…is coffee that will soon be too expensive from the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post on Canada re-electing its first black prime minister.

…is coffee that will soon be too expensive from the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post on Canada re-electing its first black prime minister.
Trump’s “ my generals†seem to be joining the coup against your Dear Leader
What as that lil rascal Surrender Monkey have to say about that ?
So you DO admit it’s a coup. Just like a commie to deny the obviou. BTW, if a “general” joins a coup he will be shot unless he wins then you’ll have what you’ve always dreamed of: a Dictator. Welcome to Cuba del Norte.
There have always been political generals. McClellan, Charles Lee, Benedict Arnold, Andrew Jackson, etc.
The world is quiet because Trump’s bent countries to his will without using force and getting Americans killed (Americans you call baby killers), but he’s the Surrender Monkey.
No, that was the Diversity Hire who tried to surrender everything. Trump’s cleaning up Democrat messes all the way back to Harry Truman.
Barr and Durham closing in on Brennan and Clapper.
Bwaha! Lolgf traitors.
All I see is a free and vibrant south korean woman who is living a full and fun life, wearing and eating whatever she likes. Or not wearing:
In contrast, if the climate cultists have their way, all consumption of fossil fuels will be banned and life in the west will look like north korea:
Signs the Demos are getting really scared. A Commie News Net story about how the Hildabeast, Lurch, Mike Obama, Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, former Attorney General Eric Holder and former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick may or may not be considering a late run now that the field has self-destructed.
Commie News Net makes a show of dampening expectations, but not all that hard. More like divining which way the wind might be blowing. With 20 people running, you’d think they could find one who might make a play for the sanity vote (if there is one among the Demos).
This is why I think Newsom’s little PR stunt today may be a test of the waters
Can you imagine the soiled britches in Redstatistan when President Michelle Obama is inaugurated??
Will Trump accept any prison time when he cuts a deal? 10 years probation with a lifetime ban on involvement in real estate fraud?
Can you imagine the soiled britches in Redstatistan when President Michelle Obama is inaugurated??
He/She will not get the white vote or even enough of the black or Hispanic vote to get through the primaries. If Chlamydia or Spartacus couldn’t cut it, and they have actual records on which to run, Mike, projection out of his/her sweatpants notwithstanding, won’t even make it past the starting gate.
All he/she has is hate.
Will Trump accept any prison time when he cuts a deal? 10 years probation with a lifetime ban on involvement in real estate fraud?
You say that like it’s actually going to happen. Pelosi Galore is trolling rubes like you top keep the faith for 13 more months until the Democrat party lies in ruins.
Then she’ll retire and try to stay out of jail.
Sounds like most commenters here…
On Monday in Sevier County, Tennessee, during a county commission meeting to discuss a pending vote to become a gun sanctuary city, Commissioner Warren Hurst exploded in a racist, homophobic tirade that stunned onlookers.
“It’s time we wake up people, it’s time, it’s past time,†said Hurst, in footage originally captured by WVLT News. “We got a queer running for president, if that ain’t about as ugly as you can get.â€
Hurst continued on. “I’m not prejudice [sic], a white male in this country has very few rights and they’re getting took more every day.â€
Many in the audience clapped at Hurst’s speech, but one woman got up and stormed out, saying “Excuse me. This is not professional. This is bullsh*t.â€
And the woman sounds like you.
I’ll bet she prefers men, too.
What did Hurst say that was incorrect? You may not agree with his opinion but he ain’t all wrong. Buttpeg is a queer, is he not? In a nation of over 300 million people the Democrat Communists think it’s appropriate to run a person with deep psycho-sexual disorder as president? Why? Sadly Buttpeg with all his sexual dysfunction isn’t the craziest of the DemComs candidates. That distinction goes to either Beatoff O’rourk or Fauxcahontas with a dishonorable mentions to Kameltoe Harris and Spartacus.
The Democratic Communists couldn’t have come up with a crazier and more corrupt group of unqualified hacks if they had just taken the first 22 names from the Politboro. And chances are they would have fewer commies too.
It’s okay to call Trump any name in the book but if a guy points out Buttpeg sucks dick “It’s bullshit”. That’s the usual answer for leftists. If they don’t like what you say they call you names and storm out. But soon that will be replaced with “Red Flags”, forfeiture and incarceration. Maybe they should “dunk” Hurst until he admits he is wrong or drowns. That’s the way most which hunts work.
