Let’s face it: Syria is not an issue most Americans really care about. There are only about 2,000 U.S. military members in the nation, mostly as advisors. The issue of the Kurds is concerning, but, what would 2,000 military members actually do? The only thing that was a concern was when Obama set a red line, and then failed to back it up. Remember, Obama placed it on the international community. And, interestingly, Obama’s name never comes up in this CNN “analysis” which really is attempting to make a Russia Russia Russia connection
US is out of the picture in Syria-Turkey crisis. Putin now owns this mess
As US President Donald Trump hailed the agreement his administration negotiated with the Turks for northern Syria as “a great day for civilization,” the Turks quickly dumped cold water over the White House’s euphoria, refusing to even call the deal a ceasefire.
Only a few hours later, airstrikes and artillery fire could be felt in northern Syria as the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces accused Ankara and its proxies of severe ceasefire violations.
The mood both in Washington and in the Middle East is that the ceasefire is not the real deal. It expires on Tuesday, October 22, the same day Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recip Tayyip Erdogan will meet in Sochi to discuss the future of Syria. It seems pretty clear: that’s when the world will find out that the real deal will be for the future of this volatile region.
It’s also clear that the future will, to a large extent, be determined by the Russian President. With Trump’s abandonment of the Kurds, America’s main allies in the fight against ISIS, and his de facto green lighting of Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria, the White House maneuvered itself out of the Syria equation. For better or worse, Putin now owns the military and political mess unfolding there.
But unlike the Trump administration’s hectic efforts at last-minute diplomacy to try to end the bloodshed it helped unleash, Putin at least seemed like a man with a plan.
Russia immediately started negotiations with the Kurds and Moscow’s main ally, the Assad government, quickly reaching a deal to allow the Syrian military into Kurdish-held areas where Damascus has not had a presence for years in order to stave off the Turkish-led offensive. Moscow also quickly deployed its own military as a buffer to keep the Turks and their forces apart from the Kurds and Syrian government troops.
Trump’s plan is pretty easy: don’t have U.S. military members in Syria, which has had a civil war going on since 2011. Yes, 2011. It was part of the wider Arab Spring, which, if you remember, Obama blew off. Hey, remember when Syrian strongman Bashar Assad was being called a reformer by the Obama administration?
Anyhow, CNN sure seems to love Putin now, eh? When they can try to bludgeon Trump with the issue, right? Through the next 15 paragraphs, which include a section about all roads leading to Moscow (um, Syria has been a client state of Russia (and Iran), in their sphere of influence, for a long, long time, like back during the Cold War era), they laud Putin
(Arab Weekly) Obama handed over the whole Syrian file to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Obama was once outraged by the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons against its opponents in Eastern Ghouta and threatened to use the tremendous firepower of the American giant. Aircraft carriers and naval ships ploughed their way towards the Mediterranean and the parliaments of US allies were mobilised. It was the brink of a major war.
Suddenly, here came Putin, offering to take care of the “dirty work†on behalf of the world’s major democracies. “Do not dirty your hands and let me do it my way,†he told them. Indeed, Putin delivered Syria’s chemical weapons to the world. Damascus handed over its arsenal and Washington and the western alliance handed Syria over to Putin.
Since Obama gave the green light to the Russian leader to begin his military intervention in Syria in September 2015, Sergei Lavrov and John Kerry — Russia’s and the United States’ highest-ranking diplomats at the time — established the sacred texts in politics, security and the military that keep the Western world abreast with the Russian baptism of fire in Syria.
We never should have gotten involved in the first place
(Huff Post) Obama’s geopolitical strategy is also going badly. What once seemed a hopeless stalemate between what remains of the regime of Bashar Assad and various anti-Assad forces changed dramatically when Russian air power entered the war.
The turn against American influence began not yesterday but in fact three years ago, amid what seemed at least to Obama to be a successful turn of events.
That three years ago was 2013, when Obama handed over the keys to Russia. The U.S. was barely involved at that time, other than some advisors and diplomacy. But, somehow, this is all Trump’s mess. CNN is like “Obama who?” Despite blaming everything bad on George W. Bush during Obama’s first term. The only thing really missing is a direct blame that Trump is doing Putin’s bidding.

So trump’s poor decisions are excused by President Obama’s poor decisions?
George W Bush’s mistakes were Obama’s fault, as are trump’s.
