Once again, remember, the Open Borders advocates say they aren’t open borders, they just want to keep the good illegal aliens (and refugees and such), not the bad ones. What do they define as good and bad?
Groups ask California governor to deter parolee deportations
Immigrant rights groups called Friday for Gov. Gavin Newsom to end policies they say ease the transfer of prison inmates to federal authorities despite California’s efforts to provide a sanctuary to those who are in the country illegally.
The groups asked Newsom to stop prison officials from holding parolees until they can be picked up by federal immigration officials. And they criticized him for vetoing legislation that would have barred private security companies from coming onto prison grounds to pick up immigrants for deportation. (snip)
Cambodian refugee Borey Ai told about 100 supporters rallying at the state Capitol that he was paroled in 2016 only to be immediately detained by immigration agents for another 18 months, until Cambodia refused to accept him. The California Supreme Court last year took the rare step of blocking former Gov. Jerry Brown’s attempt to pardon Ai, who killed a woman when he was 14 years old.
He’s an angel
The violence in Cambodia had traumatized his parents, and both suffered from PTSD. Ai said his father was a gambling and alcohol addict and his mother was overburdened with six kids to raise. Searching for community, Ai started running with a gang in Stockton at age 10. He was a full-fledged gang member by age 12.
Two years later, Ai was trying to impress older friends, and joined them when they asked him to rob a store with them. During the robbery, Ai said he killed the owner of the store. He turned himself in, was tried as an adult, and at age 14, he was sentenced to 25 years to life for second-degree murder with a gun enhancement. Ultimately, Ai served 20 years before he was deemed suitable for parole in 2016.
Is this the kind of person we want to keep around? Original story
Ai said he was once a cellmate with Cambodian refugee Tith Ton, who at age 16 killed a rival gang member and has served 22 years in prison. He was recommended for parole in July, though Newsom has not yet decided whether to block his release.
“I’ve seen Tith transform his life,” Ai said. “He’s being punished again” if he is deported after serving his time.
No, party of the penalty is deportation. It’s rather in the rules for legal non-citizen residents and illegal aliens. Funny how the Open Borders advocates are now protecting murderers as if they’re part of the good ones.