…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on the climate ship to nowhere.

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on the climate ship to nowhere.
New York Times/Siena College poll released Wednesday showed that voters in six key swing states oppose impeaching and removing President Trump, 52 percent to 44 percent.
As they said at Insty, Another torpedo ready to circle back.
I have never seen a pretty girl improved by adding ink.
Maybe 1%, tastefully applied, but even that’s on shaky ground.
Well, she might have been worth looking at before being ruined by all that fugly ass “body art”…. Sad when a pretty girl has such low self esteem…
I can’t begin to comprehend what makes her tick, but in my experience there isn’t a lot of depth in the tatted up chix. And they only go with tatted up guys.
Patriotic panties, though:
Titty Gang:
Nothing says “good taste” more than skulls in your pubic area:
More like belly button, but yeah.
And then there were 9.
Pancho Vanilla has dropped out, soon to be followed by Chlamydia and Spartacus.
The right has taken my advice. Tulsi Gabbard is now polling at 5 percent ahead of everyone but Sanders, Biden, Warren and Buttigieg.
She instantly jumped from 1 percent to 5 percent when HRC pounced on her by calling her a Russian Asset. What is even more horrendous is now the spin by the DNC is that she never said that despite a clear audio of it. They are saying the REPUBLICANS are grooming her to be a spoiler. LOLOLOLOL.
Yep, we’ve heard that the trump team scans the Cove’s comments for campaign and policy ideas.
More fun for the impeachment for lunch bunch.
Turns out several key witnesses have taken their case, constitutional immunity, to court.
Long story short, several people affiliated with the NSC in the Bolton days have been advised to plead constitutional immunity to quash their Schiff For Brains subpoenas and the judge is giving both sides several weeks to flesh out their arguments.
Bad news for the Demos, as they wanted a quick lynching, not the OJ trial. Bottom line: Pelosi Galore doesn’t want this to be the new Pajama Boy discussion, complete with footsies and cocoa, around the Christmas tree.
A speech for the ages:
“I wanted to show young people, queer people, working people, imperfect people that they belong here, because this is the people’s house. I fell short of that and I’m sorry. To every young person who saw themselves and their dreams reflected in me, I’m sorry. To those who felt like I gave them hope in one of the darkest times in our nation’s history, I’m sorry. To my family, my friends, my staff, my colleagues, my mentors, to everyone who’s supported and believed in me, I’m sorry.â€
She continued: “And to every little girl who looked up to me, I hope that one day you can forgive me.†Does that include Saint Greta too? Oh the humanity!!
The 32-year-old Democrat, who is openly bisexual, said the nude photos published by a conservative website and a British tabloid, and the potential that more might be released, were major factors in her decision to resign.
“The forces of revenge by a bitter, jealous man, cyber-exploitation, and sexual shaming that target our gender and a large segment of society that fears and hates powerful women have combined to push a young woman out of power and say that she doesn’t belong here,†Hill said.
“Yet a man who brags about his sexual predation, who’s had dozens of women come forward to accuse him of sexual assault, who pushes policies that are uniquely harmful to women and who has filled the courts with judges who proudly rule to deprive women of the most fundamental right to control their own bodies, sits in the highest office in the land.”
“And so today, as my last vote, I voted on impeachment proceedings, not just because of corruption, obstruction of justice or gross misconduct, but because of the deepest abuse of power, including the abuse of power over women.â€
Wow, what a boatload of shit. They already have published photos of her naked. Big deal. She is a horny bi-sexual. Trump is a horny old man. Why is Trump evil and somehow she is a victim? Big deal they both did the same thing. LOLOLOL.
The real story here is She is a QUITTER and certainly not a champion of those she pretends to represent. Good riddance. See I don’t care if she stays or goes, she is from a dead dog district meaning if your a dead dog and got a (D) next to your name your elected. So its not like the left is losing a seat.