This is a Con template:
The great economy during Clinton’s terms were thanks to Reagan. 9/11 was Clinton’s fault.
The expanding economy passed on from Obama was trump’s doing. And on and on.
Good morning stupid.
Looks as if you and Johnny Retard should get a room.
Bwaha. Lolgf losers.
So trump’s poor decisions are excused by President Obama’s poor decisions?
Trump has yet to make a poor decision. Zippy couldn’t make any other kind.
George W Bush’s mistakes were Obama’s fault, as are trump’s.
If you mean subprime, that’s so very true.
The great economy during Clinton’s terms were thanks to Reagan. 9/11 was Clinton’s fault.
Oy, George, I think he’s got it.
The expanding economy passed on from Obama was trump’s doing. And on and on.
1% growth is not great. 88 million people out of work is not great.
Just one correction. Zippy NEVER made any decisions. He was just a puppet that looked good and spoke well.
There he is !
That rascal surrender monkey
Trying to somehow convince us that Trump did not now to Putin’s wish to have the USA pull out of Syria and leave our allies between the Turks and the Russian/Iranian backed Syrian forces
Don’t think many will be convinced that Trump has recklessly deserted our most reliable allies in that region, the Kurds
And of course Israel is alarmed at the USA surrendering the Mideast to Russia/Iran
Trying to somehow convince us that Trump did not now to Putin’s wish to have the USA pull out of Syria and leave our allies between the Turks and the Russian/Iranian backed Syrian forces
The Kurds getting their heads handed to them are Commies.
Don’t think many will be convinced that Trump has recklessly deserted our most reliable allies in that region, the Kurds
The Demos left Eastern Europe and SE Asia in the lurch IIRC. Trump isn’t recklessly deserting our most reliable allies in that region. The Israelis can take care of themselves.
And “the Kurds” are not being left in the lurch, only the ones who are Commies.
Each new POTUS inherits problems
Obama got a completely crashed economy and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
Trump is now cutting and running from Afghanistan and now Syria
Some may think that is the wrong policy, most are the same people who formerly faulted Obama fir not keeping 180000 troops longer in Afghanistan
Now Trump is having direct talks with the Taliban (Kabul not present) and is walking away from support of the Kabul Government
No cut, no run. Unless you want to tell us how Zippy and Gropin’ Joe cut and ran from Iraq.
Now Trump is having direct talks with the Taliban (Kabul not present) and is walking away from support of the Kabul Government
Lie. Unless you want him to make it a US territory, the point is, we’ve been there long enough to make the A-stan government capable of defending itself.
Unless, you’d like to go over there and join the Afghani army.
It’s all Obama’s fault (and now Biden’s since he leads tRump in the polls)!!!!
Sorry, Charlie… but Rapin’ Don needs to grow up and take responsibility for his actions, including his rapin’.
Is he Rapin’ Don or Surrenderin’ Don? Flip a coin.
Silly little sissybitch tries so hard to remain relevant.
She really really does.
She’s a gift.
Lolgf little missy.
TEACH is a silly little sissybitch.
Your boys first. I see where the living half of the Girl Sandwich just endorsed Gropin’ Joe.
It’s all Obama’s fault (and now Biden’s since he leads tRump in the polls)!!!!
You mean the ones where the sample was 56% Demos?
Is he Rapin’ Don or Surrenderin’ Don? Flip a coin.
More like Peacemakin’ Don or Better Economy Don. And, unlike most Demos going all the way back to LBJ, the two are not mutually exclusive.
Seems to me that all the radical leftists like Fredo and John want is war, war, war. We never had any business in Syria and for you guys to support our soldiers dying for “Kurds” is an abomination. Trump is correct we should bring all our troops back from these needless, never ending Middle East wars. And if John thinks that the Kurds are or most reliable allies in that region he needs to tell us what they have done for America. The Kurds are just another Mohammadan sect vying for dominance over the others. And they want us to continue to shed our blood to do it.
I know Fredo and John are two great warriors but I think they’re wrong on this one. I also wish Trump would get the rest of our troops out of every ME country. Let them slaughter each other but not Americans.
Seems to me that all the radical leftists like Fredo and John want is war, war, war.
You can go back 100 years and most of our wars were started by Democrats.
Trump is correct we should bring all our troops back from these needless, never ending Middle East wars.
