Yes, yes, Secret Santa can cause some anxiety, which is why rules are typically established, but, it is minor anxiety. No big hoo hoo. But, hey, Millennials
Nearly 1 in 3 millennials want to see Secret Santa banned.
The anxiety surrounding the gift exchange is one factor pushing millennials to want to give it up.
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) November 20, 2019
From the article
Some millennials want “Secret Santa” canceled.
A study found that Secret Santa gift exchanges trigger anxiety in many millennials. Dr. Ashley Weinberg, a psychology lecturer at the University of Salford in Manchester, claimed the holiday gift swap triggers anxiety in those who overspend because they don’t want to appear “stingy.”
The study from Jobsite found that 26% of millennials admitted to dipping into savings or overdrafting their accounts to fund an office gift. Around 17% reported that they “felt judged†by their co-workers based on the gift they chose to contribute. In total, 78% of millennials felt they contributed “more than they should†to an office party gift compared to 58% of the rest of the workforce.
Nearly 1 in 3 millennials want to see Secret Santa banned. Weinberg explained that anxiety surrounding the gift exchange is one factor pushing millennials to want to give Secret Santa the boot.
“If you’ve grown up in a world where social media is at your fingertips and those kinds of social judgments are being made fairly constantly, suddenly you’re even more aware of what others might be thinking. Naturally, that’s going to spill over into all kinds of areas, particularly something that can be a social taboo when you think about maybe not giving, or maybe questioning why people are giving,†Weinberg said.

These kids need a good smack in the head, as do their (and I use the word loosely) parents.
To a right-winger, violence is always the answer! It’s always on simmer.
Don’t you wish Trump would just take charge and overrun those Congressional Dems and stop all this nonsense?
Hell, no, this is a lot more fun, exposing these clowns to the voters for the hacks and idiots they are.
To a right-winger, violence is always the answer! It’s always on simmer.
The way this impeachment circus is unfolding, I think that Trump actually set it up. Trumps popularity has significantly increased. His power is much greater. He has very quietly flipped several Federal courts. And now Trump will easily win in 2020 as well as getting Congress.
You think trump committed all those impeachable acts just to bugger the Dems? Interesting conspiracy!
Fascinating choice of words.
Actually, he seems to prefer the front door.
But, to answer david’s question, he certainly let them have enough rope to hang themselves, but he did that with Mule Ears. He knew who the real bad guys were and knew a farce like this would bring it out in the open.
And, no, Trump committed no impeachable acts. The Demos did. What’s happened to them was self-inflicted.
Anxiety? Over a ‘secret Santa’ gift? Good Lord, what are these special snowflakes going to do when their bosses give them a rush project that has to get done by Monday?
There is a youtube video up about a staff writer for a major blog who threw a fit because her boss corrected her spelling on a word. A single word. It got so bad that during the one-sided shouting match the young girl actually called her mother in the middle of the meeting to ask her how to spell the word. I can’t remember the word but it was a basic simple word.
The young girl said I know this is correct because I always have spelled it this way. Well, they looked it up in dictionary dot com and the girl was wrong. They googled it. The girl was wrong. She claimed everyone was wrong and she was right and demanded that the word remains in her story as is.
Long story short, the girl went back to her desk and cried so hard she was sent home for the day to get herself together. This after screaming at her boss and making a scene. Ida fired her ass so fast I would have told her her stuff will be waiting for her at ground level as I threw it out the window.
Thus. The left we have to deal with. It’s no wonder the military supports the right except for key upper-level sissy boys like Vindman who probably is paid millions by George Soros to alter the US policy on Ukraine for his benefit. And yes, Soros has been found to be both feet on the ground in Ukraine.
Found a Youtube video on the story.
I much easier and shorter study would be of things that DON’T cause anxiety in millennials.
Mandatory Secret Santa?
Count me out also
I am surprised it isn’t 2 out of 3 against
I have happily never had to work for a company that had a Secret Santa policy
Mandatory Secret Santa?
Count me out also
I’ve never worked for a company that requires participation in a Secret Santa thing.
I have happily never had to work for a company that had a Secret Santa policy
Well, that makes sense as you have never worked outside of your mother’s basement.
How are those pizza rolls going?
One thing that should be noted is that the survey was only done in England and no other country.
The funny thing is that the primary objection to from those who are opposed to a Secret Santa is the way they would be perceived by others. In other words, instead of just enjoying the moment and getting to know a co-worker better, the millennials are more concerned with how they are perceived due to social media. They don’t care about the meaning and purpose of the gift exchange.
To them, a gift they “give” is “how does this make me look?”
The same survey also said that millennials are likely to spend 34% more on gifts and gatherings because of a fear of how they would be perceived on social media.
Once again, the snowflakes lose the plot.
Christmas is in many ways about giving and not about your social reputation. Any one that would criticize a gift in public on social media shows the hatred and selfishness of a leftist.
After all, even during Christmas, hate is all the left has.
The previously decent gc, who now ends every typing with how hateful everyone else is, fills each of his own missives with hate and little else.
