Who would have thought that Bad Things could happen when Open Borders advocates release illegal alien criminals in order to thwart ICE?
Montgomery County Reverses Sanctuary Policy After String of Illegal Immigrants Charged With Rape
A county in Maryland has partially reversed a sanctuary policy just three months after it was passed. The move comes after a string of illegal immigrants have been charged with rape in Montgomery County.
The policy banned Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials from accessing secure portions of Montgomery County jail. It’s reversal, which was effectively immediately, means ICE can now access “identified areas†of the jail to “ensure that transfers are conducted in a safe environment.â€
The policy says ICE must submit an immigration detainer and arrive at the jail an hour before the inmate is set to be released, reported WJLA. If ICE fails to comply for whatever reason, the county will release the illegal immigrant into the community, just as the county was doing before, regardless of the crime the person has been charged with.
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich’s rolled back jail ban still prohibits ICE officials from accessing secure parts of the jail unless there is a pre-authorized custody transfer that meet the stated requirements. The ban also prohibits ICE agents from entering “non-public areas of all county-owned facilities†including libraries, police stations, and recreation centers.
So, what they’re trying to do is partially have it both ways. They still want to release the illegals, but, they want to blame ICE if they don’t arrive under those conditions and insulate themselves from condemnation when the illegals do get released and go on to commit crimes. Like continuous rape of an 11 year old girl over a month by illegals ordered deported by a federal judge after already being deported once and were then released by Montgomery County. And many other rapes
In late August, amid the string of rapes allegedly committed by illegal immigrants and many of the victims children, Elrich said in a statement that the county cannot honor ICE detainers unless ICE agents present a warrant signed by judge. However, under the Immigration and Nationality Act, ICE officials do not need such a signature, reported the Daily Caller.
“The public has been misled to believe that certain judges have the authority to sign a warrant for civil immigration violations—but no such judicial authority exists. This idea is a myth created by those who either oppose immigration enforcement efforts, are misinformed, or who do not understand how the immigration system works,†an ICE spokesperson told the news outlet.
Washington ‘robbery’ was hoax to score immigration visas: cops
As many as 10 people faked a violent robbery at a Washington state fast food restaurant in a stunning bid to score special immigration visas for crime victims, authorities revealed Monday.
The whole thing unraveled and it was just a scam to get visas.
ICYMI: Tucson voters overwhelmingly struck down the 'sanctuary city' proposal https://t.co/f3fUVN2fZq via @TucsonStar
— Justin Sayers (@_JustinSayers) November 6, 2019

A county in Maryland has partially reversed a sanctuary policy just three months after it was passed.
two illegal immigrants were charged with repeatedly raping an 11-year-old girl over the course of a month in 2018
So a 3 month old policy was reversed recently over alledged rapes that occurred in 2018?
Kind of like you whining about Charlottesville.
Better late than never. It was a foolish policy. Defending criminals always costs the rest of the community in suffering extra crimes. Montgomery county is better off for this. Local background also includes the politicians who passed it not willing to tell the press what it really means and what a “serious crime” is and police departments passing the buck to politicians. So it was an unenforceable plan to begin with, giving immigrants a free ride on crime.
The rapes happened in 2018 but the two illegals were just charged in late July. There have also been 9 other incidents since August. But, by all means, let’s keep this dangerous policy in place right?
I think they’re playing the people for suckers. The place is run by leftists who all want as many illegals as possible in the US. Why would leftists suddenly care how many Americans are murdered, how many women and children are raped and how many folks are robbed when votes are on the line? They never cared before why would they suddenly care now?
Looks like the good people of Tucson have had enough.
Good on them.
Considering Tucson has a very large barrio, this is a major improvement.
To those who keep yammering on about turning Texas from red to blue…
Supporters of one of the most contentious issues on the ballot — Proposition 4 — proclaimed victory within hours of the polls closing, with about three fourths of voters supporting the proposal in early voting returns. The proposition authored by state Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Plano, and state Sen. Pat Fallon, R-Prosper, eliminates the possibility of Texas imposing an income tax unless the state changes its constitution again.
God Bless Texas.
When I lived there, we had a formula. Every few years the governor would suggest passing an income tax and every few years the people of Texas would get a new governor.
Actually the last one was Ann Richards.
One termer.
Wasn’t she the one who said at the ’88 Demo convention, “Pore George. He wuz borne wif a silver foo–ot in his mouth”?
I find it mindboggling how the left wants to protect violent criminals because the right wants them arrested.
More problematic is the atrocious immigration policies in force.
An example is that if these two are handed over to ICE, they are deported with the expectations that their home country will take care of them. In effect, a few well-paid dollars and they are on the next boat back to the USA.
Sad. I mean its really sad that the left is so empathetic about these two rapists and say nothing of the girl who was violated. Remember the left is WOKE and believe in Women and putting them on a pedestal and yet, they are more interested in the criminals than the victims.
Florida woman angry that illegal immigrant was deported instead of tried on rape charge: report
Illegal immigrant arrested for sexually assaulting two women in Oregon had been deported 20 times Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, is an illegal immigrant who has been deported 20 times.
A previously deported illegal immigrant from Honduras — who raped a child after Philadelphia authorities ignored an ICE detainer and released him — pleaded guilty Tuesday to illegal reentry. AND WAS THEN DEPORTED.
Sad for America.