If All You See…

…are wonderful low carbon bikes which Everyone Else should be forced to use over fossil fueled transportation, you might just be a Warmist

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18 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Grifter-in-Chief pimped Baby Doc’s book today.

    Donald J. Trump
    ‏Verified account

    My son, @DonaldJTrumpJr is coming out with a new book, “Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us” – available tomorrow, November 5th! A great new book that I highly recommend for ALL to read. Go order it today!

    § 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain.
    An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations. The specific prohibitions set forth in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section apply this general standard, but are not intended to be exclusive or to limit the application of this section.

    But of course Papa Doc is above the law.

    • formwiz says:

      I was unaware he was drawing a paycheck from the Feds, but lots of Demo officeholders have written books on the public dime.

      When you start objecting to that, you have a right to object to this.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Papa Doc makes millions off taxpayers.

        Can you name some of the Dems who sold or advertised books while in office?

        Actually, regardless of what you do or say, we have the right to object to tRump peddling books while in office, since it violates the law. You have the right to object to the Dems you claim were selling tchotchkes while in office.

        • formwiz says:

          Jim Wright (it cost him his job), Albert Gore, Buttpeg, Chlamydia, Fauxcahontas, Julián Castro, Bernie, Klobuchar, Spartacus, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet, Zippy, and doubtless others.

          You should know by now I will shove a stupid question like that down your throat.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Thanks. You’re such a violent femme!!

            Can you give examples of them promoting their books while in office?

        • Kye says:

          “Papa Doc makes millions off taxpayers.”

          I can’t think of many politicians who don’t. But I think you’d be better off worrying about politicians who became millionaires in office rather than politicians who were billionaires before their term. Baby Doc Hussein became a multi millionaire off taxpayers while in office, selling books and book rights. So did his fugly husband Michele. So did Lyin’ Hillary, Algore and many others too numerous to list. Mostly Democrats and lately Democrat “Socialists”. Again, where do you think Bernie The Red got his new houses from? Go figure.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            More woman bashing from a rightist. Is there a group they don’t hate?

            Commenter typed: fugly husband Michele (sic).
            Michelle Obama, descended from slaves, graduated from Princeton U and Harvard Law School, and served as Dean at the prestigious University of Chicago and VP at the Medical Center. Her autobiography, Becoming, was published in 2018, and set sales records, selling 10 million copies.

            Melanija Knavs had plastic surgery, was a nude model, and married a rich old man who cheated on her repeatedly. Do you consider bringing up the truth about the current First Lady to be fair?

            from FOX News: Three years before she met husband Donald Trump, Melania Trump was snapped in a nude frolic with another female model…. The lesbian-themed pics are from a two-day photo shoot in Manhattan in 1995…

    • Liljeffyatemypuppy says:

      Tell it to Joe Bribem.

      Lolgfy Abu P. Dowd https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

    • Doom and Gloom says:

      What Does Donald Trump Jr. Do? Trump’s Oldest Child Works In The Family Business and helps with the campaign. He does not get paid by the federal government. His girlfriend is former fox host Kimberly Guilfoile a LAWYER who I am sure would keep him straight on most facts about avoiding breaking the law in DC.

      Remember ROBERT KENNEDY….you know the democrat who was ATTORNEY GENERAL????

      President-elect Donald Trump’s lawyers may have found a loophole in the so-called Bobby Kennedy law.

      “The antinepotism law apparently has an exception if you want to work in the West Wing because the President is able to appoint his own staff,” Conway said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “Of course, this came about to stop maybe family members from serving on the Cabinet, but the President does have the discretion to choose a staff of his liking.”


      Only three staffers — first daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump, son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and intergovernmental and technology aide Reed Cordish — take home no pay from taxpayers, according to the disclosure.

      These three work for the president but DO NOT RECEIVE ANY PAY.

      Throw that shit Elwood. Its fun watching the left flail around trying to get anything to stick on Trump. Like the little pittance of 170k per year is necessary for billionaires family.

      Therefore your entire post was a grand exercise is wasting your time trying to dig up SHEET on Trump. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

    • Doom and Gloom says:


      Your hero Bernie Sanders was griping in an interview about this?

      What is this you ask?

      I’m Glad you asked.

      Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In
      by Bernie Sanders, Mark Ruffalo, et al.

      WAIT theres more:

      Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution
      by Bernie Sanders | Aug 29, 2017
      Other formats: Paperback , Audio CD

      and lest we forget

      Where We Go from Here
      by Bernie Sanders and Macmillan Audio
      $12.72 $27.99


      Outsider in the White House
      by Senator Bernie Sanders and John Nichols | Sep 28, 2015
      $9.99 $16.95

      Bernie Speaks – Speeches by Bernie Sanders: A powerful collection of influential speeches from an authentic champion of the people.
      by Bernie Sanders, David Cane, et al. | Nov 20, 2017


      What was he complaining about in the interview?
      Bernie Sanders’ net worth now makes him a millionaire thanks to his best-selling books. WHOA IS BERNIE. HE COULD DONATE ALL THAT MONEY AND LIVE THE AUSTERE LIFESTYLE HE IS WANTING TO SLAP ON THE REST OF US.