Trump may be a horny old man, but he’s been accused of forcing himself on over 60 women. He’s more like Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein than Representative Hill. But as far as we know Trump has not harassed or been accused by subordinates.
That said, Hill had relationships with a campaign subordinate and is accused of having a relationship with a staffer, which is a violation of norms and policies. The power inequality between an employer and employee or a supervisor and underling makes even those consensual relationships troublesome. It’s why there are policies forbidding them. She was correct in resigning.
She did not share the pictures, they were shared by someone else without her permission.
The House and Senate have a long history of Reps and Senators – both Dems and Repubs – having affairs with or sexually harassing staff. The perps usually resigned or declined to seek re-election. Representative Hill was the first female to resign.
Trump may be a horny old man, but he’s been accused of forcing himself on over 60 women. He’s more like Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein than Representative Hill. But as far as we know Trump has not harassed or been accused by subordinates
When you can find a court to convict him, let us know.
That said, Hill had relationships with a campaign subordinate and is accused of having a relationship with a staffer, which is a violation of norms and policies. The power inequality between an employer and employee or a supervisor and underling makes even those consensual relationships troublesome. It’s why there are policies forbidding them. She was correct in resigning.
First, she didn’t resign. Pelosi Galore fired her.
Second, those aren’t norms and policies, they are House rules. You seem to have a real problem talking about such things. Maybe because norms and policies can be changed the moment the mob wants it, which law and rules.
She did not share the pictures, they were shared by someone else without her permission.
She had no problem having them taken or having her husband place a picture of her bare behind on a wife-swapping site.
Which is why you try to defame Mrs Trump. People like you are such slime, but there is a circle in Hell reserved for you.
The House and Senate have a long history of Reps and Senators – both Dems and Repubs – having affairs with or sexually harassing staff. The perps usually resigned or declined to seek re-election. Representative Hill was the first female to resign.
Which means what? She broke the rules, just like Jim Wright or Danny Rostenkowski. She intended to tough it out, Willie style. Pelosi Galore refused to accept it and ordered her out.
Her gender has nothing to do with it.
You are confused. The Speaker cannot “fire” or expel a House member. Representative Hill was accused of misconduct with a staffer – which she denied. She admitted to an affair with a campaign aid, which is not against House rules. But she resigned anyway.
Didn’t Newt Gettingrich have affairs with staffers? Haven’t dozens of GOPhers?
Hill likely thought the ethics investigation would not put her in a good light. She resigned. What’s your beef now?
She did not share the pictures.
You are confused. The Speaker cannot “fire†or expel a House member. Representative Hill was accused of misconduct with a staffer – which she denied. She admitted to an affair with a campaign aid, which is not against House rules. But she resigned anyway.
No, you are lying again. There was enough evidence to convince Pelosi Galore she was banging the hired help and San Fiasco Nan told her to hit the bricks.
Didn’t Newt Gettingrich have affairs with staffers? Haven’t dozens of GOPhers?
Haven’t thousands of Demos?
Hill likely thought the ethics investigation would not put her in a good light. She resigned. What’s your beef now?
No, she got caught violating House rules and was told to leave.
My beef is that you’re lying.
She did not share the pictures.
She allowed the one of her behind.
My apologies. You are not confused, you’re just a liar. No matter how many times you say it, the Speaker cannot fire or expel an elected member of the House. The Speaker can advise the member to resign, promise to make life hell if they don’t, promise a nasty and publicly humiliating Ethics investigation, but not unilaterally expel or “fire” a member.
Our Constitution, Article II, Section 5: Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member.
In your mind, can the Speaker expel any member or just those of the majority party?
Unlike Melania Knavs (nee tRump), Representative Hill was not paid for her embarrassing pictures. And she didn’t share them.
Eeewwww tattoos
Why do you think the Trump’s abandoned NY and changed their official residency to Florida?
He thinks it will keep NY from obtaining his tax returns.
