You have to read that headline in a robotic, emotionless voice, as the talking points have gone out
- State Department probe of Clinton emails finds no deliberate mishandling of classified information
- Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no ‘deliberate mishandling’
- State Department finds no ‘deliberate mishandling of classified information’ related to Clinton email server
- Clinton email probe finds no deliberate mishandling of classified information
- State Dept. Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Finds No Deliberate Mishandling of Classified Information
That’s just a smattering of those news outlets who even bothered to cover this, with headlines and articles meant to protect Hillary and say that she is completely innocent, that she did nothing wrong.
Of course, if this was really about Hillary, you’d just say that she was incompetent
A State Department report into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server for government business, obtained by Fox News on Friday, found dozens of individuals at fault and hundreds of security violations.
The report summarized an administrative review of the handling of classified information relating to Clinton’s private email server used during her tenure as the nation’s highest-ranking diplomat between 2009 and 2013. The report, dated Sept. 13., was delivered to the office of Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa., who was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee until last year.
The report reflected only approximately 30,000 emails that the State Department was able to physically review, and found 38 individuals were responsible for 91 violations.
Another 497 violations were also found, although the report was not able to assign responsibility in those cases, in part because many of those involved had already left the department during the time it took to receive the emails and review them.
The “no deliberate mishandling” part is not about Hillary Clinton, but about the employees who sent the classified information to her, most who probably had no idea that she had an insecure, home brew server.
The department concluded that the use of a private email system “added an increased degree of risk of compromise, as a private system lacks the network monitoring and intrusion detection capabilities of [the] State Department.â€
“While the use of a private email system itself did not necessarily increase the likelihood of classified information being transmitted on unclassified systems, those incidents which then resulted in the presence of classified information upon it carried an increased risk of compromise or inadvertent disclosure,†the report said.
Strange that the report didn’t conclude that it was 100% against State Department and federal government policies. But, hey, must protect the Precious. Where this you or me, we would be in jail. Hillary is part of the Political Aristocracy, so, nothing will ever happen.
BTW, she still lost the 2016 election by the rules. Get over it, Trump haters.

As I said to Elwood, the Right does not imprison their opponents, unlike the left who is obsessed with putting Trump in Prison for smashing the little snowflakes drifting lazily on the cool misty morning air waiting to join the collective on the ground before they turn into a pile of shit.
LOL. Good one!! What? You’re serious?
“Lock her up! Lock her up!”
tRump and his cult use the language of authoritarians. It’s the tRumpublicans who want Obama, Clinton, Holder, Biden etc imprisoned.
Never forget, with Cons it’s always projection.
In the ideal America, we don’t imprison people without due process.
State Dept does pretty much what it feels like. That’s why any President who got anything done diplomatically created his own.
tRump and his cult use the language of authoritarians. It’s the tRumpublicans who want Obama, Clinton, Holder, Biden etc imprisoned.
Funny how we expect the law to be enforced.
Never forget, with Cons it’s always projection.
Even though it’s the Lefties who are the ones always doing it.
In the ideal America, we don’t imprison people without due process.
And on what is this ideal based? Stalin or Mao?
What about all those “ lock her up†chants ??
Who was saying that st the Trump rallies?
People who want to see justice done?
Our esteemed host wrote:
One would have thought that her minions at the State Department, an organization filled with the graduates of Ivy League universities, would have guessed that an email address ending in might not be secured by the Department or properly preserved under the Official Records Act. Of course, I just went to a silly old state school, so what do I know?
In the words of tRump and AG Barr, Sec Clinton was “totally exonerated”.
Get over it, Clinton Haters.
Try again.
tRump is pushing the debunked conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not tRump’s handler, Putin was responsible for the Russian hacks of the DNC servers.
It’s no surprise that tRumpbots adopt all tRump’s bizarre conspiracies.
tRump asked the Ukrainians to “find” the “missing server” in exchange for hundreds of millions of US taxpayer dollars.
Why does tRump always back Russia over America?