So this conversion to unrelenting hatred now seen on the right and the GOP – is that because of trump? We suspect the right was hiding their feelings until they perceived they had control. Now we see what the right is really like. Trump, Nunes, the new Lindsey Graham, Steve King, Gym Jordan etc.
The previously decent gc, who now ends every typing with how hateful everyone else is, fills each of his own missives with hate and little else.
Every time Jeffery gets a taste of his own medicine, a commenter suddenly has had a fall from grace. Said erstwhile “decent” human being was addressed by the usual names, but ignored it. Now he states the obvious and Jeffery pulls his hackneyed attempt at shaming him that went out with Bill Moyers.
So this conversion to unrelenting hatred now seen on the right and the GOP – is that because of trump?
No, it’s because of you. No facts, just accusations, epithets, lies, and profanity.
And you thought it could never happen. Too bad you didn’t see that was Uncle Saul’s Achilles Heel.
We suspect the right was hiding their feelings until they perceived they had control.
You and your cartoon characters are about as perceptive as Inspector Clouseau.
Now we see what the right is really like. Trump, Nunes, the new Lindsey Graham, Steve King, Gym Jordan etc.
It’s called winning. Jordan and Nunes, in particular, are taking Schiff For Brains’ witlesses and shredding their testimony. Suddenly, we’re seeing Lefties starting to talk censure, instead of impeachment.
Won’t work, though. Just shows to go how incompetent and impotent you all are these days.
BWAHA! Lolgfy little sissybitch
More winning!
Lolgfy little sissybitch
The previously decent gc, who now ends every typing with how hateful everyone else is, fills each of his own missives with hate and little else.
Once again we see the descent into from the left into more and more hatred. It is all they have.
Sorry Jeffery, if millennials are not strong enough to say “I don’t want to participate,” in something, they should be scorned.
That’s the difference between the left and the right. The right says “don’t want to participate? No problem.” The left says “I don’t want to participate and no one else can either!”
The left hates freedom, and everything else. Hate is all they have.
Where did the word “mandatory” come in? As usual since the communists on the left don’t like it they want it “banned”. Why can’t people who want to be the SS be in it and those who don’t just not be in it?
So John you think since YOU don’t like SS that your company should BAN it from everyone? How about if you don’t like chewing gum or if hats upset you? Should your boss BAN gum and hats too?
You leftists really HATE Freedom.
Somebody always feels left out and they have to whine about it to HR.
As you say, usually a Commie who wants to spoil it for everybody else.
A few points. The actual Jobsite article was much less critical of workers than the right-wing “anxiety” article. The original article didn’t spend much time on Christmas, nor did they spend much time on “millennial’s” feelings, other than that they were giving away money that they didn’t have. Also, gitarcarver has never worked outside of his mother’s basement. gc: How are those pizza rolls going?
Here’s the actual Jobsite article
The gifts that keep on taking: Millennials feel fleeced by office whip-rounds
Posted on: November 8, 2019
The financial strain of contributing to activities such as ‘Secret Santa’ and presents for birthdays and promotions has led 26% of young workers to dip into savings and/or overdrafts to contribute.
The average millennial’s whip-round is 34% more expensive, with their average contribution reaching £9 (and a total of £151 per year, compared to £7 / £99 per year for all workers).
17% of Millennials have felt judged by colleagues in relation to their contributions.
Jobsite report reveals that almost three quarters (73%) of workers aged between 23-38 have contributed more than they could afford to an office celebration.
Experts call for company budgets to help de-pressurise the likes of Christmas gifts and their amounts.
Secret Santa and other office ‘whip-round’ occasions have come under the spotlight today, as new research from UK job board Jobsite found that younger workers are feeling so pressured to contribute that they are dipping into their savings or going into debt in order to chip in.
The Jobsite report revealed that three quarters (73%) of office workers aged between 23-38 have regularly contributed more than they could afford to an office celebration, compared to over half of the UK population (58%). The financial strain of contributing to activities such as ‘Secret Santa’ and presents for birthdays and promotions can be so severe that 26% of younger workers have either dipped into their savings or gone into their overdraft to contribute.
The report investigated how much and how often UK office workers are invited to ‘chip-in’ for an office celebration – ranging from birthdays and work anniversaries to engagements, promotions and even seasonal events such as ‘Secret Santa’.
On average, we spend our own money on office occasions such as birthdays, engagements and Secret Santas 15 times a year. Birthday celebrations take the largest slice of cake, with workers forking out an average of five times a year. Employees spend an average of £99 every year on gifts for our co-workers. A stunning £4,667 over the course of our careers.
Shockingly, Millennial workers see their contributions add to 34% more, with a total of £151 per year spent on 17 colleagues celebrations, which represents £7,111 over a career.
All the rightists have is hate.
Typical Lefty whining.
And, if you don’t think all the Leftists have is hate, ask yourself why Bolshevik Bunny has been hiding out and now is in such a bitchy mood.
Seems like impeachment is going down the same tubes as Mule Ears and Avenatti.