The Cult of Climastrology always looks for something to proclaim Doom over, and the newest one is…..
Climate change is ‘cracking open a nuclear tomb’ built to contain American waste
A concrete tomb containing more than three million cubic feet of nuclear waste is reportedly cracking under the strains of climate change.
Officially known as the Runit Dome, the structure holds the radioactive waste produced by the 67 nuclear bombs which were detonated on the Marshall Islands between 1946 and 1958.
According to an investigation by the Los Angeles Times, the US government also conducted a dozen biological weapons tests on the islands before mixing the lethal debris and soil with concrete and burying it in the dome.
Despite being buried, the newspaper investigation found evidence that the dome – which locals refer to as “The Tomb” – is leaking.
The rising level of the ocean water means that the waters around the dome rise every year, and Los Angeles Times reporters found evidence of coral bleaching and fish kills nearby, as well as health impacts on local residents.
This story is being repeated all across the news, because they have a new Talking Point. Here’s what it looks like
Sea levels are rising almost three times as fast around the Marshall Islands than the global average, according to scientists.
Experts say the waters around the Marshall Islands could be five feet higher by the end of the century – causing the nuclear tomb to crack and spill its lethal waste into the ocean, with devastating effects.
Really? According to the actual tide station, we see
The relative sea level trend is 1.88 millimeters/year with a 95% confidence interval of +/- 0.68 mm/yr based on monthly mean sea level data from 1946 to 2018 which is equivalent to a change of 0.62 feet in 100 years.
It is average for the Holocene, and below average for a warm period. And it is not accelerating. Further, how do they think the islands were created? It occurred when the seas were much higher. Notice, too, that the dome is not much above sea level, and has quite a bit what would have been below sea level back then. Not the best place to build it, eh?

“Sea levels are rising almost three times as fast around the Marshall Islands than the global average, according to scientists.”
If you believe that, you are not qualified to vote or breed.
Water seeks its level. If indeed the local sea levels are as indicated, either:
(A) the islands are sinking, or:
(B) there is an extreme density anomaly underneath the Marshalls.
Prevailing winds, the Earth’s rotation, tectonic events, land level changes and ocean currents affect regional sea levels.
Mean sea levels are now measured by satellite altimetry.
The right to vote and breed are independent of one’s knowledge of oceanography.
Right to breed? Sieg Heil, Mein Reichsfuhrer-SS.
You did see where those 11,000 “scientists” who signed latest scare-everybody-stupid-enough-to-buy-it-to-death manifesto were “scientists” at all but just more Lefty schmucks.
Rule one. Scare the shit out of the people
Rule two. Scare them some more.
Rule three. Lie to them repeatedly.
Rule Four. Tell them everything they hear to the contrary is made up lies.
Rule Five. Once you have scared the Bejesus out of them Lie some more to make sure.
And the Golden Rule. Only Medicare for all, free college and open borders can solve rising sea levels.
Trump’s Rules for Extremists
Rule one. Scare the shit out of the people
Rule two. Scare them some more.
Rule three. Lie to them repeatedly.
Rule Four. Tell them everything they hear to the contrary is made up lies.
Rule Five. Once you have scared the Bejesus out of them Lie some more to make sure.
Seems the whimpering little sissybitch has trouble coming up with an original retort.
Lolgfy Abu
Well in 1-5 years, Trump will be gone. In 20 years your side will still be claiming we only have 10 years to live.
Rule one. Scare the shit out of the people
We have 12 years to save the planet.
Rule two. Scare them some more.
He had a quid pro quo with Ukraine
Rule three. Lie to them repeatedly.
The economy is really bad even though unemployment is at its lowest and more jobs are created every month
Rule Four. Tell them everything they hear to the contrary is made up lies.
Trumplicans will believe anything he says.
Rule Five. Once you have scared the Bejesus out of them Lie some more to make sure.
Trump will start a nucular war.
