Things are really not going well in Liberal World. No one really cares that much. The first hearing drew only 13 million viewers
According to Axios, Wednesday’s lackluster impeachment hearing drew just 13 million viewers. The number pales in comparison to those who viewed former FBI Director James Comey’s June 2017 testimony and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s September 2018 hearing, which saw 19.5 million viewers and 20 million viewers, respectively.
They do note that people were certainly tuned in through alternative media, but, still, this is about impeachment of a sitting U.S. President. You’d think there would be 25-30 million. Further
Democrats Scramble, Switch Impeachment Narrative to ‘Attempted’ Crimes After Lackluster Hearing
Democrats have been scrambling following Wednesday’s lackluster public impeachment hearing, changing the focus of their impeachment narrative to “attempted†crimes after Republican lawmakers largely decimated their weak impeachment case.
Wednesday’s public impeachment hearing, which featured testimonies from acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor and senior State Department official George Kent, was deemed a bust by many, including Democrats.
“It was a total disaster for us,†one senior House Democrat aide told Breitbart News.
“It’s hearsay,†Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) said of Taylor’s testimony. “It’s really difficult dealing with this because it’s he said-she said.â€
Due to the Republicans’ strong counternarrative, Democrats and the establishment media are moving the goalposts, arguing instead that Trump is guilty of “attempted†bribery and extortion. It has been an emerging talking point in recent days – one which Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) alluded to during Wednesday’s hearing:
“So ambassadors, is attempted murder a crime?†he asked, repeating his question. “Is attempted murder a crime?â€
“Attempted murder is a crime,†Taylor said.
“Is attempted robbery a crime?†he asked.
“Neither of us is a lawyer,†Taylor began before Castro interrupted.
“I think anyone in this room could answer that question,†he said.
“I’ll go out on a limb and say yes it is,†Taylor said.
“Is attempted extortion and bribery a crime?†Castro asked, trying to draw a parallel.
“I don’t know sir,†Taylor said.
See, it doesn’t work like that. Those are not crimes.
Based on the evidence that I've seen, the President did one of two things:
1) Either he committed extortion and bribery of a foreign official;
2) Or, he committed attempted extortion and bribery of a foreign official.
Either way, it's still a crime. @CNNSitRoom
— Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) November 14, 2019
MoveOn, which was founded on moving on from impeaching President William Clinton, is super excited by this narrative, and is pushing it themselves, as are many other liberals, anywhere from big fish liberal pundits to sitting elected representatives. But, hey, if they want to talk “attempted bribery”, let’s talk about Obama’s actual bribery of Iran, giving them hundreds of billions to get them to do the Iran nuclear deal (which was really bad for America).

Son of House Speaker Pelosi made money in Ukraine.
OIL. That evil CO2 producing substance that the LEFT HATES.
Ever wonder why the Nancy Pelosi finally relented to impeaching Trump? She even did a promotional VIDEO for the energy company in the UKRAINE back in the day when OBAMA/BIDEN WERE NECK DEEP IN UKRANIAN CURRUPTION.
Unfortunately for the Democrats is the base hates the establishment. They are progressives and the Johns and Elwoods of the world are trying so hard to defend this while playing nice to a base they dont even represent.
LOLOLOLOLOL…..the democrats are so messed up right now and Mitch McConnell has said he might run the impeachment trial all the way to Iowa Caucuses forcing Warren and Sanders to be unable to campaign in an attempt to hand the nomination to the next latest and greatest…..
And some are suggesting it will be Crooked JOE with Crooked Hillary running against Trump. It’s hysterical that the left who pretends to have the high ground when it comes to corruption wants their two most corrupt individuals to be the next Prez and VP team to run against Trump.
Easy on the LOLs, bunny. People can tell who you really are.
The attempt to bribe is a crime. Conspiracy is a crime.
