Your pre-winter reminder from the Cult of Climastrology that greenhouse gases from your fossil fueled vehicle and modern lifestyle which are over-heating the planet also cause cold, snow, and ice
Snow in Texas and ice in Alabama? Unusual cold weather could become more common
This week, temperatures are expected to hit historic lows across much of North America. Already, it has snowed in Texas and frozen in Tennessee, and hundreds of towns and cities are preparing for icy cold weather.
This week’s cold snap isn’t exactly unseasonal—after all, it’s autumn, heading toward winter, and it’s the time of year when much of North America sinks into chilly weather.
Some scientists think, though, that the frequency and intensity of these kinds of cold interludes may be changing as the planet warms, as counterintuitive as that might sound.
“This Arctic outbreak is connected to the behavior of the jet stream and the polar vortex,†says Judah Cohen, an atmospheric scientist at MIT. And those, in turn, are affected by a changing climate—mostly by intense warming in the high Arctic.
You know it’s a cult, a pseudo-religion, when everything proves them correct, and they will find ways to say that everything proves their cult correct. I tell you, though, it must have been super hot during the last ice age, right?
The overall message, though, is clear: the planet is heating up, and the weather patterns to which humans have become accustomed will continue to shift and change.

“Think”, “could”, “possibly”, “may”.
These people who claim that the science is settled don’t seem to sure in their gloom and doom predictions.
I also see that they use the word “change” instead of “increase” now when talking about the frequency and intensity of these cold snaps. It wasn’t all that long ago they were claiming that they would increase in frequency. Recently a study found that these cold snaps have been happening since accurate record keeping began and that the frequency of these cold snaps are decreasing.
Maybe they learned back when it was called global warming.
Since scientific theories are not proven empirically, scientists usually speak and type conservatively, that is, they use terms such as could, possibly, may, is likely etc.
Is CO2 causing the Earth to warm? Most likely. Will the Earth continue to warm if we humans don’t reduce CO2 emissions? Probably, unless we have a nuclear winter, a major asteroid strike, etc.
Science is all about probabilities.
TEACH: Does it seem possible that a rapidly warming Arctic could cause a change in the jet stream allowing cold arctic air to come further south in the US fall and winter? Why or why not?
It’s getting colder, so….. global warming!!!
Give government more money and power to stop the climate from changing for the first time ever.
“Warmists” appear to be all anti-science hypocrites.
TEACH: Does it seem possible that a rapidly warming Arctic could cause a change in the jet stream allowing cold arctic air to come further south in the US fall and winter? Why or why not?
Increased fluctuations in the path of the North Atlantic jet stream since the 1960s coincide with more extreme weather events in Europe such as heat waves, droughts, wildfires and flooding, reports a University of Arizona-led team.
The research is the first reconstruction of historical changes in the North Atlantic jet stream prior to the 20th century. By studying tree rings from trees in the British Isles and the northeastern Mediterranean, the team teased out those regions’ late summer weather going back almost 300 years—to 1725.
“We find that the position of the North Atlantic Jet in summer has been a strong driver of climate extremes in Europe for the last 300 years,” Trouet said.
NOTICE THE LAST 300 YEARS back when CO2 was MIMIMAL!!!
Having a 290-year record of the position of the jet stream let Trouet and her colleagues determine that swings between northern and southern positions of the jet became more frequent in the second half of the 20th century, she said.
“Since 1960 we get more years when the jet is in an extreme position.” Trouet said, adding that the increase is unprecedented.
Even when they try to scare people they dont do a good job of it. Once again the climate might be changing but how do you Reconcile the lack of co2 with severe weather 300 years ago vs. today with more co2 and the same severe weather driven by the Jet stream????
Also, they always use 1960 when suddenly for some miraculous reason the co2 starts rising dramatically.
Prior to that, they have data that shows severe weather with minimal co2. But once again when you look at their graphs they use the Mann Hockey stick which has already been proven to be a big lie with handpicked and cherry-picked tree ring data from certain areas where it was known to be subject to jet stream events.
Nothing these people say is believable when place in its proper context. They do it for the research money.
One thing that the climate religion does not address is the fact that warming occurs followed by an elevation of CO2. That would mean that warming is causing an elevation of the gas, which makes sense considering that CO2 has a very low potential for increasing temperature. Jeff will now answer with a series of lies.
Don and Porter lies to you daily but you seem to have no problem.
Were you trying to refute the effects of global warming on the jet stream and extreme weather events?
“Since 1960 we get more years when the jet is in an extreme position.†Trouet said, adding that the increase is unprecedented.
Except there has been no proof extreme weather events are any worse, sorry. And the “Rapid warming†mantra debunked many times.
“Since scientific theories are not proven empirically”
But, the “science is settled” we are told. Sounds pretty certain to me.
