Whatever happened to the whole 12 years left thing, which would mean we are still 11 years off? But, hey, we’re at yet another tipping point
Prince Charles talks about climate change, says humans only have 10 yrs to ‘change the course’
CHRISTCHURCH: Prince Charles warned Friday that time is running out to address the impact of climate change as he prepares to visit one of the Pacific island nations most-affected by global warming.
As he wrapped up a six-day trip to New Zealand ahead of three days in the Solomon Islands, Charles said the need for climate action was urgent.
“We have reached a tipping point and we still have the ability to change course, but only 10 years,” said the first in line to the British throne, who has been a passionate environmentalist for decades.
He said climate change was a scientific fact, rejecting suggestions from sceptics that “scaremongering” was dominating the debate.
“We have abused nature, exploited her and given her nothing back in return,” he told an audience at Christchurch’s Lincoln University.
“Nothing is sacred anymore, we are reaping a loss of biodiversity and experiencing the impacts of climate changes. We urgently need to pay the mounting debt.”
If it’s such a fact, referring to the anthropogenic part, then why did he take a long fossil fueled trip from Great Britain to New Zealand? Does anyone think he flew commercial? And how is he traveling around New Zealand?
He and wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, will have the chance to see the impact of climate change at close quarters when they make their first visit to the Solomon Islands on Saturday.
New Zealand is essentially south of Australia. The Solomon Islands are essentially north of Australia. So, looks like Charles, his wife, and their whole entorage will be taking a long fossil fueled plane trip there, as well. And climate cultists wonder why they are accused of being hypocrites? They have massive carbon footprints, refuse to reign them in, yet are out there scaremongering, always demanding government policies that are on Other People.
Oh, and when will they start trotting out 5 years left? I’ll give it till next summer.

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.†– Socrates
Are you using that to explain your reaction to President Trump’s electoral victory? Makes sense. All you lefties have done for three years is slander everyone involved who is not a flaming leftist. Of course being communists at heart you slanders are mixed with good old fashion hate.
Trump 2020 Make the hate of the left burn their soulless being.
It’s directed to TEACH’s failure to address issues and calling those with whom he disagrees, hypocrites. Climate change deniers long ago lost the scientific argument and have resorted to slander.
And the whimperng little sissybitch is at it again.
How does losing feel?
BTW, it is Teach’s blog. If you don’t like it go whine somewhere else, pussy.
TEACH not man enough to defend himself from criticism? You think it’s inappropriate for someone to criticize your leader?
Right-wing authoritarian followers routinely lie down for their authoritarian leaders.
Does TEACH need his little Grima Wormtongue to succor him?
You’re kinda like the floor at the porn shop.
Do you think it appropriate to bugger one’s own grandson or lie about joining the Army during the Vietnam war?
Lolgfy whimpering little sissybitch
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.†– Socrates
…which explains the warmists’ position exactly.
Hilarious-which is where the Holocaust term “denier†came from.
“When the debate is lost..â€. True- Explains why Trump is called a Nazi or a fascist every other day…
And you are the prime example.
Then they poisoned the nut.
As a novelist, I understand the ticking timebomb effect. It is paramount your hero races against time in order to heighten tension. If you have ever watched movies there is almost always a ticking clock involved in heightening the tension. The hero shuts down the device or achieves success with a mere millisecond left before complete annihilation.
If the AGW crowd gives us a definitive time frame in which the heroes must race to save the day then the matter becomes more urgent. The initial warning that we have one hundred years was insufficient. Can you imagine reading a book in which your hero has a decade to fix the problem? Yawn. Put down the book and move on to something else.
Here we have the protagonists in a race. Expect science to announce even shorter deadlines as we race to save the planet from certain doom. It is a tried and true formula that nearly all books and action movies adhere too. Time is the enemy of the hero. Time is a villain in which the reader or the moviegoer is only faintly aware. For sure there are people, animals or elements that are the real villains but in order to make them even more powerful, you must incorporate time to magnify the struggle to survive, achieve victory or defeat evil.
