See, the human experience is never evolved as fast as it has during the Modern Warm Period. Just think of all the innovations in science, medicine, technology, agriculture, and so much more just in the last 50 years. Of course, climate cultists only see doom
Scientists foresee ‘untold suffering’, another climate record falls
More than 11,000 scientists warned Tuesday of “untold suffering” due to global warming, even as another team said Paris carbon-cutting pledges are “too little, too late”.
The European Union, meanwhile, confirmed that last month was the warmest October ever registered, fast on heels of a record September and the hottest month ever in July.
Three-quarters of national commitments under the Paris climate accord to curb greenhouse gases will not even slow the accelerating pace of global warming, according to a report from five senior scientists.
The sobering assessment came a day after President Donald Trump formally notified the United Nations of the US withdrawal from the 2015 Paris climate pact, triggering concerns of how other nations might react.
“With few exceptions, the pledges of rich, middle-income and poor nations are insufficient to address climate change,” said Robert Watson, who chaired both the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the UN’s science body for biodiversity.
“As they stand, the pledges are far too little, too late.”
So, what they’re sayin is that the Paris Climate Agreement was worthless? These people are always fear-mongering, they have nothing else to offer but gloom and doom. Seriously, are people really suffering that much, at least in the 1st World? There’s always suffering somewhere, and humanity has been able to deal with it a lot better, to attempt to resolve a lot of it, thanks to innovation during the Modern Warm Period. Humanity has done much better during the warm periods than the cool ones.
In parallel, more than 11,000 scientists sounded a five-bell alarm in the peer-reviewed journal BioScience, noting that the world had failed to act on global warming despite the accumulation of evidence over 30 years.
“We declare, clearly and unequivocally, that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency,” the statement said.
Yawn. Then they’ll all jump on fossil fueled airplanes to fly to Spain at the beginning of December for the last installment of the Conference On The Parties, have a good taxpayer funded working vacation, then we’ll hear the same stuff next November.
"Looking over the 11,000 signatories from scientists declaring a climate emergency, I found a certain Professor Micky Mouse, Institute for Blind, Namibia. It seems as much quality control has gone into this survey as climate science" #FridaysForFuture
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) November 6, 2019
It’s worth reading Jo Nova on this whole kerfuffle, which, let’s face it, is just the beginning of the Crazy onslaught we get every year at this time pre-climate meeting.

Are we pretending that there wasn’t an election yesterday ?
Seems that there are things for both sides to celebrate in yesterday’s elections. So what? What does that have to do with this article?
I don’t recall any blue to red flops
Did I miss something ?
Just the last 3 years.
Lolgf retard
First black AG in KY history? But, yeah, you’ve been missing stuff even back when you were Jeffery.
The fact the KY governor was/is as close (2400 votes in a 150,000 vote spread) as it was/is. Bevin had a 30% approval and Trump did a lot to turn that around. The measure of victory (apparently the contest was to see who you hated least, Beshear isn’t exactly popular, either) was the Libertarian vote which, as always, seems only to exist to swing tight elections to the Demo.
I guess this counts as a flip.
And before bragging about anything else, keep in mind running unopposed is not really a mandate.
You want to brag about something? Not much to brag about; pretty much of a wash, actually.
These were just “popular” votes.
….and Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Lolgf Abu the Whimperer
And the Rs took all the state offices except for a squeaker for governor.
I notice no big upsets in MS, so what’s the point? Typical off-off-year election.
Odd how communists suddenly care about fictional future “untold suffering” when they have never cared before about actual untold suffering that they caused. Breaking eggs and omelettes….
The cartoon characters were trying to get something going about KY.
Well, this might start it. Bevin refuses to concede and, since there’s less than one-half of 1% between the 2 contestants, the decision could come before the Republican-controlled state legislature.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Right now every DemCom lawyer in Kentucky is stashing “lost ballots” in their car trunks and “manufacturing” ballots for people who didn’t vote.
[…] I wrote about these Cult of Climastrology scientists saying a tiny increase in CO2 would cause untold suffering. And now we learn more about what they’re […]