Of course, the unhinged notion of white guilt, which has been building among the crazy Democratic Party base for most of this decade, is somehow linked to Trump. And, let’s not forget, while Dems yap about it, they never really do anything about it. Because, at their heart, they’re still the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation, and blocking immigrants. Now, though, they just leave blacks down on “plantations” in inner cities, beholden to the Government while living in dangerous places, often in squalor
How ‘White Guilt’ in the Age of Trump Shapes the Democratic Primary
When Donald Trump was elected, John Olsen felt enraged by the racial tension that fueled his rise, the silence of his white neighbors and the stories of racial discrimination he heard from his nonwhite friends.
Black friends said they were followed around department stores, so Mr. Olsen, who is white, became a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He thought that white Americans were scared of the country’s growing Latino population, so he joined the League of United Latin American Citizens. He now registers voters weekly, including with the League of Women Voters, to atone for his “white privilege,†he said.
“I try to have my bases covered,†said Mr. Olsen, 50, who wore a N.A.A.C.P. T-shirt to a campaign rally for Senator Kamala Harris here last week. “It just hurts my heart that white people are afraid of the country’s growing Hispanic population. And I just can’t allow that to continue.â€
See, this only started during Trump’s term. Someone should explain to him how many Latino’s Obama deported.
White liberals — voters like Mr. Olsen — are thinking more explicitly about race than they did even a decade ago, according to new research and polling. In one survey, an overwhelming majority said that racial discrimination affects the lives of black people. They embrace terms like “structural racism†and “white privilege.â€
The shift in white liberal attitudes on race might be a permanent one, helped along by a changing media environment and heightened cultural sensitivity, or it could be a more fleeting reaction to the current polarized moment.
Interesting. Who was president for most of the last decade?
Either way, it means that in the Democratic primary, candidates have an incentive to talk to white voters explicitly about race — an incentive that is especially apparent now that a half-dozen Democrats are intensifying their campaigning in the key early states of Iowa and New Hampshire.
But, how will this work out during a general election? Does anyone think that the general voting population is going to appreciate being told they’re all racists and horrible people?
After a few paragraphs about Kamala Harris and her Victimhood over being a black woman running (does anyone want to mention the affair she had with Willie Brown, speaker of the California House, double her age, that launched her career?) and How Hard it is and stuff, we get
But in the era of Mr. Trump, and after social movements such as Black Lives Matter pushed racial inequality to the forefront of national politics, it’s white Democrats in Iowa and New Hampshire — not black ones in South Carolina — who, to this point, are embracing the candidates who promise to upend society in the name of racial equity.
Really, though, do they care? Or are these just the Talking Points they’ve learned in order to be Woke in their little Modern Socialist circles? These same Woke leftists will block the Trump admin sending illegal aliens detained at the border to their own communities, which tend to be pretty darned white.
According to research by Zach Goldberg, a Georgia State University doctoral student, the attitudes of white liberals like Ms. Neff have moved dramatically in a short time.
In 2010, about 40 percent of white liberals said “blacks who can’t get ahead in this country are mostly responsible for their own condition.†Now, that number has dropped to 24 percent, and more than 70 percent of white liberals say “racial discrimination is the main reason why many black people can’t get ahead these days.â€
Which is very interesting, because it is the policies of white liberals which have caused the disparity, where it exists, because they are the ones running most of the big cities. Republicans do not run Detroit, Chicago, NYC, Newark, Camden, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, and even places like Houston and New Orleans. But, again, what are these white liberals doing about it? They talk a big game, but, much liker their beliefs in anthropogenic climate change, it is all talk, no action. Are they giving their money away? Firing their white employees and hiring blacks? It’s a long, long article, but, actions are missing. Because, let’s face it, Democrats really do not care, they’ve just learned to express certain platitudes.

White Western leftists are determined to destroy the culture that has brought more freedom and prosperity to more people than any other in the history of mankind. All because we aren’t perfect and will never be.
From their self defeating anti white racism to their similarly self defeating pro sexual deviancy the left has proven itself unfit to lead. Here’s 3 minutes of the CNN LGBTQCRAZY Town Hall. It sounds like these fools are candidates in Sodom or Gomorrah.
