Every year this starts
I like how we’re about to do the annual one-eighty from “hottest October in history because of climate change” to “coldest snowiest November in history because of climate change.”
Their “science” turns on a dime! pic.twitter.com/cTqqMdlanF
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) November 10, 2019
Arctic blasts are expected to set 250 new cold records in the U.S. in the next week, amid a rise in climate crisis-linked extreme winter weather pic.twitter.com/zshRhF7gHr
— NowThis Impact (@nowthisimpact) November 9, 2019
I try and avoid this, but, once it starts…
And here we go, 4 months of "cold and snow are climate change" cultism https://t.co/nLbpVthHtU
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) November 10, 2019
Truly sick & tired of records & near records – rainfall, heat, snow, cold, etc. A long period of “normal” would be so nice. But that would require certain politicians recognize that scientists are right about climate change & actually take action on it.
— Robert Aimo (@flyfishsalt) November 10, 2019
We’re supposed to drop to 21° by end of day. We had snow in October, ffs. But climate change is a “hoax”, right?
— m(oo) ???? co(w)llicott WTF?? (@oldwisehippie) November 10, 2019
Stopping here.

OMG….its snowing in November. The horror!!!
Its so sad that people are being terrified by the MSM and MSM is doing it for PROFIT….No borders, no regulations equals more CORPORATE PROFIT!
The people that suffer are always the little guy and in this case the little guys are being scared shitless by the MSM who are doing it to make money.
I wonder if the left remembers just a few short years ago they were ANTI-immigrant and pro secure borders because it took away jobs in the USA. Now because they have been led by the nose vis a vie the MSM they are all for open borders and really don’t have a clue why.
Meanwhile, the MSM and CORPORATIONS are laughing their asses off at the stupid people believing in the climate crisis and the end of the world.
The mean global surface temperature averages readings from more than just the US. It can be especially cold in Northern Ohio during the Northern Hemisphere winter, but the global temperature average may be higher than in Cleveland.
In response to President Trump’s January 20 tweet about cold temperatures, Potsdam University physicist Stefan Rahmstorf noted on Twitter that, while North America was experiencing cold Arctic air, the rest of the world was abnormally hot. And, the polar vortex bringing that cold air to the U.S. may actually become increasingly unstable, Rahmstorf noted.
You remember polar vortices. As the Arctic warms several degrees above average (but still cold) polar air can move southward into Northern Hemisphere land masses.
“the rest of the world was abnormally hot”
Exactly what is normal?
And who’s doing the measuring? And what agenda do they have for handpicking their data?
Right now it’s hot in Australia, you know cause its summer and its also in a severe drought.
A great paper on these draughts reads.
Recent Australian droughts may be the worst in 800 years
Then in the same paper, we have this.
In a recent paper, we reconstructed 800 years of seasonal rainfall patterns across the Australian continent. Our new records show that parts of Northern Australia are wetter than ever before and that major droughts of the late 20th and early 21st centuries in southern Australia are likely without precedent over the past 400 years.
Now a bit farther into the paper.
Australia has been shaped by floods, droughts, and blistering heat. How big and how intense these events were is poorly understood due to the limited historical and observational records.
Imagine that. A nation that has a history of Droughts has been shaped by droughts and blistering heat. In the same context that is like saying, it is hot and doesn’t rain in Death Valley. Yep, we’re all gonna die, it’s hot in the desert.
Who measures? Climate scientists, both academic and government.
Been wondering about that. Do they already have the phony data on hand or do they phony it up as they go?
That’s a fair question. In this context meaning warmer than average. The Earth is warming.
OK. What is “average”?
You will never get a straight answer from the warmunists.
Here’s an accurate and simple explanation of average temperatures.
Pay special attention to the section “Open to Interpretation” which describes how different scientific groups approach the issue.
For example, NOAAs baseline average is 1901 to 2000, and they conclude that the Earth was 1.5F warmer than average in 2017.
GISS’s baseline average is from 1951 to 1980, and found a 1.6F increase in 2017 against the average.
And here’s a tool where you can plot temperature anomalies over time using any number of current databases, including satellite data.
If you have objections we can discuss.
But if you’re convinced that climate scientists, major scientific organizations, governments, major religions, large corporations and part of a grand communist conspiracy to subjugate conservatives there’s likely little to discuss.
See? Whenever the question is asked they always answer with anomalies…
Thanks Abu for proving the point.
No, it means it’s all faked.
Last chance. Did you find the SEC law you claimed you quoted? Did you find trump’s MBA?
Maybe you just don’t understand the abbreviation concept.