Commenter typed: “In a nation of over 300 million people the Democrat Communists think it’s appropriate to run a person with deep psycho-sexual disorder as president?”
The lack of self-reflection is stunning. The Republican-Fascist Party found it appropriate to run a person with deep psycho-sexual disorder(s) as president.
Donald Trump has had over 20 women accuse him of sexual assault, including 3 rapes (one a 13 yr old at Trump’s buddy Epstein’s NYC mansion).
Donald Trump paid two women hush money before the 2016 election to keep quiet about their sexual contacts – one of whom he had sign a non-disclosure agreement. The other was paid off by Trump’s buddy at the Enquirer for her study and the Enquirer “spiked” the story. There are photos of Trump fondling his own teenage daughter, whom he claimed he’d like to date if she weren’t his daughter. He shouted at a ten yr old girl on an escalator that he’d be dating her in 10 years. His third and current wife used to pose naked for money.
A woman paid off by Trump to keep quiet about their sexual contacts said Trump likes to be spanked. Russian prostitutes claimed that trump paid to watch them urinate.
How does one know what Mr. Buttigieg does in private, and importantly, why does anyone care? One can speculate ad infinitum about what people do in private, but what’s the point? What if, as rumored, Donald Trump likes to have women defecate on him (The Trump Dump)? Maybe The Don enjoys a finger in his anus. So what?
Anti-gay bigotry and discrimination by Christian (and Islamic) fundamentalists is still rampant, even in the US.
Aside: We can’t help but notice that a pair of fundamentalist commenters here seem fascinated with gay oral and anal sex.
In America, anyone can run for and even become president. Duh. Look at our current situation.
Do you think Melania sucks The Donald’s dick? Isn’t it fun to speculate?
Maybe the woman at the meeting was calling “bullshit” on Hurst’s silly statement that white men have very few rights in America. Waah!
Should we have a law preventing gays from political office? Or just make being gay illegal like it was in the good ol’ conservative days?
Anyway, Hurst was just saying out loud what most far-rightists/white nationalist are ashamed/fearful to say out loud (present company excluded – commenters here feel free to express homophobic and racist beliefs).
He says without any evidence….
One person goes on a non-pc rant (the horror), meanwhile Trump is called Hitler and a Nazi almost daily. There’s way more truth in what the commissioner said than those labeling Trump. Talk about a lack of self-awareness…
“In America, anyone can run for and even become president. Duh. Look at our current situation.”
Really, Fredo? Can a 16 year old Canadian run for president, Fredo? Besides the fact that it doesn’t excuse a supposedly serious political party from running a bunch of whores, racists, racial appropriators, liars and homos. We know you’re trying to be cute but our “current situation” is great or don’t you like American prosperity?
Maybe the woman was calling “bullshit” because Hurst is 100% correct and she couldn’t argue it so like all radical leftists when confronted with the truth she called him a name and ran away crying.
We should not have a law preventing fags from political office but just being a fag is not qualification for one. Unless of course you’re some douche bag leftist who thinks because he’s queer he’s great and because Hurst is white he’s wrong. I guess when you guys close your minds you do it for good.
Commentators here express what they observe as and have learned through experience is the truth. Just because YOU think in terms of “homophobic and racist” does not mean intelligent people do. We tend to think at much deeper levels. For example we know how many sexes and races there are whereas you don’t. Simple science to us but a tremendous hurdle to the closed commie brain. And just as you are free to express your anti white racist and oppressive communist beliefs here by virtue of Teach, so are we. The difference is we’re thankful to him for the forum he provides and belief in Free Speech whereas you are hostile to both Teach and the Ideals he promotes.
Isn’t it fun to speculate?
Most of us have better things to do with our minds.
Should we have a law preventing gays from political office? Or just make being gay illegal like it was in the good ol’ conservative days?
Why not? They spread venereal disease and many show symptoms of severe psychiatric disorder.
Hurst was just saying out loud what most far-rightists/white nationalist are ashamed/fearful to say out loud (present company excluded – commenters here feel free to express homophobic and racist beliefs).
Doubt it. Most white people are TCB, raising their kids, earning a living. If there were that many white people that felt that way, Lefties like you would have it impressed upon them.
In any case, the day of reckoning is coming for you.