…is early snow caused by greenhouse gases, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on why people need to be able to defend themselves.

…is early snow caused by greenhouse gases, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on why people need to be able to defend themselves.
I see three women with really poorly fitting swim suits. They need fashion assistance.
I concur with the professor. Headboard is the only one properly kitted out.
Prof Hale, I don’t think its fair to judge the fit of their bathing suits from one single point of view. I have provided another view to aid in your endeavor:
Trump is walking back his “interest” in protecting children from the hazards of vaping. He was told he could face a backlash from his base.
Maybe it’s because there are no hazards of vaping legitimate products. All of the deaths are from vaping adulterated off-brand products that were intentionally bought thinking they contained weed juice. But mostly just contained vitamin e, which is much cheaper to make. So once again, the problems are the illegal market for recreational drugs. Maybe Trump should pass a law against using recreational drugs. If that doesn’t work, he could make a rule against Assault Vape devices (painted black), and impose 7 day waiting limits. That should do it.
Vaping has served its purpose. Millions of kids now hooked on nicotine, will abandon vaping and switch to cigarettes. No wonder cig sellers were so invested in vaping with strawberry, raspberry, birthday cake, cherry, marshmallow…
Vaping kills quickly, cigarettes takes decades.
You are probably correct. I remember telling everyone I knew who was vaping to stop! This has not been tested thoroughly and no one has any idea what inhaling a cloud of mist and chemicals is going to do to your lungs. I kept telling them over and over there is no way this can be good for you. It just can’t be. Nothing about inhaling chemicals into your lungs unless its medicines that have been studied in clinical trials can possibly be good for you.
The Vaping industry should be held accountable and forced to pay for the harm inflicted by their product. This is no different then automakers being forced to pay for accidents caused by their product as a result of defects.
Vape mist is without a doubt a defective product.
Lt. Col. Vindman this AM:
“I was concerned by the call, what I heard was improper, and I reported my concerns to [White House lawyer] Mr. Eisenberg,†Vindman said in his opening statement. “It is improper for the President of the United States to demand a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen and political opponent.â€
“It was also clear that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the 2016 election, the Bidens, and Burisma, it would be interpreted as a partisan play,†he added. “This would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing bipartisan support, undermine U.S. national security, and advance Russia’s strategic objectives in the region.â€
“I want to take a moment to recognize the courage of my colleagues who have appeared and are scheduled to appear before this Committee,†Vindman said. “I want to state that the vile character attacks on these distinguished and honorable public servants is reprehensible. It is natural to disagree and engage in spirited debate, this has been our custom since the time of our Founding Fathers, but we are better than callow and cowardly attacks.â€
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) had sent a letter to House Repuds: “A significant number of bureaucrats and staff members within the executive branch have never accepted President Trump as legitimate and resent his unorthodox style and his intrusion onto their ‘turf’,†Johnson wrote. “They react by leaking to the press and participating in the ongoing effort to sabotage his policies and, if possible, remove him from office. It is entirely possible that Vindman fits this profile.â€
Nothing this man has to say is worth listening to.
He has an opinion as to what he thinks our foreign policy should be. That is not his job. The president sets foreign policy with guidance by the house and senate. The CIA, NSA, NDI, FBI and all those other 3 letter agencies DO NOT SET POLICY.
Wah, wah, wah….He is offended that his opinion of how the USA should conduct foreign policy is under attack by those outside his little click of CIA deep state operatives.
Wah, wah, wah.
and as if to prove my point you include a letter written by a senator and seconded by Bill BARR the top law enforcement official in the country.
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) had sent a letter to House Repubs: “A significant number of bureaucrats and staff members within the executive branch have never accepted President Trump as legitimate and resent his unorthodox style and his intrusion onto their ‘turf’,†Johnson wrote. “They react by leaking to the press and participating in the ongoing effort to sabotage his policies and, if possible, remove him from office. It is entirely possible that Vindman fits this profile.â€
According to Attorney General William Barr, far-left lawmakers are waging a partisan war against President Trump. While speaking at the Federalist Society in D.C. on Monday, Barr said Democrat Party officials are working to undermine the rule of law and the executive branch.
“Immediately after President Trump won the election, opponents inaugurated what they called the resistance,†explained the U.S. attorney general
@Elwood all you have is opinion by people who did not like Trump’s call because in their OPINION it was bad. Bad call. Orange man bad, we are here to tell you that Orange man is BAD.
How bad is he?
Orange man is so bad that we have to weep ourselves to sleep at night because he talks crass to people and tells rude people who keep interrupting him to shut up.
That’s bad.
Yes so bad. We might need counseling after working for this White House because he talks so nice to foreign leaders when we know the Orange man is a very bad man.
How do you know he is bad?
We just do.
Poor democrats. I pray this goes on til NOVEMBER.