Remember that the earth was much warmer in past ages without the involvement of mankind, so what we’re seeing now is not abnormal by any stretch of the imagination. When you can get an unbiased reading of temperature year over year for the United States, let me know, because you don’t have it now and you haven’t had it for many years.
Elwood has a problem with conclusions and honesty.
1) Climate scientists do not all agree, so there’s no consensus. Interestingly, any “agreement” is strangely coorelated to the source of funds of such studies. The left claims that the oil and gas companies corrupt scientific data, but if that is true, what of leftists governments that stand to benefit from any “earth is warming” conclusion? Of course they too would corrupt the science, if the left is to be consistent.
2) Major religions? Such as what? Christianity surely does not. Catholicism does not — it’s just the Pope and a few of his lackeys. If you confuse that with the teaching of Catholicism, you don’t know Catholicism at all. I’m not aware of Islam pushing global warming nor Bhuddism or Shintoism, but if so, how does that make it any more true?
3) Large corporations? Which corporations? Do you mean those who are invested in leftist stances and so plan to benefit from reduced competition once government taxes push their competitors out of business? Again, how does that make something more true?
Your last statement is a textbook example of the logical fallacy of “appeal to authority”.
OMG it’s worse than we ever thought!!!!
And once again who cares if its warmer?
Why should we care?
are you suggesting mankind is too stupid to adapt to a 1 degree warming over 50 years?
Here’s an accurate and simple explanation of average temperatures.
Pay special attention to the section “Open to Interpretation†which describes how different scientific groups approach the issue.
For example, NOAAs baseline average is 1901 to 2000, and they conclude that the Earth was 1.5F warmer than average in 2017.
GISS’s baseline average is from 1951 to 1980, and found a 1.6F increase in 2017 against the average.
And here’s a tool where you can plot temperature anomalies over time using any number of current databases, including satellite data.
If you have objections we can discuss.
Simple, maybe; accurate, you must be joking.
But if you’re convinced that climate scientists, major scientific organizations, governments, major religions, large corporations and part of a grand communist conspiracy to subjugate conservatives there’s likely little to discuss.
I would disagree it’s just to subjugate Conservatives. It’s to subjugate everybody.
Even the Left Coast is getting restless.
Climate scientists do not all agree, but most do. Do you have evidence that agreement stems from the source of funds?
While not every religious person agrees, most religious orgs do.
Seizing the Opportunity: Redefining the Challenge of Climate Change
A statement of the Bahá’à International Community to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, France
The Time to Act is Now – A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change
A Western Soto Zen Buddhist Statement on the Climate Crisis
Joint Statement on Environment by Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Sept 1, 2017
17 Anglican Bishops across six continents issue urgent call for climate justice
Anglican Church of Canada, The Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada – A Pastoral Message on Climate Change
Baptist – A Southern Baptist Declaration on the Environment and Climate Change
Catholic – U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Statement on Climate Change
Catholic – Vatican on Climate Change
Catholic – Pope Mass: Protecting Creation a Christian responsibility
Catholic – Frequently Asked Questions on the Papal Encyclical
Church of the Brethren – Statement on Global Climate Change
Eastern Orthod0x – Statement on the Environment
Episcopal Church – Sustaining Hope in the Face of Climate Change
Evangelical Climate Initiative – Call to Action
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America – Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America – Issue Paper: Global Warming and Climate Change
Mennonite – Creation Care Network
Presbyterian Church USA – U.S. Energy Policy and Global Warming
Quaker – Earthcare Mission Program
United Church of Christ – A Resolution on Climate Change
United Methodist Church – Church Statement on Climate Change
Hindu Declaration on Climate Change
Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change (IDCC)
The (Yale) Forum on Religion and Ecology – Judaism and Climate Change
Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change
Sikh Statement on Climate Change
Unitarian Universalist
Unitarian Universalist – Threat of Global Warming/Climate Change
Even fossil fuel companies prepared for the impact of global warming their businesses. Insurance companies are paying attention and planning for global warming.
When the appeal to authority appeals to actual authorities it’s not a fallacy. You don’t ask your plumber for advice on your heart problems; you don’t seek your cardiologist’s counsel on installing a new dishwasher; Bill Gates is a great investor but you wouldn’t ask him to fly your airliner. If you don’t engage the experts (authorities), from whom do you seek advice?
No, most religious orgs do not agree.
All you do is list a few Left wing clergy who have your phony views. Catholic teaching, f’rinstance, says nothing about it. Just because the current Pope’s a Lefty doesn’t mean the Church buys everything he says, witness the pagan idols being tossed in the Tiber.
