She’s doing a great job in putting “tyrannical psycho” on her resume, something we all know Climate cultists to be. They always talk about having discussions to change minds, but, are unwilling to listen and want dissenters shut down
Climate activist Greta Thunberg has threatened to quit Facebook if the social media platform refuses to silence her critics.
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 31, 2019
From the link
The celebrated Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has threatened to quit Facebook if the social media platform refuses to silence her critics.
“I am, like many others, questioning whether I should keep using Facebook or not,†Thunberg wrote in a Facebook post last week. “Allowing hate speech, the lack of fact-checking and, of course, the issues of interfering with democracy… are among many, many other things that are very upsetting.â€
“The constant lies and conspiracy theories about me and countless others, of course, result in hate, death threats and ultimately violence. This could easily be stopped if Facebook wanted to. I find the lack of taking responsibility very disturbing,†she added. (snip)
Yet Ms. Thunberg is finding criticism enervating, suggesting that those who oppose her crusade are “interfering with democracy†and should be censored by Facebook.
The climate icon urged her fans to “challenge†Facebook to silence her antagonists, insisting that “if enough of us demand change — then change will come.â€
See, what she calls “hate speech” is simply speech which disagrees with her cultish beliefs. Sure, there will be some threatening nuts, welcome to the world, especially social media, which is often a cesspool. And, it would be easy to say she’s just a young, uneducated idiot being used by the Cult of Climastrology for her dictatorial demands of censorship, but, this is what the CoC is about: at their heart they are Fascists, and brook no dissent.

I am really tired of being lectured by a 16 year old…….
Especially a pill like that.
Yeah, if she fell down a well, not only would no one rescue her, but you could pump ugly for a week.
Now that’s a Texas insult if I ever heard one.
I understand your point, but I’m pretty sure she would be rescued. Human empathy is pretty strong motivator. You have to be a real sociopath to demand that millions of other people starve to death or freeze in the winter to comply with your social policy.
Next threat from her, “I’m going to hold my breath until I turn blue!”
It’s a shame that deniers have to be lectured by a kid.
Well, you certainly have no credibility.
But then, neither does she.
It’s a sham that ruse deniers are being lectured by a kid.
It’s a shame moron adults actually listen to a kid. You wouldn’t listen to her opinion on filing your taxes, open heart surgery, repairing your car or even art because as a fukin’ kid she knows NOTHING. But commies and Nazi’s have been using “the children” for decades. Need I pull out the weathered quotes from Stalin, Hitler and Goebbels? Seems those who wish to enslave us begin with the children.
So not only has Fredo revealed himself as a misogynist with his exploitative and vile display of nude photos of women just to hurt the man one of them loves, now he comes out in favor of exploiting and abusing children for political purposes also. Please Fredo, tell us when you’ve finally hit rock bottom on the people you will exploit and the damage to America and Freedom you’re willing to impose just so you can tell the other morons you’re “woke”.
Melania Knavs took money in exchange for posing naked alone and with other women, posed in such a way to imply lesbian relationships. These pictures were published in magazines and are all over the internet. Frankly, we don’t see anything wrong with that. Why does Ol’ Homo? Does he look at the pictures of semi-nude teens that TEACH posts? Some women sell pictures of their nude bodies. Some get paid to have sex on video. Some get paid to “strip” on stage. Melania T understands this well since she has had to tolerate her husband’s degrading and humiliating sexual affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. Model Melania Knavs posed for a girl-on-girl sexually suggestive photo shoot. It’s capitalism. Big deal. Wealthy old men seem to attract pretty young women. Get over it.
Here’s a pic of Mrs. Trump from Sports Illustrated:
Regarding Ms. Thunberg, can Ol’ Homo provide evidence demonstrating who’s exploiting and abusing her? Con Men such as Ol’ Homo have a long history of oppressing women, judging their appearance, condemning their sexuality, exploiting them. It may be a coincidence, but Ms. Thunberg happens to be correct on her judgements on global warming – almost all climate scientists agree with her.
Ol’ Homo should take his own advice and listen to the advice of actual climate scientists, experts on what happens when we dump gigatons CO2/yr into the atmosphere. We wouldn’t trust Donald Trump on filing taxes, open heart surgery OR global warming.
Didn’t the bible advise brainwashing children several centuries before Goebbels and Stalin were even born?
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates (Deuteronomy 6:5-9).
Just as “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men†(Luke 2:52), so the children of Jesus’ followers should be brought up “in the training and admonition of the Lord†(Ephesians 6:4).
There is evidence supporting global warming.
Melania Knavs took money in exchange for posing naked alone and with other women, posed in such a way to imply lesbian relationships. These pictures were published in magazines and are all over the internet.
Care to share a few with the class? All I ever saw (along with the rest of the world) is one of her on a bearskin rug. So, without anything like proof, you’re just lying again.
Frankly, we don’t see anything wrong with that. Why does Ol’ Homo?
Apparently you do since you’re the only Ol’ Homo around here.
Does he look at the pictures of semi-nude teens that TEACH posts? Some women sell pictures of their nude bodies. Some get paid to have sex on video. Some get paid to “strip†on stage. Melania T understands this well since she has had to tolerate her husband’s degrading and humiliating sexual affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.