He’s afraid NY will take all his NY property and he’ll have no place to live.
Florida is a battleground state in 2020.
Florida is better at preparing for powerful hurricanes.
Melania prefers living far from The Don.
Saudi Arabia (no extradition to US) said no!
NY prosecutors are closing in and Mar-a-Lago is better for making his last stand.
When he’s a private citizen Floridians will jeer him less than New Yawkers.
He won’t have to travel to play golf.
Less need to cheat on his taxes, which he doesn’t pay anyway.
Florida divorce settlements are more favorable.
He can pass more to his do-nothing children.
Try why pay taxes to a state that abuses you.
The rest is all your lies.
How do you know if trump pays taxes? LOL
And trump can’t stand a little criticism?
He made his returns public before running in ’16.
And Trump stands criticism a lot better than you do.
Commenter typed: He made his returns public before running in ’16.
Please supply evidence to support that claim, thanks.
Bits and pieces were leaked but we’re unaware that trump released his returns as he promised he would many times.
“Less need to cheat on taxes, which he doesn’t pay anyway.†Proof of that, please. Good luck
From leaked tax returns (1995 and 2005) trump claimed losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars, losses sufficient to offset his tax liabilities for years.
This loss would have generated a tax deduction so substantial, according to the Times, that he would be able “to avoid paying any federal income taxes for “up to 18 years.â€
NY Gov Cuomo quote yesterday: “It’s not like Mr. Trump paid taxes here anyway. He’s all yours, Florida.”
Why do you think trump lied about releasing his tax returns? Privacy? LOL. He’s the least private scoundrel in America.
You do realize quoting leaked returns makes you accessory to a felony.
Of course, with your other crimes, it eventually makes for a long stay in stir.
Really? Quoting leaked returns on a blog, returns that are all over the media, is a felony?
By all means, report me to the authorities.
Try again.
You are 0 for 5 tonight.
Funny-and nowhere in that article did it say it was illegal. Try again, J. Reading comprehension is your friend…
Try persuading the electorate that a billionaire with luxury hotels, airplanes, golf resorts, mansions all around the globe is losing so much money that he doesn’t pay taxes. Would you support changing the tax code so that billionaires paid their fair share? A single mom nurse has to pay taxes, why shouldn’t a billionaire?
This is why The Don is suing to keep his tax returns hidden.
So in other words, he didn’t cheat, he allegedly followed the tax code. But I do recognize goalpost shifting when I see it.
Were those losses valid? Since he was never prosecuted, they likely were, so, once again, Idiot Boy lies.
And he released his returns from ’13 and ’14. No reason to release every return just for a fishing expedition.
One element of income tax is that returns are kept confidential, so again the Lefties rewrite the laws to suit themselves.
We were asked for proof that trump didn’t pay taxes, not whether his tactics for avoiding taxes were legal.
Does it make sense that a “billionaire” not pay US taxes?
Would you share your evidence that trump released his ’13 and ’14 returns?
You first. But again, you weasel. The fact you use leaked “returns”, which could have been edited, says you have no problem with violation of the law. And, until proven guilty in a court of law, all are presumed innocent.
You’re right at home with all this Commie stuff.
Does it make sense that a “billionaire†not pay US taxes?
I’m sure if he paid no taxes, the IRS would have prosecuted him.
You “claim” to be a businessman yourself, Fredo. Let’s say you made $5 million this year but spent $7 million doing it. How much tax would you owe. I’m sure YOU take evry tax deduction you cn so why would you deny Trump the same? If trump took the opportunity to write off millions in deprecation your complaint should be with Congress and the IRS, it’s their tax code, Trump didn’t write it.
It’s more complex than that. We take lEGAL deductions. There are several examples of the trump gang underreporting income or overreporting losses.
Trump took over a $600,000 deduction against $0 income in 1984 and his tax attorney said he didn’t recognize the return but that his signature had been attached. Trump had no documentation to support the deductions and lost the case in court.
