First of all, this is rather a hoot considering how far Obama went Left, and tried to take Democrats with him. But, hey, perhaps he learned something from watching Democrats lose well over a 1,000 federal, state, county, and local seats during his presidency, much like he learned that it’s easy to make Pronouncements on the campaign trail about the War on Terror and very different when in office
Obama cautions Democratic hopefuls on tacking too far left
Former President Barack Obama on Friday warned the Democratic field of White House hopefuls not to veer too far to the left, a move he said would alienate many who would otherwise be open to voting for the party’s nominee next year.
Though Obama did not mention anyone by name, the message delivered before a room of Democratic donors in Washington was a clear word of caution about the candidacies of Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. The two have called for massive structural changes — and in Sanders’ case “revolution†— that would dramatically alter the role of government in people’s lives.
The centrist wing of the party has warned for months that a far-left nominee could alienate moderate Republicans and independent voters needed to oust President Donald Trump.
“The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it. And I think it’s important for us not to lose sight of that,†Obama said. “There are a lot of persuadable voters and there are a lot of Democrats out there who just want to see things make sense. They just don’t want to see crazy stuff. They want to see things a little more fair, they want to see things a little more just. And how we approach that I think will be important.â€
How big is the centrist wing of the Democratic Party? No one really knows, since we mostly only hear from the extremists, and it seems that most who are elected are rather out there. Obama does have a point, but, A) it’s too late, and B) he’s surely telling them to simply lie. Candidates certainly have to appeal to the base to get the nomination in the primaries, and pivot during the general, but, what does one do when the campaign is so extreme during the primaries? Any pivot will be seen as disingenuous. It was one of the appeals of Trump. You saw who he was and that he meant what he said. He didn’t have to pivot, much like Reagan didn’t pivot (no, I’m not saying Trump is Reagan, but, Trump has done some excellent Conservative things, he talks about freedom, and he does fight back).
Still and all, it’s too late, they’ve all been exposed as being too far left. And you know Trump will not hold back on pointing this out.

Zippy is quite the sociopath and he knows you can’t tell people the truth.
Difference between him and the Squad?
They’re just stupid, he’s insane.
If Obozo is telling you that you’re too far left that is saying something.
As far as the candidates for President go, they have all said they would provide healthcare to illegals which Americans were promised wouldn’t happen.
The Donald’s tearing down of America and his promise of rebuilding it as a white nationalist paradise is not going well, either.
If you think Obama is far left, you don’t know what it means.
Of course we do. We have you, but Zippy is approaching it from the viewpoint of a chronic sociopath.
He got where he was by letting people assume what they wanted as he presented a bland exterior.
What he’s saying is, don’t be honest about it, be a hateful, prevaricating, deceptive, mendacious, duplicitous weasel like I was.
See if these character traits are familiar
Glibness and Superficial Charm
Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as “their right.”
Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
Incapacity for Love
It’s a perfect description of DJ Trump:
Glibness and Superficial Charm
Manipulative and Conning
Grandiose Sense of Self
Pathological Lying
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
Shallow Emotions
Incapacity for Love
I just knew he’d go there. Trump keeps his promises, loves his family, loves his country, and loves all them thar Deplorables who have his back.
Glibness and Superficial Charm – He’s a lightworker!!!
Manipulative and Conning – If you like your plan, you can keep your plan
Grandiose Sense of Self – This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal
Pathological Lying – We’re probably the first administration in modern history that hasn’t had a major scandal in the White House
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt – selfie at Mandela’s funeral
Shallow Emotions – Grandma “typical white person”
He promised to INCREASE taxes on the rich. He promised to build a magnificent wall. He promised that Mexico would pay. He promised to bring back manufacturing.
He promised to hate Mexicans as you do, and he does.
Which of his several families does he love? All of them?
He uses them thar Deplorables to keep him in power. He has no consideration for the lives of working class Americans. He’s a manicured, pedicured and coiffed elite daddy’s boy who won the sperm lottery. He’s more John Gotti than John Kennedy.
You should be perusing the list of nations without extradition treaties to the US to find out where trump ends up. UAE? Qatar? China? Saudi Arabia?
If Trump “promised to increase taxes on the rich”, I missed it. I am under the impression he promised to lower taxes on ALL Americans as he should. Ordinary Americans have never had it so good, especially since Trump’s election and the tax cuts he got passed. The “lives of working class Americans” have improved by the fact they are now taking home more of the money they earn, rather than having the government steal it. The lives of small businessmen have also improved by the lessening of restrictions and regulations Trump has facilitated in government. And the lives of ALL Americans have improved by not being subject to the whims of a Democrat party being moved more and more toward the foolishness of a communist platform.
If you were born in America you too won Fredo’s “sperm lottery”. You could be living in a Marxist hell-hole in Somalia covered in flies and eating dirt instead of bitching about trying to force your neighbor to buy an electric car.
Yes, he is building a magnificent wall (did you expect it to materialize over night) even though the communist left has stopped him at every turn. So if the wall is not complete blame the Democrats. Also, you don’t know who or what is being negotiated behind closed doors regarding the financing of such a wall.
Manufacturing has increased whether you admit it or not Fredo, but I assume you are not aware of that any more than you would be aware that unemployment is at a decades low, black and Hispanic unemployment at an all time low. I guess if Trump “hates Mexican” he’s showing it by plying them with jobs.
