…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle causing it to get so hot that it snows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on another poll finding impeachment theater is backfiring.

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle causing it to get so hot that it snows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on another poll finding impeachment theater is backfiring.
Did you read about the attempted coup in Israel??? Is it a coincidence that “they” started after Bibi just as “they” were pounding tRump? Is there a global deep state of commies trying to take over??
… he is accused of accepting bribes from a telecom magnate by promoting regulations worth hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for favorable media coverage on a popular news site owned by the company.
Now commie libs worldwide are trying to criminalize WINNING business practices!!
All tRump did was to try to pay Ukraine to investigate tRump’s political rival? Big deal. Is there a law against paying a foreign country to help win a US election??
So you believe a COUP is okay if you agree with it politically Elwood. No matter the country?
… he is accused of accepting bribes from a telecom magnate by promoting regulations worth hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for favorable media coverage on a popular news site owned by the company.
OBAMA DID THIS HIMSELF> He signed an executive order saying the US would not allow the University of Phoenix to be on their list of accepted institutions for the GI BILL. Their stock plummetted. Obama’s good friend, swooped in and bought up all the dirt cheap stocks and wouldn’t you know it Obama then lifted the restriction.
Should Obama have had a COUP led against him Elwoood?
God this story is oozing with contempt for Israel and Trump. Fuk the MSM and fuk disney who owns ABC news.
Until they decide to report the fact and not decide to change world policy then fuk them and everything they stand for and everything they write.
Your story starts out by saying his woes MIRROR Trumps then accuse him of accepting BRIBES>This is a bold faced lie. Trump did not accept one damn Bribe and YOUR SIDE HAS ZERO EVIDENCE. Just saying it does not make it so. Now if Netanyahu is corrpupt then remove his ass but do it legally.
TULSI/2020 because if anyone on the left has a shred of dignity and integrity it is that lady. And yes I will still vote for Trump because she is about as far left as the rest of them, but the least the left can do after Biden and HRC is to put up someone who is not a liar or con man as in Lyin Joe or Lyin Lizzie or crazy Bernie and Watch the wax man melt Butigieg under Tulsi’s weathering attacks on stage in the last debate. The man has a backbone of a wax figurine. You could literally see him melt on stage unable to fathom someone would dare go after a gay man for his POLICIES.
Ukrainians want investigation of Burisma, election meddling
Senate subpoena’s documents relating to Hunter and Joe Biden’s dealings in Ukraine
FISA report yet to be released turned the DOJ’s investigation into a criminal Investigation.
THE NOOSE IS TIGHTENING around Obama, Biden and the Democrats. The left wanted it. They got it. Trump is evil. No the left if evil. Trump is bad. no turns out the DNC is bad.
Trump corrupted justice. Actually it turns out the real corrupt people were poor white man Joe Biden who earned peanuts in the senate and Barak Obama who entered the White House with less than a million bucks and is now buying 5 million dollar homes in the Vineyard.
You asked for it democrats. You got it.
Correction, D&G. Hussein just bought a $15,000,000 home in “The Vineyard”. Fredo, like all leftists has a problem with Trump being a billionaire who became president while not caring one whit about all the Democrats who became millionaires AFTER they were elected.