One races through the field, the gate is closing. If your hero does not get to the gate before it closes the bear or the atomic blast or whatever element is the antagonist will destroy the hero. In the middle of the book, we understand there is no way the hero doesn’t make it through the gate. The mission of the author is to ensure that the race is exciting enough to get your juices flowing. This can be done in many ways. As always the hero is injured slowing their trek. They are helping a weaker character to the gate thus allowing time and the bear to become more of a danger.
Now in the Climate debate, the anti-heroes are legion. Deniers, fossil fuel companies, electric power plants, automobiles, airplanes, inefficient housing, evil corporations. Even cows and horses. We must defeat the legion of enemies in order to stop the ticking clock. How they do this is yet to be written but believe me when I say, the story is ever-evolving and right now we are in the rough draft phase. Within a year or two we will begin the editing stage as the timer ticks down and the tension in the world’s public grows.
And so it goes. Remember the nuclear clock is constantly being reset. How many minutes is it till midnight?
TL:DR Read it. People pay plenty to read my words. J/K.
in the past doomsayers like Charles use to walk around the streets wearing sandwich boards.
Al Gore warned us we had 10 or 12 years left 25 years ago.
I wish they would get this straight. I have heard 12 years, then 8 and now 10. I would like to have a big party and watch the world end, so the time is important to some of us.
Not me, david7134. They tricked me with Y2K and I’m not fallin’ for their shit no mo!
Can Her Majesty the Queen hang on for another eleven years? We need that, because His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is loony tunes.
The poor Queen, she wakes up each day hoping to read her elder son’s death notice, now she has to fire her favorite son for being a wanker, what next?
If he’d been a wanker, he wouldn’t be in this pickle.
So to speak.
It’s directed to TEACH’s failure to address issues and calling those with whom he disagrees, hypocrites. Climate change deniers long ago lost the scientific argument and have resorted to slander.
Yeah, but it’s you all over.
” Climate change deniers long ago lost the scientific argument and have resorted to slander.”
Yet in the real world none of us are “climate change deniers” so you’re a liar…..again. We disagree with the causes of climate change and whether man is responsible and if so to what degree and how to fix it if it’s even possible to do. You OTOH, believe anything these charlatans spew and have for thirty years. Even when they change the name time after time and miss EVERY SINGLE PREDICTION you still keep your head up their keisters. You never challenge or question anything the cultist put out. NOTHING!
Trump 2020 Give the grown-ups a chance
Just to check I went outside and saw Climate Change for myself. And there it was.
But, not a sign of Global Warming.
Global Warming seems to have disappeared since THEY came up with “Climate Change”.
THEY are miracle workers, aren’t THEY?
And then people wonder why Harry makes the choices that he makes!
why is he an environmentalist? why isn’t he a leftist that is using this unverified claim for political reasons. to show how phony environmentalists are their solution to global warming is a one world communist government. why would an environmentalist ever want to see a communist government given communist governments being the biggest polluters in history?
Because they aren’t environmentalists any more than Fredo is a Rhodes Scholar. They are communists and political opportunists. They know it and we know it. The only people who can’t see that are immature kids and “useful idiots” like Fredo and John.
Trump 2020 Prince Andrew was called out why isn’t Bill Clinton?
Prince Andrew was called out, why isn’t Donald J. Trump? He’s been accused of raping a 13 yr old girl at Epstein’s NYC mansion and of raping a writer in a Dept store dressing room + several dozen sexual assaults.
Prince Charles is as much an environmentalist as Dildo is a college grad or Devine Nunes (R-Ukraine) is a patriot.
You lead a very empty, non-productive life when all you do is post lies on a conservative site to try and get people upset so you can call them names. I think most people here pity you rather than have any sense of respect. Likely that is the same in the rest of your life.
You claim “jeff” posts lies, yet never point them out.
Are you bothered that President Trump lies constantly? If not, why not?
You claim “jeff” calls commenters names.