  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    ELWOOD and the left are all Captain AHAB’S and Trump is their MOBY DICK.

    They have proven they are consumed with hatred and anger to catch that damn whale and they assuage their guilt at excluding life itself for their obsessive behavior.

    Get a new whaling boat ready Elwood, 2020 is coming up fast.

  3. formwiz says:

    Thanks. You’re such a violent femme!!

    you’re the wife beater.

    Can you give examples of them promoting their books while in office?

    Jim Wright (it cost him his job), Albert Gore, Buttpeg, Chlamydia, Fauxcahontas, Julián Castro, Bernie, Klobuchar, Spartacus, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet, Zippy, and doubtless others.

    More woman bashing from a rightist. Is there a group they don’t hate?

    Commenter typed: fugly husband Michele (sic).
    Michelle Obama, descended from slaves, graduated from Princeton U and Harvard Law School, and served as Dean at the prestigious University of Chicago and VP at the Medical Center. Her autobiography, Becoming, was published in 2018, and set sales records, selling 10 million copies.

    Mike Robinson was and is an Affirmative Action baby. Anything she got was handed to her because of her color. Much like you, no doubt.

    And who, exactly, bought all those 10 million books (that’s how Jim Wright lost his job) and what sales records were set?

    Melanija Knavs had plastic surgery, was a nude model, and married a rich old man who cheated on her repeatedly. Do you consider bringing up the truth about the current First Lady to be fair?

    from FOX News: Three years before she met husband Donald Trump, Melania Trump was snapped in a nude frolic with another female model…. The lesbian-themed pics are from a two-day photo shoot in Manhattan in 1995…

    All I see are a lot of charges, but no links. Which Lefty idiot website did you copy all this nonsense?

    More to the point, the more you slander a good woman, the more it becomes obvious you have to because of people like Chlamidya and Kinky Katie and Willie Whitewater (Epstein didn’t kill himself) and Buttpeg who are the face of the Democrat party.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      ED typed: … was handed to her because of her color. Much like you, no doubt.

      You’re right. All white men in America benefit from their whiteness.

      ED asked: Which Lefty idiot website… FOX News https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/donald-trump-responds-to-melanias-newly-surfaced-racy-photo-shoot

      from FOX News: Three years before she met husband Donald Trump, Melania Trump was snapped in a nude frolic with another female model…. The lesbian-themed pics are from a two-day photo shoot in Manhattan in 1995…

      Of course, if it’s true it’s not defamation, is it? We have nothing against Mrs. Trump, but clearly she is not as accomplished as Mrs. Obama. Why are right-wingers still attacking Mrs. Obama?

      And what are you going to charge Mrs. Obama with – an Ex-First Lady selling books?

      • formwiz says:

        You’re right. All white men in America benefit from their whiteness.

        Sure we do. Pay more in taxes to support people like you. Need to buy firearms to protect us from criminals like you.

        Sounds like the Murdoch brothers are tightening their grip on Dad’s empire. And it would appear Trump is lot less upset about this than you are, and you’re supposed to be gay positive and all that other PC stuff.

        I keep seeing “the source said”, as if not all the facts are in. And from Mrs Trump’s reaction, she wasn’t particularly proud of it.

        We have nothing against Mrs. Trump, but clearly she is not as accomplished as Mrs. Obama. Why are right-wingers still attacking Mrs. Obama?

        She’s an America-hating racist and nowhere near as “accomplished” as you want us to believe? As I said, she’s an Affirmative Action baby who got everything because of her color, much like her “husband”.

        So, if you and your cartoon characters have nothing against Mrs. Trump, why defame her? Unless you have to drag her down to your level? Apparently, she never banged her way to the top or or grazed on any of the help.

        As for accomplished, she speaks a half dozen languages (Mike only speaks hate), modeled for the top fashion houses in Paris and Milan (making her the cream of the crop), and was a successful business woman in her own right.

        Mike never got anything that wasn’t connected to filling an Affirmative Action slot (much like her “husband”) or something done to curry favor with Zippy.

        And what are you going to charge Mrs. Obama with – an Ex-First Lady selling books?

        Last I looked, First Ladies are not considered officers of the government, not even if they’re co-Presidents.

        If she hired somebody to buy 10 million books she wrote in private life so she’d look like a real author, that’s her problem, not mine. Jim Wright’s was he did it while he was House Speaker.

        Kinda different.

  4. formwiz says:

    Wonder why Hypocrite Hare is dissing the First Lady for taking lesbo pix (isn’t that homophobic?)?

    Big new poll out, from Townhall, of all places, saying Trump’s standing in 4 of the big swing states is better now than it was 4 years ago.

    Kind of like his approval vis a vis Zippy at the same point.

  5. Kye says:

    I pointed out before that Fredo’s exploits with Melania pictures was sordid, exploitative and misogynist but he keeps doing it. I can only presume that exploiting women for his retarded political aims is okay. I think he’s just a bigot, personally.

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