I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: people shouldn’t focus on Hunter Biden, but Joe Biden. If Hunter did something illegal, that’s on Ukraine to deal with. But, Joe, on the other hand, did exactly what Trump is being accused of, a quid pro quo using the power and money of the United States government for the benefit of his family
(Washington Post) Senate Republicans are privately debating whether they should use an impeachment trial of President Trump to scrutinize former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter as some Trump allies push to call them as witnesses while others dismiss the suggestion as a risky political ploy.
The ongoing discussions are a revealing glimpse into the fault lines in the GOP ahead of a possible trial of Trump in the upper chamber, where there are varying appetites among Senate Republicans for the type of political combat relished by the president and his most hardcore defenders. (snip)
“The Bidens have to be called,†former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon said Sunday on Fox News. “Joe Biden is a hand grenade and Hunter Biden is the pin. And when that pin gets pulled, the shrapnel is going to blow back all over the Democratic establishment,â€
Joe should be the target, and, let’s not forget that he is on video as saying that Barack Obama approved. If Trump is guilty of quid pro quo, which, at last check, wasn’t really a violation of the law, then what of Biden and Obama? If people are saying that what Trump did was unethical (when he was trying to get to the heart of corruption, especially regarding the 2016 election), then what of Joe and Barack?
It’s worth watching Glenn Beck’s explanation of what happened. It’s interesting that the Washington Post wrote their whole, long article without even delving into “why” Joe and Hunter would be called.

Vice President Biden can refuse to show up, and even ignore a subpoena.
Of course Joey Bribem will refuse and ignore.
Lolgf Abu
Don’t matter. They have him on tape.
He can refuse, but this is a trial. He’d have to show cause why he shouldn’t have to go.
He’d also be conceding the floor to the defense without a chance to rebut.
Just as the tRump Klan and their stooges are refusing to show up.
Why should they?
Lolgf Abu
If and when they actually get subpoenaed, we’ll see.
So far, most of these “subpoenas” have turned out to be requests.
Teach is it your position that the corrupt Ukraine prosecutor who was pro Putin should NOT have been removed ? The EU had threatened to stop all aid to Ukraine if he was not fired
The prosecutor was honest, it’s the government, which Biden and Zippy shook down, that was as corrupt as the Choom Gang.
Just more Fake News.
Only if you consider words out of Gropin’ Joe’s mouth Fake News.
John Is it your position that the Ambassador should not have been fired??
You know the Lady who was just caught lying to Congress and was also removed from office by Trump and was a democratic CRONY because under Obama she refused to grant VISA’s so Ukranian government corruption officials could come to the USA and show the results of their corruption findings to the OBAMA Administration. At the same time, Biden hurried to Ukraine and threatened to withhold aid if the GUY IN CHARGE OF THIS CORRUPTION INVESTIGATION WAS NOT FIRED.
How does that swamp water taste JOHN???
So tRump tried to get Bill Barr to hold a press conference absolving tRump of all wrongdoing in the Ukraine scandal. Barr said no. Hmmmmm.
More fake news. Whimpering little sissybitch really should try harder.
LOLgf Abu
TEACH is a whimpering little sissybitch.
That’s not trying harder, Abu, that’s repetition.
Lofgf whimpering little sissybitch.
TEACH is a whimpering little sissybitch.
Why do you always call yourself TEACH?
Fake News rides again.
When you get something more credible than the Amazon Post, let us know.
Why would AG Barr draw the line here? Legal eagles suspect Barr sees no wiggle room with all the credible evidence (proof!) that tRump attempted to extort Ukraine.
Abu P. Dowd, whimpering little sissybitch that she is, thinks Epstein DID kill himself.
Bwaha. Lolgf Jeffery L. Keene.
Porter Good and Edward Sibley Dutcher are whimpering little sissybitchs.
All we have is a “report” from the Amazon Post.
Unless you have some real evidence, all you’re doing is showing how worried you are about what happens in the next couple of weeks.