Sidebar, notice how Corny Booger throws out the “White supremacists are responsable for more terrorist attacks than Mohammadans” shit. Now we know where Elwood “Fredo” Dowd gets his fake talking points.
Trump 2020 Make perversion unacceptable again.
Don’t know a Corny Booger, but actually, what the commenter calls “shit” is supported by the evidence. Even a cursory search on the internet confirms this.
from September 12, 2001 through December 31, 2016 the US suffered 225 terrorist events: 62 from far-right extremists (killing 106) and 23 by Islamist extremists (killing 119).
There have been other far-right attacks in 2017 to the present, including the letter bombs from a Trump supporter (no one killed), Charlottesville (1 killed), Poway (1 killed), Pittsburgh (11 killed), NYC (1 killed), Portland OR (2 killed), Orange County (1 killed), El Paso (22 killed). Islamist and anti-right wing attacks: NYC (8 killed), Antioch TN (1 killed), Alexandria (0 killed).
Even the DHS recognizes the threat.
I guess if one considers every attack by a white person for any reason on any other person or entity as a terrorist act then the whites win hands down. But in reality we all know (those of us who are not in denial and who do not harbor a visceral hate for white people) that Mohammadans have murdered more Americans in terrorist attacks than any other modern group. There was a time when whites, then known as Democrats and Confederates murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans in their first attempt to overthrow the US government to protect their ownership and abuse of black slaves and their subsequent murder, rape and lynching of blacks by their KKK storm troopers until the mid 20th century. I assume the curreent Brownshirt of the DemoKKKratic Communist Party, Antifa, will step up their terrorist attacks on non-communist conservatives, Republicans, Christians and non elitist whites until the re election of President Trump.
Currently it is these Demokkkrats that instill terrorism in America when they try and stop political opponents from holding non violent rallies only to be assaulted, attacked and terrorized by the left for doing so.
And you certainly do know who Corny Booger is, you seem to get many of your hateful and cruel anti American, anti white and anti Christian ideas from the deep inferiority Booger reveals in his speeches.
Trump 2020 Keep the crazies out of government.
By all means, rather than just deny evidence, please present better evidence!
Wow, one must go back 150 yrs when southern Dems were conservatives!
Finally admitting that Southern whites tried to overthrow the US in the mid 1800s to maintain slavery? Thank goodness for President Lincoln.
In fact, during the last half-century, racist Southern whites have abandoned the Democratic Party for the Republicans. There are few liberal or moderate Republicans left, agreed?
Why do Black Americans vote for Democrats instead of Republicans? (Yes, it’s a trick question, even a trap!)
Hate to tell you, but Wiki and Politifact aren’t the best places to get stats like that.
El Paso was a Lefty, so was Vegas, and I notice he leaves out all the Moslem and Antifa incidents (even Politifact admits 119 individuals were killed by radical Islamist violent extremists in 23 separate incidents; more to the point, wiki (which is extremely biased on this (they don’t even mention the Cherry Valley Massacre or any of those during the French and Indian Wars) even concedes 19 incidents inspired by left-wing ideologies and eco-terrorism resulted in fatalities. These terror incidents caused 7 deaths).
And DHS has lots of Deep State holdovers.
Cherry Valley NY massacre? Care to describe the relevance? Also rarely discussed as a terrorist attack is the My Lai massacre where between 347 and 504 unarmed people were killed by U.S. Army soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade, 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division.
The Cherry Valley NY massacre was an attack by British and Iroquois forces on a fort and the village of Cherry Valley in eastern New York on November 11, 1778, during the American Revolutionary War. A mixed force of Loyalists, British soldiers, Seneca and Mohawks descended on Cherry Valley, whose defenders, despite warnings, were unprepared for the attack. During the raid, the Seneca in particular targeted non-combatants, and reports state that 30 such individuals were slain, in addition to a number of armed defenders.
The relevance, dumbass, is that the Wiki article you linked mentioned the Gnadenhutten Massacre, but left out Cherry Valley
Pick up a history book some time. I know you think slaughtering helpless people is OK if they’re white patriots, but this one made history.
