Now, on the surface, does it make sense to temporarily restrict current and former boyfriends (why not girlfriends?) who are violent and/or threaten violence from possessing a firearm? How about putting them on the watch list to deny purchase permits? Realistically, if they’ve already been convicted, they’re already banned. But, this is not a surface thing
Beto O’Rourke Adds Gun Ban for Boyfriends to AR-15 Grab
Democrat presidential hopeful Robert “Beto†O’Rourke tweeted on Saturday his support for closing what the left refers to as the “boyfriend loophole.â€
This latest loophole began to emerge in the leftist thought in 2014, when Gabby Giffords pushed a gun ban that would treat a “dating partner†on par with a spouse as far as gun possession was concerned. The push has since been championed by Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety, where it is presented as an effort to close the “boyfriend loophole.â€
This effort ultimately expands the National Instant Criminal Background Check System’s (NICS) prohibited purchaser’s list, adding certain dinner dates or brief, former dating partners to the left’s growing list of people who cannot purchases firearms.
O’Rourke is on board with the ban:
See, the idea is to continuing adding more and more people who can file Red Flags against people, and expand who can have one filed against them. And, since most Red Flag laws have no due process in place, nor penalties for those who frivolously and/or falsely accuse, it is easier to just file away to erode 2nd Amendment Rights.
A goodly chunk of states already have laws that restrict firearm possession by those credibly accused of stalking and domestic violence. This is just a way to accuse and deny. Because no one has falsely accused other people of something that didn’t happen, right? There have been no false allegations of sexual assault and hate crimes, right?
The left’s efforts to use domestic monikers to prevent gun ownership by a boyfriend or dating partner is presented as a way to keep women safe. But the reality is that a woman is often at a disadvantage in an attack whether a gun is involved or not, and a woman with a gun can level the playing field (if not turn the tables altogether).
See, the gun grabbers aren’t interested in protecting women, otherwise they would make it easier for them to purchase a firearm. They want to take guns away from women, too. And that’s what their push is about: disarmament.

Every time I read this stuff I’m reminded how the left howled and complained when we called them gun-grabbers,socialists, and so on; we always know what their objectives ultimately are for the country. The incremental approach isn’t suiting this current crop of collectivists fast enough, so off with the left’s piss-poor disguises of sanity and moderation. FFS, they’re worried about women’s menstruation rights and equality.