“Is CO2 causing the Earth to warm?”
only if somehow modern CO2 is acting completely different than ancient CO2. Rising CO2 levels have always lagged temperature increases until now.
“Will the Earth continue to warm if we humans don’t reduce CO2 emissions?”
Or, CO2 has a minimal effect on climate and nothing we do concerning CO2 emissions will have a measurable effect.
“Does it seem possible that a rapidly warming Arctic could cause a change in the jet stream allowing cold arctic air to come further south in the US fall and winter?”
No. If it did, please explain why these arctic blasts also happened more often 100+ years ago when the climate was cooler and CO2 levels were lower.
Indeed, a non-scientist WOULD declare that “CO2 has minimal effect on climate and nothing we do concerning CO2 emissions will have a measurable effect”.
or claim “Rising CO2 levels have always lagged temperature increases until now.”
Actually CO2 does cause further warming. The changes between glacial and interglacial periods, as when Earth moves out of an ice age, is triggered by changes in the Earth’s orbit (eccentricity, obliquity and precession) and the warming is amplified by CO2 levels (from 200 up to 280 ppm). Today’s rapid warming appears to be driven by increasing CO2 (over 400 ppm) rather than changes in the Earth’s orbit. It’s possible that a physical mechanism other than greenhouse gases will be discovered but seems unlikely.
why these arctic blasts also happened more often 100+ years ago
Did they occur more often 100+ years ago? The could snaps may be caused by more than one physical mechanism. That’s like asking if smoking causes cancer, why was there cancer before smoking?
No, that is lies, because we all know you lie and have no regard for CO2 levels as you do not take measures to lower them by planting trees. So, that means all you desire is destruction of our economy and global communism.
Indeed, a non-scientist WOULD declare that “CO2 has minimal effect on climate and nothing we do concerning CO2 emissions will have a measurable effectâ€.
But someone who knows science would point to the fact CO2 is a heavy gas that’s consumed in photosynthesis.
Actually CO2 does cause further warming. The changes between glacial and interglacial periods, as when Earth moves out of an ice age, is triggered by changes in the Earth’s orbit (eccentricity, obliquity and precession) and the warming is amplified by CO2 levels (from 200 up to 280 ppm)
And you have the readings taken by Fred Flintstone to verify this.
That’s like asking if smoking causes cancer, why was there cancer before smoking?
Because things other than smoking also cause cancer?
You expect people to buy your stuff, but go all skeptical at anybody else’s. Great scientific method.
Plenty of scientists also state that CO2 has a minimal effect on climate and that man’s emissions of CO2 are at such comparatively low levels as to have a minimal effect on climate. Plenty of scientists also state that rising CO2 levels have always lagged temperature increases until now.
So, in the past, climate change has always been driven by natural variations such as the Earth’s orbit but NOW climate Change is being driven by CO2? Yeah, that makes sense. I’ve said this before and you poo pooed the notion but I fail to see the wisdom of lowering CO2 concentrations to a point BARELY above what is required for plants to survive. What happens if we do start lowering CO2 levels and then can’t stop that? What happens in such a case? Plants DIE. When the plants die, we die. That, to me, is a far scarier scenario than 1 to 2 degree warming over the next 100 years.
And yes, these cold snaps happened about twice as often 100+ years ago.
Same thing blamed on global cooling in the 70s. Junk science.
Global cooling is global warming when it’s cold.
“A warming Arctic†is nothing new-happened earlier last century with CO2 much lower.
You know it’s a cult, a pseudo-religion, when everything proves them correct, and they will find ways to say that everything proves their cult correct.
Remember Mazie Hirono, the Seanatrix from HI who, during Brother Bret’s inquisition, couldn’t understand how a law defining what constituted crossing the border illegally made illegals aliens illegal?
Well, now she tells us, “to do those things, such as voter registration, get people to — out to vote so that we can have people here who truly are committed to human rights and environmental rights, climate change — believe in climate change as though it’s a religion (it’s not it’s science)â€.
Seek and ye shall find.
Some of my old high school friends were combitching about the “northern” winter weather in Kentucky, and I pointed out that this was hardly northern winter weather. It was cold on the farm, 17º F, and we got a whopping 1 inch of snow.
But on Hallowe’en of 2002, at my home in northeastern Pennsylvania, we got nine inches of snow. We had a couple of double-digit snowfalls every winter I lived there.
And when I was a kid in Portland, Maine, I can remember walking to school next to plowed snow higher than the top of my pumpkin head.
It wasn’t so long ago that the warmunists were telling us that weather does not equal climate, every time we laughed at
global warmingclimate change when it got unseasonably cold. Now, if it’s too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry, they warmunists are saying, “See? See! We told you so!”We all need to rustle up a slew of virgins to toss into polar vortexes to satisfy the Climate Gods. Building a pyramid or two for ritual sacrifice might help as well. The blood might freeze in the sluiceways, but I’m sure we have enough engineers to solve that problem.