It was far worse than that because the Limeys were bent on taking over upstate New York and Cherry Valley was the nadir of the campaign. At least 70 people were killed and about half the prisoners never returned, so we know what happened to them. How many of those who got away died of exposure (early November and the weather was cold, foggy and snowy) or later respiratory infections.
Washington was so outraged when he heard the news, he ordered 5000 otherwise badly-needed Continental troops to counterattack and drive the Tories and Iroquois back into Canada. I may have had some ancestors in that fight.
And, while we’re talking relevance, what relevance has My Lai got? You can’t even get a positive number on how many were killed.
You love to invoke domestic terrorism. That was well outside CONUS.
And we didn’t mention ANY attacks older than 9/11. The comparisons were between right-wing and Islamist terrorists. By all means venture back centuries and add in all the Islamist attacks desired.
We understand changing the subject, though.
TEACH typed: “Because, at their heart (DEMS), they’re still the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation, and blocking immigrants. Now, though, they just leave blacks down on “plantations†in inner cities, beholden to the Government while living in dangerous places, often in squalor.”
Never forget. With conservatives, it’s ALWAYS projection. The NuGOP is the party of neo-Nazis, KKK, skinheads, sovereign citizens, anti US gov’t, anti-immigration, anti-gay, white nationalism, and anti non-Christians.
For several decades, the GOP and Dems supported economic policies… education, labor, trade, tax, patent, fiscal, and monetary that transfers wealth from the working classes to the rich. These policies differentially affect poor minorities. And whether Dem or GOP, CONSERVATIVES have supported policies (e.g., redlining, covenants) that forced minorities into urban ghettos and the threat of anti-minority violence that reinforced the need for minorities to huddle.
TEACH typed: “Does anyone think that the general voting population is going to appreciate being told they’re all racists and horrible people?”
So is being exposed to the truth of majority privilege such a bad thing? It’s not the same as telling people they’re racists and horrible, is it?
TEACH typed: “…actions are missing.”
It’s clear we need to correct the GOP economic policies… education, labor, trade, tax, patent, fiscal, and monetary that transfer wealth from the working classes to the rich. We need to reverse the Reagan Revolution.
Bunny suit thinks he’s clever trying to foist on us all the hate and racism oozing from his own comments.
For several decades, the GOP and Dems supported economic policies… education, labor, trade, tax, patent, fiscal, and monetary that transfers wealth from the working classes to the rich. These policies differentially affect poor minorities. And whether Dem or GOP, CONSERVATIVES have supported policies (e.g., redlining, covenants) that forced minorities into urban ghettos and the threat of anti-minority violence that reinforced the need for minorities to huddle.
Who ran a lot of those big cities? Democrat machines.
Who let which party have their way all the time? Whigs letting the Demos get anything they wanted.
And whether Dem or GOP, CONSERVATIVES have supported policies (e.g., redlining, covenants) that forced minorities into urban ghettos and the threat of anti-minority violence that reinforced the need for minorities to huddle.
Guess which candidate currently running was forced out of his first Presidential bid for buying a house with a restrictive covenant? Gropin’ Joe Biden.
Guess where the threat of anti-minority violence that reinforced the need for minorities to huddle was the worst? The Solid South of the Democrats.
My mother was born in 1909. Good Irish Catholic. Never heard her once talk about the threat of anti-minority violence that reinforced the need for minorities to huddle in Republican-run Philadelphia.
It’s clear we need to correct the GOP economic policies… education, labor, trade, tax, patent, fiscal, and monetary that transfer wealth from the working classes to the rich. We need to reverse the Reagan Revolution.
Go back to the New Deal, with its love of segregation and institutionalized racism?
And you might want to recall that Reagan always had to contend with a Democrat House. He needed Demo votes to get what he wanted. Largely because his policies were so popular.
So I guess we’re talking about Commies. Nice you finally came out of the closet.
Politically, anyway.