You can probably make a case to keep some nearby, but most of our current mess can be traced back to Willie and Zippy.
Get the fools and the philanderers out of the White House and you really don’t have the problem.
The Kurds are just another Mohammadan sect vying for dominance over the others.
Not really. Like the Armenians, they have always been in the way. The ones Erdogan wants to settle some scores with are allied with the PKK, a Commie terrorist outfit.
Wars started by Democrats: in the 20th century, None.
WW1 and WW2 were not started by any American President. They had been slogging along in Europe for years before we entered the wars. The Cold War, also not started by any American President, but several played in it from Korea (dem) to Vietnam (both), to Grenada (rep), to El Salvador (both-one on each side), to Cuba (dem).
Dessert Storm (Iraq) in 1990 was under a Republican. Just Cause (Panama) was also under a Republican. Raid into Libya republican. Raid into Iran (Carter).
In terms of dollars and men lost though, WW2 participation dwarfs all other 20th century operations.
The 21st century isn’t even close. The Obama administration started wars in Syria, Lybia, and Egypt. Their payments to Iran will have repercussions we can’t even calculate yet.
“Shazam!” “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”
Gomer, you used to be such a kind and decent hillbilly, now you hate all Muslims. The majority of Kurds are Shafi’i Sunni, a non-fundamentalist form of Islam. We understand that Ameri-Cons distrust, even hate, those that don’t look like or think like them. In America we try to discourage the vile behaviors that arise from Ameri-Con bigotry.
Our soldiers were not and are not dying for the Kurds. Now the Kurds, men, women and children, are dying for tRump. Our soldiers are not leaving the area, they are being sent to Iraq to fight an energized ISIS. Do you agree with Surrenderin’ Don’s move to sent US soldiers to Iraq??? Aren’t our troops more at risk in Iraq than in Syria? Does tRump’s move make even a little bit of sense?
tRumpBots see trump as their god-king, a totem of their spiritual and political beliefs. tRump is the answer to their prayers. Although his actions are anti-American and anti-Christian, tRumpBots support every tRump move as their infallible god-king. He’s your Golden Calf.
tRump’s policies re Iran, Yemen, Turkey, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia have yielded nothing and been a disaster. He is unfit and in over his head – the results of hubris. Jared was to finally bring peace to the Middle East, and although he DID find investors for his family business, Middle East peace is still out of reach.
Nearly 7000 Americans have been killed in the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, with little to show for it. Did Gomer and Goober oppose the Iraq invasion?
Nearly 60,000 Americans died during the Vietnam mistake. Did Gomer and Goober oppose that action?
Are Muslims or commies the more dangerous?
The two are not mutually exclusive. Especially since they’ve been known to work together.
Gomer, you used to be such a kind and decent hillbilly, now you hate all Muslims. The majority of Kurds are Shafi’i Sunni, a non-fundamentalist form of Islam. We understand that Ameri-Cons distrust, even hate, those that don’t look like or think like them. In America we try to discourage the vile behaviors that arise from Ameri-Con bigotry.
Mortimer Snerd forgets that the tenets of Islam are very specific about infidels and we’ve been at war with Islam (because the “moderates” have no backbone) for 40 years.
But since Mortimer loves America’s enemies, just like all Demos, he feels free to take cheap, and hypocritical, shots.
tRumpBots see trump as their god-king, a totem of their spiritual and political beliefs. tRump is the answer to their prayers. Although his actions are anti-American and anti-Christian, tRumpBots support every tRump move as their infallible god-king. He’s your Golden Calf.
Too cute. Baghdad Bunny hates America and Christianity, but he tries to castigate someone who does a good job of protecting both while claiming to be a defender of them.
Call him Hypocrite Hare. Or maybe Blasphemer Bunny. His Golden Calf is communism and he stixcks his ass in the air to honor it.
tRump’s policies re Iran, Yemen, Turkey, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia have yielded nothing and been a disaster.
Well, let’s see. He’s got Saudi and Israel working together. He brokered a cease-fire with Turkey, he’s getting to the bottom of Democrat corruption in Ukraine, the yearly offensives by the Taliban are history, and Yemen is quiet.
Too bad the Mocha Messiah and the Hildabeast can’t make similar claims.
He is unfit and in over his head – the results of hubris.
Sounds more like the Mocha Messiah. Was there anything he did that worked?