The state of NY is looking into potential civil tax fraud by trump (no statute of limitations). Coincidentally Trump recently fled NY for FL.
The Daily Beast? Tina Brown’s monument to her own idiocy? Why not use Puffington or Slate and really make an ass of yourself?
Donald Trump tax thief in chief. There’s a monument to objectivity.
Trump had no documentation to support the deductions and lost the case in court.
TRUMP-EQUITABLE CO. v. GLIEDMAN. and his lawyer was Roy Cohn, who was nobody’s fool, but may well explain why the State wanted a shot at him.
The case was based on whether the old Bonwit Teller building, which Trump acquired, qualified as under-utilized land.
The State disagreed, but we’re talking about how the law is read. And, in certain cases, how the politicians want it read.
Thin gruel. Go home. this stuff is only for the rubes.
Commenter typed: Were those losses valid? Since he was never prosecuted, they likely were
Since Bill, Hillary, Obama, Lynch, Mueller, Rice, McCabe, Wray, Rosenstein, Strzok, Yates, Comey, Clinton Foundation, Sessions, Biden, Brennan, Soros, Schiff, Pelosi, Holder, Blasey-Ford, were never prosecuted they have only conducted legal activities…
Well, Willie was convicted of perjury. Let’s see how the others fare.
Trump has been investigated and there was no there there.
But you object to Barr and Durham investigating the others.
Why do you do that if you’re so sure they’re innocent?
My apologies. You are not confused, you’re just a liar. No matter how many times you say it, the Speaker cannot fire or expel an elected member of the House.
What can I say except Pelosi Galore wants it both ways. Sorry, the record is Pelosi Galore told her to leave.
The Speaker can advise the member to resign, promise to make life hell if they don’t, promise a nasty and publicly humiliating Ethics investigation, but not unilaterally expel or “fire†a member.
Ah, but she did. Hill was fired. Now you can spin it any way you want, but she was told to hit the bricks.
Your oh, so precise, language in these matters is always a tell you’ve been given an exact script.
The Constitution is not evidence enough?
The Speaker cannot “fire” a Representative, it takes a 2/3rd majority vote to expel a member.
Speaker Pelosi can tell a Representative to leave but the Rep doesn’t have to obey, at least according to the Constitution of the US.
If Hill wanted to fight the Ethics violation, she could have – a two thirds vote could expel her. She chose to resign rather than face the Ethics investigation.
If Hill wanted to fight the Ethics violation, she could have
That was her intent, as she made clear.
Until Pelosi Galore told her otherwise.
And Democrats do unconstitutional things all the time.
Commenter typed: He made his returns public before running in ’16.
Please supply evidence to support that claim, thanks.
Tell it to Commie News Net.
Bits and pieces were leaked but we’re unaware that trump released his returns as he promised he would many times.
Leaking returns is a felony, so it’s no surprise you condone breaking the law. And Trump is under audit by the IRS, so he is prohibited from releasing them.
So no there is no evidence that trump “made his returns public before running in ’16”.
There is no rule or law prohibiting the release of returns being audited.
Yes, he did.
And show me where there is no law in the Internal Revenue Code.
In summary:
The Speaker of the House cannot expel a member.
Trump did not release his tax returns before the 2016 election.
Trump did not release his 2013 and 2014 tax returns.
There is no law or policy or rule prohibiting the release of tax returns under audit.
Prove it.
This is all like Mrs Trump’s lesbo pictures.
You throw it out and expect people to buy it.
Those days are gone.
Really? Quoting leaked returns on a blog, returns that are all over the media, is a felony?
By all means, report me to the authorities.
Try again.
You are 0 for 5 tonight.
Accessory. After all, you are receiving stolen material and passing it on.
You are 0 for 5 because the whole thing is a tissue of lies.
Life got you down, Bunky? You’re having a rough night.
You’re the one who throws the tantrums.
