The guy running for President doesn’t understand the Bill Of Rights
We’ve been saying that they hate the church, want to take your guns, want to control you life for decades and decades… Bobby Francis has done more for us in 6 months than 50 years of GOP campaigning.
— Rusty Shackelford (@rshackelford14) October 11, 2019
From The Blaze
CNN’s Don Lemon asked O’Rourke how far the government should punish organizations for following traditional religious beliefs about marriage.
“This is from your LGBTQ plan, and here’s what you right, here’s a quote, ‘freedom of religion is a fundamental right but it should not be used to discriminate,'” Lemon said.
“Do you think religious institutions, like colleges, churches, charities, should they lose their tax exempt status if they oppose same sex marriage?” Lemon asked.
“Yes,” O’Rourke said simply to loud applause from the LGBTQ audience.
“There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for any one or any institution, any organization in America that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us,” O’Rourke added.
“And so as as president, we’re gonna make that a priority,” he said, “and we are going to stop those who are infringing upon the civil rights of our fellow Americans.”
Gays can always go to another church to get married. But, Progressive World is all about forcing other people to believe what Progressives believe, using the government as the stick.

One more communist anti-religion slug working to destroy the fabric of America. In communist countries, they take away everything that can possibly give people pride in their country or their lives which does, in fact, include religion. This is the progressive left’s message.
If one remembers Russia going after Muslims in their country and Muslims responding by terrorism in Russia. China has 1 million Muslims locked up in Concentration camps.
This is what Beto and friends want for America. Oh no, they don’t want it, but it is where their plans and policies end up when you let people have unchecked power. Just look at how out of control the FBI has been since it was founded.
In fact, the FBI said in interviews that their primary objective was to keep PROGRESSIVES OUT OF POSITIONS OF AUTHORITY and of course they used Socialists/communists and not Progressive but the word is synonymous today and they were actively working to decide who should be elected and hired.
Seriously. This is what Progressives want for America today. A shadow government running our lives and the constitution shredded because they don’t like it anymore.
But don’t the conservatives control the Senate, the courts (including SCOTUS), the White House and most statehouses? The CIA and FBI, for their faults, have been headed by Republicans for decades.
What we’re actually getting is the conservative wet dream of authoritarianism, but with the “right” authoritarians, i.e., anti-abortion, anti-immigration, anti-science, anti-truth, anti-labor, anti-tax, anti-environment, anti-regulation, anti-UN, pro-military, pro-business, pro-wealthy, pro-Christian, pro-Caucasian… but NuCons won’t be pleased until they dismantle the threats to white, Christian privilege, e.g., equality for LGBTQ, Blacks, women, immigrants, non-Christians. Until then, Cons are the victims of the great Islamic/Commie/global warming conspiracy! But then, Cons are always the victims of global conspiracies.
This is why 40% of Americans have undying loyalty to Trump.
When was the last time a GOP Prez candidate won the popular vote? 2004? And before that it was 1988? Not bad domination for losers.
More like 53%.
The CIA and FBI, for their faults, have been headed by Republicans for decades.
But Zippy weaponized the for the Demos. Fussy little detail.
What we’re actually getting is the conservative wet dream of authoritarianism, but with the “right†authoritarians, i.e., anti-abortion, anti-immigration, anti-science, anti-truth, anti-labor, anti-tax, anti-environment, anti-regulation, anti-UN, pro-military, pro-business, pro-wealthy, pro-Christian, pro-Caucasian… but NuCons won’t be pleased until they dismantle the threats to white, Christian privilege, e.g., equality for LGBTQ, Blacks, women, immigrants, non-Christians. Until then, Cons are the victims of the great Islamic/Commie/global warming conspiracy! But then, Cons are always the victims of global conspiracies.
anti-science, anti-truth? When he tells the truth and actually understands scientific principle, he may have something.
anti-tax, anti-environment, anti-regulation? Only Lefties like taxes and Most Americans want to be rich. Takes a Commie to say otherwise and regulation is how they entangle everything so nothing gets done unless it’s what they want. The “environment” is the big excuse.
pro-business, pro-wealthy, pro-Christian, pro-Caucasian? Of course he hates them. They’re what made America great.
equality for LGBTQ, Blacks, women, immigrants, non-Christians? Who do you think wrote the Constitution that guaranteed equal rights? Who do you think passed the civil rights laws that enforce those rights? And what you mean is special privilege for any group Lefties think will vote their way.