So attempted murder is not a crime? If your mate contracts with a FBI undercover agent to have you murdered, it’s not a crime?
trump conspired to bribe the president of Ukraine to announce an investigation into to trump’s likely opponent.
trump defenders think trump can do no wrong.
trump defenders are desperate.
You and I are watching two different reality shows starring a gay beating man and a sexual abuse enabling man to try to defend a narcissist.
It is actually quite comical don’t you think, Elwood?
That two corrupt individuals are going at it over the supposed corruption of another?
LOLOLOLOLOL….only in DC. I am thinking about creating a YouTube reality series starring the Democratic and Republican parties with special guests by Russian Assets Tulsi, Deval, HRC and many more yet to be named.
Not sure I follow you but is the ‘gay beating man’ supposed to be Representative Schiff? If so, you’re merely repeating a right-wing smear. Can you link to the LA Times article supposedly the source of the report?
Is the other Jim Jordan, who has been accused, while a coach at OSU, of ignoring of sexual assaults by the team Dr of student-athletes? Jordan denies the accusations.
Anyway, we see nothing comical about what’s going on in DC.
Donald Trump attempted to bribe Ukraine to announce an investigation into Joe Biden, and your defense is that Adam Schiff beat up a big gay black man? The trump movement is getting more pathetic by the day.
Anyway, trump defenders are attempting to trivialize the issue.
No Elwood. You never show your own smears. I will let you look it up yourself. It takes like 20 seconds of your time.
Los Angeles, CA- Los Angeles Times reporter and assistant managing editor, Kristina Bellatori dropped another bombshell in what can only be described as the ongoing US Congressional and political sex and domestic violence scandal this afternoon.
approximately 7:56 pm ET, that a recorded phone call exists between Adam Schiff and Valerie Jarret, lasting 42 minutes and 13 seconds, that constitute evidence of treason under Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution.
“The Colbert Report,†invited Schiff to be interviewed for a segment of his show called “Better Know a District.†The episode aired this past March, and anyone who caught it would have been impressed with Schiff’s game good humor in the face of Colbert’s comic insinuations about Schiff’s being a terrorist-pampering deviant who presides over a district ripe for a bird-flu pandemic born of wild parrots.
Schiff, Lieu Donor Accused Of Sex Trafficking After Bodies of Two Men Found At His Home
February 6, 2018
As DOJ Prosecutor, Adam Schiff Was Accused of Covering Up Evidence to Help Prosecute FBI Agent in Shady Russian Spy Case
Adam Schiff has been carrying the water for the Deep State for decades.
Adam Schiff Accused of “Unconstitutional Behavior†in Impeachment Inquiry
See Elwood we can all play this game. It doesn’t matter if any of this is true. It’s out there…therefore it must be true. Right?
Standby for a barrage of smears once the left figures out what retard they will run against Trump. The right has had 5 years to get ready for this repeat of 2016. Hold your cheeks and vaseline up Elwood. I am speaking Rhetorically
The attempt to bribe is a crime. Conspiracy is a crime.
Glad you agree, so let’s haul Gropin’ Joe and Zippy and the Hildabeast up before a grand jury and present the evidence.
So attempted murder is not a crime? If your mate contracts with a FBI undercover agent to have you murdered, it’s not a crime?
The wife beating coming back to haunt you?
trump conspired to bribe the president of Ukraine to announce an investigation into to trump’s likely opponent.
He did? Prove it.
The investigation was already ongoing and the Ukraine had no knowledge of any quid pro quo (which is what has been established at the show trial).
trump defenders think trump can do no wrong.
He’s done pretty good, so far.
trump defenders are desperate.
No, you are desperate.
TEACH typed, desperately: … Obama’s actual bribery of Iran …
That’s untrue, of course, but by all means, impeach Mr. Obama.