And you’ve so far failed to prove anything I said was wrong.
Just your unsupported say-so.
0 for 6!
6 for 6. You run away from everything I say.
Everything you type is a lie. And you never support your claims with evidence or reason.
The Speaker of the House cannot expel a member.
Trump did not release his tax returns before the 2016 election.
Trump did not release his 2013 and 2014 tax returns.
There is no law or policy or rule prohibiting the release of tax returns under audit.
FLOTUS had pictures taken in lesbian poses with another woman.
Ahh, I see you’re back to the exploitation of women to suit your political needs. Some nude pics of a couple young nude girls is always the way to win an argument about the President. You’re a real class act, Fredo. Does it make you feel like a man to exploit women or do you do it because you’re a pervert?
Maybe you could find a way to exploit some kids too? That would show us!
Then you’re back it with presumptions, accusations, and as you say “rumors” about President Trump with no way of proving anything. I assume you realize what that makes you, right? A prevaricator.
You fit right in with your comrades. They’re low class commies too.
Incidentally, having been in business all my life and having a couple friends who are accountants and former IRS agents they told me a person with Trump’s wide and numerable business associations he is most likely under constant observation if not out and out audit by the IRS. If President Trump with the billions he’s made and lost and made again ever did anything that the IRS found grossly illegal he would be in the Leona Helmsley Memorial Prison Cell because Orange Man Bad. Or are you suggesting the Deep State IRS is incompetent to find false Returns and prosecute for them over 20+ years of filings? How many of those years was he audited? You don’t know. How may years did he spend in prison for cheating? ZERO!
Then Trump should have no problem releasing his tax returns. Or is this just another broken promise?
Here’s a summary some of the Trump clan’s tax avoidance schemes.
Was he ever caught? Yes. He paid a fine of $65,000 when he accepted a gift from his father to save The Don’s NJ casino. But paying the fine saved over $1.5 million in avoided tax!!
Your argument: Trump can’t be a crook since he was never imprisoned! Whitey Bulger wasn’t convicted until he was 83 years old. Do you think he wasn’t a crook until then?
Your brother in arms, Goober, wanted “proof” that Melania Trump had disrobed for money and had “snuggled” with another woman for money. Big deal. If you object you should take it up with FLOTUS.
“Was he ever caught? Yes. He paid a fine of $65,000 when he accepted a gift from his father to save The Don’s NJ casino. But paying the fine saved over $1.5 million in avoided tax!!”
So you admit Trump was audited and they found a problem an he paid his fine. Now you claim (being the expert on Trumps taxes never having seen them) he AVOIDED 1.5 million in taxes. AVOIDED! Which is what you do every year on a smaller scale when YOU DECLARE LEGAL DEDUCTIONS. Somehow Fredo, you seem to think YOU get to decide how much in taxes Trump “should” pay. Do you believe he’s cheating YOU by taking LEGAL DEDUCTIONS?
BTW, Whitey Bulger was found guilty for 11 murders. Are you equating Trump being a billionaire with being a mass murderer?
Just because he wanted “proof” doesn’t mean you have to exploit Melania and the girl with her. They may both have children by now. All you needed to do was explain that for reasons of propriety you won’t be part of exploiting women. You really have zero class. You’re all for women’s rights right up until you exploit them for your own sick amusement. We don’t object to her making money we object to you exploiting her while telling us how much you respect women. Sure you do. Right up till you can exploit them for your own purposes. On this topic like almost every other you once again prove yourself a commie hypocrite.
Why should he? Let them show cause in a court of law why those returns should be handed over.
And I’d like something a little more credible the the CPA Institute for Success (and he bellyaches about Trump University).
Your argument: Trump can’t be a crook since he was never imprisoned!
Basic tenet of Western civilization since the Romans (it’s what makes us better than all those other cultures), a man is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt. And how many years was Bulger on the run? He fled to avoid prosecution. “Not being caught” had nothing to do with his innocence, it had to do with his culpability.