“Crowdstrike” has become a catchphrase for our tRumpbots, akin to “Benghazi”, “commie”, “Lock her up!”and “emails”.
tRump is pushing the debunked conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not tRump’s handler, Putin was responsible for the Russian hacks of the DNC servers.
Too bad Trump isn’t pushing anything. This all came out of Gropin’ Joe’s big fat mouth.
It’s no surprise that tRumpbots adopt all tRump’s bizarre conspiracies.
No, it’s no surprise that Lefties adopt all of the Ozark Mafia’s bizarre conspiracies. It’s the only way to explain their inadequacies.
tRump asked the Ukrainians to “find†the “missing server†in exchange for hundreds of millions of US taxpayer dollars.
No, he asked for co-operation in a US criminal investigation. Gropin’ Joe told Ukraine fire the prosecutor or I’ll tell Zippy you can’t have any money.
Why does tRump always back Russia over America?
Again, it’s the Demos doing that. I remember the night Dan Blather was practically in tears telling the country the Soviet Union was no more.
“Crowdstrike†has become a catchphrase for our tRumpbots, akin to “Benghaziâ€, “commieâ€, “Lock her up!â€and “emailsâ€.
It has? I don’t recall that, but you start looking at it and you realize the Beast tried to use Ukraine for the same purpose she claimed Trump tried to use Russia.
The rest is all projection.
And those are catchwords. MAGA is a catchphrase.
On the subject at hand, what State says is one thing, but did you know there is evidence the Beast sent all those emails to Red China?
Tons more here.
Wotta surprise, Zippy weaponized State like he weaponized Justice and Treasury.
Next time bunny suit wants to tell you how popular Trump’s impeachment is, once you dig into the crosstabs, you find the sample was 56% Democrat
And some data from the TX rally
53,985 voters identified
12% have not voted in the last 4 elections
21.4% Democrat
11% Latino
Looks like bad news for the Demos next year if 20% of the turnout is Democrat.
Four polls have been reported in the past week, asking if the Beast should be impeached/removed.
Those favoring impeachment/removed were 46, 51, 52, 53%.
Americans, tired of the unfit Beast, want to see the inquiry continue.
The Beast lost the ’16 election, so she can’t be impeached.
Those favoring impeachment/removed were oversampled 56/42.
Americans, tired of the unfit Beast, want to see the inquiry continue.
Sorry, even Democrats are getting tired of the soap opera. Lots of articles on the subject.
Find a new hobby horse.
And the word is removal.
tRumpBot typed: Those favoring impeachment/removed were oversampled 56/42.
All the recent polls showing over 50% favoring the impeachment inquiry were not legit??
Lots of articles refuting your BS.
It seems the polls have settled in at about the same percentage as those who disapprove of The Beast from the East’s performance. Only Stormy Daniels rates his performance worse. But he has taken his time fukking America.
All the recent polls showing over 50% favoring the impeachment inquiry were not legit??
Interesting how you don’t even ask which poll. Let’s see some crosstabs. I’ll bet the same result.
Lots of articles refuting your BS.
Link some.
It seems the polls have settled in at about the same percentage as those who disapprove of The Beast from the East’s performance.
They have? Right now his performance is 5 points higher than Zippy’s at the same point.
Only Stormy Daniels rates his performance worse.
Interesting since she said for years he never laid a hand on her.
But he has taken his time fukking America.
No, that’s the Demos. Trump’s only been in office a bit over 2 1/2 years.
How close was your prediction for our last election in 2018?
Trump must be a bit worried about keeping Texas red if he has to hold s rally there
Most Rs hoped for a few House seats, but nobody was prepared for the level of vote fraud.
Did you predict Cruz and Tim Scott would be supported by a third of blacks and Hispanics?
And he rallied in TX because he wants as big a turnout as possible.
Can’t trust those Democrats, y’know.
PS No Surrender Monkey bull, or has it been impressed upon you that the Kurds Erdogan wants to go after are the ones mobbed up with a Commie terrorist organization?