Do you object to other commenters calling people names? If not, why not?
An askhole is basically a person who asks for your opinion or advice, yet never uses your advice and does the opposite of what you said to do. Askholes sometimes ask questions for the sake of asking questions or making conversation.
The whimpering little sissybitch really should try to stop being such an askhole.
Lolgf askhole
THIS, is an environmentalist realist.
Dildo thinks Tony Heller, aka “Steven Goddard”, is a climate expert. Heller is a nobody, laughed at by actual scientists. Heller is an environmental disinformer.
Dildo may not know that Heller has past replete with falsehoods: His NSIDC scandal. His NASA scandal. His Venus scandal.
This is the kind of “scientist” from whom Dildo gets his disinformation.
Anyway, the Earth is warming as a result of we humans burning fossil fuels and dumping the waste product, CO2, into the atmosphere, just as physicists predicted a century ago. The fossil fuels industry, right-wing funders (e.g, Kochs) and right-wing “think”-tanks comprise the deniosphere. There is little science in the deniosphere. Almost all the legitimate scientists who were once skeptics have left the movement.
If anybody would know dildos, it’s Jeffery, but who is a “scientist” in his eyes is a phony everywhere else.
And these “scandals”, did they consist of bucking the PC groupthink in pursuit of the truth or just blowing the whistle on the lies put out by government slugs in outfits like NASA?
Deniosphere? You mean the one where it was Trump that bribed the Ukrainians?
Cute, but the fact is you deny anything that stands in the way of your agenda.
At least Tony Heller puts his name out there and his expertise. He has been asked to advise many states on climate policy, has multiple degrees and has worked on the climate models used for climate prediction.
what have you done Elwood? Beside hide behind fake names and attack anyone you disagree with?
You smear anyone who posts anything about AGW you do not agree with. Shed your fake names and post with your real name. Put out your credentials and lets us judge the merits of your posting based upon your Bonafides and not your blatant smears of anyone who would dare stand against the science is settled mantra the left preaches.
How about it Elwood. Your name please and why we should listen to you when you post drivel about AGW Truths, and what gives you the right to smear someone with degrees in geology and engineering and has worked on the models used to create the current climate modeling.
Credentials please.
Tony Heller goes by Steven Goddard online.
He has a Masters in Electrical Engineering.
It’s unlikely any state would ask for his help on global warming.
Heller is a denier and adds nothing to the discussion. He is not a climate scientist.
The science of global warming is not settled, as great scientists such as Tony Wuwt, Kye or Steven Goddard may yet discover that human-generated CO2 is NOT causing the current rapid warming. It’s just improbable.
How about it, is Doom and Gloom your real name? Why do you hide behind a fake name? You smear those who support the scientific consensus on global warming.
Why do deniers go into a rage when challenged with the truth? Deniers are right-wing authoritarians who like to force their beliefs on others.
Credentials please?
Typical alarmist crap. J can’t actually refute his findings on adjustments, so he goes after his alleged “credentials†and his former blog name. By the way, he hasn’t gone by Goddard in years. But the main point, which of course goes right over J’s head, is that if what he was implying is false, then his credentials and name would be irrelevant, correct? And if what he’s saying is correct, then his alleged credentials and name would be irrelevant, correct?
Refute what? Heller had a Bambi video and called people names. He claimed the BBC was spreading propaganda. Projection…
It’s unlikely any state would ask for his help on global warming.
The problem you have Elwood is that you can pretty much say whatever crap you want under the flag of anonymity. I always check my sources before I post facts about anything.
He is not a climate scientist.,,,,,,NEITHER ARE YOU.
How about it, is Doom and Gloom your real name? Why do you hide behind a fake name? You smear those who support the scientific consensus on global warming.
I do not pretend to be anything other than what I am. A commenter on a blog discussing topics. I do not pretend to be an expert unlike you who cuts and pastes formulas after you google a bunch of stuff to show how intelligent you are.
