Katie says: “He slapped me and told me to shut up and then he ripped my panties off.
Katie says: “Trump basically said that I should be proud that he would even allow me the opportunity and if I got pregnant I could get an abortion.’
Katie says that ‘Trump’ threw $400 on to the floor.
Katie says: “Epstein came in and he saw that there was money on the floor and got mad, he asked if I had asked for the money and said that he was gonna be the one to pay me and said it wasn’t mine to take.”
Tiffany Doe corroborated Johnson’s’ allegations
A common carrier is defined by U.S. law as a private or public entity that transports goods or people from one place to another for a fee. The term is also used to describe telecommunications services and public utilities.
Apparently Jeffery Loves Kids is the one who doesn’t know.
Katie Who?
And in which court was this adjudicated?
As always, Idiot doesn’t know about hearsay’s inadmissibility.
Edward Savors Dung may have forgotten what he typed earlier. You first called CNN a public carrier. Now you’re calling CNN a common carrier. Which is it?
Is your point that CNN must run any video it receives?
Lil TEACH doesn’t know what “hearsay” is either. But then, there’s a lot he doesn’t know.
Are you now saying that a candidate’s ad must be based on information adjudicated in court????
Mr. Biden should run ads with a 13 yr old actress reciting what Ms. Johnson said in her depositions. Another ad could be Ms. Carroll describing how Donald John Trump raped her in Bergdorfs department store. Another could be any or all of Donald J. Trump’s accusers of sexual assault. How about one with Stormy Daniels describing her encounter with Donald J. Trump, and how he had Michael Cohen pay her off to stay quiet (remember DJ is also Individual One in this crime)?
Should CNN, FOX, NBC, facebook, CBS, OANN be forced to run these ads?
And just to review the fascist nature of the neo-democrat communist left:
There was no coup or attempted coup. The investigations by Mr. Mueller were perfectly legal and Constitutional. The impeachment investigation is perfectly legal and Constitutional.
tRump calls it a coup because he and his drones are lying scoundrels.
After getting caught, The Teflon Don confessed publicly to the crimes. Why? To soften up the public. How could it be wrong if he admits it in public? Sure it’s treason, but treason is legal if The Teflon Don does it.
The House should rapidly put their case together and impeach his sorry ass, leaving it to Senate GOPhers to defend his high crimes and misdemeanors.
His tRumpBots are irrelevant. He could skullfuk a ______ in the Rose Garden and the tRumpBots and Lil TEACHs would still worship Him.
If the Senate convicts him, good for America. If they don’t, he will be convicted of his other crimes unless he makes a deal and resigns. Thinking the American people will re-elect this decroded piece of crap is laughable. He is disintegrating before America’s gaze.
The investigations by Mr. Mueller were perfectly legal and Constitutional. The impeachment investigation is perfectly legal and Constitutional.
Keep repeating it.
Love Is Hate.
Peace Is War.
You may even believe it.
tRump calls it a coup because he and his drones are lying scoundrels.
tRump calls it a coup because his persecutors are lying scoundrels.
After getting caught, The Teflon Don confessed publicly to the crimes. Why? To soften up the public. How could it be wrong if he admits it in public? Sure it’s treason, but treason is legal if The Teflon Don does it.
No, he repeated what he’d said back in May when the Demos and Fake News weren’t anywhere near as desperate.
The House should rapidly put their case together and impeach his sorry ass, leaving it to Senate GOPhers to defend his high crimes and misdemeanors.
The house not only has no there there, their Chief Inquisitor has violated the rules and is liable for an investigation of him.
His tRumpBots are irrelevant. He could skullfuk a ______ in the Rose Garden and the tRumpBots and Lil TEACHs would still worship Him.
Bunny suit is into necrophilia, it seems.
If the Senate convicts him, good for America. If they don’t, he will be convicted of his other crimes unless he makes a deal and resigns. Thinking the American people will re-elect this decroded piece of crap is laughable. He is disintegrating before America’s gaze.
We keep hearing this, but each time there is no there there.
The mayor of ToonTown should concentrate on all the Demos, where there is plenty of there there.
PS Even his epithets are copied from other sources. Has he ever had an original thought?
Little sissybitch be losin’ it.
Bwaha lolgfy loser!
LilFluffy, the crotch sniffin’ mongrel, is back with more fluffin’.
So whom exactly are you proposing to lynch? Be specific.
You seem fixated on lynching. I guess that’s because you only pay lip service to the law. I said hanging. Typical you can tell the difference between lawful execution.
So you advocate the lynching of the entire Obama administration, most Congressional Dems and liberal judges. Got it. Like LilTEACH, would you like to be the one to lynch them?
Now he’s got a new epithet for us now that the others don’t seem to raise a fuss. I’m so offended.
Democrats and lynching go hand-in-hand, so I guess it’s really your thing. Too bad the Conservatives are so well-armed. I guess you’ll have to stay in hiding.
So The Teflon Don, who has publicly confessed to treason and high crimes and misdemeanors, gets a free pass, but you’d lynch all the Dem politicians you could get your grubby lil hands on?
He laid out his desire to contact foreign governments and the Demos and Fake News saw nothing wrong in it. Where is this confession to treason and high crimes and misdemeanors?
