And nobody freaked out over what was just a term. See, Trump dropped this
So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching. But we will WIN!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2019
If Leftists don’t think that a) Trump and his team knew exactly what he was doing and b) had done some research, they haven’t been paying attention. Team Trump knows exactly how to Troll (Master level) Democrats. And Breitbart’s Penny Star was able to do a quick search and find
An article published in the New York Times on December 19, 1998 during the impeachment of Bill Clinton:
Later, Representative Ike Skelton, Democrat of Missouri, said the Republicans wanted to “decapitate their Commander in Chief.†Representative Steven R. Rothman, a New Jersey Democrat, complained of a “Republican juggernaut, driven by the right wing.†Representative Patrick J. Kennedy, Democrat of Rhode Island, a nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, spoke of “a political lynching,†and Representative Danny K. Davis, an Illinois Democrat, denounced what he described as “a lynching.â€
The New York Times wrote about Bill Clinton’s impeachment on September 18, 1998:
A â€large volume of calls†to Senator John Glenn, a Democrat who said this week that it would be â€reckless and injudicious†for him to join â€the rush to judgment†in the Lewinsky matter, have run 2 to 1 in favor of resignation or impeachment. Mr. Chabot’s office said the tally there was 425 to 15 against Mr. Clinton since Kenneth W. Starr issued his report a week ago.
Not that the President lacks vocal supporters in this state. The Ohio Democratic chairman, David J. Leland, said, â€The vast majority of Ohio Democrats want to see this President continue in office, because they know a political lynching when they see one.â€
The Baltimore Sun wrote about Bill Clinton’s impeachment on September 12, 1998:
“This feels today like we’re taking a step down the road to becoming a political lynch mob,†fumed Democratic Rep. Jim McDermott of Washington state. “Find the rope, find the tree and ask a bunch of questions later.â€
Those are just three quoted uses of lynching for the Clinton impeachment. How about
CBS wrote about the “GOP Lynch mob†on April 6, 2011:
GOP lynch mob is still trying to string up the fledgling Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Members of the House Financial Services Committee met today to discuss four bills, all sponsored by Republicans and backed by the banking industry, aimed at subduing the agency even before it officially launches this summer.
And here’s Sleepy Joe
There has never been a better side-by-side than this:
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) October 22, 2019
Via Twitchy, which has those two tweets (here and here). Of course, Joe is apologizing now
Vote for Biden–he'll speak carelessly, unlike Trump.
— James Taranto (@jamestaranto) October 23, 2019

Agreed. Trump should apologize for his very poor choice of words, used to fire up his volatile base.
Calling a Constitutional process like impeachment “a lynching” would be like calling Medicare cuts “a Holocaust”.
GOP House member Matt Gaetz is condemning Democrats for concealing their impeachment proceedings from Republicans. In a fiery speech Wednesday, Gaetz was joined by a number of his Republican colleagues who attempted storm into a facility where Democrats were looking into classified materials as part of their inquiry.
Gaetz said if Democrats plan to pursue their inquiry, Americans have a right to a transparent investigation. He added, that investigation has been anything but straight forward so far. His comments comes as Senator Lindsey Graham finalizes a resolution to formally condemn the House impeachment inquiry.
Meanwhile back at the ranch the democrats continue their secret society LYNCH MOB.
BOOO!!!! LOOK OUT THERES A RUSSIAN HIDING BEHIND EVERY TELEPHONE POLE. OH wait, there are no more telephone poles. Well you know what I mean.
Good old Biden he can apologize and its okay now. Trump could beg for mercy on his knees for a 1000 years and it would not be okay with the woke Democratic lunatics.
Meanwhile.Zogby Poll Has Trump Gaining Support Among Blacks and Hispanics.
Posted at 3:30 pm on August 16, 2019
This was his second straight poll with over a quarter support from African Americans (28% approve/70% disapprove)
28 as oppossed to 7 percent in 2016. Bad news bears. BUT OF COURSE ALL THOSE BLACKS ARE RUSSIAN ASSETS. Aw How stupid of me.
Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds
A new Quinnipiac University poll finds that President Donald Trump’s approval rating is 41%, with a disapproval rating of 54%. That’s largely consistent with live-interview national polling taken the last few months.
DaMN RUSSIA ASSETS. Well I guess your just gonna have to open the gates to mexico again. Oh wait…no those might be RUSSIANS SNEAKING OVER THE BORDER.