You try to accuse Mrs Trump of things that only you say she did.
Model Melania Knavs posed for a girl-on-girl sexually suggestive photo shoot. It’s capitalism. Big deal. Wealthy old men seem to attract pretty young women. Get over it.
Sounds like it’s more your problem than anyone else’s. And you have yet to provide a picture of the type you say she made that looks even slightly like her.
Of course, we do have a picture of Zippy’s mother sitting on the living room rug bare as the day she was born in front of her whole family.
Maybe you ought to address that first.
Regarding Ms. Thunberg, can Ol’ Homo provide evidence demonstrating who’s exploiting and abusing her?
Well, there’s always the Left and the environuts exploiting some neurotic 16 year old until her 15 minutes are up. See Sheehan, Cindy and Hogg, David.
Con Men such as Ol’ Homo have a long history of oppressing women, judging their appearance, condemning their sexuality, exploiting them. It may be a coincidence, but Ms. Thunberg happens to be correct on her judgements on global warming – almost all climate scientists agree with her.
That’s what I mean by exploiting, and it’s been old Lefties, queer or not, that explore young people. Gerry Studds, Slobbering Bawney, Willie Whitewater, Robert Filner, Robert Menendez, Alec Baldwin, Ralph Fiennes, Ted Kennedy, Bill Richardson, George Stephanopoulos, Jeffrey Epstein, and Woody Allen.
Ol’ Homo should take his own advice and listen to the advice of actual climate scientists, experts on what happens when we dump gigatons CO2/yr into the atmosphere. We wouldn’t trust Donald Trump on filing taxes, open heart surgery OR global warming.
You mean like the founder of Greenpeace? And the only Ol’ Homo here is still you.
Didn’t the bible advise brainwashing children several centuries before Goebbels and Stalin were even born?
No, it talked about raising responsible, moral sons and daughters, something the Left abhors.
There is evidence supporting global warming.
Don’t be a fool, of course there isn’t.
Homo, as in Homo sapiens, you ol’ dumbass you. Get your mind out of the gutter.
And of course all the “photos’ of Stanley Dunham were faked. But even if they were real, how is that relevant to tRump?
Denial of facts and evidence has become the hallmark of the tRump cAbal. Google ‘Melania nude’ and you’ll find all the pics.
One can’t raise moral children without lying to them about a vengeful sky-god that will make them burn in hell if they don’t do as he/she says? Sounds exploitive and abusive to me, you Ol’ Homo you. And be sure and give 10% of your “blessings” to god, but be sure and mail give it to the preacher, since no one can find god’s address.
Do you think The Don gives a few million a year to the church? LOL.
Is that any less frightening than the truth of global warming?
And of course, many of Melania’s modeling pics were pre-plastic surgery.
Wow. She is one ugly and angry kid. Even the overly horny teen boys wouldn’t touch that while drunk.
The problem this young child faces is that in the EU there are little freedoms when it comes to free speech. She is actually acting like a EU citizen in this demand.
Microsoft was sued relentlessly over simply having IE Exploer added into their MS Windows operating system sold on computers to Europe. Facebook will relent as well and thousands of people will be banned by them over insulting the little girl who never should have been thrust upon the International stage as a sacrificial lamb by billionaires demanding Globalism.
Homo, as in Homo sapiens, you ol’ dumbass you. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Sure, you weren’t intending any insult.
And of course all the “photos’ of Stanley Dunham were faked. But even if they were real, how is that relevant to tRump?
Precisely. And all the nude pix of Kinky Katie relate to Mrs Trump how?
Denial of facts and evidence has become the hallmark of the tRump cAbal. Google ‘Melania nude’ and you’ll find all the pics.
There are nude photos of her, but more the modeling kind than the porno kind. Just because the first of the freshman class to resign was an addicted slut has nothing to do with Mrs Trump.
One can’t raise moral children without lying to them about a vengeful sky-god that will make them burn in hell if they don’t do as he/she says? Sounds exploitive and abusive to me, you Ol’ Homo you. And be sure and give 10% of your “blessings†to god, but be sure and mail give it to the preacher, since no one can find god’s address.
Well, it does explain a lot about you, but I never heard about a vengeful sky-god that will make them burn in hell if they don’t do as he/she says. Sounds more like a lot of Commie lies.
And the exploitation is telling kids the world will end in a dozen years if the don’t do what Father Karl tells them. BTW I told you it was intended as an insult and you prove me right.
And religion has done more to help the poor than Communism ever did.
Do you think The Don gives a few million a year to the church? LOL.
Probably a Hell of a lot more than the Os or the Ozarks or you. If you’ve ever givebn anything at all.
Is that any less frightening than the truth of global warming?
Global nonsense is a lie. God is real.
And of course, many of Melania’s modeling pics were pre-plastic surgery.>
As opposed to the Hildabeast? For a while there, she was getting a Lifestyle Lift every week.
Is that any less frightening than the truth of global warming?
And of course, many of Melania’s modeling pics were pre-plastic surgery.