This is fantastic. If the ballot measure doesn’t pass, it’s a hilarious blow to the Cult of Climastrology. If it does pass, they are essentially self-owning themselves by destroying their ability to use energy
Ballot Measures Could Let Voters Act on Climate Change
IF lawmakers again fail to pass a law regulating Oregon’s greenhouse gas emissions next year, voters could be called on to do it.
Three initiative petitions filed with the Oregon Secretary of State’s Office Monday would require the state to phase out electricity sources that contribute to global warming, and transition to a carbon-free economy by 2050, Oregon Public Broadcasting reported .
If they proceed to the November 2020 ballot, the measures would likely usher in a bruising ballot fight. But one of the organizations spearheading the efforts, clean energy coalition Renew Oregon, is hoping the measures instead add urgency to next year’s legislative session.
“Our priority will continue to be the cap-and-invest bill,” said Brad Reed, a spokesman for Renew Oregon. “We will put all of our energy to that. But we cannot afford for the state and for the people to not have bold climate action next year.”
The carbon cap bill has been in the works for over a decade, and was the focus of a tussle in the Legislature this year. The proposal flamed out amid a walkout by Senate Republicans and disunity in Democratic ranks. Opposition to House Bill 2020 was stiff among some business groups and rural voters.
So, first off, it’s cute how the carbon tax is now called “cap and invest.” I’m guessing the “invest” part is about enriching government coffers and such, while giving a pittance back to the citizens who would be sca-rewed!!!!! by the energy cost rise, which would devastate the cost of living. I wonder how many Warmists would quickly leave the state of Oregon?
Second, what in the heck is a carbon free economy? The state would not be able to operate without fossil fueled vehicles doing all sorts of things, I’m sure you can imagine what. Will they ban all fossil fueled vehicles from private ownership? How will they stop the US Post Office from delivering? How about USPS, FedEx, and now Amazon? How about all the fishing and passenger boats? Will they stop use of all the airports in Oregon (and there are even more which are private)? How about the four US military bases in Oregon, as well as the National Guard bases? How about all the imports coming in on ships powered by fossil fuels? And tourism?
Seriously, how utterly boned would the state be if the initiative to be 100% carbon free passed? Actually, I’d love to see it pass, so that it could be a lesson in either 1) failure to make it happen or 2) screwed beyond belief and living like it’s 1499.

In the great laboratories of democracy, sometimes you get penicillin, sometimes you just get moldy bread.
The article described transitioning to a carbon-free economy by 2050, which is over 30 yrs from now.
Will we replace all fossil-fueled airplanes and boats by 2050? Unlikely.
CO2 does nothing except feed plants and we actually have a deficit of CO2. There is no such thing as climate change so these laws are a fraud.
Can you explain what you mean by a “deficit of CO2?” What is the right amount of CO2?
You’re not saying that the Earth isn’t warming, are you? Or do you mean that the warming is not caused by the increase in CO2?
It’s neither.
Your clumsy efforts to trap people into admitting they buy your little scam are risible.
Can you explain what is meant by a “deficit of CO2?”
Internal combustion is the most efficient method of moving things.
The proposed legislation in Salem featured a taxpayer “rebate” in the form of a “$1000 Tax Credit”.
That didn’t mean that you’d get an extra $1000 in your return, it would have been a deduction of $1000 applied to your AGI, which would have netted you $30 — not enough to fill your gas tank once.
What Is a Tax Credit?
A tax credit is an amount of money that taxpayers can subtract from taxes owed to their government. Unlike deductions and exemptions, which reduce the amount of taxable income, tax credits reduce the actual amount of tax owed.
If it really is a tax credit, it’s $1000 off the taxes owed, therefore saving $1000.
If it’s a deduction, you are correct.
Unless it’s the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is, essentially, a subsidy.
Well, it was billed as a “Tax Credit”, but the fine print showed it to be a deduction.