And I want to see them indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced to life without parole.
Hangin’s too easy.
Do you have even the faintest of ideas, even a little whiff, of what America is about?
What law are you invoking that allows lynching without trials?
Oh that’s right.
david does more than you, but then you’ve told us of your hatred for this country, its origins, its laws, its people, and it’s values.
As for law, he invokes the same one Democrats did for a few centuries. Yours is the party of the lynch rope, after all, although Committees of Vigilance, enforcing the law when duly constituted authority has been unable or unwilling is another matter. Adherence to due process is not the province of government alone.
Many a good man has been lynched by government. Democrats, of course, pulling the rope.
GOP Commercial – Joe Biden, What are you hiding?
Edward S. Dutcher needs to control his mongrel!
No, far better to let Jeffery L Keene make an ass of himself.
Edward Sibley Dutcher just never gets it!
While Elwood goes round and round about who knows what Something interesting is overlooked.
In Ukraine, several people were tried, found guilty and went to prison for MEDDLING IN THE USA ELECTION FOR HILLARY CLINTONS BEHALF. DOCUMENTED and heard on audio tapes bragging about it.
The MSM…said nothing to see here, can you please explain why you gave a tax cut to the rich?
Meanwhile exposed in Ukraine is the fact that low and behold, who shows up and begins diving deeply into the UKRAINE….Yep you got it, George Soros. The MSM says nothing to see here.
Meanwhile, The DNC moved to the UKRAINE, HIRED A HIT LADY to dig up dirt on Paul Manafort before TRUMP EVEN ANNOUNCED. The DNC in Ukraine was crawling with Democratic operatives including many from Biden and Obama’s inner circle.
The MSM says, nothing to see here, meanwhile, Rudy Guiliani is a mass criminal for being asked by the state department to go to the UKRAINE.
MEANWHILE in Ukraine, the chief investigator goes to OBAMA’s appointed ambassador in the UKRAINE whom Trump has not replaced and says we have tons of evidence in the DNC interfering in the election in the USA. What does the ambassador do? SHE DENIES THEIR VISA REQUEST TO TRAVEL TO THE USA.
The MSM says, nothing to see here.
Then we get the earth shaking election that rids the Ukraine of all the Soros/Biden/Obama/HRC corrupt officials leading the country and 4 months later Trump calls and says you have a lot of corruption in your nation and the prez agrees. I know. Trump says and by the way we would like you to find the missing server and the prez says we are looking for it now.
In short….in the context of what I have written on this blog, Trumps phone call is steep in DNC corruption using foreign assistance to meddle in USA elections, trump asks the prez to please look into it and to get with his AG for assistance.
NOW heres the RUB. Obama was GREATLY assisting the Ukraines and the DNC in digging up dirt on TRUMP and everyone says nothing to see here. When trump asks the Ukrainian Prez to look into it…..he is a criminal.
Tell me there is no shadow government at work in this world.
I’ve been reading and seeing the same information as you D&G and every other awake American since this coup began including WATCHING Biden on tape admit he TOLD the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden and his company or he would pull a billion dollars in aide. Leftists must think everybody is as stupid as Fredo to think we can’t see the treachery and sedition in what they are doing.
For the head of state to ask another for help in an investigation used to be called “cooperation” now since it’s Trump the left calls it a crime. We cannot run a nation where half of it wants to create a banana republic where officials are determined by who survives the next coup. We also cannot run a Republic when the Democrat Communists want their political opposition impeached from office, sued, incarcerated and executed along with their associates, family and pets. The DemComs have finally crossed the line into full blown despotism.
Trump 2020 Keep America free from Tyrants.
Glen beck has a great timeline up which he did yesterday. You can probably find it on youtube. Interesting fact. HE USES FACTS.
UKRAINE actually put several people in jail for meddling in the USA election on behalf of the DNC and HRC with documents and audio recordings. EVIDENCE. The MSM says nothing to see here.
The deep state says nothing to see here.
The FBI, CIA, NSA, NDI all says nothing to see here. THE MIC say nothing to see here. Get this fuking trump out of office.
It is indeed a banana republic and I now have started laughing whenever we show this inclination to want to go to war with other countries because they are corrupt. WE TAUGHT THEM ALL EVERYTHING THEY KNOW.
The Fascist tRumpBot keeps repeating the tRump claim of a “coup”.
You Keep Using That Word; I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.
DJ tRump admitted he solicited electoral help from a foreign country (obvious since it was in the sanitized “transcript”).
The tRumpBot repeats the 2020 Trump Campaign lie about Mr. Biden.
He knows exactly what it means and it strips your drivel of any justification.
DJ tRump admitted he solicited electoral help from a foreign country (obvious since it was in the sanitized “transcriptâ€).
Well, that transcript is the only one around and it says he encouraged Ukraine to clean up its act and asked for co-operation.
The tRumpBot repeats the 2020 Trump Campaign lie about Mr. Biden.
you mean the one that came out of his won mouth?
LilTEACH keeps repeating the tRump claim of a “coupâ€.
You Keep Using That Word; I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.
I never said coup. So you lie yet again.
You also keep using a tired old movie line.
You must have no imagination whatsoever.