When was the last time a GOP Prez candidate won the popular vote?
Next stupid question.
“What we’re actually getting is the conservative wet dream of authoritarianism”
Right, right, it’s authoritarian to attempt to reduce government control of people’s lives.
Like keeping people from marrying whomever they please?
Like forcing women to have babies?
Calling immigrants unAmerican?
Agreeing with Trump’s every notion?
“When was the last time a GOP Prez candidate won the popular vote? 2004?” In reality we can’t answer that question, Fredo. Due to all the leftist voter fraud, harvesting, and such along with the willful cover up of that fraud by the left’s accomplices in the Deep State and the Fake News Media we will never know for sure. Like all authoritarian governments the left in America actually controls everything. They just bitch and complain from time to time when a GOP liberal wins.
Now when Trump won they freaked out because they knew he couldn’t be bought and wouldn’t play ball. That’s why it’s been a three year coup/civil war against America by the left. You guys haven’t been this pissed off since we took away your black slaves. It’s interesting you asked but I assume the GOP won “something, sometime” (to paraphrase the little commie mohammadan Ilian Omar) to have actually been president or did you leftists just give them the title?
Trump 20 20 Stop the commies in the Democrat Party before we’re like Cuba!
Liberals don’t understand how a Constitutional Republic works. Heck, how many Republicans just stayed home in NJ, NY, California, Colorado, because their votes were meaningless?
Besides, we know what you Democrat Commies think, ask Brennan, your hero.
Brennan:“People are innocent until alleged to be involved in some type of criminal activity.†There’s a typical leftist in America today and a true hero of the Fredo’s everywhere. Just throwin’ out that “innocent until proven guilty” shit along with the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 10th. Leftists never did care about the Constitution and they are all bullshiters about human rights (unless it helps their power).
Another unnoticed victory for Trump and America.
Lolgf libs.
Last night Lizzy Warren supports trumps Decision to pull out of Syria. Rachael Maddow was aghast. She asked warren on to bash trump and she did the worst thing a debater did. Ask a question when you don’t know the answer you’re about to get.
So now Elwood. Does that mean Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria is wrong which means so is lizzy Warren and the rest of the progressive left who wants out of the Middle East period.
Remember you guys used to march in the streets until Obama got in office promising to PULL OUT only to keep troops there for 8 full years and even escalate.
Now Trump is trying to pull out with Warren agreeing and I wonder which way the left will pivot now since the radical left which all the candidates are catering too will soon be right behind Warren and TRUMP on this.
Trump is playing the left like a fiddle. He has literally taken their positions and adopted them for himself forcing them to go over the water fall left. Now he is pulling out of Syria and the left is in a tizzy as to what to do. There is only two options. AGREE or Become War Mongers like you seem to be doing.
In effect by doing this Trump is forcing all those Bernie Bro’s to vote for Trump cause it will be Warren vs Trump in 2020 and Warren realizes this but she has one huge problem. She is smack dab in bed with Corporations and Trump doesn’t take a penny from Corporations even though he is not really against corporations so guess what.
More Bernie Bros for Trump in 2020 along with more Hispanics and more Blacks means a royal Arse kicking for the Dems. Which is why they are so desperate to impeach him so they don’t have to run against him.
And OMG…..REPUBLICANS BEWARE….IF you vote to impeach Trump YOU ARE GONE in 2020 or 2022. Toast. Just like AOC is doing to the house, the voters themselves will do to anyone who votes in the senate to impeach the prez, barring some dastardly deed like Trump having Sex with Hillary Clinton while Bill Films it. Then yeah, Trump is toast.
Beta O’Rourke doesn’t think that the Second Amendment means anything, and that he can confiscate Americans’ legally owned firearms, so why should we be surprised that he doesn’t think that the First Amendment would prohibit the government from trying to regulate religion and impose financial penalties if churches don’t comply?
Like keeping people from marrying whomever they please?
That’s always been the case. Can’t marry a 7 year old. Can’t marry a mental defective (how’d you slip through?). Can’t marry somebody with VD. Can’t marry your pet cat. Can’t marry your sister.
Like forcing women to have babies?
Like murdering babies? You’d have been one of Himmler’s finest.
Calling immigrants unAmerican?
No, it’s the people who want to import illegals so they can stack the ballot box who are Un-American.
Agreeing with Trump’s every notion?
We’ve yet to see a bad one.