There’s actually two parts to this article. One is the same old same old Hotcoldwetdry climate cultist tripe, the other is something about actual environmental damage
Sustainable Halloween treats: Better for the planet and just as sweet
It’s a given that Halloween treats are a little scary when it comes to kids’ dental health. But they can also be scary from an environmental perspective: Many contain palm oil, which may be produced in a way that causes deforestation and horrifying outcomes for endangered rainforest animals.
In September, the Toronto Zoo, the largest in Canada, launched a social media campaign asking people to “choose treats that protect rainforests,” listing brands that use certified sustainable palm oil.
Those include:
- Mars (Twix, 3 Musketeers, M&Ms, Snickers, Dove, Skittles)
- Hershey’s (Reese’s, Turtles, Whoppers, Twizzlers, Jolly Ranchers)
- Frito-Lay (Lay’s, Ruffles, SunChips, Tostitos, Cheetos)
- Quaker
- Ferrero
- Kraft Heinz
- Lindt & Sprungli
OK, I’m not going to look up more than Quaker, but, really, do kids want chips and granola bars for Halloween? Good way to get your house egged. But, why do they need sustainable palm oil?
Kelly Bentley, supervisor of volunteering and engagement at the Toronto Zoo, said the campaign comes out of the zoo’s commitment to conservation and education, as well as the fact that it’s home to many species from palm oil-producing regions, such as southeast Asia.
“We have orangutans here, we have tigers, we have rhinos — these are all affected by a lot of this destruction of the rainforest in Indonesia, and a lot of this destruction has been for palm oil plantations,” she said. In fact, Indonesian officials said more than 80 per cent of the devastating wildfires raging through its rainforests in September were intentionally set to make room for palm plantations.
I’ve actually mentioned that problem many times, but, why are so many destroying jungles and intentionally wiping out species for palm oil? Part of the reason is, in fact, the ‘climate change’ (scam) push. It is used in snacks, food stuffs, cooking oil, cosmetics, biofuel, and more. It supposedly has a lower carbon footprint. And ends up doing real environmental damage. Because the Cult of Climastrology pushes it. Then they have to have a campaign to stop the bad stuff they’ve created.

last I checked, corn oil was very sustainable.
Kids are lucky to even still have a Halloween holiday with those radical christianists calling it the Devils Holliday and trying to ban it
The War on Halloween continues!!
Halloween thrived for generations under Conservatives. Now you can’t even pick a costume because the Lefties want to polarize everything.
What’s a “christianist”?
A christianist is a far-right, so-called Christian with violent and authoritarian tendencies who uses one of the world’s great religions as an excuse to discriminate against and to hurt others.
A christianist is similar to an islamist, except “Christian” instead of “Muslim”.
IOW Just another meaningless epithet Hypocrite Hare uses to call people.
And he lies when he talks about “one of the world’s great religions”.
Good little Commie that he is, he holds all religions in contempt.
Except Islam. They kill people. Especially queers.
Goober typed: “Except Islam. They kill people. Especially queers.”
That’s why Goober is terrified by Muslims, he thinks they kill gays.
Goober is a christianist. A violent, hateful, authoritarian pseudo-Christian.
In the USA, there is no “far right”. Just a whole lot of people who want to be left alone and a whole lot of communits who never will.
Can you (or any commenter here, or TEACH) define “communist”?
Left alone to do whatever you damn well please, and to whom you damn well please, right?
What right does the state have to tell me whom I can rent a hotel room to? Or to whom I can serve a restaurant meal to?
Teach I could find no confirmation that palm oil is being grown because it has a low carbon footprint
In fact my google search showed that it had s much higher carbon footprint than maize (corn)
Was the claim that AGW activists were killing orangutans by planting palm oil everywhere valid ?
Teach I could find no confirmation that palm oil is being grown because it has a low carbon footprint
In fact my google search showed that it had s much higher carbon footprint than maize (corn)
Your “research” skills are on par with your mathematics, data and map reading skills.
Was the claim that AGW activists were killing orangutans by planting palm oil everywhere valid ?