Please J, you sound like you’re just phoning it in now. “Neo-Nazis, KKK, skinheads, sovereign citizens, anti-government, anti-immigration, anti-gay, white nationalism..â€. What a bunch of BS. Have any proof of your “assertionsâ€? Of course the typical lib playbook-anti-illegal immigration means anti-immigration. And what’s a “sovereign citizenâ€? Someone who loves their country. The horror. “And a monetary policy that transfers wealth form the working classes to the richâ€. And what monetary policy would that be? Tax cuts don’t “transfer†anything anywhere. You get to keep more of your own money. In fact, the real transfer of money would be increasing taxes, as the money is transferred from your pocket to the government. What a clown show…
Wait- I must have that transfer of money J was talking about! From 2018-2018, almost everyone’s income went up except the “richâ€. https://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2019/10/10/the_economic_news_from_the_census_bureau_is_very_good_103941.html
Here’s the actual Census data that the linked article “interpreted”.
The fact is that the gradual increase in median income has been increasing for at least the last 4 years.
So you admit median income has increased under Trump?
Yes, the median household income increased in 2017 and 2018. It also increased in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Following the Great Recession, median household income started to increase in 2013 and has continued, for example $62,626 in 2017 and $63,179 in 2018, not statistically different.
It was flat during the Bush II years (9/11 and Iraq invasion), but was starting to recover when the 2008 Great Recession hit (housing bubble crashed + some Wall Street shenanigans).
And from the depths of the Great Recession in 2012 ($55,900) through the end of 2016 ($61,779), we saw nearly a $6,000 (10.5%) increase (2.6%/year). The rate of growth in 2017 and 2018 (1.1%/year) has only slowed slightly from the 2012-2016 period. Who knows, maybe 2019 will be better!
Here’s a US Census dept discussion of measuring median income.
You do realize the Feds were cooking the books to make Zippy look good.
Labor force participation, unemployment were all faked by excluding vast numbers of long-term unemployed.
Zippy did zip for the American people. That’s why even blacks call him halfa cracka.
(housing bubble crashed + some Wall Street shenanigans)
housing bubble crash cause by Democrats, Beast and Zippy prominent among them, + some Wall Street bribes to Democrats)
And are we talking about the Fed run by Spanky Bernanke? The one that kept rates low to make Zippy look good?
And is that the same article that said you were an utter jerk for not actually reading it?
Proof? Didn’t think so.
This is typical for tRumpublicans – deny, deny and deny. Fake news! Hoax! Scam! Cooked the books! Only tRump and his sycophant victims are to be believed!
And yes, the recovery of household income after the Great Recession started years before Trump took office. It’s the tRumpublicans who are cooking the data.
But we dare not point out any lies so as not to upset Mr. gitarcarver’s delicate sensibilities.
And you forgot to mention that contrary to your idiotic “transfer of wealthâ€, the very wealthy’’s income went down.
Oh, he’s trying to make some cool point about how Zippy started it all.
He leaves out that only one sentence, This is the fourth consecutive annual increase in median household income for family households, has anything to do with the last Administration.
The rest is all about the jump in the last 3 years.
And he doesn’t seem to realize RCM is a subsidiary of RCP, which he quotes now and again, so he disses one of his own sources.
A commenter typed: “This is the fourth consecutive annual increase in median household income for family households, has anything to do with the last Administration.”
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Ask yourself how Mr. Trump increased median household income in 2015 and 2016.
Commenter typed: “The rest is all about the jump in the last 3 years.”
That the increase occurred in 2017 and 2018 is not supported by the evidence.
Make up your own minds and ignore Trumpublican talking points…
That the increase occurred in 2017 and 2018 is not supported by the evidence.
Silly little sissybitch denies her own citation.
Lolgf dumbass!
Is this or is this not 2019?
So that’s 4 years. In any case, the article makes the point the years Trump was God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne were the significant ones
The data from the Fed clearly demonstrates the largest increases after 2012 occurred in 2015 and 2016, before Trump took office.
How did Trump increase median household income in 2015 and 2016? Let us know if the graph is too hard to interpret and we can help.
Lolgf dumbasses!
Maybe Mr. gitarcarver can help the other commenters.
