…are horrible plastic cups, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Patterico’s Pontifications, with a post saying goodbye to Democrat Katie Hill.

…are horrible plastic cups, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Patterico’s Pontifications, with a post saying goodbye to Democrat Katie Hill.
Every w**re has a hard luck story, and it’s always some man’s fault.
From the comments.
Thank the gods we finally have persons of high moral character in the White House!!
Trump has only had 63 accusations of sexual assault and only paid two women (one a porn actress) to keep their trysts with The Don quiet.
Flotus was rumored to be a whre/escort and it’s proven she took off her clothing for money (not that there’s anything wrong with that)! Her husband freely admits (even boasts) being a manwhre.
First, only one God.
Trump has only had 63 accusations of sexual assault and only paid two women (one a porn actress) to keep their trysts with The Don quiet.
Can you prove any of this? Accusations do not count.
Flotus was rumored to be a whre/escort and it’s proven she took off her clothing for money (not that there’s anything wrong with that)! Her husband freely admits (even boasts) being a manwhre.
He does? Jealous? I guess if you have to beat your wife because you only like young males, it would lead to penis envy.
And the word is whore.
The prolapse asshole has the bear suit on.
Between Katie Hill and Baghdadi, bad weekend for the Lefties
There are hundreds of gods, and all religious people assume their god is the only true god! Can you prove there is only one god? Or any? Odin, Ra, Yahweh, Brahman, Allah, Ba’al, Marduk, Horus, Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, Jupiter, Coyote… If gods can perform miracles, e.g., heal the sick, why can’t a god regrow an amputated limb?
Can we prove that there have been 63 accusations? Yes. Can we prove that Trump paid Stormy Daniels $130,000? Yes. Can we prove that the Enquirer paid Karen McDougal $150,000 and “killed” her story? Yes. Can we prove that Trump knew of these payments (through his attorney Michael Cohen)? Yes.
Trump is the wife beater (ask Ivana). Trump has repeatedly admitted to trying to bang every attractive woman he met. How many before that makes him a pathetic manwhore?
It was a bad weekend for America, as is typical for the Trump reign.
Do you think CA will elect a ConRepub to take Representative Hill’s place? Why didn’t the indicted Duncan Hunter resign? Katie Hill had the decency to resign even though she didn’t break the law.
And no one knows more about my asshole than you, wormtongue, you sick fuk.
You’re really losing it, Fredo. You are ranting in a more depraved manner. Are you off your meds again? All you do is call everybody names from the President and First Lady to the commenters here. And they get more and more sexually perverted and scatological. You really need to TRY and act like a human. Face it, no matter what you do or how nasty you are or how often you call everyone names Trump is still gonna beat the shit out of any of those pussy commies you guys have running against him. You know it, we all know it. That’s why the treasonous coup phony “impeachment” has become so urgent.
Trump 2020 To save a place for Junior in 2024.
Thank the gods that neither you, nor trump nor commenters here call others names!
Did you not notice Booger’s use of asshole, or LilFluffy’s use of sissybitch?
Perhaps in the future we should refer to you as:
Abu, the Whimpering Little Sissybitch.
It’s more accurate.
Abu P. Dowd, Whimpering Little Sissybitch
c. 1971
TEACH is a whimpering little sissybitch.
There are hundreds of gods, and all religious people assume their god is the only true god! Can you prove there is only one god? Or any? Odin, Ra, Yahweh, Brahman, Allah, Ba’al, Marduk, Horus, Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, Jupiter, Coyote… If gods can perform miracles, e.g., heal the sick, why can’t a god regrow an amputated limb?
Only one resurrected his Son. And there were witnesses to rpove it.
Can we prove that there have been 63 accusations? Yes. Can we prove that Trump paid Stormy Daniels $130,000? Yes. Can we prove that the Enquirer paid Karen McDougal $150,000 and “killed†her story? Yes. Can we prove that Trump knew of these payments (through his attorney Michael Cohen)? Yes.
No. Accusations mean nothing (Duh). Go into a court of law and prove the accusations.
As for payments, Cohen is sitting in prison. Do you trust the word of a convicted felon?
Trump is the wife beater (ask Ivana). Trump has repeatedly admitted to trying to bang every attractive woman he met. How many before that makes him a pathetic manwhore?
He has? Trump was introduced to lots of attractive women and wanting to bang them does not make him anything other than a normal guy. It’s called biology and it’s why you’re a freak.
As for Ivana, the lady says you’re full of it.
It was a bad weekend for America, as is typical for the Trump reign.
Great weekend for America, bad for the Lefties, as you’re proving once again.
Do you think CA will elect a ConRepub to take Representative Hill’s place? Why didn’t the indicted Duncan Hunter resign? Katie Hill had the decency to resign even though she didn’t break the law.
She didn’t? Gee, I’ll bet all those bong parties and take my wife, please posts broke some law. And, the way things are going in the Fecal State, I’d say the odds are pretty good, given the rolling power outages imposed by a Democrat party that couldn’t manage its forests.
And no one knows more about my asshole than you, wormtongue, you sick fuk.
We see what comes out of it every day.
Thank the gods that neither you, nor trump nor commenters here call others names!
Did you not notice Booger’s use of asshole, or LilFluffy’s use of sissybitch
One God. Only one. Intelligent people were seeing that 4000 years ago.
And we only do so to partially describe our loathing and disgust.
Remember when Hypocrite Hare was lecturing us on how Conservatives like Brother Bret and The Donald exploited and abused women, but Lefties never did?
Here’s your truth.
PS Funny how you can’t even come up with a witty riposte, but have to slide straight into the gutter.
Must suck to be you.
The difference between Melania and Rep Hill, whom one of your posse called “a whore”, is that Melania was paid to disrobe and “snuggle” with another woman. So who’s the whore? And trashsite Red State didn’t publish Melania’s nude pics.
First, let’s have some documentation on the website. It doesn’t even look like her.
And, since I’ve seen no one but you use the word whore, I would dispute its use, although Ms Hill certainly was and is a pervert and, ha ha, a lawbreaker. The House passed a rule banning Congresscreeps from banging their staffers.
So, in the end, we have a picture with only your say-so it’s FLOTUS (you honestly think if this were real, we wouldn’t have heard about it during the election?) trying to defend a Congresswoman who not only betrays her husband, her office, her constituents, but her species, as well as breaking the Rules of the House.
So who’s the whore?
You, of course.
And trashsite Red State didn’t publish Melania’s nude pics.
Mrs Trump isn’t a Congresswoman under investigation.
Hypocrite Hare is going off the deep end.
If RBG goes down, I think we can expect full-on crazy.
O, my stars and garters! What will the bunny suit say?
No, it wasn’t the outrage of 98.7% of the country at nude photos of a stereosexual, addicted Congresswoman that forced her to resign.
Heavens to Murgatroyd, no! It was Pelosi Galore who demanded her resignation.
Who’s the whore now?