See, the usual talking point from the Open Borders crowd is that they do not want the bad ones, just the good ones. Yet, they keep protecting the ones who commit criminal acts
California Governor Pardons Three Immigrant Felons to Avoid Deportation
California Governor Gavin Newsom pardoned three immigrant felons last week to help them avoid being deported from the United States.
Newsom, who oversees the most pro-illegal immigration state in U.S. history, pardoned three immigrants — Arnou Aghamalian from Iran, Thear Seam from Cambodia, and Victor Ayala from El Salvador — in order to erase their criminal records and help them avoid deportation back to their native countries.
Aghamalian, a 42-year-old refugee from Iran, was pardoned by Newsom after being convicted in December 1999 for aiding in setting fire to a nightclub owner’s car. Aghamalian first entered the U.S. as a refugee when he was 15-years-old.
Seam, a 41-year-old refugee from Cambodia was pardoned following his August 1996 conviction where a jury found him guilty of robbery, as well as an accessory to a high-speed chase where he was helping a wanted fugitive evade arrest by police. Seam first entered the U.S. as a refugee when he was 4-years-old.
Also pardoned by Newsom is 38-year-old Victor Ayala, a legal immigrant from El Salvador, who was convicted in 1999, 2000, and 2001 for misdemeanor theft, hit-and-run, and felony theft. Ayala first entered the U.S. when he was 2-years-old.
Obviously, these are all legal immigrants in some form, not illegals, but, under the law, if a legal immigrant commits crimes they get booted out. If they don’t like that, well, tough. The terms are pretty clear. Yet, Democrats keep trying to shield them. They don’t have to go to their home countries, but they can’t stay here.
Interestingly, California will fine and even jail citizens for failure to pay their taxes, and is working hard to turn law abiding gun owners into criminals.

Democrats sure do love them some criminals. Maybe it’s because they have so much in common.
Why does Governor Newsom want to keep felons in his state?
All three served their time.
Aghamalian now owns a solar energy company and has a wife and twin newborns, according to Newsom’s office. He legally entered the U.S. as a refugee from Iran with his family when he was 15.
Victor Ayala, 38, who was convicted of felony robbery in 2001 (he shoved a security guard while shoplifting). The father of three now runs a carpet cleaning business. He was 2 years old when he and his parents lawfully came to the U.S. from El Salvador.
— Thear Sam, 41. He has worked more than 17 years for an aviation company, and his wife and daughter are both U.S. citizens. He was 4 when he lawfully entered the U.S. as a refugee from Cambodia fleeing the Khmer Rouge.
It is within Newsom’s legal right to pardon the men. Just as for Mike Pence if he ends up pardoning tRump.
Have any of you committed a crime for which you were not caught? Speeding, driving while intoxicated, pot smoking, shoplifting, trespassing, tax evasion, assault?
It is within Newsom’s legal right to pardon the men. Just as for Mike Pence if he ends up pardoning tRump.
First, pardon is not a right, but a privilege granted with his office. You seem to use words without bothering to know their meaning.
Lessee now, aiding in setting fire to a nightclub owner’s car; robbery, as well as an accessory to a high-speed chase where he was helping a wanted fugitive evade arrest by police; and misdemeanor theft, hit-and-run, and felony theft. Oh, yeah, solid citizens, all.
Pardons do not automatically protect someone from deportation because they don’t erase the criminal convictions on which deportation orders often are based.
Why do I get the impression, now that the Demo field is going down in flames (Hell, Buttpeg is now #3 in some polls), that Newsom may jump in and this is his play for the illegal vote?
Have any of you committed a crime for which you were not caught?Â
You mean like diddling a prepubescent grandson or beating the wifey?
Lolgfy little sissybitch.
TEACH is a little sissybitch.
Can’t wait for the final boot.
What crimes has Trump commited? Make sure you have legitimate references. You cant, so your comment is a lie.
No, the people you posted don’t belong here, we don’t want or need them.
I have not committed any crimes. But it is obvious you have. Yet you still get our tax money for your education and corporation.
Mr. Duke,
Obstruction of justice, fraud (Trump U – $30 million fine), rape, sexual assault, campaign violations (Unindicted co-conspirator: Individual One), hiring undocumented aliens, housing discrimination, tax fraud, violated NJ casino rules, antitrust violations ($750,000 fine), condo fraud (he settled these suits), Trump Foundation (dissolved for self-dealing and forced to distribute funds to charities)
Duke: We pay more taxes than you do.
No reference equals a lie in your case. I would believe anyone here, but you are known to lie.
Duke Davey,
You didn’t hear about tRump University? You’re in denial. Even if we gave you every citation, you would whine “fake news!”.
BTW, these are not even the crimes that will get tRump impeached. His extortion of Ukraine to get them to investigate a political rival is a High Crime and Misdemeanor.
Trump saw that Biden was +15% and panicked.
Typical Commie.
In this country, dear Mortimer, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt. When you come up with a conviction, let us know.
No show trials, no gulags.
We pay more taxes than you do.
Never heard of a cartoon character yet that paid taxes. Kind of like fraudulent votes, they don’t count.
Why does Rapin’ Donnie pay all those fines? His convictions will come, unless he cuts a deal – which is more likely every day. These are the only convictions Rapin’ Don will ever have!! LOL
What were Obama, Holder, Hillary convicted of that persuades you they should be hanged?
Anent pardons for the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne, here’s another area where Bolshevik Bunny will end up crying the blues.
Brought to us by The Eminent Mr Surber, El Rushbo’s take
They aren’t going to actually have an official vote and transfer all this to a trial in the Senate.