Fredo, like his comrades before him doesn’t give a hoot about truth, the Ukraine or even the US, he cares about power. He cares about executing a coup against the lawful elected President and overthrowing the last election. In short he and his comrades are NOT the loyal opposition. Quite the contrary. They are the corrupt and treasonous enemy within and if they succeed America will fall to a leftist dictatorship. Yesterday Nazi Pelosi admitted they cannot allow the people to vote for Trump in 2020, they MUST get rid of him now. By any means necessary.
They just made their first attempt at assassination. They need to be stopped, arrested and imprisoned before they their plan succeeds. They are traitors.
We cannot have a reasonable debate with unreasonable people. People who refuse to admit the obvious truth like there are only two sexes and all races are not the same are not being reasonable.
Zman said ” When some sober minded pundit claims that race is a social construct or that a male can “become” a female, statements in direct contradiction to observable and scientific reality, that’s not a reasonable position no matter how calmly stated. That is making a concession to the unreasonable in advance, in order to appease them.
In fact, indulging these crazy assertions from the woke crowd is a war on reason and reasonableness. It is an effort to socialize pathology, spreading the disease to the whole of society. It is akin to the doctor spreading the cancer to the whole body, so that the patient stops noticing the tumor. When this is what passes for reasonable debate, it marginalizes the alternatives, thus normalizing that which is abnormal and anathematizing those who still cling to the normal.” He’s correct!
Trump 2020 If they don’t murder him first.
Wormtongue, like tRump cares only about power and keeping it. “Truth” and “facts” are commodities to the right. The NuGOP is the same way. They realize that demographics puts them in a bind. They can try to attract new supporters by policy, or suppress the opposition by keeping power by any means necessary. They’ve made their choice.
Our Constitution does not authorize a coup, but it does authorize the investigation and removal of a US President for bribery, treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Wormtongue keeps threatening war and murder unless the non-Cons accede to his demands.
Trump, aside from his other violations, attempted to force a foreign power’s help in tRump’s 2020 election, a clear violation of our Constitution. Calling those who point that out traitors who need to be stopped, arrested and imprisoned is not very American.
Wormtongue, we understand the stress that this puts right-wing authoritarian (RWA) followers under, but your Dear Leader has gone too far, too fast in making the US an RWA paradise.
Congress would be remiss in its duties if it didn’t investigate Trump’s potential crimes.
The only coup is the one DJTrump and his RWA followers are attempting against the American people.
Lest you be reminded.
Did you see any evidence of Bribery?
Did you see any evidence of any kind of illegal activity?
Then perhaps you should report to the Human Resources committee and complain about being fired not try to have the president impeached!
I am sure you disapproved of Hillary and the Dems using foreign governments in the 2016 election. But it is obvious that the Biden family are crooks, so don’t you think they should be investigated? And since the FBI and other police agencies in our government are corrupt the president must set the stage himself.
The Democrats star witness.
From the NY Times:
Behind a Star Witness, Democrats Take Their Impeachment Case to the Public
Their goal is to transform what might seem like an abstract debate over foreign policy into high crimes and misdemeanors in the public mind as Republicans argue there is no case for impeachment.
There is no DEBATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP is your COMMANDER IN CHIEF. You should be reprimanded and busted back to 2nd lt. when this is all over.
A colonel working for the NSA has nothing fuking to say about foreign policy. He can offer his input and suggestions, but he certainly has no power, ZERO< ZIP< NADA about determining foreign policy.
If that were the case then the NFL teams should be run by the fans. The Department of Housing and Urban development should have all free housing for everyone cause the people to want it.
The policy is determined by those in AUTHORITY…..NOT SOME DICKHEAD COLONEL who thinks he knows better than everyone else!!
Stormin Norman overruled by his Captains on the Ground as they invaded Kuwait and Iraq.
Eisenhower says let’s invade Normandy and those who disagree tell the Germans we are invading Normandy so that they can invade the Pas de Calais instead.
Remember that Colonel. I lived and nearly died at the hands of people like you in Vietnam. People who didn’t have a clue but thought they did.
Lt. Colonel Vindman wasn’t questioning the US policy (which he has a right to do as an adviser), he was concerned about domestic politics being inserted into foreign policy.
He and others were alarmed that Trump was strong-arming an ally by bribing them to announce an investigation into a political rival.
It seems extreme to blame Colonel Vindman for your experiences in Vietnam. What did the Colonel do to put troops in harm’s way?
Should our military NOT report malfeasance by commanders through proper channels?
And Donald Trump is no Eisenhower.
Lt. Colonel Vindman wasn’t questioning the US policy (which he has a right to do as an adviser), he was concerned about domestic politics being inserted into foreign policy.
Well, first of all, his “right” is to obey orders and carry out the directives of the Commander-In-Chief (sure can tell you were never in the Army).