And you couldn’t provide said proof.
This is why our system is better than yours (show me the man, I’ll show you the crime).
How much did your Crook-in-Chief have to pay all those he swindled via tRump U? $25 million, as we recall.
The Don is a huckster, from a long line of hucksters. If he was tougher he’d aspire to be a mobster, but he hires others to do his dirty work.
The Don is on the run too, isn’t he. He suddenly fled NY for Florida because of “taxes” he doesn’t pay. Curiously, NY didn’t suddenly raise the “taxes” he doesn’t pay, so his excuse rings hollow. What’s his real reason for fleeing NYC? He’s also trying to peddle his lease on the DC hotel. How soon before his failing golf courses hit the market.
He’ll likely flee to UAE.
The hate runs deep in you Fredo. You’re a lost soul. You’ve already made up your mind so any further discussion about Trump with you is useless. You’ve pronounced him guilty of EVERYTHING without a trial. You are the type of useful idiot Lenin referenced. You’re like the mobs demanding the guillotine in the French revolution. They too wanted “Equality” rather than “The pursuit of happiness”. They like you wanted the government to guarantee their happiness. It’s a mental and moral weakness some people have.
It’s funny. You deny God yet you’re one of the most religious people I’ve run across. Of course your religion is the state as long as it isn’t run by conservatives, Christians, pro life people and a litany of hated American Patriots all of which you seem to not only hate but irrationally fear. You’ve been screaming about Trump since before he was elected. You predicted wrong then and it seems you haven’t learned much since.
You defend trump regardless of facts because, OMG!! (Orange Man Great).
Trump feeds the hatred of Con Men such as you, hating Muslims, Blacks, immigrants, liberals, scientists, gays, science, reason etc. It’s why you and your cult worship him.
Recognizing that Donald J. Trump is a long-time huckster who is harming the nation and the globe is not a religion, any more than your TrumpKult is a religion. Religions typically have significant supernatural components – paradises, other-worldly torture zones, gods, miracles, magic, totems. It’s trumps actions and policies that we find objectionable.
We don’t deny gods, only observe that evidence is lacking. Perhaps if even one of the multiple gods or the world would use human reason (e.g., present evidence) instead of relying on human fear….
Actually, the whole Trump U thing was a political hit by the NY AG.
The Don is a huckster, from a long line of hucksters. If he was tougher he’d aspire to be a mobster, but he hires others to do his dirty work.
No, that’s what Leftists do. And Trump is a successful entrepreneur, small wonder you can’t tell the difference.
The Don is on the run too, isn’t he. He suddenly fled NY for Florida because of “taxes†he doesn’t pay. Curiously, NY didn’t suddenly raise the “taxes†he doesn’t pay, so his excuse rings hollow.
There’s this thing we have in this country called extradition. Moving to FL doesn’t eliminate it. And, since we really don’t know what taxes he pays (a return leaked for political purposes isn’t trustworthy), all you’re doing is blowing smoke, as always.
Too bad, too. You’re not going to shake that 40% floor he has, while all the Demos, including the new heartthrob, Buttpeg, have a ceiling.
What’s his real reason for fleeing NYC?
Not wanting his son to grow up in the hellhole Mayor Wilhelm is again making it?
He’s also trying to peddle his lease on the DC hotel.
He isn’t doing anything. He has no interest in the running of his businesses.
Trump paid $25 million to settle the “Trump U” debacle. Trump paid $130,000 to shut up Stormy Daniels and Trump paid $150,000 to silence Karen McDougle.
Why did he make all those payments?
0 for 7.
Commenter typed: He has no interest in the running of his businesses.
0 for 8.
7 for 7.
Stormy said nothing happened and the NY AG took up the Trump U thing for political reasons.
8 for 8. Show me where he makes business decisions these days. Not your say-so, but an actual decision from a credible, not Fake News, source.