Climate scientists do not all agree, but most do. Do you have evidence that agreement stems from the source of funds?
Judith Curry stepped down….suggesting it did. Do you have evidence it does not?
as for you long list of religious organizations……
Still, many powerful Southern Baptist leaders and agencies did not sign the declaration, including the convention’s influential political arm, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
In this particular case those that signed stated that ministers should:
The document also urges ministers to preach more about the environment and for all Baptists to keep an open mind about considering environmental policy.
This is one of the reasons why My wife and I quit the southern Baptist churches a long time ago. We were living in Texas. Ft. Hood area and the minister rolled up in his large cadillac and he and his wife got out. She in a mink coat and wearing 10k in diamonds and he in a 1000 dollar suit and a rolex and asked us to give more money to his church.
I Stood, went to the door, opened it and pointed to his Cadillac and said “IF you need more money. Sell your damn cadillac. Goodbye.”
We assume you were away looking for the SEC law you alluded to yesterday. Did you find it?
I quoted it.
And it’s FEC. The SEC is all about stock markets, ignoramus.
You didn’t quote anything, you made it up per usual.
Just because Trump lies doesn’t make it OK.
No, I quoted.
Just because it makes you a liar and a vote fraudster doesn’t make me wrong.
And doesn’t it make sense that you would be expected to do these things?
Of course it does..
You just made it up. You always just make it up. Just like The Don.
So, they “pick” a time frame, figure the ‘average’ temp over that time frame and call THAT ‘normal’. One is a span of 100 years and the other 30 years. Why not go back 200 years and show even MORE warming? Or go back 1000 years and show cooling?
Picking such a short, blink of an eye, time frame tells us NOTHING of what the ‘normal’ temperatures should be.
It tells us the Earth is warming rapidly over the past century or so, doesn’t it?
Actually, scientists have looked back thousands of years. The Earth warmed 10 times LESS rapidly as the Earth emerged from its last glacial period some 12,000 years ago. And the Earth warmed to about what it is now. After another 5000 yrs or so the Earth cooled gradually (about 1C over another 5000 yrs or so). Starting about a century ago the Earth started a rapid heating leaving us where we are today. Right now with about 1C warming we see effects. What will it be like at 2 or 4C warming?
No, it just means the Lefties have been faking the data the last 40 years.
There’s an old essay called How To Lie With Statistics which, if you’ve read it, innoculates you against this sort of thing.
And the only answer to save us is greatly increasing taxes, destruction of our wealth and economy, and world communism. If the world is warming, so what. Finally, all Jeff does is lie, so all his information is false.
As we all know. It is the elites of the world trying to destroy trade barriers and borders.
The EU is on the verge of destruction because of this. Who profits. CORPORATIONS and BILLIONAIRES and the Clintons.
Whats remains funny is how the MSM OWNED BY CORPORATIONS eggs the anarchy on, because their paychecks depend on their CORPORATE OWNERS, OWNED BY BILLIONAIRES to turn a profit.
AGW is a corporate scam to open borders, destroy nations all in the name of the all mighty dollar.
and these little brained people are falling for it hook, line and sinker.
You just made it up. You always just make it up. Just like The Don.
Sorry, I didn’t make it up. Just like The Don.
It was like this when Mule Ears’ report laid an egg. It was like this when the Stormy thing went flat (whether she has or not). It was like this when Brother Bret was confirmed. It was like this when NoKo and Syria and Mexico and Canada all went Trump’s way.
What’s going to be even more fun is the successor for RBG, when impeachment flops, and the elections.
Stay tuned, Batfans, the synapses are already overloading.
I’m new to the climate change debate, and have a few questions:
-Someone above wrote that this year was 1.5 degrees F warmer than average. I assume some years are hotter and some are colder than others…that’s why someone calculated an average. Each night on the daily news, the meteorologists compare today’s highs and lows to an average and no one freaks out. 1.5 degrees F seems OK.
-Some say we’re beyond repair. Some say we need a carbon tax. Some say the science is settled. Which is it?
-What happens if everyone agrees to pay the carbon tax and no one reduces their FF usage? Did we solve anything?
-Every day, the temperature warms during the day and cools at night. The sun is the reason. Has anyone considered the sun as a living entity that changes daily? Isn’t realistic to think the the sun’s temperature fluctuates by a few degrees, causing temperature changes on earth?
-What happens if we start getting cooler summers and warmer winters as a result of climate change policy? Will this be considered climate change too and require more money to combat?
if we’re doomed, why haven’t we started evacuating coast lines and island nations?