Ukraine asked him to be their Defense Minister “three timesâ€
Getting past the idea this clown is a legend in his own mind, he then told Ukraine to ignore President Trump because he “thought†Trump was wrong in his policy with Ukraine.
So all your bull about he was concerned about domestic politics being inserted into foreign policy is a lie (surprise!).
Should our military NOT report malfeasance by commanders through proper channels?
Not if they’re doing it to further their careers, but Col Clunk said he went around his chain of command and did not go through his boss also insisting he was in charge of Ukraine policy*.
This dork should have read the Constitution.
And Donald Trump is no Eisenhower.
He’s probably better.
During Ranger School, LTC Vindman kept getting low peer ratings because “he was lazy and a chow thief,†a Ranger School classmate of Vindman has said.
Battalion Rangers wanted him out, said he was POS.
If you would bother to read and educate yourself, you would know that Eisenhower was a mediocre general at best.
Have to disagree with you david7134. Ike was an excellent general for the position he was in at the time in history when he was needed. Ike was not a field commander rather he was The Boss! He wan’t flashy, but he kept the flashy guys winning. He was a risk taker but you would never know that by the way he is portrayed in history. Let’s face it Operation Overlord was the most gutsy sea invasion ever in all of history and only a general with gigantic brass balls would ever have attempted it let alone pulled it off.
Eisenhower was the type of general that tied together all the other generals and made them shine. I thank God that men like Ike seem to appear in our history just when we need hem most. Men of valor not Ego. That’s how I see Ike and I do read a lot of history.
Afraid I disagree. Market Garden is enough said. Allowing Month to have command. The bungle of the Bulg. D day was horrible and again , Monty. The bocage. And the man was almost relieved after North Africa. He was a politician, that is what he did well. Except as president.
He and others were alarmed that Trump was strong-arming an ally by bribing them to announce an investigation into a political rival.
It seems extreme to blame Colonel Vindman for your experiences in Vietnam. What did the Colonel do to put troops in harm’s way?
Should our military NOT report malfeasance by commanders through proper channels?
Get your facts straight.
IF Vindman had a problem with CORRUPTION he should have spoken up back then.
Did you know that the UKRAINE SERIOUSLY OFFERED VINDMAN the position of THEIR DEFENSE MINISTER not once but 3 times when he was visiting the UKRAINE?
He is from Ukraine working for the NSA. Sounds like his sympathies lie with his home country and not the USA> HE SAID in his opening testimony that curbing corruption was paramount in the UKRAINE and yet…….Speaks against Trump for attempting to that very thing.
This man is the epitome of a deep stater. I believe that deep staters are Super Patriots, blinded by their misguided belief that they know better than everyone else. I do not believe he is disloyal or a spy, but rather so self-absorbed in his own beliefs that he no longer can entertain a different approach to anything. AKA…TRUMP.
More Fascinating information.
Williams said she has listened in on over a dozen of these types of calls over her career with three different presidents. She noted the recent Ukraine call was more political because of the mention of Joe Biden, who was a leading Democrat contender at the time.
“During my closed-door deposition, members of the committee asked about my personal views and whether I had any concerns about the July 25th call,†stated Williams. “As I testified then, I found the July 25th phone call unusual because — in contrast to other presidential calls I had observed — it involved discussion of what appeared to be a domestic political matter.â€
Following the testimony, a spokesperson from Pence’s office released a statement clarifying that Williams does not work directly with the vice president.
This woman was a career state department staffer sent to VP Pence. She testified she listened to the call and that it disturbed her because it involved the mention of Biden and a domestic political matter.
Okay….Trump asked him to investigate Crowdstrike which was investigating the UKRAINE, NOT IN THE USA. The Obama Administration sent the FBI according to Ambassador Yovanovitch to help dig into the corruption going on there.
Trump asked the Ukranian President to investigate their own corruption. It was perfectly okay for the Obama FBI to dig up dirt on TRUMP in Ukraine but it is an egregious sin for Trump to ask them to continue AN INVESTIGATION STARTED BY OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL………..wow. I now understand why Trump had a 100 leaks a day when he became president. This is not about his own people leaking this is about the army of deep staters sent to destroy his presidency.
And the left so hate Trump that they would jeopardize the Union because to get Trump. This could lead to civil war.
It seems that if you desire to commit any crime just run for president and no one can do a thing. The entirety of Obama’s administration, including himself, we’re totally corrupt.
Fredo doesn’t care. Obama fired a 24 year ATF employee for “blowing the whistle” on his illegal Fast & Furious Scam which put thousands of guns in the hands of Mexican cartels and led to the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Leftists like Fredo and his comrades ignore those little inconvenient facts.
They also ignore the fact that the President can ask for intel and help from anyone he damn pleases, even Ukrainians.
Trump 2020 Cause the other team is commie clowns.