I have to agree with Jeff on this one. It is ridiculous to accuse Obama of bribery. The proper charge would be money laundering. Releasing planeloads full of cash to Iran in exchange for a percentage funneled back to friends of his. Further, to make this perfectly clear, Obama indeed had the authority to release that money to Iran. We may not agree with the policy of funding terrorist groups with plane loads of American hard cash, but that was Obama’s decision to make. Elections matter. If you don’t want your President to do such things, don’t vote for a guy who has a history of doing such things. That’s why i didn’t vote for Hillary. 30 year history of corruption, running against a man who had zero history of corruption.
Wecould also impanel a grand jury and indict him, to be tried in a real court.
A commenter typed: …a man who had zero history of corruption. Meaning Donald J. Trump.
DJT paid $25 million to settle the swindles of Trump “University”.
DJT accused by 60 women of sexual assault, including 3 rapes.
DJT attempted to bribe Ukraine for personal benefit.
DJT hired undocumented aliens to work at his resorts.
DJT hired undocumented aliens to work at his construction sites.
DJT was fined for an illegal loan from his daddy to bail out a DJT casino.
G7 at Doral (DJT tried to do the wrong thing!)
etc, etc and so forth…
No wonder trump defenders talk constantly about Obama and Clinton. Unfortunately, trump is president now.
Trump: Number of days holding public office prior to being elected president = 0. Therefore zero potential for corruption. To be fair, Most of Hillary’s corruption over thirty years was from selling her husband’s office for personal profit.
To be more fair, because I am all about fair, if you wanted to count the bribes Trump paid to Democrats all those years he lived in NYC, I would agree to that. Include the bribes he paid to Hillary.
Wouldn’t those bribes paid to Dems be considered quid pro quo’s? So wouldn’t said Dems be doing SOMETHING illegal?
Trump 2020 He gave us his Quid now lets show our gratitude with our pro quo’s. Re elect Orange Man, make them cry again.
I personally think that when a business man is forced to pay a bribe to get a building permit, the politician receiving the bribe has committed the crime, not the guy paying the bribe. The builder is just paying the cost of doing business in a place run by corrupt politicians.
Trump University used his name. Trump had nothing to do with it. It’s similar to Colonel Sanders being accused of a crime if one of his franchises is dealing drugs on the side.
Being a billionaire sex machine and being accused with zero CHARGES BEING BROUGHT? Really. 3 rapes no charges? Really?
Bribe Ukraine.
DJT does not do the hiring of the hired help and if you think he does well.
Fined for an illegal loan? How can a loan be illegal from your DADDY?
Seven years after he was president. Obama was still blaming Bush for his miseries. I can only surmise you watch too much Rachael Maddow and read the Daily kos cover to cover each day and then bemoan the fact that the right watches fox news.
That’s what we love about you, Fredo. Unsubstantiated accusations about Trump become undeniable truths and undeniable truths about ANY DemCom become unfounded accusations. It must be hard living in that corrupt mind.
Trump 2020 Make Fredo cry again while we make America great again.
You never get it right do you?
tRumpo will resign.
If he does, it will be in 2032 when he’s finally done everything he set out to achieve.
PS You know you’re not impressing anybody, so why the nonsense?
But here’s something for you to contemplate. Trump’s approval jumped 2 points after the first hearings.
And then there’s 53% of black voters, 51% of whites, and 60% of other minorities (read Hispanics) said reporters are trying to get Trump.
Tack that on to the fact a solid 4th to 5th of attendees to Trump rallies are Democrats and you’re looking at a very rough year in ’20.
The president’s overall approval has been tracking up since Wednesday, the first day of the House impeachment hearings. It was at 46% on Wednesday morning, then rose to 48% yesterday and is now at 50%. Two of the three nights in today’s survey follow the highly-publicized hearings.
Reporting from Washington —
For most of the last four months, the USC/L.A. Times Daybreak tracking poll has been the great outlier of the 2016 campaign — consistently showing a better result for Donald Trump than other surveys did. The recently restarted 2020 poll shows Trump with 59 percent approval.
Good bye Democrats.
DJT paid $25 million to settle the swindles of Trump “Universityâ€.
