…is a horrible, evil, no good assault rifle which is only owned by evil, horrible, no good climate deniers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The H2, with a post on Thursblah.

…is a horrible, evil, no good assault rifle which is only owned by evil, horrible, no good climate deniers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The H2, with a post on Thursblah.
She likely needs to upgrade to an AR-10 or something in 45-70 Govt for protection against Polar bears.
Don’t bust her chops. Canuckistanis aren’t even allowed to dream about firearms.
News from the land of Pelosi.
Her son, Paul Jr, who is in the same Ukraine mess as the foul offspring of Gropin’ Joe and Lurch, has seen his securities company charged with securities fraud.
Even better, Mom has now proclaimed that Trump has to show the Impeachment Committee proof of innocence.
And here we all thought it was the other way around.
Pelosi also told reporters that the House still has not decided whether to impeach President Trump.
Has she told Jeffery L Keene?
Paul Pelosi Jr was the company prez in 2009 and 2010, but the SEC charges were brought in 2014. Pelosi was not charged.
Pelosi is not in any Ukraine “mess”.
Ah, but he is. Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which did energy biz in Ukraine.
And the SEC charges were just filed. Little Paul was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on “environmentally-friendly†ventures.
The SEC charged four individuals with fraud, including former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya, and suspended trading in the company’s stock. Pelosi owned over 10 million shares in the company in 2009.
The SEC said Wednesday the company was “secretly controlled†by James E. Cohen and Joseph Corazzi, both of whom had previous fraud convictions.
Seems like all the big Demo sons are bag men for their parents.
Pelosi Jr was on the Viscoil Board (until Viscoil folded in 2010) and reorganized as NRG in Singapore. Pelosi Jr had no role in NRG. Viscoil had no role in Ukraine. Jr went to Ukraine once.
Pelosi Jr was not charged in the SEC filing over the worthless penny stock.
Not quite.
He was an executive at NRGLab, which did energy business in Ukraine.
Matt Bevin (R-KY) finally conceded the election to the Democrat in the KY gubernatorial race.
Back in the day in Red State Wyoming, the people there who voted for trump like 75-25 voted for a democratic Governor TWICE. In some states, politics takes backstage to help the folk.
I only know that because I was assigned to TDY at FE Warren AFB when he was governor and I remember he was pretty well-liked even by Republicans because he actually was pretty moderate and more interested in helping than politicking.
Before you gloat too much though Elwood.
Overall, Paul said that Bevin’s loss is not indicative of a problem for the Republican Party in the Bluegrass State and pointed to GOP candidates winning five of six statewide races. Prior to this he talked about how much the teachers hated him all across the state. Its the same reason that Wyoming elected a Democrat. He got in tight with the school district and helped build something like 500 new schools all across the state. People liked that. Bevin was not very popular.
You poor little slug, forced to take what meager joy you can in trifling little victories here and there.
Consider this off Commie News Net, top Democrats secretly admit to one another that impeachment isn’t working. They’re not going to get Trump through these hearings. They’re not convincing voters the president should be removed a year before the election.
If they were smart, they’d let the whole thing lie fallow during the holidays and then let it be swept down the memory hole as the primaries loom.
And what do you do if RBG really does buy the farm? Wait for Christine Floozy Ford to accuse Amy Coney Barrett of banging her at a party 25 years ago?
Another SCUS Justice appointed by Trump, confirmed by Cocaine Mitch.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick announces 2020 presidential bid
HRC is seriously considering a bid. I wonder if she will call herself a RUSSIAN ASSET?
Stephen Miller has lost even the Washington Examiner.
… former Breitbart editor Katie McHugh points to Miller simply being a racist who hates immigrants.
For years, Miller shared stories from white nationalist news sources. McHugh, who has since disavowed her alt-right sympathies, alleges that Miller cited with familiarity work from American Renaissance, the pseudoscientific white supremacist website run by racial segregationist Jared Taylor. Miller also reportedly shared a story from VDARE, yet another white nationalist site that published the likes of Taylor and Steven Sailer, as well as Infowars, the conspiracy-mongering website run by 9/11 and Sandy Hook truther Alex Jones.*
This didn’t happen when Miller was a teenager but in 2015 and 2016.
Miller (and creepy Don) promote the “Great Replacement”, the concern that future demographics point to whites becoming a minority in America. It’s the centerpiece of the trump campaign.
trump: “I’ll build a great wall and Mexico will pay for it!”
Reality: “No new wall has been build and the US military will have to pay for it, if it ever starts.”
OPINION piece, Elwood. PURELY ONE PERSONS OPINION. it even says so in the link you gave.
NOT NEWS. Simply someones opinion and probably filled with half truths, rumors and unsubstantiated facts.
Unfortunately the MSM is more about Opinion these days then they are about real truth and real news.
As for the wall. LOLOLOL. You should actually go watch some youtube videos of the wall being built in Ca, AZ and NM. Including 20 million dollars of private wall built on private land. They have already built 160 miles of wall.
Of course you don’t know that because the MSM will not tell you and if they don’t tell you then it must not exist.
It’s so bad that ICE has to put out videos of them building the wall on YOUTUBE!!!
Many youtube videos show up to 60 miles in sections that have been built. The above video was done by VOA which they immediately trashed. they showed the beginning of a new section that required a ton of prep work before they can actually put up panels.
I showed that one for a purpose. To show how slanted the MSM is. there reporting is totally a lie. They attempt to show that Trump is building 2 panels in a section and thats the extent of the wall.
There is drone video footage of sections with up to 60 miles of new wall, built and finished and many other sections being built as we speak.
Trusting the MSM is like trusting your dentist to do brain surgery