It is not me who slanders or smears AGW scientists. I challenge you to find one instance where I smeared any climate scientist. I did a post on Michael Mann losing his slander case against Professor Ball but that was because he refused to release his data on how he arrived at his hockey stick conclusions so the case was released. I made fun of him for saying it was lost. FACTS. It’s hard to smear someone with facts.
It is a known fact that even the Russians who compiled the tree ring data he used said it was suspect and not reliable. He used it anyway. Not a smear. A reporting of the facts.
Unlike you who attempt to smear anyone who is a denier saying we deny real science if we don’t believe what you believe. Therefore I request your bonafides. Mine are inconsequential. I simply look things up, double-check their integrity and reliability and then post on them.
You should try it sometime. You even called me a liar when I said he helped states with their own AGW programs. Another attempt at smearing me. You suggest you are something special. I do not. It is imperative to prove your specialness. I am simply one of the masses with nothing to boast about other than I have an opinion and support that opinion with facts that I find on the internet.
Here’s what your climate change is all about useful idiot. BTW, as usulal when you lose you lie, Fredo. I never called Heller a “climate expert”. Read my comment you dope. I said he’s a climate realist. Go get a life will you. There is real science in denying the lies you promote. It’s the science of not believing all the bullshit you leftists throw out there. Although perhaps not buying all the bullshit is an ART not a science.
Trump 2020 Defund the climate liars.
Heller is no realist, no scientist, no expert, Dildo. I have a life! You’re the bitter old man, Dildo.
There is no science in denying scientific truths.
The Earth has warmed nearly 1C in the past century, right, Dildo?
Contrary to TEACH’s repeated falsehoods, that’s actually a significant increase.
Climate change deniers claim (with out evidence) that this period of rapid warming is a result of magic.
Thousands of climate scientists attribute the rapid warming to the rapid increase in atmospheric CO2, which is known to absorb and release infrared radiation (heat).
Did you know that atmospheric CO2 is higher now than in the past 1 million years? And by a lot! The source of the increased CO2 has been shown to be from fossil fuels.
We don’t understand why the recitation of these facts induces such rage in deniers.
There’s no “rage” little Fredo. And once again, we’re not “deniers” once again you lie! Fredo, you’re not dumb like some people say, you’re smart. Smart enough to realize that you are not a climate expert, scientist either. So you’re all bent out of shape because you don’t like the idea WE WON’T ACCEPT YOUR RELIGION. One more time for the learning impaired (that’s you Fredo) we all believe in climate change. We don’t agree with how much man contributes to it which is not proven. We also do not believe we should sacrifice our economy and freedom to address climate change. When the REAL scientists can make a prediction that actually comes true we’ll start believing them.
You’re pissed off because we don’t agree with YOUR OPINION and that’s all it is, an opinion. For every climate “fact” you just spouted out there is little or no PROOF and there are actual scientists who disagree.
When your politics becomes your religion you cross over into the world of cults like you Mohammadan Komrades.
And every time you make a ridiculous, rabid, hateful comment like the one above you look like this to the rest of us:
Trump 2020 The Fredo’s of America MUST BE STOPPED NOW!!
I have a life! You’re the bitter old man, Dildo.
If you did, you wouldn’t have to say so and call other people names.
This is it for you and you do it badly.
Thousands of climate scientists attribute the rapid warming to the rapid increase in atmospheric CO2, which is known to absorb and release infrared radiation (heat).
Thousands, huh?
Thousands said the earth was flat, too.
Did you know that atmospheric CO2 is higher now than in the past 1 million years? And by a lot! The source of the increased CO2 has been shown to be from fossil fuels.
And who told you this? Alley Oop? Barney Rubble getting readings off his spectrometer?
We don’t understand why the recitation of these facts induces such rage in deniers.
Maybe it’s because they’re lies and you and your cartoon characters expect us to be as stupid as you are.
And, most of the time, you’re the one who’s spitting mad. Most of us are just bemused at you pushing a lot of nonsense even you know is phony.