Growers of palm oil are deforesting hectares of land to produce palm oil and in doing so, harm the environment and animal habitats. That’s Teach’s point and it is a valid one.
If you want to help the situation John, stop having your mother prepare pizza rolls for you while you live in the basement. Those pizza rolls contain palm oil. Step up to the plate John.
However, in order to accommodate oil palm plantations, tropical forests and peatland are being destroyed.
A recent analysis found that 45% of land in Southeast Asia currently used for palm oil production had been forest back in 1990, including more than half of all palm oil plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia (1Trusted Source).
Deforestation is anticipated to have devastating effects on global warming, as the forests play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gasses by absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.
In addition, the destruction of native landscapes causes changes in the ecosystem that threaten the health and diversity of wildlife.
Especially concerning is the impact on endangered species such as Bornean orangutans, which are facing extinction due to habitat loss (31Trusted Source).
Suddenly, Bolshevik Bunny in the John has no more Surrender Monkey blather.
Seems like peace has come to Syria, replete with a safe zone for the Kurds.
The God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne wins another one.
I remember a John on this website many years ago leading right up to HRC’s loss to Trump. The day after the election he disappeared never to be heard from again. Now that we are growing close to the next prez election he is back and it most definitely is the same, John.
I bet he is a Russian Asset, sent here by Putin to make sure Teach is not misinforming the masses about Oranutangs in Malaysia.
Goober in Gomer (TEACH) takes The Lyin’ King’s word for it.
No troops are coming home. According to Goober in Gomer (TEACH) 25 Americans were keeping Turkey from committing genocide of the Kurds, who according to TEACH/trump/Goober are all commies who didn’t help us in WWII. But having 25 troops stationed there was too high a price to pay.
Russia, Syria and Iran are very pleased with our president-for-now.
Russia, Syria and Iran are very pleased with our president-for-now.
How do you know they are pleased? Do you have inside information. I think your a Russian Asset with inside information if you know this to be true.
Elwood. Is this true?
IOW Again Trump gets it done and all Bolshevik Bunny has is sour grapes.
And even the Gray Lady has to admit it worked.
Tangentially related: A few days ago I passed a Nissan Leaf on freeway with the license “-NOOIL-“. I wanted to ask the driver where all the plastic inside his car came from.
Can you (or any commenter here, or TEACH) define “communist�
Yes its any person who votes for a democrat in the United States of America.
Oh, ok. Kind of like saying that any trump supporter/GOPher is a Nazi. Got it.
What are the policies of American commies that American Nazis (trump supporters) find so objectionable?
Diddling prepubescent boys?
Lolgfy little sissybitch
TEACH is a little sissybitch
The day he gets the boot, we ought to have a party.
Nothing but If All You See… and Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup posts all day long.
What are the policies of American commies that American Nazis
The real question is ARE YOU A RUSSIAN ASSET? You seem pretty shady and obsessed with Russia, and use Putin’s name an awfully lot around here.
Sorry you unenlightened Marxist. Nazi’s are national socialists which make them ideologically the same as commies. The differences being 1. Nazi’s are nationalists as opposed to commies who are globalists,and 2. Nazi’s don’t have the state own the factors of production just command what it’s to do whereas commies actually take control of the industries and unions themselves.
There was a time these things were taught in school but it seems you skipped class.
“What are the policies of American commies that American Nazis (trump supporters) find so objectionable?”
You’re kidding, right? The list is too long. Just about everything you promote from gun grabbing to climate taxes and every crazy azzed idea in between. Just today the state of Massachusetts began to pass a law forbidding people from using the word “bitch” with a heavy fine and 6 months in jail.
Never in America history has one political party proposed so many stupid, ridiculous, freedom destroying, hateful and cruel ideas. Every day some idiot DemCom somewhere comes up with a new absurdity to beat the public over the head with. It’s insane.
A learned expert such as you should have just a few characteristics of communism handy.
“In political and social sciences, communism is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.”