If it was a swindle, it was a felony. Why was it settled in civil court?
DJT accused by 60 women of sexual assault, including 3 rapes.
Prove it. Assault and rape are felonies. But then, so is accusing somebody of it when it never really happened.
DJT attempted to bribe Ukraine for personal benefit.
Lie. We’re talking Gropin’ Joe here.
DJT hired undocumented aliens to work at his resorts.
DJT hired undocumented aliens to work at his construction sites.
Unless you can prove he did it personally and/or personally approved the practice, you got zip.
DJT was fined for an illegal loan from his daddy to bail out a DJT casino.
Daddy? Where you from, Hypocrite Hare? Selma AL?
And Dad bought some $5000 chips to make an interest payment. Minor infraction.
G7 at Doral (DJT tried to do the wrong thing!)
And the Trump Organization would eat the cost, rather than have the taxpayers do it.
No wonder trump defenders talk constantly about Obama and Clinton.
Because they’re the real crooks and rapists.
Kathleen Willey.
Paula Jones.
Juanita Broaddrick.
It was 3.5 million in chips from daddy.
7000 $5000 chips. So?
Oh I get it. You’ve been hanging out with those racists in the Democrat party so long you’re starting to sound like the white supremacists from Meridian MS that you pretend to hate.
An’ don’ fo’git. Iss Mama ‘n Daddeh.
Jerk off.
So Mr Castro (perfect name isn’t it?) is “attempted treason” or “attempted coup” a crime.
Trump 2020 Let’s ship the commies to Cuba.
Leaked documents from the Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s office indicate complex money transfers from foreign sources into the control of a ‘slush fund’ owned and operated by Devon Archer, John Kerry Senior, John Kerry Junior, Heinz Jr, and Hunter Biden,…
Lolgf little sissybitch
And we’ve got Pelosi Galore’s kid, Zippy, Holder, and the Hildabeast, too.
Gonna make Nuremburg look like a speeding violation.
Russia collusion to quid pro quo to bribery to…….
Reminds me of global warming to climate change to severe weather events to……
You called it. The lying leftists can’t keep their story straight.
“We also need to move quite quickly because we’re talking about the potential compromise of the 2020 elections,” Occasional-Cotex continued. “And so this is not just about something that has occurred; this is about preventing a potentially disastrous outcome from occurring next year.” IOW, they know Trump will whip the crap out of any of their CLOWNS!
Ayslexia Occasional-Cotex is so fukin stupid she fails to realize she’s supposed to lie and say “IT’S ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION!”, not admit they’re having a coup to pick rather than elect a President.
Trump confidante Roger Stone was convicted on all counts, prosecuted by Trump’s own DOJ. Rick Gates testified that Stone and Trump had conversations regarding WikiLeaks releases but Trump cleverly answered his written “responses” that he couldn’t recall what they talked about in their 21 conversations.
It does seem unfair that all these Trump co-conspirators are going to prison and The Teflon Don gets off. Dammit, he’s good.
Lie. No DOJ.
This is another of Mule Ears’ process crimes tried by one of Zippy’s judges.
We’ll see what happens on appeal.
Federal prosecutors work for the DOJ. And it was a jury trial.
Appeal? LOL. The question is how quickly will Trump pardon Stone to keep him quiet?
Is Stone willing to spend 3-5 years in prison for Trump? Puhleeze.
Federal prosecutors work for the DOJ. And it was a jury trial.
You mean like Mule Ears? He was working for the Deep State and so were they. And you, of all people, know how a judge can direct a trial in the way she wants.
Appeal? LOL.
Yet another LOL to be shoved up your ass. How many irregularities in this trial? Berman is one of Zippy’s judges, after all. They’re picked for loyalty, not competence.
The question is how quickly will Trump pardon Stone to keep him quiet?
If Stone had something, why didn’t he roll over the way Michael Cohen tried to do. Too bad he had nothing.