Jared was to finally bring peace to the Middle East, and although he DID find investors for his family business, Middle East peace is still out of reach./i<>
If Mr Kushner did bring peace, how is it out of reach? Time to curl up on Mommy’s bed and toss out the Ripple.
Nearly 7000 Americans have been killed in the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, with little to show for it. Did Gomer and Goober oppose the Iraq invasion?
We invaded A-stan? When did this happen?
We were attacked and we responded. As for nothing to show, Saddam is no longer providing safe haven for cutthroats, Al Qaeda’s out of action, as is IS, and the War on Terror is slowly fading away.
I’d say we accomplished a lot.
Nearly 60,000 Americans died during the Vietnam mistake. Did Gomer and Goober oppose that action?
Now here’s a war started by Democrats, the sainted Jack Kennedy chief among them.
Mortimer Snerd called our guys baby killers in that one, so we know who’s side he was on. Maybe we can hang him from the same lamppost as Hanoi Jane.
Sounds like fun.
“Our soldiers are not leaving the area, they are being sent to Iraq to fight an energized ISIS. ”
Um… No. They are going to Iraq, because that is their staging area. All troops going into and out of Syria go through Iraq. From there through Kuwait. It’s just how it is done. All off those troops went to Syria through Iraq and the people they replaced (6 month rotations since 2016) all departed through Iraq.
There is zero evidence of an energized ISIS in Iraq or anywhere else. ISIS in Syria and Iraq has been utterly destroyed. ISIS presence in Africa comes and goes. Those troops going to Iraq have a greater chance of injury in training than in enemy action. I suspect these particular troop will spend a lot of their time over the next couple of weeks going to the gym and inventorying equipment for shipping home while the generals in the area see if there is some other possible use for them before releasing them. This is also “normal”. The Army has been doing things this way for all of the last 4 presidents.
Nobody sees Trump as their “god-king”. We leave the idolatry and adoration for humans to you heathen leftists. We think Trump is our president something you morons haven’t been able to come to grips with for three years. That’s how out of touch you clowns are. Furthermore, Vietnam, Korea, WWI, WWII, Somalia, Kosovo, or any other war have nothing to do with what we should do in Syria so don’t try you’re “look a squirrel” bullshit. Syria was a mistake. It’s still a mistake. The Kurds may be the lesser of the Mohammedan evils but they are still evil nonetheless. And I wouldn’t sacrifice the life of ONE AMERICAN (even Fredo) for the entire ethnic cult of Kurds.
We need to let the Mohammadans kill each other (with our blessings) and move all those troops to our southern border to keep out the dirt people from third world failed socialist and communist shitholes before they turn us into one. We’re beyond 65% Caucasians in this country and already the lights are going out in California. I love how the leftist commies convince people to buy electric cars then turn off the electricity. Wait till the EBT cards fail and see how “vibrant” diversity becomes.
Besides, when the radical communist Democrats go full-out coup d’etat we may need those troops in a civil war. Just like we did to them when they refused to give up their slaves.
Remember when the Mocha Messiah was running in ’08 and the Lefties all were climaxing at the thought?
That’s their god-king. The latest of many – Woody Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy, Willie Whitewater.
They believe in nothing but the latest fad.
The “dirt people” the NuRight despise here now are reproducing more rapidly than white nationalists. How will you get rid of the “dirt people”? (BTW, white nationalists/racists/white supremacists call them “mud people”).
How will the far-right stop the demographic changes? Might they have to seize control and institute purification procedures to save America? We know that’s what the right believes.
If Dems win the presidency, House and Senate will you consider that a “full-out coup d’état” justifying right-wing violence?
You’re funny Fredo. You know I’m right, you know you’ll be eliminated faster than I by the dirt people yet you persist in calling me names like that somehow changes the truth. It doesn’t Fredo.
I never said America had to be “pure” therefore your use of the term “purification procedures” is a lie and misrepresents my position. But I’m used to it because you always dramatize and demean that which you can’t understand. Low intellect people always do that. You do the same thing with science and theology you do with race and politics. Any disagreement is subject to defamation because you have no intellectual argument. And YOU don’t have a clue as to what “the right believes” or you’d shut your lying trap.
Now we all know the DemComs will NOT win the presidency, senate and house and if they did we would be perfectly justified in considering a “full-out coup” since that’s what you clowns have been engaged in fr three years yet constantly deny it. But I guess when you commies come for our guns, censor our free speech and deny us our right to earn a living we will know for sure, won’t we?