Has the Democratic Party advocated controlling the means of production and eliminating all government? Of course not. In fact, aren’t most corporations owned by millions of shareholders already? Are corporations part of the communist plot to take over the globe? And the military is owned and run by the gov’t – is that a commie trait? Millions of Americans pay premiums to giant private insurance companies that pay out claims to unlucky people who have &300,000 medical bills or %500,000 to replace a burned house. Isn’t that communism to a tee??
Do you consider Israel, Finland, Switzerland, New Zealand, France, Norway, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Australie, South Korea etc to be “communist countries” filled with commies. If not, why not?
If your concern is Soviet style authoritarianism, look no further than the GOP and Donnie. Look at trump’s shadow gov’t attacks on US elections. Look at the right-wing GOP attack on the House today.
Trying to have a discussion with a person who knows nothing about the subject like you Fredo is like trying to nail jello to the wall. I don’t know where that quote came from but it’s not accurate. My statement was designed for brevity since we cannot debate communism vs Nazism vs capitalism here due to time and space. (At least I’m not investing the amount of either to debate you on the internet.) Aside from the point that no amount of discussion or facts will ever change ore modify your mind. Hell, you still can’t admit that there are only two sexes and four races so how can a mind that closed be taught economic and political theory?
That “right wing GOP attack on the House” as you so belligerently, ignorantly and mendaciously call it was an attempt TO FORCE TRANSPARENCY FROM THE DEMCOMS WHO ARE HOLDING A SECRET IMPEACHMENT MEETING AND LYNCHING HIDING BEHIND CLOSED DOORS WITH ONLY ONE PARTY REPRESENTED. They are trying to impeach Trump as part of a coup IN SECRET you stupid ass. Your party is currently a party of Traitors!
Soviet style authoritarianism is found ONLY in the DEMCOM party and you either know that or you’re a idiot. Gun confiscation, passing health laws in the dead of night with a one party vote and telling us we have to pass it before we can see what’s in it. Stopping free speech with codes and banned words, picking people for schools based on race. The list goes on but again it’s not worth my time because you are so brainwashed you can’t even tell what the truth is any more and you can thank your DemCom party for that.
“People everywhere enjoy believing things that they know are not true. It spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves and taking responsibility for what they know.”
Brooks Atkinson
That defines you Fredo. And your comrades in hate for all things Normal show themselve like Google did here.
Try again.
In political and social sciences, communism is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.
History records Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov AKA Nikolai Lenin tossed that out the window. Dictionary definitions never quite work in real life.
Has the Democratic Party advocated controlling the means of production and eliminating all government? Of course not.
Ah, but it has. Didn’t Franklin Roosevelt nationalize the coal mines? Didn’t Zippy nationalize GM? Granted, that’s much more National Socialism than communism, but the thought’s the same; and the first time you see a Communist country eliminate its government, be sure and let the world know.
And the military is owned and run by the gov’t – is that a commie trait?
Shows how much you know about the United States. The military isn’t “owned” by the “government”. It’s a part of a government set up by the Constitution that charters functions of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
You’re really into this Commie thing, aren’t you?
Do you consider Israel, Finland, Switzerland, New Zealand, France, Norway, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Australie, South Korea etc to be “communist countries†filled with commies. If not, why not?
Apparently, you do.
If your concern is Soviet style authoritarianism, look no further than the GOP and Donnie. Look at trump’s shadow gov’t attacks on US elections. Look at the right-wing GOP attack on the House today.
You mean wanting to see due process done in Schiff For Brains’ pathetic little attempt at a show trial? And the attacks of a shadow government are the Deep State’s, but I’m so glad you finally can admit it.
Millions of Americans pay premiums to giant private insurance companies that pay out claims to unlucky people who have &300,000 medical bills or %500,000 to replace a burned house. Isn’t that communism to a tee??
considering insurance predates communism, I’d say, “No”, but you’re trying to make a point and I can’t wait for you to figure out what it is.
The same ones good Americans find so objectionable.
[…] Hat tip: Pirate’s Cove. […]