And it’s McDougal, it’s her word against his.
Try persuading the electorate that a billionaire with luxury hotels, airplanes, golf resorts, mansions all around the globe is losing so much money that he doesn’t pay taxes. Would you support changing the tax code so that billionaires paid their fair share? A single mom nurse has to pay taxes, why shouldn’t a billionaire?
Try persuading the electorate that a Democrat who wants to tax them to death for a scheme they already know doesn’t work should be elected President in place of a guy who’s done the country nothing but good.
And you really don’t know much about entrepreneurship and business, do you?
This is why The Don is suing to keep his tax returns hidden.
No, he just is smart enough to know the Demos have nothing on him and he doesn’t feel like giving them the excuse to make this farce go on forever.
And, please, tell us if he has nothing to hide, he has nothing to fear.
For all his talking about Trump’s taxes (and we have yet to hear the public express any interest in them) and the move to FL, I note Jeffery is afraid to talk about the elephant (or should I say, jackass) in the room (aside from himself) that suddenly Lefties are getting a little nervous about the phony impeachment vote and how much good it may end up doing Trump.
Commie News Net is worried and so is Pelosi Galore, else why not let Kinky Katie continue in her attempt to brazen out her nude pix and revelations of her promiscuous druggie lifestyle?
As I say, 6 for 6 because he keeps trying to change the subject.
If Sibley and the GOPhers really thought trump’s coming impeachment was harming the Dems they wouldn’t be fighting so hard to stop it.
Waah! It’s private like the Soviets! Waah! Now it’s public! See how the electorate responds to credible witnesses (Rudy better watch his six – trump is loyal to no one) detailing trump’s “something for something” (foreign aid for “dirt”).
0 for 9.
No, you can see the future implications of allowing a witch hunt like this take place and still realize, along with what few intelligent Lefties there are, that this is going to put a lock on the election for Trump.
See how the electorate responds to credible witnesses
Vindman? Taylor? You must be joking. Neither one was there. Hearsay.
How’s ’bout a guy who actually heard the conversation and found nothing untoward? How’s ’bout the public having access to the transcription?
9 for 9
Everything you type is a lie. And you never support your claims with evidence or reason.
The Speaker of the House cannot expel a member.
Trump did not release his tax returns before the 2016 election.
Trump did not release his 2013 and 2014 tax returns.
There is no law or policy or rule prohibiting the release of tax returns under audit.
FLOTUS had pictures taken in lesbian poses with another woman.
I’ve backed up everything I’ve said. You’ve backed up nothing.
But you just throw out stuff you saw on DUh or Kos and pray somebody will buy it.
That floor of Trump’s is going to hold steady and Buttpeg or Fauxcahontas (looks like everybody else will either have to cash in because no money or they’ll end up in the Alzheimer’s wing of the Demo Home for Useless Pols) will drive more voters into his camp by the million.
40 states at least, quite possibly 50.
Or 57, if you prefer.
Since there are pictures of Melania Trump in lesbian poses with other women do you think it possible that she’s bisexual? Or was she just doing it as part of her occupation? And if she is bisexual, does it matter?
It matters, she’s not, they don’ even look like her (you’d think whoever started this would have tried to do a decent Photoshop), and this is why you’re running scared. The bottom is dropping out for the Demos, both in Congress and in the election.
They have no credible nominee and they have no credible witness. A half million people left NY last year and CA is going up in smoke in the dark except for all the places where what ought to be going going down the tubes is on the streets. And the Lefties, having had time to actually think about it, are realizing the whole Resistance thing is blowing up in their faces.
Hell, they’re even talking about running the Hildabeast again
People are seriously talking about a 35 – 40 state sweep next year (I still hold out for 50) and loss of the House for the Demos with some modest gain in the Senate for Cocaine Mitch.
All I can say is I hope you don’t really believe the dreck you type because the next year is going to be one nervous breakdown after another for you.