Learn who you are from Black Pigeon. It’s worth the 13 minutes.
TEACH is a silly little sissybitch.
Can’t wait for the day you finally get tossed.
Typed like a true fascist. Tossed for what? You and LilFluffy type “silly little sissybitch” more than I do. Now you want me tossed for typing what you type?
The Code: Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commenters (sic).
*OMG! Trump and his supporters want to pull 10s to 100s of thousands of US troops from foreign lands while still requesting greater defense spending and weapons systems each year. Aren’t those two initiatives at odds with one another?
At the height of the Reagan buildup defense spending was 6.8% of GDP, but dropped steadily to 3.5% by 2000. Defense spending increased significantly from 3.5% to 5.6% during the 2000s (Iraq and Afghanistan), dropping to 4.2% by 2018 and has started a slow increase to about 4.5%.
NB – President Reagan’s increased federal spending, while doubling the national debt, was designed in part to end the early 80s deep (10.8% unemployment) recession.
The world’s nations spend about $1.8 TRILLION on defense each year. (NATO spends about $1 TRILLION).
In 2018 (in billions USD) the US spent $649 billion, China $250, Saudi Arabia $68, India $66, France $64, Russia $61…
OMG! = Orange Man Great! (the belief that Trump can do no wrong, regardless of how stupid or criminal the action appears to non-believers)
*OMG! Trump and his supporters want to pull 10s to 100s of thousands of US troops from foreign lands while still requesting greater defense spending and weapons systems each year. Aren’t those two initiatives at odds with one another?
Technology marches on. Bolshevik Bunny’s kind of “thinking” gave us Pearl Harbor and Bataan.
At the height of the Reagan buildup defense spending was 6.8% of GDP, but dropped steadily to 3.5% by 2000. Defense spending increased significantly from 3.5% to 5.6% during the 2000s (Iraq and Afghanistan), dropping to 4.2% by 2018 and has started a slow increase to about 4.5%.
We spent a lot of time doing COIN and counter terrorism. There are other kinds of wars and they all cost money.
Hypocrite Hare is just mad because he wants it all spent on the welfare state.
NB – President Reagan’s increased federal spending, while doubling the national debt, was designed in part to end the early 80s deep (10.8% unemployment) recession.
Brought about by a Democrat.
As always.
The world’s nations spend about $1.8 TRILLION on defense each year. (NATO spends about $1 TRILLION).
In 2018 (in billions USD) the US spent $649 billion, China $250, Saudi Arabia $68, India $66, France $64, Russia $61…
A lot of that 650 B went to NATO and other “allies”.
OMG! = Orange Man Great! (the belief that Trump can do no wrong, regardless of how stupid or criminal the action appears to non-believers)
Only because most of the non-believers are stupid or criminal.
Goober typed: Brought about by a Democrat.
Actually Goober, the 81-82 recession was intentionally brought about by Fed Chair Volcker and Reagan to squelch inflation. Monetary policy always sacrifices working class jobs to protect investors.
Goober typed: A lot of that 650 B went to NATO and other “alliesâ€.
How much? (Note: Goober makes up stuff every time he types. He likes to argue online out of loneliness, a lack of purpose and his low self-esteem. Life has passed him by and he wants his life to have some meaning.)
How much defense aid does the US give (not sell) to other nations?
Actually Goober, the 81-82 recession was intentionally brought about by Fed Chair Volcker and Reagan to squelch inflation. Monetary policy always sacrifices working class jobs to protect investors.
Tell me, Mortimer, do you always try to change the subject with science fiction?
I was talking about Old Bucketmouth. He crashed the economy long before ’81.
How much? (Note: Goober makes up stuff every time he types. He likes to argue online out of loneliness, a lack of purpose and his low self-esteem. Life has passed him by and he wants his life to have some meaning.)
Sounds more like you. I didn’t spend my life gaming the system and whining about how my color held me back.
Anybody who complains perpetually about white people must have absolutely no confidence in himself. Too bad you’re a failure, but you brought it on all by yourself.
How much defense aid does the US give (not sell) to other nations?
70% of the NATO budget is US spending.
Enough so the Euros can throw their money away on sub-standard “universal” healthcare.
Perfect score! You just make stuff up!