They’re not gonna give the politics of this away. They want to be able to talk about impeachment, and Pelosi and Schiff and the Democrats want to be seen as the people running it, in charge of it — the politics of it.
The minute they have a vote and hand this over to the Senate, the Senate is in control of impeachment, not the House. The Senate is run by Republicans. They’re not gonna do that. It’s real simple. They are not going to let go of their control of all the narratives attached to impeachment, and that would happen if they go to the Senate with it.
Remember how Hypocrite Hare kept telling us, “We’ll have the report before the midterms, we’ll have it before the swearing-in, wait till he goes to Capitol Hill, he didn’t really exonerate him”, and on, and on.
Same thing here. Pelosi keeps all the Lefty rubes like Baghdad Bunny stirred up and pulls the football away at the last second. From now until the election.
Maybe it’ll keep the blowout from being too awfully bad.
You didn’t hear about tRump University? You’re in denial. Even if we gave you every citation, you would whine “fake news!â€.
BTW, these are not even the crimes that will get tRump impeached. His extortion of Ukraine to get them to investigate a political rival is a High Crime and Misdemeanor.
Trump saw that Biden was +15% and panicked.
Mortimer, you must be joking. And Trump U was a civil proceeding, not a criminal one. If we’re talking extortion, Gropin’ Joe, with the aid of Zippy, did it. Said so out of his own mouth.
And Trump didn’t panic, he called him Quid Pro Joe and made him the center of investigation.
Even if we gave you every citation, you would whine “fake news!â€.
Only because most are. Again, when you get a conviction, let us know.
Why does Rapin’ Donnie pay all those fines? His convictions will come, unless he cuts a deal – which is more likely every day. These are the only convictions Rapin’ Don will ever have!! LOL
What were Obama, Holder, Hillary convicted of that persuades you they should be hanged?
Which fines are those, Mortimer?
And I’m waiting for an indictment. And your LOL gets shoved up your ass every day by the fact Trump’s convictions are pushing back the Overton Window, making the country strong again, defeating the Left, and spreading the willingness to fight around the world.
Well, there’s always Benghazi and F&F. As I say, I’d gladly pull the rope.
What were Obama, Holder, Hillary convicted of that persuades you they should be hanged?
The GOP does not imprison or murder their political rivals, unlike the democrats who are beside themselves with glee over the prospects of what they might be able to do to president Trump. You should keep that in mind as you scream your lunacy.
BOO!! I heard there was a Russian within 1000 miles of you.
From the highest levels of the GOP, we’ve heard chants of “Lock her up!, Lock him up!, Lock them up!”
Far-right commenters here have stated that those Dems should be hanged, and would even hold the rope.
It’s projection on the right that the left is more violent.
Another far-right commenter here whines that Trump shouldn’t be criticized without a conviction. What were Obama, Holder, Hillary convicted of that persuades you they should be hanged?
Thats a far cry from those WITH THE POWER to attempt to do what is popular with the BASE.
LOCK HER UP WAS POPULAR with the rights base. IS SHE LOCKED UP? Is she on Trail? NO
With the Democrats they are actively trying to LOCK HIM UP by having CONGRESSIONAL SECRET MEETINGS TO FIND A WAY TO IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT.
The secrecy of the hearing is problematic for Republicans, largely because of Hill’s conflicts. She has questionable publications for the left-leaning outlet Vox as well as ties to figures such as Joseph Mifsud, Christopher Steele, Bruce and Nellie Ohr.
YOUR STAR WITNESS is a DEMOCRAT put in place by OBAMA to PROTECT THE CORRUPTION IN UKRAINE. Yet YOUR side is using her to attempt to LOCK HIM UP!!!
THIS STAR WITNESS prevented the Ukranian officials VISA’s to come to the United States to reveal their corruption findings to congress. The corruption that would nail the DNC and the Democrats. Trump in his infinite Stupidity actually thought that replacing ambassadors was counterproductive and so he kept many, many in place. Those that were put there by Obama and GWB both of whom HATE TRUMP.
Trump is out of his league on Capitol Hill but he is still shaking the swamp to its foundation and the swamp is fighting back and ELWOOD is cheering them on so the SWAMP remains in place and corruption prevails.
Victory at all costs shouts the left. No matter what. The left has proven they will drink sewer water and condone everything they have been against since Vietnam to GET TRUMP!!
From the highest levels of the GOP, we’ve heard chants of “Lock her up!, Lock him up!, Lock them up!â€
Bullshit! Name these supposed “highest levels of the GOP” that said that and when.
“Far-right commenters here have stated that those Dems should be hanged, and would even hold the rope.”
Once again you seem to elevate hyperbole into action. But that aside “far right commentators here” believe the Democrat Communists are committing a coup and therefore deserve a rope. You’d hang Trump and his whole family because you just don’ like them so you’re the one projecting. The violence on the radical communist DemCom left in America since the election is DOCUMENTED. From shooting a Republican Congressmen to verbally assaulting us in restaurants, to Riots and physical assault it is ALL 100% Democrat perps. You have degenerated into a LYNCH MOB of unreasoned crazies who can no longer accept losing an election or communicate in a civilized manner. It’s not new for the Democrats to act this way the first time they got pissy when Lincoln won and took away their black slaves. They were so pissed at him they murdered him. And that’s exactly what you want for Trump and you’d throw in his entire family.
So which “far right commentator here” whined that Trump shouldn’t be criticized without a conviction. Name him. We Normies think it’s fine to criticize Trump or any politician but you don’t criticize, YOU ACCUSE him of a crime(s) without evidence nor conviction. That’s another thing all together. That’s false witness not criticism.