Much like Schiff For Brains’ “witnesses”. As I say, let’s see what happens on appeal.
Is Stone willing to spend 3-5 years in prison for Trump?
Same thing you said about Manafort and Cohen.
Sounding like the queer you are.
See where Alcee Hastings is in trouble for the same offense as Kinky Katie? And there’s Grijalva, Hell’s Harem, etc.
Seems like Hypocrite Hare has plenty of people on his side of the aisle in worse trouble.
Don’t forget his favorite Muslim is under an ethics investigation for begging for campaign money so she could pay the rent. Tlaib.
Also if I remember right AOC’s chief of staff had to step down and is now under investigation as well.
But really its only the GOP who is guilty of being criminals in the lefts eyes.
So the Dems baited the President into public witness intimidation! Good job Mr. President. Even FOX News is calling Trump unhinged and having committed an impeachable offense.
Cowards like Trump are used to “punching down”. A US Ambassador, whom Trump has already fired, gets clobbered by the Prez for doing her job.
President Sik Fuk tweetered:
Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.
….They call it “serving at the pleasure of the President.†The U.S. now has a very strong and powerful foreign policy, much different than proceeding administrations. It is called, quite simply, America First! With all of that, however, I have done FAR more for Ukraine than O.
Does Donnie realize the America First was a KKK motto? Surely Stephen Miller told him.
And The Don is sooooo jealous of Obama that he just can’t let go.
yeah Elwood. We get it. your bored and have nothing better to do than troll.
The louder you scream the more we all know it’s going badly for you.
Does Donnie realize the America First was a KKK motto? Surely Stephen Miller told him.
It was? Actually, first to use it was that grand old unreconstructed Confederate and hater of all things Yankee and Negro, Woody Wilson. Yup, the man who loved Birth Of A Nation so much, he said, “It’s like writing history with lightning. My only regret is that it is all so terribly trueâ€.
So the Dems baited the President into public witness intimidation! Good job Mr. President. Even FOX News is calling Trump unhinged and having committed an impeachable offense.
Care to provide a link? Because it was Pelosi Galore saying this. Fox only reported.
And criticizing someone from the other side does not constitute public witness intimidation. So which impeachable offense is it this time?
Being nasty on Twitter?
Cowards like Trump are used to “punching downâ€. A US Ambassador, whom Trump has already fired, gets clobbered by the Prez for doing her job.
The coward is you because you’re afraid of the truth and Trump has the right to put Yovanovitch’s work record before the public if she was an incompetent and, thus, harbored a grudge.
Which, it would appear, she was.
And The Don is sooooo jealous of Obama that he just can’t let go.
Suuure he is. Dow closed at 28 grand today. Other markets also breaking records.
Record employment numbers, especially for minorities. Booming economy with Red China coming to heel.
Cleaning up Zippy’s unAmerican “foreign policy” and stopping his wars.
For most of the year, Trump’s approval has been better than Zippy’s at the same point.
Did you know Trump took more states than the last 2 Demo Preezys?
PS Schiff For Brains cut short a Republican Congresswoman for no cause, but let one of her male aides do the questioning.
That’ll go down well with all those female voters.
And The Don is sooooo jealous of Obama that he just can’t let go.
Actually, he is trolling you Elwood. You are an amateur compared to Trump. Hahahaha.
“Does Donnie realize the America First was a KKK motto?”
So you really are up on all the old Democrat organizations and their motto’s. It figures. When one has only hate for their country, their people, their faith and their fellow citizens one usually turns to the dark side. In this case the Democrat shock troops, the KKK.
Are you still pissed off the Republicans won’t let you own black slaves?
Trump 2020 Keep the black American Free from Democrats oppression.
Bolshevik Bunny LOLed the idea of a Stone appeal.
Turns out the O judge refused to allow Stone raising proof that Russia Hacked the DNC.
Also former officials of the O Maladministration were on the jury.
Oh, yeah. You can bet this is going to appeal.