So you can take you hate and lie filled diatribe and stick it. Maybe if you watched something other than CNN you wouldn’t sound like an idiot. You, like Shiff-for-brains are in panic mode since your treasonous coup is crashing. Sucks to be you. I think it best serves the communist seditionists to check out the non-extradition countries to move their stolen money to.
Trump 2020 Make America America again.
Yes, Frumpo, you likely missed his call for higher taxes on the rich.
8 May 2016 … Reuters
*The billionaire real estate tycoon has said he would like to see an increase in the minimum wage, although he told NBC’s “Meet the Press†on Sunday he would prefer to see states take the lead on that front instead of the federal government.
“I don’t know how people make it on $7.25 an hour,†Trump said of the current federal minimum wage. “I would like to see an increase of some magnitude…â€
Trump’s call for higher taxes on the wealthy is a break with Republican presidential nominees who have staunchly opposed tax hikes for almost three decades. Tax hikes have been anathema to many in the party since former President George H.W. Bush infuriated fellow Republicans by abandoning a pledge not to raise taxes and agreeing to an increase in a 1990 budget deal.
“The middle class has to be protected,†Trump told NBC. The rich are “probably going to end up paying more,†he said.
When asked on NBC whether he would release his own tax returns before the election, Trump said once again that it depended on the completion of an audit. “Sure. If the auditors finish. I’ll do it as fast as the auditors finish,†he said.*
He’s fighting all the way to the Supreme Court to keep his tax returns hidden.
Trump giveth and Trump taketh away. Tax cuts that most benefited the rich and taxes on Chinese imports paid by working stiffs.
The difference is that I appreciate how lucky I was to born here. Cons seem to think they “earned” their good fortune. I also suspect that most of us typing here were not Black kids born into abject poverty to a single mom. Did any of us “choose” our parents? Since divine intervention is a myth, we all started out by pure dumb luck. And on the other hand my daddy didn’t give me a $413 million grubstake like Donnie’s did. Life is easier with millions in the bank.
So you can take you hate and lie filled diatribe and stick it. Firpo, Maybe if you watched something other than FOX/ONAN you wouldn’t sound like an idiot. You, like tRump are in panic mode since your treasonous Dear Leader is circling the drain. Sucks to be you, Farto. Now it’s clear that even choir-boy Pence won in on the scheme.
Notice Baghdadi Bunny hid out all weekend until he thought it was safe to come out of his hole?
Why did trump make an emergency trip to the hospital this weekend?
Say, “Hi”, to his bone spurs?
I love the idea the Lefties are trying to grab at this because impeachment is a flop.
Yes, Frumpo, you likely missed his call for higher taxes on the rich.
8 May 2016 … Reuters
*The billionaire real estate tycoon has said he would like to see an increase in the minimum wage, although he told NBC’s “Meet the Press†on Sunday he would prefer to see states take the lead on that front instead of the federal government.
“I don’t know how people make it on $7.25 an hour,†Trump said of the current federal minimum wage. “I would like to see an increase of some magnitude…â€
Trump’s call for higher taxes on the wealthy is a break with Republican presidential nominees who have staunchly opposed tax hikes for almost three decades. Tax hikes have been anathema to many in the party since former President George H.W. Bush infuriated fellow Republicans by abandoning a pledge not to raise taxes and agreeing to an increase in a 1990 budget deal.
“The middle class has to be protected,†Trump told NBC. The rich are “probably going to end up paying more,†he said.
When asked on NBC whether he would release his own tax returns before the election, Trump said once again that it depended on the completion of an audit. “Sure. If the auditors finish. I’ll do it as fast as the auditors finish,†he said.*
Well, we’re talking RotoReuters here, so what they say isn’t to be taken seriously.
He’s fighting all the way to the Supreme Court to keep his tax returns hidden.
As he has every right to do.
Trump giveth and Trump taketh away. Tax cuts that most benefited the rich and taxes on Chinese imports paid by working stiffs.
The difference is that I appreciate how lucky I was to born here. Cons seem to think they “earned†their good fortune. I also suspect that most of us typing here were not Black kids born into abject poverty to a single mom. Did any of us “choose†our parents? Since divine intervention is a myth, we all started out by pure dumb luck. And on the other hand my daddy didn’t give me a $413 million grubstake like Donnie’s did. Life is easier with millions in the bank.
You thank Heaven you were born into this wicked, racist nation you hate so much?
Suuuuure you do. You can’t wait to destroy it.
Anybody who knows history knows this is the best country the world has ever seen (you clearly don’t) and you let the cat out of the bag whining about being a black kid born into abject poverty to a single mom and the going on about Trump’s father leaving him money. Well, Trump’s father worked to get what he got, and left it to his kids. That’s the way it is with most people. And, like our fathers, we work for a living, so, yes, we earned our “good fortune”; we didn’t get it handed to us at the government trough.
So you can take you hate and lie filled diatribe and stick it. Firpo, Maybe if you watched something other than FOX/ONAN you wouldn’t sound like an idiot. You, like tRump are in panic mode since your treasonous Dear Leader is circling the drain. Sucks to be you, Farto. Now it’s clear that even choir-boy Pence won in on the scheme.
Oooohhh, you can tell the Lefties know the big show trial’s a flop. The bear suit is coming out.