Too bad nobody ever taught you to read a graph.
Things don’t get better until ’16.
TEACH typed a smear of Senator Harris for no particular reason: “does anyone want to mention the affair she had with Willie Brown, speaker of the California House, double her age, that launched her career?”
Senator Harris dated Brown in the early 90s, some ten years after Brown and his wife separated. Harris was unmarried. She first ran for office in 2003, several years after she dated Brown.
What is the relevance of their ages? Trump, like his buddy Epstein, likes women on the younger side. He was 60 when he married the 35 yr old nude model, Melania. The man-whore in chief had extramarital affairs with younger the Marla, Stormy and Karen (just the confirmed ones). He’s been accused of 3 rapes and over a dozen other sexual assaults. He paid Stormy $130,000 hush-money just before the election and is named as Individual 1 in the crime that sent his attorney Michael Cohen to prison.
Bill Gates had a lot of contact with Epstein. Is bunny suit going to tell us Gates was another child abuser like Willie?
And nobody’s confirmed anything about those “affairs” since Ms Daniels said for years nothing happened.
Trump, like his buddy Epstein, likes women on the younger side. He was 60 when he married the 35 yr old nude model, Melania.
At least she was of age. Rubens married his best friend’s daughter, age 15. She posed nude, too. Youth is always appealing.
Up to a point.
He’s been accused of 3 rapes and over a dozen other sexual assaults
Accused. Not proven. You’ve been accused, too. So I guess you really did it. But it’s interesting you keep bringing this up. You sound as if you’re jealous of the man. He marries beautiful women. You hang out with little boys. You beat your wife.
The issue is Chlamydia would be nothing if she hadn’t banged Willie Brown, who’s quite dubious of her Presidential ambitions.
And we didn’t mention ANY attacks older than 9/11. The comparisons were between right-wing and Islamist terrorists. By all means venture back centuries and add in all the Islamist attacks desired.
We understand changing the subject, though.
You were the one who linked the Wiki piece without even reading it.
Proof? Didn’t think so.
for God’s sake, you of all people should know better than to ask me for proof.
Christopher Dodd’s hanky-pank with the banks was all over the Net. After him, the top recipients of bank donations were the Hildabeast and his towel boy, Zippy.
Here’s your buds at RCP and more, moron, about the Friend of Angelo and Congwethman Fwank.
You know I always have the goods.
This is typical for tRumpublicans – deny, deny and deny. Fake news! Hoax! Scam! Cooked the books! Only tRump and his sycophant victims are to be believed!
We tell the truth.
And yes, the recovery of household income after the Great Recession started years before Trump took office. It’s the tRumpublicans who are cooking the data.
Sure, that’s why so many people voted for Trump.
Anywho, some truth about recovery and unemployment and the cost of living and how the bunny suit can lie about it all.
But we dare not point out any lies so as not to upset Mr. gitarcarver’s delicate sensibilities.
No, you dare not point out any lies so as not to not to get your ass kicked by the facts.
Is it really that hard to notice that J tries to make the 2010-16 increases that started from practically nothing and continued to a nearly almost something level seem like some kind of divine obamananza? Even though zippy did all he could to keep growth in the crapper, the inevitable rise (from zero) can’t even begin to compare to the boost that even the most desperately poor saw from almost the moment DJT won.
Will defer to Mr K. & FW, who seem to do a pretty good job in debunking what the studies cited by jeffery used as criteria for determining what constitutes “right supremacist” vs “islamic terrorism”,,
Just as it’s hard not to notice (I know I’m not the first) that by only counting “islamic terrorism” since 9/12/01, (You know, the day after “some people did something”) the actual death toll due to muhammadmaniacs can’t help but be deliberately skewed in vast opposition to reality. (the lefts stated preference for “truth” over “facts”, one can only suppose..)
Kind of like trying to argue that low sales of blinking lights from 12/26 thru labor day means most Americans don’t celebrate Christmas any more…
Funny that the party “fighting White Supremacy” is selecting their top three candidates as geriatric rich White people. (Sleepy Joe, Sanders, Warren)