“…and Los Angeles Times reporters found evidence of coral bleaching and fish kills nearby…”
In other words, He read about it on a Twitter from an environmental activist group without ever leaving his office.
More of the same BS. “Could be five feet higher…â€. As before, the sentence could be re-written as “the seas may not be five feet higher†and be just as accurate. Scare stories work best in the misinformed
Teach you do realize that sea level rise is not uniform across the planet, don’t you ?
And since 1993 sea level has averaged 3.1 mm per year
So you can see the rate of increase is growing
If sea level rise is not uniform across the planet, then how do you expect people to get in a panic over an average?
John or Jeff,
Please explain how global communism, enormous taxes and unilateral destruction of our economy will save the planet. You have never, ever explained this concept.
Now, explain what is wrong with global warming (which is not happening) or increased sea levels, which only effect liberals and ultra wealthy as well as a small number of the deserving poor.
Then, what efforts have you personally done to combat this oh so horrible issue. Have you eliminated your carbon usage? NO. Have you planted trees? This is the best method of absorbing CO2. If every liberal planted one tree for each mile of private jet and plane use by the liberal elite, the problem would be solved. But this is too simple for the liberals/communist.
Your claim that a carbon tax leads to global communism, enormous taxes and unilateral destruction of our economy has never been explained.
When you say global warming is not happening, what do you mean. Please explain.
Then, what efforts have you personally done to combat the oh so horrible national debt? Have you eliminated your usage of government payments? NO. Have you given extra money to the nation? If every Con donated $200,000 to the US the debt would be eliminated!
Most of your comment is lacking in sense. How did your convoluted mind come up with the debt? You seem obsessed with doctors getting paid for providing service, that shows stupidity and jealousy as well as hate.
Answer the question, how many trees have you planted in the last 5 years? You are the one overwhelmed about the weather yet you refuse todo the simplest of task to solve the problem. You can buy one hundred pine trees from the state for less than $50.
As to global communism, that is one of three objectives that you propose along with the tax. Don’t act stupid, you carry that very well in all your activities.
Answer the question, how much extra have you paid to the gov’t to reduce the debt?
You, of course, have no idea about how I live, and I’ve learned to tell you too much.
When have I ever proposed global communism? And don’t act stupid.
Your claim that a carbon tax leads to global communism, enormous taxes and unilateral destruction of our economy has never been explained.
Actually, he didn’t.
He merely enumerated all the things your crowd says will save the planet.
When you say global warming is not happening, what do you mean. Please explain.
He means it’s phony, a lie, not happening. I can draw it in purple crayon if you need it.
Then, what efforts have you personally done to combat the oh so horrible national debt?
What have you?
Did you object to IdiotCare? Doubtful.
Did you oppose the government bailout of GM? Get real.
Have you eliminated your usage of government payments? NO.
How do you know?
More to the point, have you eliminated your usage of government payments? I’ll bet they have a mug with your name on it down at the welfare office.
Have you given extra money to the nation? If every Con donated $200,000 to the US the debt would be eliminated!
Lefties flee states that raise taxes in the name of climate change and such. So maybe we ought to ask you, do you pay taxes? Do you donate money to the government.
If every rich Lefty donated a million , there would be no debt.
Then again, if all Leftist entitlements and scams like global nothing were eliminated, that would kill the debt, too.would
“Please explain how global communism, enormous taxes and unilateral destruction of our economy will save the planet.”
When the Soviet Union collapsed, it was great for the planet. Lots of high-polluting communist supported industries that had no real markets shut down almost overnight and stopped polluting. American communists hope to do the same things here. They don’t care that it will lead to increased human misery. Eggs and omelettes.
Absolutely agree with your analysis. But our resident clowns go on and on about how they are for the middle income guy, the down trodden, the poor, yet every single policy that they advocate will adversely effect these poor people. Our little liberal/communist are simply a microcosm of the broader Democratic/communist movement in the US and world wide that does not think.