Poor, J, as usual so misinformed. Heller, in addition to being an electrical engineer, is also has a degree in Geology. ‘Higher than the past 1 million yrs-a lot!â€. Which is irrelevant, seeing as CO2 has been well over 10 times higher in the past, with no “tipping point†reached. ‘Climate change deniers..â€. Nice try, J, but no one denies climate change-that’s just a term used to try and stifle debate. And as always, there’s no evidence it’s any more rapid that earlier last century.
We’re pleased you finally admit global warming.
Heller has a BS in Geology. That doesn’t make one a scientist. He may know igneous from metamorphic from sedimentary from rocks.
And that refutes anything he’s said…how? Good luck. Please show us the peer-reviewed paper that lists the requirements to simply analyze data.
We’re pleased you keep trying to push the “rapid warming BS “ , because it’s so easy to refute. https://twitter.com/benusa567/status/1193261551417004033?s=21
Prove this wrong Elwood.
The radiative transfer models used by government climate scientists show that going up to 550 PPM or even 1000 PPM CO2 will make minimal difference to the radiative balance of the atmosphere. The knee of the CO2 curve is at about 30 PPM, and additional CO2 has little first-order effect. This is because almost all radiation in the CO2 absorption spectra is already being absorbed by H2O or CO2 molecules. Adding more CO2 has a minimal effect because there is not much radiation left to be absorbed. (This is a bit of an oversimplification because of second-order effects, but those are also small.) There is no indication from the radiative transfer models used by government scientists that additional CO2 will cause large amounts of heating.
It was written by Tony Heller who wrote the software used by climate scientists to model the climate.
You claim “jeff†posts lies, yet never point them out.
I have. I’ve caught you in so many lies, even I’ve lost track of them all, but the best are where you try to tell us science is based on consensus instead of proof.
Are you bothered that President Trump lies constantly? If not, why not?
Trump doesn’t lie, you do.
You claim “jeff†calls commenters names.
Do you object to other commenters calling people names? If not, why not?
People get sick of your little Alinsky era games and just give you a taste of your own medicine.
You don’t like it, either leave or shut your filthy mouth.
And, no, the two are not mutually exclusive.
And, no
No, you claim to point out lies, but you do no such thing. You’re a consistent liar and when caught you disappear for a while. Trump’s MBA, Gov of Ohio in 1970…
If our worst “lie” is that consensus is important to science then you’ve lost another round old man.
Your “arguments”, such as they are, are either, “Is not!”, “You lie!” or “Fake news!”.
Every time you type, mankind’s knowledge is diminished.
I’ve pointed out all your climate lies. I’ve pointed out all your Trump lies.
And always to the point you feel obliged to change the subject.
You’re a consistent liar and when caught you disappear for a while.
No, that’s you, sweetie. Where have you been the last week or so? Hiding because your impeachment farce is sinking by the bow? Oh, I know, deer camp learning to be a dear.
If our worst “lie†is that consensus is important to science then you’ve lost another round old man.
That’s a pretty big falsehood, since it negates every scientific finding for at least the last 400 years
Your “argumentsâ€, such as they are, are either, “Is not!â€, “You lie!†or “Fake news!â€.
And them I back them up.
Every time you type, mankind’s knowledge is diminished.
I can’t wait to see how you prove that one. As it is, you lie to convince the unknowing of a false doctrine. That does not diminish the knowledge that exists, but it does cheat people out of the truth.
Both Emerson and Ras are showing Trump’s black support at 34. Even allowing for a 10 point discrepancy, that gives him an almost sure lock on ’20.
40 states, maybe more.
So little Jeffery tries to change the subject.
Just remind him of how badly things have gone for the Lefties. RBG, the economy, a winning foreign policy, the joke that is impeachment and why Congress will be his after next year.
Imagine an election year where Trump can call any witness – Zippy, Holder, the Ozarks, Mule Ears – and a confirmation hearing at the same time.
Wotta party!!!!!!!!
And the Lefties having nothing to say but shut up and deal.